How to attract luck and luck in your life?

How to attract luck and luck in your life?

It is difficult, even, perhaps, it is impossible to find a person who did not want everything in his life to be successful, and even the most naive pink dreams come true. However, the world is arranged in such a way that you have to turn pretty so that luck does not leave us.

How to attract luck and luck in different ways: from prayer to Feng Shui.
5 pictures are made by the author of prayer and conspiracies

From a smile to miraculous rites

How often did you meet people to whom, from your point of view, fate always favors? Remember them and mark the most pronounced features of their character. Surely, among the above will be optimism, determination, vigor of the spirit. And many people think that these qualities are manifestations of good luck accompanying people. Say, they are lucky, and therefore they are cheerful and cheerful. But more often everything is just right away:

fortune is favorable to those who, even in the most difficult situations, do not indulge in despair, can pull themselves together. It works like a boomerang - smile at fate, and she will smile back.

The key to good luck

Many can’t force themselves to “have fun” on their own. And then various kinds of miraculous methods of attracting good luck come to the rescue: prayers, mantras, talismans and other wisdom in the good sense of the word.

They affect the psyche in such a way that our subconscious mind is rebuilt to a “successful” wave.

The main thing is to believe in what you are doing. In prayer, whether the conspiracy - the main thing in this action is a deep faith in a positive result.

Rites for luck

We offer you to get acquainted with some ways to attract good luck in your life.

Prayers to attract luck and good luck

From ancient times, prayers helped a person to find peace and peace. The praying, by turning to higher power, as if shifting problems and responsibility for them to stronger shoulders. Indeed, as a result, many difficult issues are resolved on their own, and problems lose their acuity.

It makes no sense to understand how this happens.

It is worth trying, to learn prayers to attract luck and good luck, it is possible that they will help you.

You need to turn to God, to the saints that you know and honor. In the morning, in the evening - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that with pure thoughts.

Prayer for luck and luck

It is advisable to observe the unspoken requirements: to wash, put yourself in order, not be distracted during prayer. Tell God about your problems, ask for help how you can. If it is difficult, then refer to classical prayers, the texts of which are verified by more than one generation.

Prayer 2

Rituals and conspiracies to attract luck and good luck

Close to prayers in their content are conspiracies to attract luck and good luck, who also came to us from ancient times. As a rule, they do not exist on their own, but are part of ritual actions. Despite the fact that such rituals are attributes of magic, and not church religion, who knows, can be tasted to Orthodox idols and deities will help you and help you.

Rites for luck are ancient

Rites to attract luck and good luck are sometimes unusual, but once a deep meaning was laid in them. An example of a ritual conspiracy for good luck:

Ritual: You will need three tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice cereals. In the evening, pour them with layers on a small plate and stick an English pin in this slide. And in the morning, when you dress, fasten this pin in an inconspicuous place. Before leaving, read the conspiracy:


Another ceremony, which allows us to hope for the best, is carried out on the full moon. The primary source uses ancient objects, but they may well be replaced by more modern ones, taking into account the overcome in our lives.

Ritual: So, in the full moon in the boiler standing on the table, put a saucer. In advance, worry about the needles of the cedar, put them along with cinnamon on a saucer. Put three brand new shiny coins on the table: you will communicate with them during a conspiracy. Having hit each of them with the index finger of the right hand, say:

Conspiracy for coins

Next, put the money in the boiler on needles with cinnamon, draw seven circles over the boiler clock in the air with your right hand, saying:

A conspiracy for wealth

Sew a bag from brown or green fabric in advance. Put it into it everything that you have on a saucer. Wear it during the lunar cycle, then hide at home from prying eyes. “Money” luck should accompany you in the future.

Mantras to attract luck and good luck

The Russian word does not mean and not quite Slavic rites. If the philosophy of eastern countries is closer to you, then try to attract good luck with the help of voicing special phrases. Be focused, plunge completely into the process, merge with the sounds that are pronounced by you. You can use tape recordings, videos. Such a ceremony allows you to clear thoughts, become closer to the Higher Forces, open to obtain useful information.

