How to make hair peeling at home? Why do the scalp peeling?

How to make hair peeling at home? Why do the scalp peeling?

Not only our face and body need peeling. This is a necessary procedure for hair and head. A scrub cooked at home is able to cleanse the hair of skin fat and dirt and thereby allow oxygen access to bulbs and saturate the skin with useful trace elements.

Hair peeling benefits

Hair peeling is an important procedure. Those who care for their hair and always want to look good need it. The purpose of this peeling is to remove all the old keratinized cells located on the scalp. Together with them, skin fat is washed off by pores and the remnants of cosmetics.

Hair peeling has a favorable effect healing the scalp. It is often used in order to prevent or treatment of diseases of dandruff, seborrhea or hair loss.

Hair also needs peeling
hair also needs peeling

Piling gives the regeneration of scalp cells. Thanks to this, the unnecessary layer exfoliates, the hair follicles receive nutrients and oxygen in a larger volume. Peeling promotes hair growth, their health and the absence of any diseases of the scalp.

Of course, this procedure can be carried out in the cabin, where the masters for money will be able to give you absolutely any peeling for money. Much cheaper, more pleasant and useful will be a scrub made at home from natural components.

Video: “Scrub for the scalp. The best recipes "

How to make hair peeling at home?

The home peeling procedure differs only in that you use more gentle means. For example, many regularly do a gentle peeling with salt. For this, natural sea salt is used. If you have it, use the most ordinary stone.

Pilling at home
pilling at home

Important: no matter how the main component of your home peeling is, the procedure needs to be done for at least 20 minutes.

Depending on the length of the hair, the amount of the main component ranges from one to five tablespoons. The ingredient with water is turned into gruel and rubbed into the scalp, as well as hair. These rubbing must be done with delicate massage movements and at least ten minutes.

After rubbing, it is recommended to leave the mass on the head to absorb nutrients. Keep the peeling on the head from five to ten minutes, and then thoroughly rinse with ordinary shampoo.

Video: "Scrub for the scalp"

How often to do hair peeling?

Piling of the head and hair and its frequency depend on the individual characteristics of each. So, it requires oily hair more often than dry. Great importance also depends on the presence of dandruff. If it is, peeling needs to be done regularly, focusing on the skin, not on the hair. After peeling, it is important to apply moisturizing masks and not overdry the head with a hairdryer, let the hair dry themselves.

Salon procedure
salon procedure

Important: hairdressers recommend doing heads no more than once a week, the best will be the course for one to two months of peeling with the same break.

How to make peeling for dry hair?

Piling for dry hair should not be done too often. The optimal number will be the course: once every ten days two months with a break for two months. For dry hair, you should choose the component that will not overdry the skin, for example, the ground from natural ground coffee.

Dry hair
dry hair
  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo to remove all the pollution. Do not use masks and rinses, you only need shampoo
  2. Comb the wet hair well so as not to "get confused" in them during the procedure
  3. Prepare peeling for the head and dry hair: coffee grounds (or ground coffee), water and burdock oil. All ingredients must be mixed to pasty mass
  4. Apply the product to the scalp and rub the mass into the skin and roots of the hair with massaging movements for 10 minutes
  5. After the rubbing is completed, leave the peeling on the head and hair, distribute peeling along the entire length of the hair. Let the components absorb for 15 minutes
  6. Wash the hair carefully with a shampoo. If desired, you can use the hair rinse
  7. Let your hair dry out without a hairdryer, in extreme cases, use a cold air flow

Important: coffee grounds have a lot of advantages among other peels. Caffeine is absorbed into the epidermis and makes the skin cells regenerate, and essential oils moisturize it.

Video: "Hair mask with coffee"

How to make oily hair peeling?

For oily hair, use salt peeling, it will eliminate unnecessary discharge and exfoliate dandruff. The roots of the head will begin to receive more air and trace elements, which means they will feel healthier.

  1. Wash your head thoroughly with shampoo and comb your hair
  2. Prepare the head for the head. Mix: salt, water, olive oil. Oil can be replaced with sour cream
  3. Apply the product to the head and distribute it throughout the head with massaging movements, leaving it on your hair
  4. Let the product soak into the skin and hair after the procedure for another ten minutes
  5. Rinse the rest of the peeling with shampoo several times, you can use the rinseum
  6. Dry your hair with a hairdryer in the cold mode or let it dry naturally (recommended)
Greasy hair
greasy hair

Important: oily hair peeling should be done once a week for a month, then take a break for a month.

