How to independently clean the energy of things-cleaning of the negative energy of different objects: general recommendations, a visualization method, a hair dryer, prayers, tips. Why is it necessary to clean the energy of old and other people's things?

How to independently clean the energy of things-cleaning of the negative energy of different objects: general recommendations, a visualization method, a hair dryer, prayers, tips. Why is it necessary to clean the energy of old and other people's things?

In this article, we will consider how to clear things from old and negative energy.

We live in a world of things, each of which has a certain energy. Since its manufacture, any thing is able to memorize and store in its information space positive and negative information about the people touching it, living by a nearby animals that occur around it. They can not only store, but also transfer it to the present, having a strong energy effect on people around him. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to clear the energy of things from accumulated negativity.

Reasons to clear the energy of things from negative and old energy

The more the old thing, the more events around it happened, the more powerful its energy impact. Moreover, the accumulation of negativity is most often so great that it is able to neutralize the influence of positive energy. Especially if no one has ever cleaned this thing, did not free it from negative energy.

Our distant ancestors owned these sacred knowledge. Therefore, they attached great importance amulets,protecting them from evil forces capable of maintaining and concentrating positive energy. Often, this knowledge was used for unkind purposes, making “lining” to their enemies, in the form of things that carry negative energy. All this knowledge has survived to this day. But, unfortunately, we rarely attach their meaning to them, considering superstition. But in vain, because our health, our emotions, our mood largely depends on this.

All things carry some kind of energy in themselves
All things carry some kind of energy in themselves

The main reasons why it is worth cleaning things from someone else's or old energy

  • A house, furnished with things that carry negative energy, cannot be comfortable for living. This house will constantly occur Quarrels, conflicts, or even accidents.
  • The owners of a thing with negative energy will experience Constant discomfort, fatigue and a breakdown.They will largely be subject to various diseases and will be perplexed, which is why this happens to them.
    • And the reason, only, can be in the old antique furniture, which was obtained from great -grandmother or purchased on occasion. The greatest danger is the things that saw in the time of the war, need, illness!
  • It is important to clean things purchased in a second hand! After all, any clothing Bends a charge and even the fate of the previous owner.Especially if they belonged to unkind people, or suffering from serious diseases. After all, what is the catch - Things absorb only negative!
  • Even new things to order, bought in stores or expensive boutiques, can already be carriers of negative information. Since she may go to them from an envious master or a seller dissatisfied with the life,experiencing negative emotions to you at the time of purchase.
Sometimes even your things must be periodically cleaned by cleaning
Sometimes even your things must be periodically cleaned by cleaning

How to clear the energy of things yourself: general recommendations, prayers

Of course, it is necessary to clean the energy of things taking into account their individual characteristics. But still there are universal ways that will help to disperse the old or negative energy from previous owners.

Important: you can also clean your things from energy if you are going to give them to someone. This does not mean that you are a bad person. It’s just that sometimes our energy can interrupt other people's streams. For example, if you give a person a thing just like that, then you can regret it at a subconscious level. And this takes away his potential forces from him.

Sometimes we give a thing, but with the hope of gratitude. In this case, you have not yet parted with her and then it is better to postpone a “gift”. But if the thing with you “akin to the soul”, which you have worn out to the holes, then in no case, from the point of view of the energy plan, you cannot give it to.

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • The very first and reliable way is water.The simplest water, better - consecrated. That is, we are my thing or wash. Thus, it is cleaned of old energy. But sometimes this method is not always available.
  • Salt- This is our second attribute to drive away the negative. It can be used in combination with water or independently. But keep in mind that not all things react well to the mineral. For example, metals can beched, and some fabrics can be covered with stains, which will be hard to wash. This is the element of the Earth.
Salt, as a mineral of the Earth, is able to choose a negative
Salt, as a mineral of the Earth, is able to choose a negative

Note: an incredible, but powerful purification energy, oddly enough, cow manure. In the old days they were always coated with the walls of the houses to protect themselves from negativity. It must be well dried in the sun or in the oven on low heat, but with an open door. Do not scare - it does not have a strong smell from heating, and after drying it even becomes a little pleasant. Grind well into powder. It is more convenient to do this even in the process of drying. And add when washing or during cleaning in water, literally by a pinch.

  • Light candle. Ideally, it should be a church candle, but you can use another species. Since the power of fire plays a large role!
  • Any noise is able to drive away negative energy. Therefore, it is good to call over the thing or along its perimeter by the bell. But keep in mind - it should always be metal!
  • Ideally, also connect incense incense. The most powerful aromas are cinnamon and citrus fruits. This is the power of air.

