How to make sugar at home from sugar with your own hands: recipes, methods. How to make sugar sugar in a coffee grinder, without a coffee grinder, in a blender: Instructions

How to make sugar at home from sugar with your own hands: recipes, methods. How to make sugar sugar in a coffee grinder, without a coffee grinder, in a blender: Instructions

How to make sugar at home.

Sugar sand interpreted in the dust is often added as an ingredient in pastries, sweets, confectionery. Many housewives use sugar powder during the preparation of other dishes. You can buy sugar powder in any supermarket or grocery store.

  • But, if you often do not use this product during cooking, then one fine moment it may turn out that there is no necessary ingredient in the kitchen. What to do? Go to the store or proceed to the manufacture of confectionery powder at home? Consider primitive and modern methods of preparing sweet air powder.

How to make sugar sugar in a coffee grinder: Instructions

  • Sugar powder is a very hygroscopic product. This is manifested in the fact that the powder quickly pulls moisture. Lumps can form in it. For the manufacturer of this sugar product, such its properties are extremely undesirable, since it is important for the buyer to bring home a loose product. After all, it is in this state that it is used to sprinkle dishes and give them a special attractive type and aroma.
  • The disadvantages of this method are that the internal walls of the device are not cleaned of the remnants of the grinding early products completely. Therefore, there is a great probability of falling coffee grains in the sweet powder. Smell also absorbs sugar powder, because coffee grains have a strong aroma that can kill sweet - powder.
How to make sugar sugar in a coffee grinder: Instructions

What do manufacturers add to sweet powder?

  • In store culinary powder there are colorless non -neoine vegetable fats. They do not have a pronounced taste. Add to sugar and other additives. But the essence of this does not change: the use of additives is mandatory. Otherwise, the makeup of the product will quickly disappear and the powder will turn into stone.
  • It is added to sugar flour with a thin and sweet smell of fiber of sugarcane, food wood.
  • The composition of store sugar also includes powder invertase, rice flour, potato or rice starch. The number and composition of additives may differ in different manufacturers.
  • To mix sugar powder with additives, a special mixer is used. Next, drying occurs, which provides the finished product with the necessary minimum humidity indicators. This stage takes place in a drum dryer.
  • Grinding of sugar crystals in powder occurs in a disk mill or an industrial grinder is used for this. Previously, our grandmothers did not need to go to the store for powdered sugar. They knew how to make it themselves. Sweet pastries, which was prepared for grandchildren and great -grandchildren, generously rained down with white powder. And they did it without modern kitchen appliances and grinding techniques.
What are the manufacturers add to the sweet powder

We make sugar powder using a coffee grinder:

We need the following: a coffee grinder, sugar, a thick strain, a can with a lid.

  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of sugar into a coffee grinder.
  • Grind for one minute.
  • After that, we sift the resulting dispersal through a strainer. Thus, we will immediately get rid of the slightest crystals.
  • In a dry bank, we will store the resulting powder. Pour the powder from the coffee grinder into the glass container and close the lid to exclude the increase in the moisture content of white sweet powder.
How to make sugar powder without a coffee grinder
How to make sugar powder without a coffee grinder

The subtleties of making sugar powder at home from omnipotent bakers:

  • To store sugar powder prepared at home, like a store, you need to choose a place with an air temperature of up to 40 degrees and humidity up to 75 %. Only in such conditions you can save the product in a loose state and it will not be lost in the breasts.
  • Sugar powder retains its taste for 2 years. After that, the product is not recommended to eat, since bitterness appears in it.
  • For storing icing sugar, it is recommended to use vacuum packaging. This will exclude contact with air and moisture.
  • The sugar powder in which lumps appeared should be sifted through a small sieve and only then use it as intended.
  • Do not sprinkle baking with sugar powder, which was only pulled out of the oven. This leads to the accumulation of moisture in powder and it acquires the consistency of the pasta.
  • For the same reason, baked cakes with fruits are sprinkled with sugar powder before serving to the table.
  • To keep in a loose state a large quantity and not spent sugar powder, 5% of potato starch is added to it. The powder is mixed and closed with a tight -fitting lid.
  • In order for the powder to retain the feud for a long time, it should be stored away from the stove, where there are sharp temperature changes and always high humidity.
How to store sugar powder
How to store sugar powder

How to make sugar sugar without a coffee grinder: recipe

How to make sugar if there is no coffee grinder in the house? We reveal the secrets of cooking sugar powder by mechanical exposure and the use of our own hands.
Method 1:

  • To prepare sugar powder, we need a marble or porcelain mortar.
  • Pour sugar into it.
  • We rub sugar with a pestle until we achieve the state of powder.

Method 2:

  • We need 2 sheets of clean thick paper.
  • Pour sugar on one sheet and cover with a second sheet.
  • Now with a rolling pin or glass bottle we begin to roll on the sheets of paper until sugar crystals will not be divided into powder.

