How to develop a good sense of humor in yourself? Humor development exercises

How to develop a good sense of humor in yourself? Humor development exercises

A sense of humor is what it is, a gift or skill. How to develop and how to improve.

The ability to recognize the comic in the surrounding world, react with fun to the jokes of others, with optimism to look at the present and the future not only improves the quality of life, but also prolongs it.

It is worth noting that people with a sense of humor are faster and more comfortable for themselves to get used to new housing, work, joyfully travel and enjoy life. Depression, nervous breakdowns, and even elementary quarrels in such people arise an order of magnitude less often.

How to develop a good sense of humor in yourself
How to develop a good sense of humor in yourself

Note that a sense of humor, optimism, a positive outlook on life - all these qualities can be developed in yourself or in your child. The phrase “Everything in your hands” does not exist in vain! Since only the quality of our life depends on us. Want to master exercises on the development of a sense of humor and see the world in a new way?

Do you want your child from the young age to instill a sense of humor and joy in life? Then this article is what you need. It in detail discusses how to properly develop a sense of humor, as well as only funny and effective exercises to achieve the goal.

Living with a sense of humor is easier!
Living with a sense of humor is easier!

How to develop a sense of humor in yourself?

The first thing to do is increase your own self -esteem. Without it, you can endlessly develop a sense of humor, but in practice you can not apply. After all, a person with low self -esteem everywhere feels danger and anxiety, what kind of ease can be about?

The second is to realize its own significance in the world. Do you know why it was easier for people to accept their lives, themselves, their place in the world? Because the heralds only voiced orders and news about the celebrations, and in some way they were in no hurry to inform the simple people that they needed to lose/recover, wear fashionable clothes, whether to grow a beard or carefully get rid of unnecessary hair. The world was full of thin and full and everyone considered itself worthy, since there was no obsessive advertising affirming the opposite.

Together more fun: a great way to maintain a sense of humor
Together more fun: a great way to maintain a sense of humor

So why should we pay attention to this today? Learn to filter the information on the necessary and unnecessary. Turn off bold advertisements, do not watch the news that causes you to alarm and concern tomorrow, and certainly do not listen to those who emphasize your features (yes, it is full, thinness, hair and eyes, clothing style and lifestyle are your peculiarity, And not a flaw) reduces your self -esteem, and pay attention! Thereby increases its self -esteem. Particularly like this is loved by friends, spouses and even parents!

Happiness in a sense of humor!
Happiness in a sense of humor!
  • If necessary, go through courses, training to increase self -esteem. This is very important for a happy full life. So, the first stone of this building is laid. Moving further
  • Arrange a smile day. On this day, to not happen, look at life cheerfully, at any problem as an adventure, at any phrase - as a funny and pleasant. If you previously walked with a gloomy face and were always worried about something, it will be insanely difficult, the smile will periodically move off your face, but you return it there as soon as you notice it
  • By evening, think how much the world around you has changed? How many interesting were you noticed? As global problems from a smile became a minor misunderstanding. Write down this day as the first day of a new, optimistic life
Arrange a smile day: develop a sense of humor
Arrange a smile day: develop a sense of humor
  • The foundation of the building of the sense of humor is laid, but you still need to build the walls. This is the level of education. Note that an educated person does not become at universities, but approaching the book shelves
  • Humor in most cases is a beautiful play of words. But how to react to them, if you do not know the meanings of these words? That's right, nothing. The golden rule is a book per week. At least 40% of the books should be a classic, 50% of the book on self -development (from psychology, to business literature)
  • And do not forget about the circle of communication. Whatever society around you is at present, create today as comfortable for yourself. No need to burn bridges with loved ones and relatives, you need to establish relationships with them
  • No need to visit noisy companies if you like to spend time in silence, and you do not need to become a hermit if you love people and the noise around you
Girlfriends - the best start for training their sense of humor
Girlfriends - the best start for training their sense of humor

Often you can find advice for the development of a sense of humor - look at people who are respecting, the soul of the company, humor or merryman and take an example from him.

If you carefully read everything above and took advantage of the advice, then you already know that each person is individual, and take an example from a person with another temperament, education, view of life and will be a mistake. Take a closer look at them - and yes, take an example, try to copy - in no case! So you will lose yourself again and certainly do not develop a sense of humor in yourself.

Video: Dan Dubravin: How to develop a sense of humor?

Well, now we finish our building, honing with the help of exercises on the development of a sense of humor.

Humor development exercises

Once again, we recall that the sense of humor is the ability to recognize the comic of the situation/phrase/world as a whole and react to it with laughter, smile, and a great mood.