Here are 5 tools to clean things from energy, which are used in all practices. If you cannot use some kind, then it is replaced by another option.

Also do not forget to read prayers:

  1. Our Father
  2. Symbol of faith
  3. Living help

We also offer another strong prayer for lighting and cleaning things:

The words
The words

Common errors during the cleaning of the energy of things

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • Using a candle without a candlestick. Its strength is significantly reduced, and from a logical point of view - wax can be burned. Ideally, you need to have a metal candlestick.
  • In no case do not perform the rite of purification on the dining table or on the bed. All this negative will come to you along with food or during sleep. We carry out all the rituals only on the floor.
  • Do this during the period of critical days. This will not give any results. But in the period Pregnancy or breastfeeding- It is very dangerous for your baby.
  • Do not clean the energy of things in the new moon. That is, for 29 lunar days. In the absence of the moon, we are weak at the energy level, so we can absorb what we want to get rid of.

Important: but in the full moon the effect intensifies from energy cleaning, since the moon will take away all the negative. In general, on this day, it is best to get rid of the unnecessary. And remember - the waning phase of the moon also reduces the negative.

Get rid of negative or waning moon
Get rid of the negativity to the full or waning moon

What does Feng Shui say, how to clear the energy of things?

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • Chinese wisdom also strongly recommends washing everything! Water is the strongest element that is able to neutralize negative energy! If you can’t wash, you just need to sprinkle.
  • But still, to enhance the impact, it is better to take spring or melt water.If there is no way to get one, then just freeze 2 times and defrost any water.
  • Also, strong properties have Pine or spruce branches.You can use aromatic oil or insist water on them. Just put a few twigs and leave in a dark place for a day.
  • Also, such aromas are good to light and smoke things with them. But you can use it aromatic sticks.
  • Keep the grass at home rosemary, mint, lavender and verbenes.These are very strong amulets, which also clean the energy of things well. They can be ignited by flavoring things, or simply put for a while nearby.
  • Wind music, Similarly, the bell is also able to drive away “evil spirits” and block negative energy.
Wetlor music or bells - this is a very strong amulet from negative energy
Winds or bells - this is a very strong amulet from negative energy

How to clear the energy of things: visualization method

This is a very strong meditation. It can be used in combination with other methods or in the case when other options are not suitable.

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • Solve in the room and tune in. Light a candle nearby, adding a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil to it. Put the thing in front of you, close your eyes and relax.
  • If you give your thing, then mentally say goodbye to her and let it go. If you need to clean the thing of a stranger, then express respect for the former master.
  • Imagine a cloud, haze or a veil over the thing. This will be energy. If it’s easier for you, make it color. Now imagine how it rises from a thing and is formed in a ball.
  • If he is yours, then take it and absorb it. If he is a stranger, then mentally take it outside your home and send it to the former owner.
  • Be sure to thank for the thing! You must express your respect for the former master.
  • When you free all the energy, you will feel relief at an intuitive level. If necessary, the ritual needs to be repeated several times. On average, it takes 3 times.

Important: to enhance the effect, you can drive a candle clockwise over the thing.

Imagine a haze of energy
Imagine a haze of energy

How to clear the energy of different things: methods, tips

Important: there are things that are less subject to the preservation of negative energy and its influence on people, they are easily cleaned. There are more dangerous things that are able not only to remember and maintain negative energy, but also to accumulate it, to strengthen its influence, which can hardly be cleaned. There are those that carry the energy of death and are not completely cleansed, it is better to get rid of these immediately.

How to clean the energy of clothes from someone else's shoulder?

Clothing to a greater extent than other things has tactile contacts with the person who belongs. Therefore, it is more charged by its negative energy, stores information about its diseases, emotions and experiences.

Always wash things before dressing
Always wash things before dressing

Important: with great caution should be approached and only after preliminary cleaning. Especially if you do not know who it belonged before. It is better to refuse clothes that previously belonged to the deceased person.

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • But clothes are relatively easy to clean:
    • it is enough to give heavy things to dry cleaning;
    • light objects - scroll in a washing machine, and then iron it with a hot iron.
  • It is even better if there is an opportunity to hold things for several minutes under running water,which quickly washes off all negative energy.
  • After cleaning, you can use protection - embroider three small crosses in a hidden place with a red thread, For example, under a collar or on the inner seam.
  • By the way, this does not apply to children's things! They do not carry negative energy, more often on the contrary - have a positive one. Especially things in which children were baptized are able to create an atmosphere of protection in the house.

How to clear the energy of ancient jewelry?

