How to make a fast passport quickly and cheaply? How and where to make a passport of an old and new model, a child? What documents are needed to make a passport?

How to make a fast passport quickly and cheaply? How and where to make a passport of an old and new model, a child? What documents are needed to make a passport?

The registration of a passport seems to be a complex and painstaking process? We will tell you how to do it quickly, as cheaply and do not fall into the trap of swindlers, promising the quick and trouble -free execution of this document.

In order to fly on vacation or travel abroad, residents of the Russian Federation need international passport. We will consider the procedure for drawing up such a document for residents of Russia in this article.

What documents are needed to make a passport?

On sites Federal Migration Service (FMS) Contact details and working hours of the organization to issue foreign passports are indicated in sufficient detail. In order to get such a passport, first of all, it is necessary apply personally from a citizen who wants to receive a passport, or from his representative, who should come to the migration service with a notarial power of attorney to submit such a statement.

To receive a passport, you must contact the regional department of the FMS

It is not necessary to personally come and apply in paper form - this can be done and in electronic version through the Internet.

Biometric passport With the most complete information about a person is a new example of a passport and is issued at the request of a citizen for 10 years. If a person does not want to change or receive such a passport, he can have an old -style passport, but he is only given for 5 years.

In the case when a citizen it turned 18 years oldand he wants to receive a passport, he needs to contact the Russian Embassy with such documents (with him to have the originals of all the following documents and copies of filled pages):

  • A statement of a certain form, it can be filled out legibly by hand or printed
  • The passport
  • 4 photos 35x45
  • If you changed the name or got married/got married, you need to take a certificate from the registry office about any of these changes
  • Employment history
  • Military ticket (only for men's sex)
  • Receipt of state duty
In addition to submitting the necessary documents, it is also necessary to fill out the standard form
In addition to submitting the necessary documents, it is also necessary to fill out the standard form

Deadline for registration of a passport in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation - within 1 month After you submitted all the necessary documents. Therefore, plan all trips in advance, because the rest can be spoiled if you do not have a passport for the planned date.

Where to make a new -sample passport?

A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot cross the country's border without a passport. To obtain a passport of a new sample, you need to contact the FMS of your city. Do not succumb to advertising of travel agencies that offer quick registration of passports.

Firstly, this procedure will turn out much more for you, since representatives of such offices require high payment for their services. In addition, such companies do not have the right to take on the execution of such documents and can only help filling out a questionnaire to receive a passport.

A new -sample passport is a biometric document
A new -sample passport is a biometric document that can be obtained for a period of 10 years

Biometric passports are issued in the Russian Federation Since 2006, and from 2010 according to a simplified system - using the Internet. This, undoubtedly, simplifies the submission of documents and receiving a passport - you do not waste time waiting in the queue near the FMS doors.

To obtain a biometric passport, you will need:

  • Application in 2 copies
  • The passport
  • 2 color photos
  • Labor book (to receive a passport, you need information about labor activities for 10 years)
  • For men - military ID
  • Receipt of mandatory payment

Getting a passport of a new sample not a duty, And produced only at the request of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It does not give any benefits when passing control. A significant plus is the validity of such a document - 10 yearsthat twice as much as for an old -style passport.

Video: A new -sample passport passport

Application for a passport online: Instructions for filling out

On the website of the State Services, you have the opportunity to receive a passport by applying for an electronic application. This procedure is required no more than 30 minutesWhat is a significant advantage compared to time bursts in the FMS.

A statement in the FSM can be submitted online
An application to the FMS can be submitted online through the form of public services

First you need to register On the website of the State Services And enter your personal account. To receive a passport after submitting an application in electronic form, it is necessary to provide a standard package of documents in the FMS.

On the site you will need choose a branch of the migration service, which corresponds to your region of residence. After that, it is necessary to enter data on the recipient of the passport.

If you live in one place, and are registered in another, then be prepared for the fact that the passport will go out for the registration of the passport in 2, or even 3 times more time - legislatively for such citizens, the deadline may be up to 4 months.

Only the presentation of reliable and accurate data will allow you to get a passport
Only the presentation of reliable and accurate data will allow you to get a passport

Further, you will need to fill out information about work. Treat this point very carefully, for this you will need statements from the work book over 10 years.

