A hint of sympathy. How to make a hint of sympathy for a guy or girl? How to admit sympathy?

A hint of sympathy. How to make a hint of sympathy for a guy or girl? How to admit sympathy?

Several ways to tell about your feelings. Interesting ways to attract the attention of the opposite sex are considered.

There are many stories and legends about the existence of love at first sight. If you can doubt the existence of this phenomenon, then mutual sympathy can occur at the first meeting with a person.

But how to pay attention if shyness and constraint does not allow directly to say about feelings? In this case, you need to hint a person about sympathy.

Hint of sympathy for a guy

Here are some tips that will help you express your feelings:

  • Spend a lot of time together. Try to build friendly relations. Do not write off somewhere to invite a young man
  • Separate the interests of the lover. Watch football, visit sports grounds. Try to catch your eye more often. If he does not play sports, then go to the library. Pretend that you also need to urgently find an important book or make your homework (if you study)
  • Take an interest in which music he likes more. Let me listen to a disk with your favorite group or ask him. Talk a lot and talk about your family. Show interest in his life. Ask about brothers and sisters
  • Get to know his friends. In no case do not spend a lot of time in the male circle. He might think that you are already meeting with someone or perceive you as a “shirt-pun.” You don't want to look like a friend in his eyes? In this case, it is difficult to translate the relationship into a love direction. Nobody will just perceive you as a girl
  • Make him some kind of service. Help tighten some object or say that you are going for coffee, maybe he will want a cup of an invigorating drink. Do not overdo it, you do not need to be imposed or do everything for it. You are not his girlfriend yet
  • Ask the number. If you spend a lot of time together, he will not perceive the request for hostility. For example, you need a number to agree on a morning run or attend additional classes. Now you can write SMS and bring relationships to a new level

Hint of sympathy for a girl

Things are much more complicated with girls. Usually, guys do not know how to express their feelings and can do as children. For example, constantly make fun of or touch your chosen one. Do not do this, you will only cause antipathy on her part.

10 ways to express your feelings

  • Call the radio station and say about your feelings. Make sure she listens to this radio wave
  • Order a cake with recognition
  • Write with a marker recognition on balloons
  • Draw a recognition on the asphalt near her house
  • Buy a kinder surprise, heat the knife on the fire and gently divide the chocolate into two parts. Remove the capsule with the toy and put the note inside with the presentation of your mental state
  • Make a photo collage with her and your photos. Write a recognition below
  • Make a puzzle with recognition. Your beloved must make one of the puzzle particles
  • Invite it to you and put it on the floor recognition of rose petals. Girls like romantic guys
  • Order a T -shirt with recognition. Put on the next date a T -shirt
  • You can order recognition on the advertising shield. Just check if it goes somewhere road, where the shield is installed

Poems with a hint of sympathy for a girl

Do not neglect poetry and verses. Since ancient times, they have been used to express feelings. Here are some pretty poems. You can write them in her notebook or send them in the form of SMS:

You know that one you are like that
And there are no people like you on the whole earth ...
And I have a big love for you ...
And there is a question: how am I myself?
I like you, I will not hide it!
I dream about you every hour!
I'll open the universe for you ...
You will allow you to hug you now!
You are the best around in the whole world!
You are sincere, so gentle ...
I immediately noticed you in the crowd,
After all, among them were you, like another ...
And I want you to know about it ...
To remember that I admire you ...
I want you to dream about that now
How I caress you and kiss ...

Be careful when choosing a poem. Consider your age and your chosen one. If you have abilities, you can independently compose a quatrain with recognition.

Poems with a hint of sympathy for a guy

Although the guys want to seem strong and confident in themselves, deep down they are small children. Your recognition will console the vanity of the chosen one. Before opening the chosen one, all cards, make sure that you will not be rejected. Someone may even laugh at this with their friends.

Here are a few lines:

On this day I want to admit:
I dream of being next to you!
You are very pretty to me.
And pleasant, by the way.

You are gallant and beautiful,
Endowed with good force.
You call me day and night.
I will wait for me very, very!

You settled unnoticed
In my soul, my consciousness ...
I love? .. So far there is no answer
But in this little confession
I want to say that there is no peace of heart,
If there is no one next to me,
you are with me.

When we cross the gaze
You will see how warm and clear
And how inspiration is sparkling,
It is especially beautiful
In sympathy of light awakening.

