How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw owls on the cells, paints?

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and children? How to draw owls on the cells, paints?

The article gives step -by -step lessons of owl drawing.

Owls are usually wise and observant characters in the cartoons. It is not surprising that children want to draw a smart big -eyed bird. To make the drawing the first time, use the tips of the phased drawing of the owl below.

From this article you will learn about several options for drawing an owl with a simple pencil, felt -tip pens (if you draw owls in the cells), and how to draw an owl with a watercolor.

How to draw an owl with a pencil in stages for beginners and for children?

Let's start with the simplest drawing. Here with such an owl, painted more in a decorative manner. Both a child and a novice artist can handle such a pattern. The main thing is to properly place an owl on a sheet of paper and observe proportions.

You will spend quite a bit time on the drawing of such a owl, but, decorating it with bright colors, you can create a real picture in the style of primitivism and hang it on the wall or give it to friends.

Follow simple phased instructions with pictures, and you will not have difficulties. We take a pencil, gain patience for 15-20 minutes and comprehend the basics of drawing art.

  • As usual when creating a black and white pattern, we stock up on a simple pencil, an eraser and a clean sheet of paper.
  • We outline the borders of the drawing with light stroke lines. In other words, we draw a square in which we put our owl. You can skip this stage if the hand is packed and the contours of the picture do not jump out of the sheet.
  • Yes, experienced artists will forgive us, but we will begin to draw our masterpiece not from the designation of the entire figure of the bird, but from the body - an oval in the center of the sheet. This technique will allow you to set the proportionality of the owl sketch, so that in the future it is easier to recreate the image of the owl on a sheet of paper.
We draw the head
We draw the head
Drawn up to the body
Drawn up to the body
  • We attach the head to the body. We draw a smaller oval on top and so that they come into contact with each other. Our owl will have a soft abdomen. Drop it under the first oval.
  • Our owl comfortably settled on a branch. We draw it by drawing one slightly inclined line, and under it - the other. Without a branch, the drawings will seem incomplete, therefore it is important not to miss this detail. Immediately add two leaves on the branch.
We draw a tummy
We draw a tummy
We draw a twig
We draw a twig
  • We finish our tail. We draw two parallel lines along the edges, thus indicating the tail feathers.
  • Now you can erase additional lines. Look at the picture: we wash the contours of the ovals near the branch to draw a bird's legs here. We clarify the contours of the picture by drawing more fat lines along the edges.
We finish the tail
We finish the tail
  • To draw the legs with which the bird holds onto the branch, draw three short lines in, and then add parallel to them. We finish the fingers from above and below, rounding our elongated rectangles.
  • We need to show the plumage of the owl. We draw a “fence” from short parallel lines on the tail of a bird. We will draw up our advanced cheeks and beaks.
We wash the extra lines
We wash the extra lines
Draw fingers and tail feathers
Draw fingers and tail feathers
We draw cheeks and beak
We draw cheeks and beak
  • Before drawing owls big eyes, we will draw a plumage around her eyes. The main thing at each stage is accurately repeated the line displayed in the pictures.
  • There is very little left: we finish the plumage throughout the body of the bird. We draw our eyes. We wash all additional lines. We clarify the contours of the drawing and proudly carry our creation to the main judges - friends.
Add the beak and throw the main lines for the eyes of the eyes
Add the beak and throw the main lines for the eyes of the eyes
This is what should happen
This is what should happen

If you coped with the previous pattern, then try to portray the “real” owl with a pencil. To make the drawing realistic, you need to understand the structure of feathers and the structure of the wings.

What are the feathers?

