How to make a Greek hairstyle for long, medium and short hair, with a bang and without a bang by a bandage, rim, oblique step by step: photo. Beautiful Greek hairstyles: photo

How to make a Greek hairstyle for long, medium and short hair, with a bang and without a bang by a bandage, rim, oblique step by step: photo. Beautiful Greek hairstyles: photo

The article offers you several options for laying in the "Greek" style.

How to make a Greek hairstyle step by step: master class, photo

The “Greek” hairstyle can be considered classical. She was invented many centuries ago and modern stylists clearly copied her with images of Greek divas with modest, but incredibly beautiful styling.

How to do step by step:

  • Comb the hair well, strands and curls should crumble well so that when laying, the hairstyle looks neat.
  • Gently comb the bangs if you have it and lay it before combing the rest of the mass.
  • Put an elastic band on your head (a special thin bandage for the Greek hairstyle).
  • Start separating the locks, the first to take those that are closer to the face (first on the left, then on the right and only after all behind).
  • Each strand should be tucked into the elastic band, passing it over the bandage.
  • The locks remaining on the back of the head must be carefully tucked inside, hiding all the irregularities of the styling.
  • To make the locks conveniently tie, they can be twisted into not tight bundles.
  • In order for the styling to be voluminous, it can be a little fluffy with your hands.
  • If desired, you can stretch out individual curls on the temples, twist them.
  • The whole hairstyle needs to be boiled with a small amount of varnish.
Greek hairstyle step by step
Greek hairstyle step by step
Greek hairstyle step by step
Greek hairstyle step by step

How to make a Greek hairstyle for long hair with a rim and a bandage?

  • Put on your head a thin elastic band (ordinary, lace or pigtail).
  • Beat your hair a little (on the top of the head so that the hairstyle is voluminous).
  • Start the curls alternately to refuel into the bandage so that it surrounds it (if they are very long, you can wrap each curl twice).
  • Start twisting the curls with two sides at the same time and gradually, approaching the back of the head, twist the rest of the hair in one tourniquet and straighten it inside.
  • Fix laying with varnish.

An example of hairstyles on long hair
An example of hairstyles on long hair

How to make a Greek hairstyle on medium hair with a rim and a bandage?

To make a Greek hairstyle on the hair of medium length is incredibly easy, they are not confused and easily refuel under the bandage. Laying can be done on straight or curly hair so that the curls are obedient, lubricate it in advance and dry.

  • For a spectacular hairstyle, it is also advisable to use a decorative rim with lace, beads, beads, artificial colors or ribbons.
  • With the help of a razing bandage (fix it on the head and fix it with invisible), make the basis of the hairstyle.
  • Start to tie the lush curls into the bandage, leaving a magnificent semicircle all over the head.
  • Be sure to fix the hairstyle with varnish so that it keeps shape well.
  • At the hairstyle, attach the rim, fixing it with invisibility.
  • You can carefully comb your bangs or knock out curly curls from on both sides of the laying.

An elegant Greek hairstyle

An elegant Greek hairstyle

Greek hairstyle with decor
Greek hairstyle with decor
Walkthrough braided
Walkthrough braided

How to make a Greek hairstyle for short hair with a rim and a bandage?

A beautiful “Greek” hairstyle can also be done on short hair, using beautiful jewelry, bandages and a couple of tips:

  • Break your hair, you can moisten it in advance with foam and dried (as they will be more supple).
  • Put on your head a rim or bandage
  • Twisting short curls should be done at the level of the ears, if they are so short that they do not bend into the dressings, they should only be twisted.
  • Short curls should necessarily be fixed with invisibility.
Greek hairstyle for short hair
Greek hairstyle for short hair
Greek hairstyle option
Greek hairstyle option

How to make a Greek hairstyle on a hair with a bang with a rim and a bandage?

Greek hairstyle looks very beautiful and sophisticated with bangs. Such styling can be done for any festive event, carefully leaving and combing the bangs. You can also embalm her hair crystals or varnish so that it glitters and shimmers.

Statement tips:

  • Hair is removed under the tourniquet in the usual way (as in the two previous methods).
  • The bangs should be leveled with an iron and shaken with varnish
  • On top of the bang, you can attach a rim of lace, ribbons or embroidery with beads.
Raised bangs
Raised bangs
Greek hairstyle with ribbon and embroidery with beads
Greek hairstyle with ribbon and embroidery with beads

How to make a "Greek" hairstyle on the side?

How to make a "Greek" hairstyle with a scythe?

The Greek hairstyle “on the side” must be done to those who have long hair. They can be curled curls or braided in a braid.

Laying tips:

  • Hair must be assembled from two sides (from parting to ear).
  • They can be braided in braids or tucked in a tourniquet (bandage).
  • The remaining curls can be wrapped or weaved into a braid, hanging it on the side.
  • For a more spectacular look, you can decorate the braid with hairpins, invisibles, studs with beads and crystals.

Greek hairstyle with curls
Greek hairstyle with curls
Beautiful Greek hairstyle on the side
Beautiful Greek hairstyle on the side
Greek hairstyle on the side with a scythe
Greek hairstyle on the side with a scythe

Greek hairstyle from a braid fish tail: photo

The “fish tail” pigtail is unusual weaving, which resembles a fish skeleton, as it consists of small hide and seeks parallel to each other.

How to braid a pigtail:

  • All hair should be divided into two halves
  • A braid is braided by applying one on one thin strands.
  • Each time you should increase the lock, adding the curl on one side.
Fish tail pigtail
Pitch "Fish tail"
Greek hairstyle with a pigtail fish tail
Greek hairstyle with a pigtail "Fish tail"

Important: the hairstyle is fitted in the usual way, and the pigtail is braided like a “fish tail”.

The most beautiful evening Greek hairstyles: photo

To choose your image, look at the options for ready -made Greek hairstyles on the hair of different lengths.

Festive styling
Festive styling
Wedding version of the hairstyle
Wedding version of the hairstyle
On long loose hair
On long loose hair
With a tight braided harness
With a tight braided harness

The most beautiful Greek hairstyles for graduation for girls: photo

The most beautiful and stylish "graduation" styling in the "Greek" style:

With a decorative hoop
With a decorative hoop
With a hoop in the form of a laurel wreath
With a hoop in the form of a laurel wreath
Hairstyle with braid braids
Hairstyle with braid braids
Festive styling: Greek hairstyle
Festive styling: Greek hairstyle

The most beautiful wedding Greek hairstyles: photo

Wedding styling options:

Hairstyle with live decor
Hairstyle with "live" decor
With a beautiful diadem
With a beautiful diadem
Long hair laying
Long hair laying
Options for wedding Greek hairstyles
Options for wedding Greek hairstyles

The most beautiful Greek hairstyles for girls: photo

You can also braid such hairstyles using hairpins, bandages and elastic bands. Depending on the length of the hair, the hairstyle can be lush or flowing with curls.

Walking options for girls:

For long hair
For long hair
Hair collected in the bandage
Hair collected in the bandage
Hairstyle collected and decorated with tape
Hairstyle collected and decorated with tape
Greek hairstyle decorated with beads
Greek hairstyle decorated with beads
Greek hairstyle decorated with hairpins or oblique
Greek hairstyle decorated with hairpins or oblique

Video: "Hairstyle in the Greek style: how to make (video)"

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