How to unlock the page in VK if it was blocked? What to do if the VKontakte page is blocked forever, is it possible to restore?

How to unlock the page in VK if it was blocked? What to do if the VKontakte page is blocked forever, is it possible to restore?

Sometimes VKontakte users have problems using social networks, especially if they violate the rules. The page is blocked for this. But not everyone knows how to restore it. Let's figure out this issue.

The great popularity of social networks is due to the fact that they have enormous opportunities. One of the most visited platforms is VKontakte. In addition to the fact that you can communicate here, there is news, and interesting pictures, and music, and video. In general, anything for entertainment.

Unfortunately, sometimes users have to deal with the fact that the account suddenly turns out to be blocked. Why this happens and how to deal with it, we will tell you in our article.

What does it mean - the “page is blocked” by VKontakte?

The page is temporarily blocked
The page is temporarily blocked

Each social network has its own rules of use that you need to adhere to. Otherwise, the page can be blocked. Usually, when this happens, the reason is always indicated. If it is not very clear to you, then immediately on the page you can contact the support service and ask them your questions.

It may seem to many users that it will now be impossible to restore access, but this is not so. In fact, blocking is a temporary phenomenon. Although, there are times when the page is blocked forever. This usually happens when it is new and you are actively starting to send applications from it, write messages, and so on. But, we will analyze this in detail a little later, but for now, let's find out why they can block the VKontakte page and how to return it.

Why is VKontakte's page blocked - what to do, how to restore the page?

On the jelly itself, the reasons when VKontakte can be blocked, and even the site itself, there is a lot. We suggest you get acquainted with the most popular of them.

Forgot password

This is the most common reason why the user cannot access his VKontakte page. This is not even a blocking, because the page itself works, you just cannot go into it.

  • If you cannot enter and the password does not fit, then select the line "Forgot your password?"
Forgot your password?
Forgot your password?
  • Here you will be invited to step by step to indicate your data from the page and confirm the phone number or mail, depending on what you choose yourself
  • After that, the system will offer to change the password to a new one and access will be restored

Carrying out technical work

When technical work is carried out in VKontakte, the site can work incorrectly or not work at all. In this case, the social network is blocked and nothing can be done with it. You just need to wait.

The password is correct, but I can't enter

If you are sure that you write the right password, but you can’t go in any way, then use the restoration of the password that we talked about above. So it will be much faster to return access to the account.

As an option, you can contact the support service, but at the same time you will wait for the answer within a day. Press a couple of buttons much faster and change the password.

Appeal in support
Appeal in support

Usually this situation with a password can occur when you change it through the phone. Why this happens incomprehensible, but often you have to restore the page and change the password again.

Another solution to the problem is to try to use another browser. Perhaps the one that you use now is a little malfunction and therefore you cannot go in. It will not be superfluous to check the computer for viruses, perhaps the reason is in them.

User complaints about incorrect behavior, violation of the rules

Complaint of the group
Complaint of the group

If you violate the rules for working with the site, then access to the page can be blocked. For example, you massively join groups or even work on sites where they pay money for joining groups, reposts and so on. All this is spam and therefore pages are blocked.

Moreover, if you behave incorrectly in relation to others, pester them and so on, then they can send a complaint about you and when there are many of them, then you will be blocked.

For spam, the lock is usually applied automatically and immediately the cause of the blocking is displayed on the page.

False lock

There are situations when, in fact, everything is in order with the page, but the attackers are directed to a dummy resource, which reports on blocking and asks to send SMS to a certain number for obtaining code.

Lip -free lock
False lock

In fact, this is done to make money on you. Everyone’s appetites are different, but it’s better not to risk once again. Remember, VKontakte never asks to send messages. He does it automatically on request. And besides, they are free.

If you suddenly find yourself in a situation that the system asks you to send a message, then close the page and do the following:

  • Open "My computer" And follow the way - Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers \\ etc \\
  • There are several files in this folder, but we are interested in hosts
  • Open it with "Notepad" And we remove all the extra lines so that the last to be - Localhost

We retain the result and now VKontakte will work without problems.

Blocking by the administrator

This situation is usually observed if you are trying to go to the site from the working computer. The fact is that usually access to entertaining sites, especially social networks, is blocked by administrators, because your performance is important to the employer, and social networks are very distracted.

In this case, nothing will work out in this case, it remains only to use the mobile Internet if any.

Blocking from the virus

When the virus gets into your computer, it begins to frankly pack it. Vkontakte can also fall under its influence. So, if suddenly the access is blocked, then think about it, but is it a virus? To make sure of this for sure, check the computer and if you have problems, they will be fixed

The VKontakte page is blocked forever - what to do?

Eternal ban
Eternal ban

Some users are faced with the fact that their page is blocked forever. Usually, this does not happen with old pages, except that with a gross violation of the rules, and for spam or other actions, the blocking is usually temporary.

If you are faced with the fact that at the entrance to the VKontakte page, you are displayed that the page is blocked forever, then you can simply forget about it and create a new one. Although, of course, you can try to contact the support service, but usually this does not solve anything.

How much are VKontakte pages blocked?

VKontakte has certain blocking rules and, depending on the violation, the terms may vary. The shortest period is a day, and sometimes you can even immediately restore access. The longest period is one month.

Is it possible to unlock VKontakte ahead of time?

Blocking in VK
Blocking in VK

Many users are wondering, is it possible to somehow remove the lock ahead of schedule? Yes, of course, everyone would like to quickly return to their page, but in fact it is impossible. Even if you really are not to blame and you were blocked, then when contacting the support service, they will immediately tell you that it is impossible to remove the blocking ahead of schedule. The only thing they can advise is to carefully monitor compliance with the rules in the future.

How to protect yourself from VKontakte lock?

To avoid VKontakte locks in the future, take some security measures:

  • Create a complex password for a page of large and small letters, as well as numbers. It is worth saying that today passwords can be done even in Russian.
  • At the entrance to the site, the browser and VKontakte itself are offered to save the password. If you do not want one of your loved ones to get access to the page, then do not do this. The same applies to laptops so that strangers do not come in.
  • Be sure to add a phone number to the account and turn on the confirmation at the entrance. Thus, even if the page is hacked, the attackers will not be able to do anything with her.
  • Try not to visit suspicious sites and download programs so as not to infect the computer with a virus.
  • Install a reliable antivirus and regularly check, at least once a day.
    Do not do anything forbidden VKontakte - mass mailings, spam, joining groups and so on.

In conclusion, we can say that if you observe all the conditions for using VKontakte, then you will definitely not be blocked, but even if this happens, you should not despair, because access can be restored almost always.

Video: How to unlock VKontakte without a phone?

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