  • small and large
  • the downy
  • covering the head, chest, paws
  • short on wings feathers and long
To draw an owl, we must understand the structure of the pen and wings
To draw an owl, we must understand the structure of the pen and wings
  • The figure shows the wing and the location of the feathers.
  • We will start the drawing with the designation of the approximate location of the owl on the sheet. Light lines draw a large rectangle. In it we will have an owl.
  • Our task now is to draw the most accurate sketch. Without pressing much on a pencil (we will lead the contours are fatter when the sketch turns into an almost completed pattern).
  • We denote the head of the owl in the upper half of the sheet with thin lines. The body of the owl is an oval drawn immediately under the head. We draw a wing (it resembles a triangle in the shape) and wash an additional line from the lower oval.
We draw the contours of the head, body and wing
  • We draw a conventional line in the center of the head and in the lower part directly along this conditional line we begin to draw the beak. Add symmetrically located lines of plumage around the eyes.
  • We draw two incomplete circles - eyes with pupils. We lighten the contours of the body of the bird with the help of an eraser and create the visibility of plumage instead of it with intermittent lines.
  • Add the paws (they are very pubescent) and the branch on which the owl sits.
We draw the beak, paws and feathers
We finish our eyes and pupils, erase extra lines
  • Substit the right side. Draw the plumage on the head with short inclined lines. Stroching should be applied in the direction of the growth of feathers. We draw feathers of various shapes and lengths on the wing. Add a few tiny feathers in the paws: draw short oblique strokes.
  • We make the hatching of the plumage with different lengths and shades of the lines and do not cut them sharply. They should resemble the shape of feathers.
  • We begin to add shadows on the feathers of the paws - on the left and in the center. We use a 2H pencil for this. We shade the plumage on the bottom of the body.
  • Change the pencil for 2B and add an intermediate shadow on the right side. Stroke the lower abdomen, the right side of the wing, the area under the beak and wing.
Light source on the left, so the hue is darker on the right
Light source on the left, so the hue is darker on the right
With a pencil 2h easily shut the feathers on the left and central parts of the paws, the lower part of the body
With a pencil 2h easily shut the feathers on the left and central parts of the paws, the lower part of the body
  • We circle the circumference of the iris with a more greasy line and shave it a little. You can make it with a finger, or you can - a cotton swab.
  • Now we will go along this circle with stroke lines. We paint the pupil, not forgetting that it is necessary to portray a glare on it - leave a white circle. We hide the beak, leaving here the glare in the form of a short straight line.
  • We paint our eyes and repeat all the actions with another. Only now we will not draw a glare and the eye is more shaded.
Use solid pencils to add more strokes in all parts of the head
Use solid pencils to add more strokes in all parts of the head
  • Now we will need hard pencils. We will cover the whole head with short stroke lines.
  • In the lightened areas, we will pass 2H with a pencil, and according to the shaded 2B and 4B.
  • We draw tiny ovals in the forehead, from the sides on the head. In the picture you can see how these ovals should look in an enlarged form.
  • Some central parts of the ovals can be highlighted with an eraser to highlight them more.
Add a few tiny ovals on feathers on the forehead and on the sides of the head
Add a few tiny ovals on feathers on the forehead and on the sides of the head
Ovals in increased resolution
Ovals in increased resolution
  • Using a well -sharpened pencil, we apply short stroke lines where the owls grow soft down feathers: on the chest and paws.
  • We shade feathers on the tail of the bird. The darker feathers on the right side. After a soft transition, a lighter section of the pen begins on the left side.
  • On separate feathers we will go through short diagonal lines. This will make the plumage visually completed and emphasize the details.
Draw soft down feathers on the chest and paws of owls
Draw soft down feathers on the chest and paws of owls
  • Well, we are approaching the finish line! We will clarify the details and draw some areas. With short stroke lines we will walk along the upper part of the wing, showing the shadow from the head.
  • We highlight some areas on the ends of the feathers. We apply a few more stroke lines to feathers at the top of the wing.
Add diagonal lines to separate feathers
Add diagonal lines to separate feathers
  • We shade the areas on the claws, not forgetting to leave the areas for glare. When applying hatching on a branch, we use lines of different lengths and thicknesses.
  • If necessary, add more lines at your discretion so that the picture looks complete. To create light areas, use an eraser, dark - apply additional hatching. Put the date and sign the drawing.
Shake feathers in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe wing
Shake feathers in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe wing
Separate feathers have light areas on the tips
Separate feathers have light areas on the tips

Put the date and sign the drawing

Put the date and sign the drawing

To draw owl presented below, again we arm ourselves with a sharpened simple pencil, an eraser and a sheet of paper. We read the step -by -step instructions, look at the pictures and repeat all the lines.

The drawing is very simple. It can be drawn with the child. Such a lesson helps to establish a connection between parents and children, contributes to the development of creative abilities.

