How to make a male bouquet from Vobla in a newspaper with your own hands? How to make a bouquet of fish: options

How to make a male bouquet from Vobla in a newspaper with your own hands? How to make a bouquet of fish: options

The best gift to a man is a bouquet of dried or dried fish! Step-by-step instruction.

Before each new men's holiday, many jokes appear on the network about “creative” gifts from women in the form of socks and shower gels. But you won’t give flowers or a box of sweets to a man.

The Slavic soul loves fun, a holiday and, of course, beer with dried fish. We suggest giving a strong half of humanity a delicious and beautiful bouquet of dried wobble, or any other fish that your man prefers.

Dried fish bouquet
Dried fish bouquet

How to make a bouquet of fish with your own hands step by step?

A fish bouquet is gaining more and more popularity every year. In a relatively new direction, there is already its own technology, methods of serving and fresh trends.

Classic fish bouquet

Such a bouquet is held on the "stems" and assembled to the bottom with a tight harness. It’s easy to recreate such a bouquet, and even a beginner to do work perfectly with work.

To work on the bouquet, we will need:

  • Dry low -fat fish of the same size;
  • Bamboo skewers (you can find in each supermarket, sold for the preparation of barbecue and desserts);
  • Thin tape or hot glue;
  • Wrapping. It can be either a newspaper or other paper with a rough texture;
  • Awl;
  • Shpagat, or textile tape. It will take a bouquet for pulling the bouquet.

The minimum number of fish 3-5, maximum 15-17.

DIY Fish bouquet with step by step: picking up fish
DIY Fish bouquet with step by step: picking up fish

We go to work:

  • We pierce the tail at the base and spread the twine, tied it to the skewer. Additionally fixed with tape or hot glue;
  • Repeat with the remaining fish fixing to skewers;
  • Ready -made "buds" are pulled off with a twine into a durable bouquet. We make sure that the "buds" do not begin to stagger and disappear. We fix at the base with a twine, wrapping 3-5 cm so that there is no embarrassment in the process of gift;
  • We measure the length of the bouquet, we take this length as the basis in cutting a newspaper or wrapping paper. Cut with even squares 5-6 pcs.;
  • We put one square on the base and collect in such a way that the newspaper completely closes the skewers from the bottom and reaches the middle of the bouquet. Tightly wrap with tape;
  • We apply one after another the squares of the newspaper so that they completely closed the bouquet in a circle. Collect and twist with twine.
A bouquet of fish with your own hands step by step: the bouquet is ready!
A bouquet of fish with your own hands step by step: the bouquet is ready!

Horizontal bouquet of vobla, bream, buffer and other dried fish

Such a bouquet collects several types and sizes of fish, which creates the impressiveness and beauty of the bouquet.

Horizontal bouquet of vobla, bream, buffer and other dried fish: we pick up fish
Horizontal bouquet of vobla, bream, buffer and other dried fish: we pick up fish

Book manufacturing:

  • The central fish is the largest, we go to the table by preparing the exposition on the table;
  • Fainted with medium fish, after the smallest;
  • Be sure to prepare a few smets, they perfectly frame a large fish, creating the image of delicate thin petals;
  • On each tail of the fine and medium fish, we tie a dull angle with a twine and tie it to a large fish from the middle and down so that the upper as scales cover the lower nodes from the twine;
  • Under them we put the rough wrapping paper, and we tie it around the tail, tie it with twine.
Horizontal bouquet of vobla, bream, buffer and other dried fish: the bouquet is ready
Horizontal bouquet of vobla, bream, buffer and other dried fish: the bouquet is ready

Fish, beer and nature

Who said that a traditional bouquet cannot be presented to a man? Of course, to give, replacing the buds with a delicious dried fish assorted. For a boring effect, be sure to prepare a little crackers, nuts, pistachios, etc.

