How to accustom the child to accuracy, order and cleanliness in the house, in his room: the advice of a psychologist. Poems for children about accuracy

How to accustom the child to accuracy, order and cleanliness in the house, in his room: the advice of a psychologist. Poems for children about accuracy

Does the child scatter the toys and does not want to comb? The tips of the psychologist will help to accustom him to accuracy.

All the time you can hear how parents scold their children for an untidy look or chronic mess in the room. Meanwhile, sloppiness is a line of character, and not a habit of watching yourself in time, maintain things around you, a room or a house. It is necessary to accustom to order and accuracy since infancy. Here are some tips on how to do it right.

Education of accuracy in children

Accuracy means the quality of a person, his tendency to purity, order, neatness of appearance, diligence in any matters.

Although this quality cannot be called innate, in some way it is determined genetically and depends on:

  • features of the functioning of the nervous system
  • temperament
  • character

Important: do not confuse accuracy with pedantry, which means excessive love of order and diligence in business. Psychologists have noticed that pedantry and a tendency to creativity rarely get along in one person, and children, obsessed with purity and neatness, rarely succeed in drawing, music, dancing, so on

The child will be neat only if his parents are neat.
The child will be neat only if his parents are neat.

Accuracy and neatness can and should be brought up, starting from the moment the child is born. And the first very important method of such education will be an example of parents. The child must see that his mom and dad:

  • monitor order and cleanliness in the house
  • regularly and, preferably, do cleaning together
  • comply with personal hygiene rules
  • even at home even dress

At the same time, the child needs to emphasize the importance of these actions, because until a certain age (often to school), the baby may simply not notice some things, like not combed hair, dirty boots, dust on furniture, and so on. He needs to explain that order and organization will make his life better. The child must understand that, being neat, he:

  1. Save time. When mom makes you put things in order in the nursery, it seems to the baby that this cleaning continues eternity. He endlessly lays out toys and books in places, although at this time he could play, walk, watch cartoons. In fact, if you do cleaning regularly, it takes 15-20 minutes. Much less than the search for lost toys, clothing items, the like
  2. It will be able to spend more time with mom. House cleaning takes a huge amount of time, despite modern household chemicals and home equipment. If the child will help her, wiping the dust, folding toys, watering flowers, so on, they will be able to play more, walk, engage in joint leisure
  3. Will live according to the rules of society. The company has rules, the implementation of which is necessary to be a member. In the kindergarten or on the playground of the baby, they will condemn for disheveled hair and crushed clothes, the lack of diligence, inactivity in notebooks will refory his performance in the school. Accuracy will cause praise and recognition
  4. Will enjoy it. Well, other "buns". Indeed, for cleanliness and order, the ability to take care of their parents praise the child, often encourage him to financially, for example, sweets and toys
The child needs to be convinced that the mess is inconvenient and impractical.
The child needs to be convinced that the mess is inconvenient and impractical.

Regarding the last point, here you need to not overdo it. The practice of “paying salaries” to the child for doing housework is quite common. There is a risk that the baby will learn to fold toys, take out garbage or vacuum “for candy”, and not for himself. And it is rebuilt if one day the reward does not follow the demonstration of accuracy.

Important: long notations, screams and punishments are ineffective when accustoming the child to order and neatness. Forcibly methods will cause a protest from the baby, and the positive qualities that parents are trying to educate will be torn to them

VIDEO: How to accustom the child to order?

How to accustom a child to cleanliness and order

The education of love for order and neatness, diligence in a child should occur exclusively in a playful form at least while he is in early childhood or preschool age. Psychologists and teachers agree that belief and conversation as methods of accustoming to accuracy are effective only in children of 7 years and older.