Stage 1:

  • We have a bird on a sheet of paper so that it turns out not a small, but a large bird. After all, the predatory owl is not small.
  • We begin to draw in the center of the sheet the body of the owl in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. The shape of the owl should resemble the “heart” torso.
The figure should resemble
The figure should resemble "heart"

Stage 2:

  • We draw your head over the body: a large and wide oval. At the bottom, we draw the cheeks of the owls with two semicircular lines that are interconnected from below.
  • We wash the auxiliary lines. We try to do this after each stage, so that unnecessary lines do not distort the picture and do not distract.
Let's draw your head
Let's draw your head
We connect the semicircular lines on the lower jaw at one point at one point
We connect the semicircular lines on the lower jaw at one point at one point


We wash the extra lines
We wash the extra lines
Using an eraser, we wash unnecessary lines from the pattern
We draw wings

Stage 3:

  • We will draw a big, pressed to the body. Their lower part is pointed.
  • To draw an owl turned into half a turn, we draw the second wing hidden back.
The second wing is hidden back
The second wing is hidden back

Stage 4:

  • We finish the bird with a short tail, and a short beak. Add the owl beautiful and long feathers growing around the eyes.
  • Fells stick out a little over your head.
Draw the tail
Draw the tail
You should get a
You should get a "cheek" owl, as in the figure

Stage 5:

  • We draw owls with claws.
  • Our owl has large and round eyes. We will draw them like that. The pupil of the owl is narrowed. Therefore, we will draw it with a thin vertical line.
We draw paws with claws
We draw paws with claws
We draw big eyes
We draw big eyes
Add narrow pupils
Add narrow pupils

Video: How to draw an owl with children?

How to draw a New Year's owl?

The next step -by -step instructions for drawing owls are also suitable for creativity with the baby.

How to draw a New Year's owl
How to draw a New Year's owl

The schematic image of the bird will not be difficult to transfer to the paper as a child and a novice artist. The finished drawing can be decorated at your discretion.

  • To begin with, draw the body of the owl. We portray him with a large oval.
  • On both sides of the oval, add wings from below. We draw a strip that separates a large head from the stomach of the bird.
We draw the body of the owl
We draw the body of the owl
We draw owl wings and stripes that separates the stomach of the bird
We draw owl wings and stripes that separates the stomach of the bird
  • Owl's eyes are two circles. We draw the beak between them. On the head we finish the ears in the form of triangles. We will spend another circle around the eyes. We will finish the pupils of os.
We draw two big eyes and beak
We draw two big eyes and beak
We draw circles around the eyes of an owl
We draw circles around the eyes of an owl
  • Let's start drawing paws. Since we have a New Year's owl, you can portray it in boots.
  • With three semicircular lines on the abdomen of the owl we show the plumage.
  • We draw a New Year's hat with a bell. We decorate how the soul wishes. Only the hat and boots are painted in red.
We finish the boots and feathers on the stomach
We finish the boots and feathers on the stomach
Add a hat
Add a hat

And here is another simple option for a drawing of the Owl:

We draw small circles. It will be the eyes of a bird. Between them we will draw two semicircular lines that diverge up.

We draw small circles

We continue these two lines from below, drawing circles around the eyes.

Continue the lines around the eyes

The body of the owl will draw an oval, resembling chicken egg.

We draw an oval body of an owl

From below we draw a branch on which the owl will sit: two short straight lines. Behind the paws we will draw a semicircle that will be the tail of the bird.

We draw a branch
We draw a branch

We draw a beak in the form of a small rhombic located between the eyes along the central line.

Draw wings and paws

Dorce the wings and paws. We clarify the contours and add some stroke lines over the owl body and on the head. We decorate brown colors.

We clarify the details and decorate

How to draw owls on the cells?

If your child is not yet drawn beautifully and correctly with a pencil, invite him to portray an owl using samples and patterns of pictures drawn on cells.

Take any scheme for embroidery and let the baby carry it to the notebook sheet to the cage. You can immediately paint the cells with felt -tip pens or pencils.

Owl drawing by cells: templates
Owl drawing by cells: templates

Video: Cell drawing

How to draw an owl with colored pencils with a child?