Method 3:

  • We take a linen bag. We fill sugar into it (fill only to half).
  • We tie it well. Now we arm ourselves with a hammer and begin to knock on the bag.
  • This method has many disadvantages: you have to beat a bag for a long time with a hammer to look at the degree of sugar grinding, you will have to untie the bag many times.

Prepare sugar powder using a mixer:

  • In order to make sugar, we need the old Soviet model of the mixer. They were sold with a nozzle with a double blade.
  • Pour small portions into the container, then the crystals will change well.
  • If you do not often work with a product such as sugar powder, then you may have some difficulties. To prevent this from happening, read about the nuances of working with powdered sugar.
How to make sugar sugar without a coffee grinder
How to make sugar sugar without a coffee grinder

How to make sugar sugar in a blender: Instructions

A sugar -crushed sugar purchased in a store costs two times more expensive than the same product made at home. Therefore, a lover of conjure in the kitchen and please households with fresh pastries, information will not be superfluous on how to make a sweet powder in a blender.

Stages of cooking:

  • Preparation of culinary powder begins at the stage of choosing granulated sugar. It should be small. This will facilitate grinding.
  • If you use the refined, or as it is also called “lump sugar”, then it will instantly destroy the device. Adding corn starch to a finished product will prevent moisture accumulation and turning it into stone. Up to 10% starch is added to sugar, after which the products are mixed well.
  • You can choose a submersible blender, or stationary, but be sure to read the instructions for the device: whether it can be used to prepare powdered sugar. There are models for which the sugar grinding function is not provided (this can only spoil the device). In new models, it is possible to grind any dry products.
  • We figured out the blender and proceed directly to the preparation of culinary powder. We take a suitable container. It is better that it is not high. Cover the edges with a towel or cling film. This will significantly reduce the cleaning time after cooking sweet powder, because the kitchen will not be covered with sweet flour.
  • For the preparation of powdered sugar, it is best to use an amphiper nozzle. The device is turned on for maximum power. Sugar is covered in small portions. After 30 seconds, the blender can be turned off and shake the capacity. After that, the device must be turned on again, and ground insufficiently chopped sugar again. This action is repeated until the perfect result is obtained, and the powder will not be homogeneous.
  • We cross the finished product through a small sieve so that large crystals do not remain in sugar flour.
How to make sugar sugar in a blender

How to make colored sugar powder at home in a blender: Recipe

  • Sweet culinary adding of various colors found use in confectionery. It is added during the preparation of sweets, and also used as a decoration.
  • To make colored powdered sugar, you need to buy already tinted granulated sugar. The color of sweet culinary powder depends on what sugar it was made of.
  • Culinary dye can be added to the sweet powder. But this must be done directly during the preparation of powder. So color crystals are evenly distributed throughout the volume of the product.

We make colored sugar powder in a blender:

There were no difficulties in this method of making sugar powder. Special electrical devices for grinding significantly reduce the time spent on receiving sugar powder. How to make it with a blender?

  • To quickly grind sugar into powder, it is better to take a fine sweet product. If you take the refined, it is likely to break down the device due to the ingress of large crystals between the blades at high speed.
Pour sugar in small portions into a blender
Pour sugar in small portions into a blender
  • Do not pour the whole portion of sugar at once. Add it in small parts to the blender capacity.
  • Add at once and food dye.
Add food dye to sugar
Add food dye to sugar
  • During whipping, add a little corn starch.
  • Do not make large portions of sweet culinary powder. In the manufacture of a sweet product at home, there are no moisture -repellent additives in its composition and over time white powder will turn into a large sweet lump.
Grind the contents of the blender capacity
Grind the contents of the blender capacity

Video: How to make sugar powder without a coffee grinder with a blender

How does sugar differ from sugar?

  • How much sugar sugar will get: sugar and powdered sugar ratio
    White and light confectionery add -ups are an ideal decoration for cakes, pies and other sweets.
  • In combination with aromatic seasonings such as cinnamon, vanilla, dried lemon zest, powder can turn pastries into a real masterpiece, will give the product a unique sweet aroma.
  • The powder replaces sugar in the cream cream: the powder is easily connected to other ingredients during whipping, forming a stable homogeneous mass. Using the powder, you can achieve more delicate foam, and it will take much less time for whipping time than when working with sugar. For whipping proteins with sugar, it is also better to use powdered sugar.
  • The sugar powder has a homogeneous consistency, because it is added instead of sugar to a delicate almond cookies. Provided to comply with manufacturing technology, such sweetness simply melts in the mouth.

How much sugar sugar will get: sugar and powdered sugar ratio

  • The number of store sugar in a glass is 130 grams.
  • 0.75 cups are 100 grams of powder, and if you take granulated sugar, then 100 grams of this product is placed in half a glass. Thus, the ratio of sugar to powder is one to one and a half.

Video: How to make sugar at home?

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