The baby 1-3 years old is already able to remove their toys himself.
The baby 1-3 years old is already able to remove their toys himself.
  1. You need to start accustoming the child to cleanliness and order from infancy. They played, my mother took the baby for 6-8 months on the pens and said: "Now we will lay out the toys in places." During the morning toilet, dressing for a walk, evening bathing needs to tell the child how good it is to be clean and neat. It is important for the baby to feel mom's emotion
  2. In a child 1-3 years old, feasible measures to instill in purity, the implementation of personal hygiene rules should be entered into the daily routine. Brushing the teeth, folding dishes in the sink after eating, cleaning toys in places before bedtime should be perceived by the baby as granted. It is important for parents to be patient with a daughter or son in early childhood. It is clear that after a two -year -old is transported with a cloth for dust, wooden surfaces may look even worse than before the “cleaning”, and mom will have to redo everything. But the phrase “it’s better to do everything yourself” does not have the right to break out of the lips of the parents
  3. The preschooler must already have his own household chores. For example, wipe the dishes, wipe the table after eating. Children's cleaning is also on his shoulders. He still needs directives. At this age, the child actively plays. It is important for parents to distinguish toys scattered from toys involved in the game. Even if during the directorial or role -playing Igova children of the child in the room, as it seems to parents, a mess, nap to interrupt the baby and force to clean. Toys are a game tool, not decorations. They should be involved in a child, and not stand on the shelves. The child will certainly remove them when he finishes
  4. The order in the room, on the desktop, in the portfolio and in notebooks - part of the schoolboy self -organization. The protest against the accuracy that often occurs at this age may be due to a demonstration of independence or by elementary inability to distribute its own time. A major role is now played by perseverance, the sequence of parents
  5. Entering the transitional age, the child often wants to be not like everyone else. His idea of \u200b\u200bindividuality is not always comparable to neatness. A sharp change in image often scares parents. Pressing and prohibiting is not a way out. You need to wait until the child develops a crisis, support the teenager, try to gently and unobtrusively push him to what is considered generally accepted
The younger student will fully cope with the wash of the dishes.
The younger student will fully cope with the wash of the dishes.

How to accustom a child to order in his room, in the house and independence: the tips of the psychologist


In the nursery, the child should have a place for storing toys.
In the nursery, the child should have a place for storing toys.

Psychologists advise creating conditions for the child to learn to order and cleanliness in his room:

  • the baby should have the daily routine that includes cleaning in the room
  • if the child does not have his own room, he needs at least a specially equipped corner
  • in the corner of the child there should be special places for storing toys, books, stationery, clothing (cabinet, basket, chest of drawers, pencil case, so on)
  • the child needs to show where, what and how should be stored
  • no need to fill up the nursery with extra decor items (panels, frames for photos, figurines, flowerpots with flowers) that complicate cleaning
  • it is good to put a separate garbage basket in the baby's room

Important: you can buy a child for a children's kit for cleaning, which he will use, putting his room in order

You can give the baby a gaming kit for cleaning.
You can give the baby a gaming kit for cleaning.

As for putting the whole house or apartment in order, cleaning responsibilities are well divided between all family members. A couple of hours in one of the weekends can be devoted to collective cleaning. Fun to music. And after the work done, enjoy cleanliness in the house, and at the same time a delicious dinner, a joint walk, the like.

Joint cleaning can be a fun.
Joint cleaning can be a fun.

Important: what should not be cleaning is a punishment

VIDEO: How to accustom a child to household assistance?

Poems about accuracy for children

Schemes and riddles about cleaning and accuracy will help the baby become tidy and keep his room in order.

Also, there are interesting cartoons for children about accuracy.

I will help mom
I will wash her laundry with her
I will wash the dust everywhere,
I will wash the dishes,
And I will collect toys
Paul in the apartment sweep

In the morning, before playing,
We got their own (bed)


All your toys yourself
I will partify (in places)


Two smart angels.
We have a son and a daughter,
They love to play cubes,
Build and break locks.

How children play together!
But you need to remove the toys
So that tomorrow there are again
We find on the shelf.

Quickly, fun together
We take everything in place!
Interesting game
Continues, cheers!

I. Vumina

Olenka is known:
What I took, put in place!
Only the girl is small:
Forgets where she got.
He puts a mug on the crib
He puts a pillow on the parquet,
Hides boots in the buffet.
Is everything in place or not?

If mom was silent,
We must do everything again:
Carry the pillow on the buffet,
Put a mug on the parquet,
Put the boots in the bed ...
It seems not so again?
Olya looks guilty:
No, everything was not there ...
Help her guys
Put everything in place.

Z. Alexandrova

Poems about personal hygiene (brush your teeth).
Poems about personal hygiene (wash).
Riddles about personal hygiene.
Poems about accuracy for children.

Video: Cartoon " Queen Toothbrush "

Video: Masha - confusion

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