According to the rules, each mantra must be read at least three times, the total number of readings should also be a multiple of three, but as a result, the mantra is read no more than one hundred eight times.

MANTRA: The mantra OM is widely known. It is believed that it is in these sounds that the powerful energy potential is hidden, which helps the praying. Before working with mantra yourself, listen to them in the recording.

Mantra Om

MANTRA: Other mantras to attract luck and good luck, unlike the above, are longer. So, a totem mantra, capable of giving a person wealth and luck, and exactly as much as he needs, sounds like this:

"Pashayami dhany Kleesham Lubdhans Adjita Amtanam Bhaiad Alabdha-Nidrans Sarvat Badwishankin."

There are no special rules for the execution of this mantra, no restrictions are the existence: any suffering can repeat it. It is believed that she cannot harm anyone, only only one benefit. Her strength is to cleanse the mind, to free it from everything that bothers, thereby delivering a person from unnecessary suffering. In fact, is it not great happiness - to be peaceful and calm?

Wise to attract luck and good luck

Moving further in the direction of Eastern philosophy, one cannot but tell about Indian wisdom. Wise resembles a kind of fingers. But these exercises in India are attributed to a deeper meaning: they can create an aura of good luck, wealth, love around us.

Surely you saw dancers in Indian films and paid attention to how differently they put their fingers in expressive poses. In the dance there is a conversation with the help of gestures of hands, in India this language has been studied since childhood.

However, Europeans are able to master some sages that contribute to luck and wealth.

Here are some of them, the easiest to execute.


It affects your energy, as if charging you in such a way that luck and luck will be attracted to you. This is due to the fact that the internal state of a person comes into balance, he becomes more confident, respectively, stronger.

It is believed that such a wise needs to “hold” either 45 minutes without a break, or in three approaches of 15 minutes at different times of the day. Combine the middle, thumb and ring fingers, and stretch the index and little finger.

Apan Mudra

There are also other wise men to attract luck and good luck: VAYU-MURER, BHUDI MURER, PrITHVVI-MURER and some others.

Talismans and amulets to attract luck and good luck

All the peoples of the world have existed and still exist their amulets for happiness, for good luck. Often it was, from a modern point of view, completely ordinary things. So, among the Slavs, the amulets were spokened by satiety, or buckets-a successful completion of any affairs.

Talismans and amulets


Currently, you can also approach the practical side to the issue of amulets. We endow them with magical properties, and by some miracle it works. The main thing is to observe logic.

The first earned banknote can be a talisman. Take care of it - a symbol of financial well -being.

Talismans and amulets to attract luck and good luck are very diverse. In many religions there is the concept of "guiding star."

Make an amulet in the form of a star and carry with you. Or secure a small star at the head of the bed - in the morning you will direct the magic of the starry sky to luck.

Often amulets are used in the formation of space according to the rules of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui for luck and good luck

If luck is associated with career and wealth for you, then you should think about such talismans as a monetary tree, hottie, and money toad. Put them in the southeastern part of your home, it is there, according to the rules of Feng Shui, energy accumulates that contributes to the growth of well-being.

Symbols Feng Shui

Traditional talismans “for good luck” from the point of view of Feng Shui are a dragon, sailboat, pumpkin-gorlian and others. Use Feng Shui techniques to attract luck and good luck in your house: place special characters in the eastern zone of the house, room. Free the space so that energy flows can move freely and activate the forces invisible to us. In addition, you may have your own good luck symbols, use them.

Feng Shui is a philosophy and art, thanks to which you can get what you want, especially if you have your own forces. Amulets and talismans help in business, so you yourself must do something for your own well-being in this life.

The road is only forward

Whatever ways you use to attract good luck in your life,

remember the wise saying "Hope for God, but do not flatter yourself." It is difficult to help those who do not make any efforts to gain their happiness. In the meantime, watch the video to attract luck and good luck.

Video: How to tame luck?

Video: a strong ritual for good luck "Key to Success"

Video: 5 strong conspiracies for good luck

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