At the same time, such a thing as self -irony is also included in the sense of humor. Each of us lives a narcissistic person who painfully reacts to any remark in his direction. A sense of humor just allows you to adequately respond to various situations without damaging your own self -esteem.

Exercises on the development of a sense of humor: Practice
Exercises on the development of a sense of humor: Practice

We assure you a sense of humor skill that must be mastered from childhood. This is not an innate gift. If your parents have not taken care of this earlier, it's time to do it now!


  • We did not write this point first in vain. After all, everything that you master needs to be constantly practiced, otherwise the skills are gradually forgotten, and we return to the same step. Everything you see, you hear, think - constantly implement life
  • Make yourself a rule for 10 minutes a day read jokes, humorous articles, funny videos on the Internet. Talk about them to your relatives. At first it will be awkward. And perhaps not funny, but in a couple of weeks the skill is to get honed and the situation will go uphill

Simplify the simplest.

  • Learn to relax and move away from situations. Take it easier. Look at the most difficult situation from the side and find a suitable joke to her. You will see how the situation is solved in a simpler way
  • For example, you do not have money for repairs and let it be neat in the apartment, it is more reminiscent of the housing of our grandmothers. With a smile, tell the guests that you are a fan of retro-style, instead of complaints about the lack of money. And you yourself will not notice how you will be envied
  • They heard how chubby women with a smile say to themselves “men are not dogs, they don’t rush to the bones!” Indeed, a man will fit faster to a cheerful “dumplings” than a ever -inflated, figured girl with diets sprinkling himself
How to pump a sense of humor
How to pump a sense of humor

Healthy self -criticism.

  • Stumbled - dare, fall - say that this is to new shoes. You can come up with a gorgeous harmless joke to any situation
  • In addition, if you do not do it, someone else will do it. And the joke may already be not at all harmless
  • It is also worth remembering in order to know the line between offensive phrases and humor, you first need to practice yourself, and only then joke with others

Ironous troubles.

  • If you follow Eastern philosophy in the world, events take place without any color. They become good or bad depending on how you reacted to this
  • Want a light, pleasant, fun life? Make it yourself! The pot burned - it's time for shopping, it didn’t work out a haircut - which means that this month you will try on two images instead of one
  • If you have children doubly important with humor to respond to trouble. After all, children absorb the information and behavior of the elders as a sponge. Then your baby will grow up, and you will hear a pleasant review that he has a sense of humor.
  • No, there is no innate, just from childhood he was surrounded by parents who made funny ironic events from problems
Ironic troubles and a sense of humor
Ironic troubles and a sense of humor

Your friend, neighbor, colleague is joking all the time, and you don’t even find what to joke about. And so I also want to show myself as a fun. Such people at least once in their lives, but they felt irritation towards humorists.

And in vain. This is the first indicator of what he notices, but you are not - it is more observant and read. His brain systematizes information faster. Do not waste time on anger and envy, it is better to take care of self -development and set a goal to become better and more fun!

Feeling of humor, trouble can be quickly translated into a fun situation
Feeling of humor: trouble can be quickly translated into a fun situation

The boring of the feet.

  • The company told not a funny joke, no need to voice it, smile and change the subject. This will be appreciated in the future, if you have a mistake, you will be supported
  • Morality and jokes. No matter how, they said, the funniest jokes are just about lovers and lovers, dark -skinned, non -traditional orientation, etc. During the humor, it can be discarded, and then your speech will be accompanied by stormy applause, and you will be in the spotlight
  • But here you need to feel subtly, and do not joke where it will be inappropriate. For example, if you know that the company has people who adhere to non -traditional orientation, you should not joke on this topic, since you cannot be sure how the audience himself will react

Associative thinking.

It, like other skills, must be developed. But in order not only to learn the theory, but also to fix it well. It is best to sign up for a thematic training or webinar. You will learn a lot of new things on them, and you can practice in a comfortable atmosphere with strangers (who, as you want to master a new skill).

Associative thinking: Read and develop
Associative thinking: Read and develop

Joke, joke and joke again.

  • To begin with, choose your relatives with the audience, who will always support and give advice. But you can really see the reaction of the public only in a skeptical society. If you are not appreciated, take this with humor and weave skills forward
  • In conclusion, we add that a sense of humor arises gradually, but with its acquisition, the quality of your life will improve significantly. Live with a smile on your face, raise a huge gift to yourself and your loved ones that you can give yourself

Video: Basic exercises | How to develop a sense of humor?

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