One of the latest points for applying for a photo is uploading. The size of color or black and white photography should be 35x45 mm. Do not upload too large photos, their size should not exceed 500 kbbut it is necessary that the photo be of good quality - at least 200 kb.

The background of the photo should be monophonic, not motley. Do not worry that the photo turned out not as beautiful as you would like - it will only be required to fill out the questionnaire.

The procedure for submitting an application in the FSM online will accelerate the receipt of a passport
The procedure for submitting an application in the FMS online will accelerate the receipt of a passport

It was the final stage. Thereafter You will see the window in which the system will collect all your data. Check the correctness of the filling and boldly submit an application.

After the application is considered, it usually takes no more than 3 days - You will be invited to the FMS for submitting documents. Within three weeks, you can get a new passport and a note on this in the civil passport of the Russian Federation.

These are all the necessary nuances for obtaining a passport in Russia. Read the explanations carefully On the website of the State Services, So much faster you will be able to go through this procedure using the Internet.

Video: How to issue a passport through public services?

How to make an old -style passport?

Documents for obtaining a passport old and new sample Similar. The difference is only in the questionnaire, the amount of the fee and the number of photos. You can enter a child into an old passport. In a biometric passport, you do not have such an opportunity.

Obtaining a biometric passport is voluntary, if you want an old -style document, then it will be given it
Obtaining a biometric passport is voluntary, if you want an old -style document, then it will be given it

To receive an old -style passport, you must submit such documents in the FMS:

  • A strictly defined form
  • 4 photos for an adult and 2 for a child (if you intend to write down children in a passport)
  • The passport
  • Work book (if any), certified in the personnel department
  • Military ID
  • Receipt of mandatory payment

The questionnaire for obtaining a passport has very detailed questions about the life of a citizen: data about work, on marriage/divorce, criminal records, evasion from fines and other similar issues. Honestly respond to all profile points. Otherwise, you may be denied a document.

The action of an old -style passport end after 5 years
The action of an old -style passport end after 5 years

Choose for yourself type of passport And prepare all the necessary documents to get the coveted book as soon as possible.

Is it possible to make a passport for free?

Be prepared for what you have to spend to receive a passport. Do not listen to people who say they received it for free. In any case, payment for duties and photos will hit your pocket.

If you are in no hurry and do not want to overpay, then the entire amount you need to pay will not exceed 2000 rub. for an old -style passport and 3500 rub. For a biometric passport. Also consider the cost of the photo - approximately 150 - 200 rubles. For 4 photos.

It will not be possible to make a passport for free
It will not be possible to make a passport for free

There are various agencies that offer their services to receive passports. The cost of such a service is about 5000 rubles. (excluding state duty).

But there is no need to overpay a double amount, you yourself will be able to draw up all the necessary documents and providing receipts to pay for the fee to receive a passport.

Is it possible to make a passport without registration?

Earlier, a citizen of the Russian Federation did not have the right to live in one place, but to be registered in another - this was considered a violation of the law. Now the laws have been improved a bit and in order to get a passport in one corner of Russia, Having a residence permit in another, no need to cross the whole country.

You can get a passport and out of registration
You can get a passport and out of registration

Get such a document can any citizen of the countrywhich will correctly fill the questionnaire. In the application questionnaire you will need to write actual address of residence. Accordingly, at the address of residence you are looking for a regional migration service for circulation.

It should be borne in mind that for citizens who apply at the place of actual residence, the time for processing documents is increasing significantly - this procedure may be delayed for the term up to 4 months.

Consider such a big one the deadline for processing documents To obtain a passport, so as not to spoil the mood in the event of a delay in paperwork and, as a result, a broken rest or business trip.

How to make a passport in another city?

If you work or temporarily live in another city and you urgently need Get a passport, then do not go to your hometown. The regional migration service at the place of residence provides services to receive a passport to all residents of Russia.

Do not forget to provide a certificate at the place of registration with the FMS employee
Do not forget to provide a certificate of temporary registration to the FMS employee

It is important to consider that when providing documents at the place of residence, not registration, you will need to attach to the standard set of documents also confirmation of temporary registration.

