How to spend the Internet to a private house-a stationary connection, telephone Internet line Rostelecom, mobile, satellite Internet, WIMAX: review, cost, what to choose?

How to spend the Internet to a private house-a stationary connection, telephone Internet line Rostelecom, mobile, satellite Internet, WIMAX: review, cost, what to choose?

This article tells how to spend the Internet to a private house, which provider to choose and how to make this choice. All the Internet technologies existing today are also described here.

Modern technologies are developing rapidly. But, despite this, it is still too difficult to lead a home Internet to the houses and villages.

  • Typically, such settlements, cottage villages are far from urban centers for several tens of kilometers.
  • This makes the laying of the Internet system problematic and expensive.
  • But without the Internet in the modern world, it is difficult and uninteresting to live.
  • Therefore, residents of private houses have questions: how to connect the Internet, which way to use and which provider to choose? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

Modern technologies for conducting the Internet: review, cost

Internet to private house
Internet to private house

If you have the task of conducting the Internet in a suburban building, first analyze the situation.

  • You need to find on the Web a list of all companies that provide Internet connection.
  • You can find out from more advanced neighbors who have already used the services of a particular company.

Advice: Do not pay attention to the cost first. Consider only the availability of the provider in the territory where your private house is installed.

Then draw a table, and write down all providers into several columns, depending on the type of network connection: wired, mobile Internet and so on. Now you will have the opportunity to analyze all the pros and cons of each company. What Internet technologies currently exist below.

Stationary connection using a cable

Internet to a private house with a cable
Internet to a private house with a cable

This connection is considered one of the popular among others and most users choose it. This type of Internet can be connected using such technologies:

  • Ethernet - It is very popular, as it is very convenient when connecting. The cable joins the computer or router. It is worth noting a good speed of such an Internet - up to 100 megabits per second.
  • DOCSIS - A television cable is used to connect. Additionally, you will have to buy a modem or a special divider. The Internet transmission speed is up to 40 megabits per second.

The choice of technology is carried out individually and depends on the conditions for laying the system and the area where the network is laid.

  • For example, if there is cable television in this area, then you can find out if the company is conducting the Internet with the help DOCSIS.
  • For the Internet, a router and divider will need this technology.
  • The speed in this case will be no more than 45 megabits per second. But this is enough to perform many tasks: watching films, visiting websites and more.
  • The main advantage of this Internet technology is that the subscriber can watch TV even if there is no Internet.

You should know: An additional plus - doCsis encrypts user data from theft.

Many users lay the cable separately for the Internet and separately for the KTV. Despite the fact that this is an expensive option for obtaining Internet access, it is popular. But it is necessary that the installers fulfill their work with all responsibility:

  • If there is an Internet provider near your home near your home, then installers can lay a cable using a twisted pair. This will help save some money.
  • If the equipment is far away, then you will have to lay fiber.
  • With this method of obtaining Internet technology, there is one minus-the fragility of the system. It is necessary that the installers provide an armored casing for the cable. Otherwise, atmospheric precipitation, heat and minus air temperature can be deprived of access to the network.

How to lay a cable is decided by the provider. The regular subscriber will not work to control this process. You will only have to count on the good faith of the provider.

Telephone Internet line: Rostelecom

Internet to a private house using a telephone line
Internet to a private house using a telephone line

Another way to connect the Internet is the telephone line cable. You will have to take into account the following:

  • If your house has a stationary home phone, then you can spend such an Internet without problems. In this case, it is not necessary to pay for the laying of the wire, since it is already installed.
  • If there is no home phone, then you will have to install it first, and then only carry out a network cable.
  • With the help of this technology, you will receive the Internet at a speed of up to 20 megabits per second. This is a low speed, but it will grab it to travel through the open network and watch films.

Additional costs in this case is a purchase of a special separator of the phone and the Internet signal, as well as the ADSL modem. If you still purchase a Wi-Fi router then in the house you can create several points of the local network.

It is important to know: Often, providers offer to buy a device from them at a low promotional price for obtaining the Internet, but with the condition that the subscriber will use the services of the company for several years.

This is beneficial if there are no other options for connecting the Internet, and you are satisfied with speed.

It is worth noting: Many providers, despite their impeccable work, still cannot offer a high -quality signal transmission on the line. Because of this, it is impossible to use even ADSL technology. In this case, you will have to abandon this method, and use wireless methods for connecting to the network.

Currently, the Internet from Rostelecom is very popular among subscribers. This telephone Internet line provider offers a high network speed for low payment-100 Mbps per second for 300-400 rubles per month along with a subscription fee for using a stationary phone. The only drawback of this technology is that a telephone wire must be held in the house, that is, the subscriber should already be a client of Rostelecom.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet in a private house
Mobile Internet in a private house

If it is impossible to lay the cable to the house, then you should use the coating of a cellular network, which is now in most settlements. Different operators offer their subscribers a lot of profitable tariffs with mobile Internet. You can choose a package for a portable USB modem, which will be optimal in price and will have great opportunities.

There are currently such mobile Internet technologies that everyone can use:

  • 2G - Despite the low speed, this type of Internet is considered popular, as it is the cheapest. Another advantage is a large coating area. It acts even in small villages, villages and other settlements. The speed of information transfer is 474 kilobits per second.
  • 3G - The coverage area of \u200b\u200bthis type of Internet is in almost all cities and villages. The speed is small 2-3 megabits per second, but this is enough to watch video on average quality, photos, use social networks and so on.
  • 4G - The latest technology with a good speed of up to 1 Gbit per second. You can use this technology only in a big city or urban -type village. The disadvantage of this modern technology is that it does not have a coating in small villages and villages. In addition, 4G modems are expensive.