Never wear jewelry without preliminary cleaning
Never wear jewelry without preliminary cleaning

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • Often such items, even inherited from great -grandmother, carry a powerful charge of negative energy! After all, they survived wars, tragedies, more often than others became objects of discord, robberies and even murders.
  • Therefore, if you do not know the history of ancient jewelry, it is better not to acquire it. Or, in any case, Do not wear constantly and try to regularly clean it of influence,accumulated over many years, negativity.
  • Best of all negative energy from jewelry Rinses running water.
    • Metals that do not lend themselves to corrosion, or precious stones put in a glass of water for 1-2 hours. Better yet, put under a running stream. And then wipe it dry and leave for a few more hours under sunny or moonlight.
  • Another cleaning method that can be combined with the previous one - Burning church candle. With its help, you can clean the jewelry by led by a lit candle clockwise. At the same time, it is worth reading the prayer “Our Father”.
  • A good cleansing property has salt,which can be filled with the jewelry by holding them so for several days. After cleaning, salt must be carefully Gather and throw it away without touching her with his bare hands.

Is it possible to clear the energy of objects of religious cults, crosses?

Cross the cross
Cross the cross
  • We are the opinion that someone else's cross or icon cannot be kept even in your house, not to carry on yourself/with yourself. But church ministers assure that Church talismans cannot carry negative energy in principle!

Important: even more, often it was when the clergyman gave his cross to the needing in the name of his salvation!

  • Therefore, you can wear someone else's cross, but Only after its crossing.But it is better to do this not at home with candle and holy water, reading a prayer, but in the church.
  • Also, if you find a cross, then you can give it to another person who cannot afford to buy it, but he believes in God very much.

Important: you can’t throw away any church talismans! This is a great sin! Therefore, they can and should be transmitted, previously consecrated in the church.

Is it possible and how to clean the energy of dishes?

The dishes are easily cleaned
The dishes are easily cleaned
  • In principle, dishes are not a source of negative energy in the house. But she is able to transmit her food that we consume from it. That's why Old, but kissing dishes You can clean it by putting under running water and holding for several hours under the sun's rays.
    • If you know the previous owners well and are sure that they are favorable to you and wish good, then it is quite good to wash!
  • Damage dishes, It is best to throw away right away. It not only has distorted energy, but also deprives you of well -being and financial stability.

Is it possible to clean the energy of the bed or sofa?

How to independently clear the energy of things:

  • If you sleep on the bed that you got from the previous owners with poor energy, or from a seriously ill person, you can say with confidence - this does not bode well for you. After all, you spend a third of your life in a dream, and in this state your body is not energetically protected in order to resist external exposure. Therefore, ideally, nevertheless, to refuse it.
  • But if there is no way to change furniture or you are simply not sure of the reliability of the information, then such furniture should definitely be washed or at least just wipe with a damp cloth. If there is a fabric base or mattress, then it is not worth wetting. After all, the thing can be spoiled. You need to start cleaning from head to toe!
  • To do this, you can add a handful of salt or a few drops of aromatic oil to the water. At the same time, it is worth saying such words:
The words
The words

Important: but it’s better to change the mattress on which you will sleep!

Mirrors: Is it possible to clean their energy?

An old mirror that remembers not only people, but also the events reflected in it, can be very dangerous in the energy plane. After all, it doubles the flow of energy due to its reflection.

It is very difficult to neutralize the energy of the old mirror! It is better if this is done by a person who has certain abilities and knows special rites.

But Reduce it negativeyou can influence one of the following ways:

  • place the mirror so that the sun reflects in it
  • several times spent a burning church candle around the perimeter of the mirror
  • if the mirror is small, put it for a while under running water
  • it is also very good to wash or wipe them with salt water
The mirrors themselves have a very strong energy!
The mirrors themselves have a very strong energy!

Important: these cleansing procedures should be periodically carried out with any mirror that is in your house. Cracking or broken mirrors that are not subject to cleaning are especially dangerous - they should immediately get rid of them.

By the way, more information about energy cleaning and disposal of mirrors can be read in our article on the topic “How to clean the mirror and how to throw a broken mirror correctly?”

Scarecrow of animals and birds: are they succumbing to the purification of energy?

It is better not to have these things in your home, because they do not have positive energy! Each of them carries powerful energy of pain and death. In addition, they are not subject to cleaning and can only increase their negative impact on the surrounding people and the room in which they are located.

Usually a person feels if some thing forces him to experience discomfort, depress or affects health. If this happens to you, get rid of this thing without regret! Not a single, even the most expensive and memorable thing is worth human life and health.

Video: How to clean things energetically?

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