How to apply sage in cosmetology: recipes for face and hair masks, tips, contraindications, reviews, photos. Beneficial properties of oil and broth for sage for hair and skin

How to apply sage in cosmetology: recipes for face and hair masks, tips, contraindications, reviews, photos. Beneficial properties of oil and broth for sage for hair and skin

The healing properties of sage are recognized even in the time of Hippocrates. He called him "with sacred grass."

The use of sage is effective not only for the treatment of diseases, but this grass is very widely used in cosmetology.

The beneficial properties of sage in cosmetology. Why are the oil and a sage decoction useful?

The beneficial properties of sage oil have been tested for millennia. The main components of this plant are still not disclosed by scientists.
The action of the main components of sage oil:

  • Borneol- It has anti -inflammatory, antibacterial properties. Restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, has a deodorizing effect, helping to get rid of acne and prevent their appearance. It has a whitening property. Successfully fights pigmentation. Thanks to its strengthening properties, it prevents hair loss, strengthens brittle eyelashes and lifeless hair
  • Qineol - has a good antiseptic effect
  • Camphor- It has a cooling and whitening effect, which contributes to the fight against pigmentation and relieves itching and irritation. Has a strengthening effect, promotes the growth and strengthening of hair and eyelashes
  • Tuion - has a very strong antiseptic property, as any other poison in large quantities can harm
  • Salvin - The miraculous component of sage oil, tones the vessels contributes to blood circulation due to which the tone of the face improves. When rubbing into the hairline, due to these properties, strengthening and rapid hair growth occurs. In addition, it is a natural antibiotic
  • Tiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, A, B., C., zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper- All this composition, together with the above, gives the “magical properties” of Shalofei oil in application for face and hair care


Sage oil
sage oil

Sage oil For hair is used both in pure form and in combination with other oils.

Sage oil nourishes well and straightens the hair, filling the space formed due to various damage.

Various masks with the addition of oil oil, as well as a decoction, fight the problem of hair loss, contribute to growth and strengthening.

ADVICE: Apply oil masks to dirty hair 20 minutes before washing. Rub warm oil into the hair roots. We put on a warm hat on top, having previously covered your head with cellophane.

For the treatment and strengthening of hair, it is necessary to use the mask once, twice a week for a month

Sage decoction Very effectively solves the problem of hair loss, strengthening the hair of the root. Thanks to its effect, the hair acquires a healthy and beautiful appearance.

For face decoctions and oils Apply when caring for problem skin.

The properties of the grass have anti -inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent, disinfecting effect. The skin acquires a healthy and beautiful look. Small wrinkles are noticeably reduced.

For a mixed fat type of face, a decoction for wiping is used. This is very effective for such skin.

Hair sage oil: masks recipes

Mask nutrient contributing to the growth of new hair

This mask is like oily and normal hair


  • 15 drops of muscat oil sage
  • 2 full spoons of sour cream
  • three tablespoons of grape oil
  • mix everything and apply it to the roots of the hair

Dry hair mask


  • 4 drops of sage oil
  • 2 drops of lavender oil, 2 tablespoons of burdock oil
  • 2 tablespoons of castor oil
  • mix everything, heat in a water bath
  • rub into the hair roots for 40 minutes
  • wash off well, shampoo

Enrich sage oil shampoo for hair growth

We enrich the shampoo for hair growth and add 5 drops of sage oil to 15 ml of shampoo to a regular shampoo

Sage oil is used not only for hair, but also for the scalp
Its essential oils act antiseptically, so they get rid of:

  1. dandruff
  2. alopecia
  3. seborrhea

Important: hair masks with the addition of sage oil, wash off the dye from dyed hair, take this into account when using

Facial sage oil

How to cook sage oil at home?

Sage oil for cosmetology can be prepared at home. Most often, it is used in masks, occasionally in its pure form - to bleach scars.


  • Only that the collected plant is finely chopped
  • Stand in a liter jar, filling half
  • Completely fill in any racing oil
  • Close tightly
  • We insist in a dark place 14 days
  • Then we take gauze and squeeze the extract into the prepared dishes, use it when necessary
  • Basic oil can be used for a new portion

Hair sage decoction

Hair rinsing for good helps to strengthen the hair follicle,
gives shine and smoothness to the hair.


