How to clean the chimney from soot with folk remedies and special means: review of drugs, tips. How to clean the chimney from soot: a review of mechanical methods

How to clean the chimney from soot with folk remedies and special means: review of drugs, tips. How to clean the chimney from soot: a review of mechanical methods

Ways to clean the chimney.

The accumulation of soot in the chimney often contributes to violation of the furnaces, as well as a large number of combustion products into the room. Therefore, it is advisable with a large amount of soot on the walls of the chimney to clean. In this article we will get acquainted with special means, as well as folk methods that will help clean.

How to clean the chimney with special means?


  • Tubular projeo. The drug is implemented in packages. In order to clean the cleaning, you will need 3 portions. If there is a fairly decent layer of soot on the walls, 5 bags will be needed. It is necessary to lay funds in firewood during burning, before they burn out about half an hour before the end of manipulations. After the firewood is burned, it is necessary to melt the oven again with clean firewood. There is no need to climb into the chimney with the brush, because the soot itself falls off from the walls of the chimney.
  • Cheerful chimney steel. This is a prophylactic that is added to firewood during the combustion process. Prevents the formation of soot, changing its composition.
  • Hg - The Dutch remedy that has gained immense popularity because of its effectiveness. Removes a thick layer of plaque in a short time. It is implemented in banks in the form of powder. Experts recommend using it no more than once every six months. To do this, you need to enter two measuring spoons into the firewood, having previously protered the furnace.
  • Chimney sweep. This substance that is used to clean the furnaces is also implemented in the form of powder. There are liquid options, but the least laborious is the method using powder.
  • Mason. This is a drug that is realized from the Czech Republic. It is most often used as a prevention. He is not able to get rid of the thick layer of soot and soot in the chimney. When the firewood burns almost all, it is necessary to add a little means to them, and wait for complete combustion.
  • Hansa - a universal substance that can be used for any type of furnace. It can be used not only with firewood, but also with coal. To clean the cleaning, you need to place 2 buckets in firewood and score the stove. The procedure can be repeated several times, until the quality of cleaning is satisfied. For prevention purposes, they are used once for four furnaces.
Chimney -grinding chimney
Chimney -grinding chimney

How to clean the chimney from soot with folk remedies?

Folk recipes:

  • Potato peelings. The fact is that when starch enters the chimney, the composition of soot changes, so it itself disappears from the walls of the pipes. It is necessary to take about 5 kg of potato cleanings, this is about half the bucket. Melt the stove and add cleaning to the furnace. During the burning, starch stands out, which destroys the carpet. You need to wait, and then clean the stove. Depending on the composition of soot, it can fall off during the burning of potato cleanings itself or additional cleaning will be needed. To do this, use ruffs or just a large stick. It needs to be tapped along the walls of the chimney, so that the pieces of garbage are easily falling off.
  • Aluminum banks. An interesting and unusual way that has established itself very well. It was used by our grandmothers. It is used in all boilers in which solid fuel is used. In order to clean, it is necessary to burn aluminum jars. It can be a bank from peas, condensed milk. It is necessary to lay firewood along with aluminum banks at the very beginning. Aluminum also changes the composition and properties of soot, which then falls off from the chimney.
  • Cleaning the chimney naphthalin. Please note that this method can only be used if the pipes are absolutely whole, there are no cracks on them. If you find a defect, eliminate it. Only after that, do with naphthalin, because the smell can spread throughout the house. During the furnace furnace, it is necessary to throw one tablet of naphthalene into the fuel space. The fact is that after such a manipulation, soot will fly out in the form of white flakes. This method is not the most harmless, because Naftalin is distinguished by explosive properties. In addition, naphthalene is an allergen, it can cause allergic reactions. If the pipe is broken, a fire may begin.
  • Copper sulfate and nitrate. It is necessary to take 5 parts of copper sulfate and 9 parts of the nitrate, add two parts of the coke or coal. Coal briquettes are also suitable. About 20 g of the mixture are added to 100 kg of firewood. Initially, the furnace is heated to the maximum temperature, and after which the composition of copper sulfate, nitrate, as well as coke is loaded. Next, the door closes tightly. This method is recommended only in closed -type systems.
Cleaning the chimney
Cleaning the chimney

How to clean the chimney: mechanical methods

Mechanical cleaning is the simplest but dirty way. It differs in that there are practically no costs for cleaning. Moreover, it is gentle.

Mechanical cleaning options:

  • A metal brush with a load. A peculiar design that can be done independently. This is an ordinary iron brush to which the load is attached and suspended on the cable. Thanks to the cargo, the brush will be pulled down. When moving the cable from the side to the side, the brush will rise and fall on top-down. It is in this way of pulling the cable from top to bottom that the pipe is cleaned. Before the cleaning procedure, we recommend hanging the stove with fabric so that the soot does not get into the house.
  • A brush with a national pen. This is a brush that has a removable handle. Brushing is carried out on a long handle and scraping dirt and soot from the chimney.
  • Scrapers. They are implemented in special economic stores, resemble chisels. The handle is usually removed from such a scraper in order to climb into the chimney. With the help of such scrapers, even oily soot can be removed.
Ruff for cleaning the chimney
Ruff for cleaning the chimney
DIY ruff: scheme
DIY ruff: scheme

Cleaning the chimney from soot: tips


  • Please note that before proceeding with mechanical methods, it is worth checking all the fuel holes and close them. In addition, in order for less garbage to get into the room, it is best to hang the furnace with the help of an old rag or cellophane, which is sold in a construction store. This will prevent the penetration of soot into the room.
  • After the cleaning is completed, it is necessary to collect the entire ash in special holes. The firebox itself is cleaned after all manipulations.
  • After the procedure, it is worth cleaning the boiler. An ideal option is the use of a vacuum cleaner that is used in cleaning fireplaces.
Cleaning the chimney
Cleaning the chimney

Cleaning the chimney from soot requires attention, as well as accuracy, compliance with all safety rules. Remember that cleaning using naphthalene, copper sulfate with nitrate is carried out as a result of chemical reactions that can cause a fire. Perform cleaning strictly according to the instructions.

Video: chimney cleaning

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