For citizens who apply at the place of actual residence, the time for processing documents is significantly increasing - this procedure may be delayed for the term up to 4 months. But usually the time for paperwork does not exceed 1.5 - 2 months.

Where is it cheaper to make a passport?

The easiest and cheapest way to obtain a passport in the Russian Federation is contact the FMS. Do not succumb to convincing advertising of travel agencies or private firms. They only take money for what you yourself can do - fill out the questionnaire and submit documents to the FMS.

The cheapest to make a passport yourself, and not through intermediaries
The cheapest to make a passport yourself, and not through intermediaries

The difference in cost is also visible depending on the type of passport - you want to get a document old -style or biometric view. Depending on the age of the citizen who wants to apply for a passport, the price may also change.

If a citizen whose age exceeds 14 years, wants to get an old -style passport, it is worth counting in the amount of about 2000 rubles., younger than 14 - 1000 rub.

To obtain a biometric passport, the FMS determined the amount 3500 rub. for an adult and 1800 rub. Children under the age of 14. The period for the registration of a passport as usual as an old -style or biometric mode is no more than a month.

Do not believe tour operators who promise to make a passport cheaper than the law requires
Do not believe tour operators who promise to make a passport cheaper than the law requires

Cheaper these prices make documents impossible. On the Internet, many scammers offer to receive passports at low prices. Do not succumb to these tricks - you will lose money, and you will not receive your passport.

Where can you quickly make a passport?

If you do not have the opportunity to wait for the declared period of time - an urgent business trip or burning Tourputevka is planned, you can draw up a passport in a shorter time.

The price of such passports depends on many conditions:

  • Type of document (old or biometric)
  • Desired time for manufacturing
  • Age
  • Accommodation (application for actual residence or registration)
The procedure for obtaining a passport can be accelerated, but this will significantly increase its cost
The procedure for obtaining a passport can be accelerated, but this will significantly increase its cost

You can make a biometric passport for a period of a month to 5 days. Accordingly, the price for the shortest time rises ten times. When reducing days from a month, add every 3-5 days to 2000-5000 rub.

An old -style passport can also be obtained in a shorter time. The amount varies from 8000 rubles. For 3 weeks of registration until 19000 rubles. in 5 days design.

You can speed up the process of obtaining a passport by issuing an electronic application on the website of the State Services. Thus, part of the audit you will already pass, and you will be invited to the FMS for the further stage of receiving a passport. You will be appointed a certain day and time.

Citizens who have issued electronic application, are served out of turn, which also reduces the time to receive documents.

Thus, you can issue a passport in a matter of days. But for this you will need to pay a much larger amount than when drawing up a document in normal mode.

How to make a passport to a child and baby up to a year?

If you want to go with your family on vacation to another country, then first of all the question arises, what to do with the baby - does he need a passport. So, a child can be received by a child under the same procedure as well as an adult. Options in which a child can go abroad several:

  • Execution of a separate old -style passport
  • Registration of a separate biometric passport
  • Recording data about a child in an old -style passport for parents
A passport for a child
A passport for a child

The most budget is the last option for paperwork. But in this case, the child will not be able to go abroad unaccompanied by parents.

An old -style passport can be issued to the child up to 14 years old Even without personal presence. For a biometric passport, the presence is mandatory, since the child will be personally photographed in the FMS.

To obtain a passport, the baby will need the following documents:

  • Questionnaire filled with parents
  • Receipt on the payment of state duty (1000 rubles for the old model, 1800 rubles - for the design of a biometric passport)
  • Birth certificate
The child does not have to make a separate passport. His data may be entered in the passport of one of the parents

Also, an application for a child can be obtained to arrange over the Internet. The procedure for issuing an electronic application is similar to the procedure for adults. The main difference is that such an application will need to be indicated birth certificates, not a passport.

There are enough options for obtaining a passport for a child. Parents only need to focus on the material costs that they will incur when registering and the ability to leave the child abroad unaccompanied by adults.

As you can see, draw up a passport not so difficult As it seems at first glance. For this, it is only necessary to collect all the necessary documents and provide to the appropriate body reliable information about yourself.If you do not have time to uphold in the queue when submitting an application, then you can do it online without leaving your home.

Video: How to get a passport?



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