  • We draw a slightly flattened circle - the head of the owl, and then depict an oval body with a pointed lower part. Combine the head with the body with short lines on the sides.
  • We will finish off the ears, the wing in the form of a pointed oval.
  • The paws of the owl are tiny ovals.
Head - a slightly flattened circle, the body is oval
Head - a slightly flattened circle, the body is oval
  • We draw the “face” of the owl: eyes and beak. We draw separate feathers over the body. Add fingers.
  • We begin to decorate using a brown pencil, ears and head.
We draw eyes, beak
We draw our eyes, beak, begin to decorate
  • We apply short stroke lines. We decorate our eyes with a yellow pencil. Add a little gray feathers in the crown area.
  • The chest of the owl is painted with a brown light shade. Strips of feathers on the wing, tail draw in gray. The pubescent part of the paws is also gray.
  • With a dark brown pencil, draw individual feathers along the wing, on the chest, on the tail. Add the volume of the paws in the same color.
With a gray pencil, draw strips of feathers on the wing, on the tail, make a gray shaggy part of the paws
With a gray pencil, draw strips of feathers on the wing, on the tail, make a gray shaggy part of the paws
  • We draw some feathers on the chest and on the wing, on the upper part of the paws with a brown pencil. Using a black felt -tip pen, we circle the contours of wings, claws on the fingers, eyes and beak.

We draw an owl with paints

This drawing of an owl executed watercolors- like an illustration from a children's book. Step -by -step tips and explanations will help you cope with this, impossible at first glance, the task.

For work, in addition to a simple pencil, an eraser, paper and watercolor paints, you will also need a special liquid to preserve white areas.

  • We will move to a deserted snow -capped forest. We make a sketch of the owl without pressing on a simple pencil. We do not need to draw the details, because we will draw with paints.
  • Now the main thing is to correctly and carefully draw a sketch. On the accuracy of the initial contours depends on how beautiful we will have a picture.
  • If you divide the sheet in half, then the contours of the owls occur in the lower half, and only the head “leaves” into the upper half.
We draw the contours of the owl
  • So that a real light snowball appears in the picture, we spray on a sheet with a special liquid to preserve white. We use an old brush or mastikhin for this.
  • After the pattern is flooded with watercolors and dries, we will remove the liquid with an elastic band, and clean spots with even edges will remain on paper.
Ocher, pink, in different shades of blue, pour the sheet around the owl
  • We begin to apply the paint: pour the sheet around the contour of the bird with different shades of blue, light brown and pink colors. Keep a tablet with paper at a slight angle. The paint will sip, creating the illusion of the rays of light.
  • We will wait until the paint dries, and with a paint, strongly diluted with water, we denote the transparent silhouettes of trees in the distance. We will make the trunks located closer dark.
Draw transparent silhouettes of trees
  • We apply blue-gray strokes to the bark of the tree, adding texture to it. For the greater naturalness of the bark, take a brush with a long pile and go through the wood in the foreground with almost dry paint.
  • We put the brush almost horizontally, turning in a circle and leaving uneven traces on the surface. It is better to practice in the draft.
  • We draw a spotted body of the owl with a strongly diluted gray paint, leaving the head not painted. Draw the eyes with yellow, adding ocher to the upper part.
We outline the bark of wood with blue-gray strokes
The brush is placed on the paper almost horizontally and neatly rotated in a circle, there are uneven traces
Draw the eyes with yellow paint
  • We paint in blue pupil and immediately add black. We leave the glare in the eye dry.
  • We are waiting for the paint dry again. Mix blue and black colors and draw circles around the eyes.
  • We use pale blue color to draw a tree bark. We use a thin brush to draw a protruding bark. We combine black with blue for this.
Draw dark lines around the eyes
The shadow from the protruding bark is emphasized with a thin brush with a darker color
  • Let's go through the wings of the owl, leaving white spots. Then we will cover these spots with blue paint, with the addition of blue and purple shades, gently mixing colors.
  • We take a thin brush and draw your head.
  • Carefully remove the liquid with a soft eraser so as not to damage the surface of the paper. Having mixed gray, blue and ocher, pour the legs of the owl.
While the wings dry out with a thin brush, draw your head
  • After drying the paint, draw the background around the bird.
  • Draw wood, powerful paws and branches
We make filling on the legs using gray, blue and ocher

Video: How to draw an owl in 10 minutes?

Owl drawings for children for sketching

Video: I draw a watercolor council

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