Choose fish for a bouquet
Choose fish for a bouquet

We start work:

  • We cut more transparent packaging paper of different sizes (depending on the size of the fish and small for nuts and crackers;
  • Glue the tail of the fish to the skewer with hot glue, and also make sure that the clutch is durable and does not go to the pulp;
  • We put each fish in transparent paper and wrap the teip with a green tape in the tail area;
Small fish for a bouquet
Small fish for a bouquet
  • We take nuts, crackers with small handfuls and turn into bags, which at the base are fastened to skewers;
  • We take a strip of 4-5 cm wide and 10 cm long on one side, cut a vertically in a depth of 2-2.5 cm, wrap crackers and nuts, tie the tape with a tape and straighten it. It turns out dandelions with an edible core;
  • We wrap one pistachio into a transparent film and fasten it to the skewer. We cut out two leaves from green corrugated paper per pistachio, stretch a little in the middle and squeeze along the edge, forming a sheet. We fasten it to a pistachio, creating a bud;
  • We collect the bouquet, evenly distributing all parts. Tightly tightened with a harness or tape;
  • Around the bouquet we collect packaging paper and tie with a ribbon. Between the impromptu buds of fish and snacks we place sisal and small leaves of corrugated paper;
  • If desired, we plant butterflies and God on hot glue. We correct everything and the bouquet is ready!
Beautiful bouquet of fish and snacks
Beautiful bouquet of fish and snacks

Expensive bouquet of dried fish, bottle beer, snacks and much more

Such a bouquet will be a worthy decoration of any men's holiday, and also the best gift! It will take more time to prepare it, but the resulting luxurious gift is worth it.

Previsions to a bouquet of dried fish and snacks
Previsions to a bouquet of dried fish and snacks

For the manufacture of the bouquet, you will need:

  • Wicker basket in the form of fish;
  • A delicious diverse fish, while the larger shapes and sizes, the more interesting the bouquet will look;
  • Several bottles of beer;
  • Snacks, pistachios;
  • Straws, bagels and other, traditional and non -traditional snacks for beer;
  • Acute pepper of various colors;
  • Transparent packaging film;
  • Bamboo skewers;
  • Sisal;
  • Foam oval base;
  • Floristic green wire and tape tape;
  • Hot glue;
  • Additional decor at will.

The process of work largely resembles the previous options, but with a more complicated assembly of the bouquet.

Let's start manufacturing:

  • We wrap each fish into a transparent packaging film and attach hot glue to the skewer. Decoratively tied with a ribbon at the top and bottom of the fish;
  • On a bamboo skewer in a spiral, we apply hot glue in small areas and quickly glue pistachios. It turns out a wand strewn with nuts;
  • We also create a skewer with unpeeled peanuts;
  • We spread the bagels on the rope through the skewer and fix the rope on the glue so that the bagels are beautifully “standing” in the basket;
  • Small handfuls of snacks and nuts are wrapped in bags and shake it to skewers. We decorate with corrugated paper in buds;
  • We proceed to the assembly. We are based on two holes for beer. We insert the base into the basket, the basis of beer. We check that everything holds well;
  • We evenly distribute the fish, behind it snacks, bagels, straws and nuts, sticking skewers into the foam base. We complement with a pepper;
  • From the floristic wire we make artificial reeds and also stick in the basis;
Expensive bouquet of dried fish, bottle beer, snacks and much more
Expensive bouquet of dried fish, bottle beer, snacks and much more
  • We fill the remaining gaps with Sizal. The basket-tube is ready!

Video: bouquet from Vobla in a newspaper

Dried fish bouquet for men: options

Receptions for preparing fish for forming a bouquet are very simple and similar. At the same time, the layout layout is the most diverse. We offer to get acquainted with several options for bouquets from dried fish and inspired by other people's work to create your own unique!

Dried fish bouquet of sea breeze
Dried fish bouquet "Sea breeze"
Beautiful bouquet and glass as a gift
Beautiful bouquet and glass as a gift
Bouquet of dried fish and beer for a loved one
Bouquet of dried fish and beer for a loved one
Luxurious cake from beer cans and a bouquet of Tarani
Luxurious cake from beer cans and a bouquet of Tarani

Video: The idea of \u200b\u200ba gift of fish bouquet: joint video

Video: Gift to a man // Bouquet of fish

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