Video: “Salt scrub. Fighting greasy hair "

Salt peeling for hair at home

Sea or even table salt is useful for hair and skin:

  • it is saturated with minerals that saturate the hair and skin
  • normalizes the fat balance
  • improves blood circulation and regeneration of cells
  • removes dandruff
  • dries the hair
  • brings the skin to tone
Salt peeling of hair
salt peeling of hair

Another option for salt peeling:

  1. Golded, sea or salt pour an extract into a bowl
  2. Add a little water, you should get a gruel
  3. Add oil (any). It is recommended to drip a few drops of essential oil. Choose it depending on the problems of the skin and hair of your head

Video: "Salt peeling of hair"

What is a gas -liquid scalp peeling?

Such peeling is possible only in salons. The stream of gas -watering mixture removes keratinized cells from the skin and quickly saturates it with useful components. You can also add vitamins, additives and medicinal substances to the composition.

Gas -liquid peeling
gas -liquid peeling

There are many advantages of gas -liquid peeling:

  • tangible effect on hair growth
  • getting rid of brittleness and falling out
  • removes dandruff
  • regulation of sebum secretions
  • moisturization
  • elimination of any rash
  • strengthening follicles
  • gaining a healthy look

Important: the result of gas -liquid peeling will be felt right away. With big problems, such peeling should be done regularly.

Video: "Gas -burning head and hair"

Hair sugar at home

Sugar peeling is the simplest, most affordable and quick way to get rid of scalp problems. The recipe for peeling is very simple:

  • shampoo
  • sugar
  • essential oil

A spoon of shampoo mix three tablespoons of sugar until the gruel is formed. It is advisable to add a few drops of essential oil or burdock oil to this mass. It is best to use lavender essential oil - it cares perfectly about the hair and leaves a wonderful aroma.

After the procedure, the mixture is thoroughly washed off the hair and washed with a rinse. You can make a sugar scrub for the head once a week.

Rinse the peeling thoroughly from the head
rinse the peeling thoroughly from the head

Sugar is able to save the skin from dryness and make it soft. Abrasive particles of sand "clean" the skin from excess fat, sebaceous discharge and particles of the skin.

Video: "Sugar peeling of the head"

Hair peeling with soda at home

Piling with baking soda is quite effective. Soda - chemical, alkali. In her power to remove all the sebaceous discharge, the remnants of cosmetics, peeling on the skin. However, it is not so useful for the hair itself, so the procedure for applying this particular peeling is significantly different.

  • To make peeling, mix four tablespoons of soda with a spoonful of your favorite shampoo. The mass that you will succeed will not differ much from the consistency of sour cream
  • Moisturized and clean hair comb. Apply the product to the head. Of course the mass will take the roots of the hair, make sure that it is not distributed along the entire length
  • Massage movements rub the product into the scalp in all areas
  • Rinse the hair remedy thoroughly

Rinsing for this peeling should not be done with ordinary water, but specially prepared. After you removed the main remnants of the product, do the washing of water with water in which the juice of one lemon was dissolved.

Video: "The best working scrub for the scalp"

Does peeling help for hair growth? Photo before and after

  • Of course, peeling is an important procedure for the scalp and hair. In modern living conditions, it is simply necessary for cleanliness and full care for healthy hair
  • If you carefully take the choice of components for your peeling, you can achieve not only a cleansing effect
  • Salt with minerals, liquid vitamin A, essential oils are unchanging components that help hair grow and prevent their falling out
  • If you periodically arrange a peeling head, you can achieve a full nutrition of a hair follicle. If the hair receives all the beneficial substances, it grows healthy, shiny and smooth

Important: a hair schedule can be bought in a store, or you can make it yourself, which will be much more useful for your hair.

Video: "Salt peeling for hair growth"

Preparation of hair peeling at home: tips and reviews

Do not be afraid that hair schedule and peeling procedure can somehow damage the hair structure. This opinion is erroneous. Piling makes it possible for hair to eat and oxygen saturation.

Hair peeling at home has three main stages, each of which must be observed:

  • Hair moisturizing - you can not apply peeling to dry hair. Wet hair is not affected by abrasive peeling particles
  • Applying the product - massage movements throughout the head
  • Cleansing - using the usual cosmetics

Piling of the head has no age and sexual restrictions. The only important condition that can harm you is individual intolerance to individual components. Before using a scrub, you should check its effect in other areas of the skin.

Video: "Piling of the scalp"

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Comments K. article

  1. Piling, it seems to me, is one of the most important procedures, because it removes the dead areas of the skin. After that, it is true that it is important to nourish and moisturize it from the inside. Collagen helps well in this regard. I always take Evalarovsky with a dosage of 6000 mg and vitamin C. It is the best in terms of price and quality. The skin after that becomes soft, and the hair grows better.

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