How to dye over the overgrown hair roots at home: dyeing rules. How to dye hair roots so that it does not differ from the hair? What is the best way to paint the roots of gray, brown, dark hair, blondes?

How to dye over the overgrown hair roots at home: dyeing rules. How to dye hair roots so that it does not differ from the hair? What is the best way to paint the roots of gray, brown, dark hair, blondes?

Tips for dyeing hair roots at home.

In connection with periodically changing fashion trends in hair coloring color, sometimes this procedure has to be used very often. Not always fashionable directions coincide with the natural color of the hair. The growing roots, in this case, and also when gray hair appears, causes an ugly hairstyle. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to carry out periodic staining of the roots. How to do this at home we will consider in the proposed article.

How to dye over the overgrown hair roots at home: dyeing rules, instructions

Do everything very carefully

It is easy to do this, observing the basic rules:

  • Learn carefully everything that is indicated in the instructions
  • Place the components in plastic or glass containers, in accordance with the specified proportion
  • Controversy in clothes that will not be a pity to throw it away, in the event of a paint falls on it
  • Put on gloves, wrap a protective fabric or polyethylene around the neck and shoulders
  • The edges of the hairline located on the face are lubricated with nutrient oily cream to protect against pollution
  • Divide the hair with a comb into 4 parts:
  1. the occipital
  2. 2 temporal
  3. frontal
  • Roll each zone with a tourniquet
  • Fix separately with a hairpin
  • We begin to distribute the dye on the overgrown part of the roots in the back of the head. It requires more staining time, due to lower temperature
  • Unflap the hairpin in this zone
  • Drive the hair separation into several small strands, the back of the brush or comb
  • Gently apply paint along the overgrown root zone
  • Having finished staining this area, go to the frontal part
  • The time of the procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour. Otherwise, it may turn out to be uneven color
  • Put on a plastic cap
  • Wait half an hour if the attached instructions does not indicate the other time period
  • At the end of the set time, well comb the paint
  • Hold for 10 minutes
  • Wash your head several times
  • Apply any reinforcing agent for hair
  • The procedure is over
  • Dry a hairdryer, if there is no particular need, you should not, it is better to wait for natural drying. This will prevent the hair from overdrying and subsequent brittleness

In what color to dye the roots of the hair: how to choose a color?

  • The slight difference between the basal color scheme and the entire hair can be leveled with simple paint without ammonia.
  • To exclude a yellowish tint, with dark roots, introduce proven paint and 9% peroxide.
  • To paint light roots in a darker shade, choose the tone of paint for one position darker.
  • Tinting shampoo will also help adjusting the shade.

Video: How to choose hair color? The advice of the stylist

How to dye hair roots so that it does not differ from the hair?

Since the overgrown root area of \u200b\u200bthe hair has not yet been damaged by the dye on it must be kept for a longer time than in the rest of the hairline.


  1. First of all, we cover the roots with paint
  2. 10 minutes before the time indicated in the annotation, we distribute the paint to the remaining part of the hair
  3. Combine well with a comb
  4. Then wash off

Subject to this rule, the hair will be stained evenly.

What is the best way to paint the roots of gray, brown, dark hair, blondes?

The best ways

Grown gray roots:

  • With natural light color - paint with golden blondes two tones lighter than available. It will look quite natural. Ash shades emphasize gray hair, so it is better not to use them.
  1. The paint must necessarily contain ammonia. The best option is professional brands. For oxidation, use a 6% tool. A lower concentration will not paint the gray hair, but a large one is used for bleaching.
  2. Experienced craftsmen usually use natural color without additional shades. This condition is 100%painting gray hair.
  3. An additional shade can be achieved when connecting the selected and natural tones in a proportion of 1: 1. This coloring is not always ideal.
  4. A prerequisite for the complete painting of gray roots is a plentiful amount of paint applied to the hair, so that they do not shine at all.
  • A large number of women prefer blond color. This is quite justified, since this color goes to many women. In addition, in the presence of gray hair, there is no strong contrast between grown roots and the main mass of hair.
    In this case, staining is carried out as higher than the considered option, that is:
  1. We take the dye of natural color or connected by any brown shade in the same ratio with a natural rush tone.
  • It is much easier with black. You can paint overgrown roots for ladies with this color using professional paint in black.

Video: How to get rid of gray hair? How to paint a gray hair? Simple staining gray hair. Staining roots

Starting at home, use the following recommendations:

  1. Make testing for allergies, applying a little paint to a small skin area. When unpleasant sensations appear, give up the tested paint
  2. It is better to use the same paint for the roots as for the bulk of the hair. So you can achieve the most beautiful result
  3. Do not leave the product on your hair more than the recommended time. Non -compliance with the requirements is fraught with a burn of the head
  4. Mix the ingredients in any container except metal. The oxidative reaction gives unpredictable consequences
  5. Do not lie in the dye shampoo, balm, so as not to change the tone of paint
  6. Staining immediately after breeding the solution
  7. Do not wet the hair first. This reduces the effectiveness of the desired result
  8. Use warm water for washing off. Hot can be reduced by an even effect
  9. Strengthen the hairline with vitamins and hair care products
  10. In the case of an unsatisfactory result, repeat the attempt no earlier than in a couple of weeks

Video: How to dye hair roots at home?

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