Of all the above wireless types of Internet, the best solution will be 3G net. The main advantages of this type are low cost and availability.

Advice: If your settlement has 4G The coating, then it is worth using this particular type of Internet. It is a little more expensive, but the speed of this technology is at the level of the wired network. In addition, the cost of traffic and its volume can be controlled using the proposed tariff plans.

The main advantage of 4G mobile Internet - This is autonomy. The router will work perfectly from the charge of the laptop, which can be used both at home, at work, and on trips.

The only minus of the mobile Internet is This is a dependence on the coating network. In bad weather, speed may fall, but on other days it will be high. Another small drawback is that the modem will occupy a USB port in a PC or laptop. But for many users, such a factor is uncritical.

Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet in a private house
Satellite Internet in a private house

Many providers, during cable television, many residents of country houses offer to use the service of the satellite Internet. This is one of the most expensive options, but it has some important advantages:

  • Autonomy - You can use such an Internet anywhere in the Earth.
  • The signal will be good, and he is immune to weather conditions.
  • High Internet speed - up to 20 megabits per second.

However, users often prefer cheaper options. In rare cases, another Internet may still be used if there is no other available alternative. You will need the following to connect such a network:

  • Expensive equipment, plate, transmitter, cable, connectors - all this is paid by the user.
  • Installation work, for which you will also have to pay a certain amount of money.

Of course, you can install all the components of the parts yourself. But this takes a lot of time, and only an experienced specialist will be able to cope with this process.

Many users connect unilateral satellite Internetbut this requires the EDGE/GPRS channel. This type of Internet system has one drawback-a data delay of 600-800 milliseconds compared to a cable connection-up to 20 milliseconds.

Bilateral satellite Internet All requests are missing through space equipment. This type of network is better, but it costs more. However, in this case, you can use the installation of a Wi-Fi router to distribute signals to various mobile gadgets.

WIMAX technology

WIMAX technology for the Internet in a private house
WIMAX technology for the Internet in a private house

WIMAX - This is a technology that works using a network of base stations. They broadcast the signal at high frequencies - from 2 to 11 gigaigers. This type of Internet is something between the GPRS and Wi-Fi technology. Waymax tower have a tens of kilometers. Thanks to this technology, subscribers can take advantage of the high Internet speed - up to 100 megabits per second, as in 4G networks.

WIMAX It is rarely used to connect the Internet in houses, as it is expensive technology. Consider the following nuances:

  • This technology is used mainly in production, and in offices of different companies.
  • The disadvantage of this network is that providers do not want to work with Weimax, due to poor prevalence and lack of a full-fledged coating network using licensed frequencies.

This technology is expensive, but if you are ready to lay out a round amount of money for connection, then you can safely order equipment in your private house from existing providers in your area.

The Internet in a private house: what to choose?

Interviewing the Internet to a private house
Interviewing the Internet to a private house

What technology to choose for a global network to your house is solved only on your own. Make an analysis of all available providers, compare prices (the cost of traffic for 1 gigabyt), the volume and speed of connection. For example, 4G technology functions better and faster than the ADSL connection. However, the provision of mobile Internet services is engaged in few providers, and it will be difficult to find a suitable with the optimal subscription fee.

Remember: Fast Internet is an expensive service.

Before choosing a provider, decide on what you need: high speed, a small subscription fee or minimum equipment costs. For example, to view websites, 3G Internet is suitable for working with e-mail and Internet files. To download video files, capacious computer games, films and TV shows, it is better to choose a 4G technology.

Advice: Vaimax and satellite Internet consider in the last turn. WiMax is a technology that has just begun to develop, and getting access to the network through a satellite is possible if you agree to pay large tariffs.

When the choice of technology is made, you can proceed to the search for a provider. In your settlement, several companies may operate that offer Internet connection services at profitable tariffs. When choosing a provider, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Tariff plan, cost of installation work and the need to purchase additional equipment. All this must be considered for each company that offers the services of a network conductor.
  • The speed of the Internet for each provider can be different. The reviews of other subscribers who are already using the services of the company should be studied. This can be done using forums, groups in social networks or with the help of a banal survey of neighbors or acquaintances.
  • Type of connection It occurs according to modern standards (fiber) or the provider uses other technologies.
  • Payment Methods. It is not always convenient to come to the company's office to pay for services. It is necessary to clarify what other payment methods exist: the terminal, on the site and so on.
  • Technical support. You can check how technical support in the company can if you call the indicated phones, for example, in an advertising booklet. The phone should be accessible, and the waiting time on the line is minimal.
  • Promotion connection. Often the providers have discounts on connecting the Internet, for example, in the summer. In addition, the action may provide for free use of traffic within 1-3-6 months.
  • The availability of additional services - This is the last thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a provider. But it’s always nice when the company has its own cinema hall, a file exchanger with films and series.
Search for profitable tariffs during the Internet in a private house
Search for profitable tariffs during the Internet in a private house

On the Internet there are many resources that help compare the tariff, volume and speed of the network in a particular company. When concluding an agreement with the provider, read each item carefully. If something is not clear, then it is better to ask a specialist or to clarify the company employees.

Advice: Focus first of all, on your financial capabilities and needs.

Soberly evaluate the truthfulness of the promises of the conductive company so as not to become a victim in this situation. Good luck!

Video: How to solve the Internet problem in the village? Internet connection in a private house or in the country

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