Statuses with a hint of sympathy for a guy

With the advent of the Internet, expressing your feelings has become much easier. Now you can send a postcard with recognition, but it is directly and frankly. If you are embarrassed, or do not know how your chosen one will relate to recognition, place a cool status with your feelings on your page. :

STATUS: Romance should not leave the relationship. Otherwise, life will become boring, monotonous and ordinary.

STATUS: One word can change your solution. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you.

STATUS: The largest drug in life is attachment to people. When they disappear, breaking begins.

STATUS: Take care of each other, love! Understand, always say goodbye. And always value each other, you can’t return life back.

STATUS: If two people are destined to be together, no matter how much separation, tears and troubles they will survive, fate will connect them anyway.

STATUS: Do what makes you feel happy. Be with those who make you smile. Laugh. Love until you live ... do not think about time, do not listen to someone else's opinion, and do not think about what could be later ... "then" may not be.

STATUS: You can survive everything. The main thing is that there is a person who will survive it with you.

Status with a hint of sympathy for a girl

Girls, subtle creatures, they are able to catch the slightest hint of feelings. If you still do not have the courage to admit your feelings, use interesting statuses with meaning that your chosen one will make you think.

STATUS: Never offend and do not try to lie to the person who looks into your eyes and sees his life in them.

STATUS: A man will never let go of the one that is dear to him. And he will never let her leave ... The rest is empty words.

STATUS: What a luxury is - at any moment to be able to hug a loved one!

STATUS: I want to be with you today, and tomorrow, and in 50 years.

STATUS: I, of course, are not ideal, but I won’t betray.

STATUS: But they do not fall in love with beauty ... They fall in love with laughter, always curly hair, dimples on the cheeks, a mole above the lip or even a scar over the eyebrow. But there is no beauty. They just want beauty.

STATUS: To say “I love you” you need only a few seconds, and to show how you love - a whole life

SMS with a hint of sympathy

The phone is an assistant in solving any problems. Sometimes it’s enough just to call and say a few pleasant words. If there is not enough courage, you can write SMS. Although we strongly recommend finding a more interesting way to express our feelings.

SMS with a hint of sympathy:

Why come up with beautiful words
After all, while this message flies,
It is enough to recall that love is alive
And you do not need other people's opinions!
Let it always grow,
And a miracle will suddenly happen to her!

SMS with a hint of sympathy:

I don't want to invent anything
My recognition is transparent to you
I will not keep silent about him anymore
I like you, this is definitely
Let fate will not separate us,
Then we get our love!

SMS with a hint of sympathy:

My sympathy for you is strong
I will never forget her
Let me even be drunk from her
But I will not leave this miracle
After all, if you and I are together,
We will live a happy life then!

SMS with a hint of sympathy:

Bright joy swept my soul,
I admit in feelings to you
After all, I didn't like anyone else like that
And I am grateful for this fate!
Let our love live for centuries,
We will carefully carry it in our hands!

A joke about a hint of sympathy

If you are a rather relaxed young man (girl), but be shy about saying feelings directly, tell your beloved a joke about love.

A joke about a hint of sympathy

A man watches a TV and commented on what is happening on the screen: - Do not go there, man. Well, don’t go, wait, where you stood ... The wife asks: - What are you watching there? - I watch our wedding.

A joke about a hint of sympathy

An old friend came to visit. Sitting at the table. The owner periodically turns to his wife: - Beloved, please bring more tea. - Zolotz, be so kind, give sugar. - The sun, your cake is incomparable, can you? While the wife goes behind the cake, the friend admires: “I envy you: you are so married for so much time, and you still love her so much, you call it the sun, you call a gold!” - What are you! It's just that I’ve been forgotten for her name for five years!

A joke about a hint of sympathy

Once, at a student evening, one girl asked Oleg Palamarchuk's teacher-polyplot:-Have you ever suffered from unrequited love? “Yes,” the teacher answered. - I really love my homeland!

Pictures with a hint of sympathy

If you like to communicate on the network, send your beloved a postcard with a hint of your feelings.


Subtle hint of sympathy

It is very difficult to say about your feelings to a closed person whom you do not quite understand. There are people who do not show feelings and do not say anything specific. In this case, it is necessary to give a subtle hint that you like it. This can be done in the same way:

  • During the day, touch your chosen one more often. It does not have to be a hug. Enough random touch to hands or hair
  • Ask his help. Maybe you need to do something around the house and not enough male hand
  • Tell us about the new film and offer to watch it together
  • Try to call him more often or catch your eye. Try to make it really

There are a lot of options to draw attention to yourself and tell about sympathy. Choose several ways and you will succeed.

Video: How to tell the guy what you like?

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