  • We make a therapeutic decoction at the rate of 2 parts of boiling water and one part of the plant
  • We insist half an hour
  • Filter the mixture
  • Rinse clean hair
    Sage decoction can be used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for hair dyeing. Sage is a natural dye. Regularly sinking hair with a decoction, a pleasant dark color is acquired. A small gray hair is painted. Therefore, such rinsing is not recommended for blondes

The benefits of sage from wrinkles

The beneficial substances present in this grass have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face:
Ursolic acid - cleans aging cells, helps with eczema diseases, eliminates acne and black dots, removes small inflammations
Carnose acid-reduces the negative athletics of the UV rays, anesthesia with small burns by the sun, refreshes the epidermmes
Flawonids - protect about premature wilting, warn problems with infection and oncology
In order to reduce signs of aging on the face, the following procedures are done using oil and sage decoction:

      1. masks
      2. washing
      3. steaming

Mask very effective for rejuvenation


  • We take 25 grams of sage, nettles, mint and lemon balm, pour boiling water so that the grass is covered
  • We insist an hour
  • Standed gruel is applied to the face

    Slow down the aging process and increase the elasticity of the face with sage oil


  • We take a teaspoon of any oil base: geraniums, flax, hazelnut
  • Add 2 drops of sage oil
  • Apply on the skin for half an hour
  • Then we smack the remaining oil with a towel
    We drip a little butter into the cream, enriching it thereby

Sage for the skin around the eyes

To get rid of small wrinkles around the eyes, removing edema and dark circles under the eyes:


  • We wipe the upper and lower parts of the eyelid with frozen ice cubes prepared from the Sage infusion
  • We apply gauze sage compresses for 30 minutes. We alternate cold and hot compresses

Sage from acne: Mask

Helps with acne mask well


  • Two tablespoons of starch, dilute with sage with a decoction, so that the mass would turn out to be thick
  • Stir until a thick consistency is obtained
  • Distribute to the face by a quarter
  • Wash off with cold running water

Face sage masks

Whitening mask for dermis

Removes gray spots and circles under the eyes.


  • One tablespoon of chopped parsley and dry sage, pour boiling water
  • We maintain half an hour
  • We filter through gauze
  • We apply the resulting mask to the face for 20 minutes

Face mask with vascular grid

In order to obtain a result, this mask must be used daily.


  • Pour a mixture of herbs: sage, parsley, calendula, chamomile, horse sorrel, each tablet, each one tablespon
  • Pour half a liter of boiling water
  • Tomi for five minutes
  • Cool
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon
  • We use an aplocation, applying cotton pads to problem areas for a quarter of an hour

Mask to eliminate swelling, tired and dry skin


  • Pour boiling water taken on a teaspoon of grass of flowers, sage, calendula taken on a teaspoon
  • Leave it with heat for an hour
  • Filter
  • We dilute half a glass of oat flour from oats.
  • We distribute the mass over the face for 20 minutes

Mask for a sensitive epidermis

  • Grind on a coffee grinder one stalk of sage and chamomile
  • Pour boiling water
  • We withstand for 60 minutes
  • Remove boiling water
  • We apply the resulting mask from the stalks to 20 minutes
  • Rinse the mixture of the remaining recovery

Contraindications for the use of decoctions and sage oil

  • Grass of sage cannot be used during pregnancy to women and lactation.
  • Its use for hypertension, epilepsy is not desirable.
  • It is not recommended for children under five years old.

How to use sage in cosmetology correctly: reviews

Elena: Sage is a miracle plant. I will focus with infusion for many years. I have not noted side effects for myself. I wipe my face every day for 3 weeks, take a break for a week. Then again the course.
I periodically add other herbs so that the skin does not get used to it. He removes the greasy shine well.
I noticed almost immediately that acne began to appear less. Now it already seems to be the norm. The first time, using wiping sage, was very pleasantly surprised by this result.
Julia: After the next painting, dandruff appeared. No, even the most eminent, shampoos helped.
I read about sage. I tried to rub before washing, mixed burdock and sage oil. Oh, a miracle, after three times, dandruff passed. Now I do not lazy. I use it, just for prevention. Hair shines. Smooth. No air conditioners are needed.

Using the huge beneficial properties of sage, you can prepare a lot of recipes. But even having chosen for yourself at least a few recipes from the above and using them regularly, you can feel all the strength and effectiveness of this valuable plant.

Video: Sage recipes

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Comments K. article

  1. For the treatment of the throat, Sage is perfect, but this grass did not help me particularly in the fight against acne. As a result, Ilon's ointment began to smear her pimples. Another thing. The rashes have become much less.

  2. Lord, author, how many mistakes and unnecessary employees !!! Just blood from the eyes !! You did not study at school, or do you have no spelling corrector ?? I could not read to the end ...

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