How to continue proverbs with the words: “The stump is not the outskirts ...”, “Your own earth and ...”, “Live ...”, “Time, but ...”, “... don’t go to the forest”, “..., and listen to Nothing ”,“ ... better than a big idleness ”?

How to continue proverbs with the words: “The stump is not the outskirts ...”, “Your own earth and ...”, “Live ...”, “Time, but ...”, “... don’t go to the forest”, “..., and listen to Nothing ”,“ ... better than a big idleness ”?

In the article you will find the continuation of proverbs that are most often found in the tasks of tests in the Russian language.

The regrettable fact, but most of our contemporaries do not know either the exact definition of the word “proverb”, nor the proverbs themselves.

Important: a well -aimed expression, which has a complete meaning, is commonly called a proverb. Proverbs, as a rule, have no nationality.

Let's select the endings to the given proverbs and explain their meaning:

The beginning of the proverb The end of the proverb The meaning of the proverb
Stump is not an outskirt stupid speech is not a proverb. Unfortunately, the stump is just as far from hedge, like a stupid phrase from popular wisdom.
Own land and in a handful dear. Wherever life has abandoned you, it is better than the place where you were born and raised no and will not be.
Live the age - learn the century. The world around is so diverse and a diversified that a person will not have enough of his whole life to comprehend all secrets and knowledge.
Business time, and funny hour. Initially, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who is attributed to the authorship of this proverb, with this phrase stated: everything is his time. However, now the phrase has a different meaning: it is necessary to relax. But the time spent on vacation should be incomparably less than the time spent on labor.
Fear wolves, so do not go to the forest. All our losses and defeats are in our head. As soon as we take a job and begin to be afraid, the case is doomed to failure. Therefore, if you decide to do something, you need to go forward and act boldly.
I spoke the day until the evening and there is nothing to listen to. Nobody loves the talkers and empty. Such people love to talk, but there is nothing sensible in their words.
A small business better big idleness. Even the smallest business done by man carries the energy of creation, which is completely opposite to the destructive energy of idleness.

Video: Russian folk proverbs

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