How to use tea tree oil for the face? Mask recipes. Tea tree oil from acne

How to use tea tree oil for the face? Mask recipes. Tea tree oil from acne

Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic that has an excellent effect on all skin types. Deling from inflammation, rash and pollution - it gives the skin of the face beauty and youth.

What is the benefit of tea tree oil for face? The properties of tea tree oil for face

Tea tree oil is a truly amazing product! On the one hand, this is a powerful treatment, on the other, a universal cosmetic. The composition of the oil includes many useful components that are able to heal not only the skin, but also the body as a whole.

Young tea tree leaves
young tea tree leaves

Get oil from tea wood leaflets to steam distillation paths. The composition of the oil includes viridofloren - a powerful component, which is ten times stronger than any antiviral substance. Oil is able to provide healing, antiviral, bactericidal and antiseptic effect.

Essential oil obtained from tea tree leaves
essential oil obtained from tea tree leaves

Important: Tea tree oil is used in cosmetology and medicine. If we talk about skin inflammations: acne, smallpox, acne, rashes - this oil is the best medicine that not only calms the place of inflammation, but also eliminates the cause of its cause.

Oily skin - the problem of excessive sebaceous secretions
oily skin - the problem of excessive sebaceous secretions

Dermatologists have long advised people suffering from acne and excessive sebaceous glands on their faces, use essential oil daily, which normalizes the skin of the skin, gives dullness and does not allow the pore to be polluted.

Video: "Tea tree oil - No. 1 in any first -aid kit"

Facial cream with tea tree oil, benefit

Many modern cosmetics are produced on the basis of or with the addition of tea tree oil. All because it incredibly favorably affects the skin of any type and age. Conducting cosmetics, in particular a face cream, an obligatory component of the cosmetic bag of every woman who monitors her beauty and grooming.

Cream - necessary caring cosmetics
cream - necessary caring cosmetics

A cream with a tea tree extract knows how to moisturize the skin of the face qualitatively, normalizing all the metabolic processes of the skin and returning it to it elasticity, healthy radiance and tone. Using such a cream every day, you can easily get rid of skin problems:

  • acne
  • skin inflammation
  • acne and rash
  • redness
  • post -acne
Acne is the problem of acne and skin inflammations. post -acne - the problem of squeezing acne and the consequences of the fight against them
Acne is the problem of acne and skin inflammations. Post -acne - the problem of squeezing acne and the consequences of the fight against them

To feel the effect of this healing plant, it is not necessary to look for some specific cosmetics or to make it yourself. It is enough to add a few drops of essential oil to your favorite everyday cream and use it regularly.

Such a tool will carefully “clean” your face from obsolete epithelium, exert a bactericidal property on small wounds and foci of inflammation, treat them and at the same time moisturize the skin. The components that are part of the cream will enhance the effect of oil and allow you to look excellently regardless of the situation.

Facial cream can be done independently, or you can add oil to ready -made favorite cosmetics
facial cream can be done independently, or you can add oil to ready -made favorite cosmetics

The most famous cosmetic companies must have a cream with tea tree oil and, possibly, other components. This extract does not cause allergies and positively affects even the most sensitive skin.

Video: "Cream with tea tree oil"

POPE with tea tree oil for face, benefits

Many women regularly use lotions in order to remove makeup from their faces and clean it from daily dirt: dust, sweat, skin discharge. It is important to choose a really good tool so that it can carefully cleanse and moisturize the face.

Facial lotion
facial lotion

Tea tree is the best assistant in the fight for perfect and beautiful skin. Removing particles of dirt he does not dry the dermis, nourishes it with active components and protects it from the harmful effects of the environment. You can use oil in the same way as cream: add a few drops to your favorite cosmetics.

The oil cleanses the skin, does not overdose it and nourishes it with useful trace elements
the oil cleanses the skin, does not overdose it and nourishes it with useful trace elements

For those who prefer absolute naturalness, there is a way to create a lotion in their own way. For this you will need: green tea, sage and tea oil. Half a glass of cooled green tea is mixed with a half glass of the finished infusion of sage. Ten drops of oil are added to this solution. The resulting lotion is necessarily stored in the refrigerator. He has a fairly small shelf life - one month.

Video: “Tea tree oil. Recipes of masks and lotions "

How to use tea tree oil from wrinkles?

The causes of wrinkles are: facial expressions, negative effects of the environment, insufficient amount of collagen and moisture in skin cells. Also, if the skin does not have the ability to breathe oxygen - the pores are clogged, it becomes thinner, flabby.

If the skin lacks oxygen, wrinkles appear on it
if the skin lacks oxygen, wrinkles appear on it

Possessing antiseptic properties, tea tree oil can remove all pollution on the dermis, giving it the opportunity to receive the required amount of oxygen. If you combine this oil with other essentials, then you can easily achieve a rejuvenating result. So, excellent "duets" are obtained with:

  • olive oil
  • calendula or chamomile oil
  • incense
Essential oils have many useful properties and have an anti -aging effect
essential oils have many useful properties and have an anti -aging effect

It is worth making regular masks of oils, wash with herbal decoctions and wipe the skin with nutrient lotions. Tea tree oil is an integral component in the struggle for clean and young skin.

Video: “How to get rid of wrinkles at any age. Essential oils"

Is it possible to wipe your face with tea tree oil?

There are situations when skin inflammations take us by surprise and before an important event the face decorates an undesirable pimple, and in the most prominent place. In such cases, the best solution would be to use tea tree essential oil.

Assign oil - elixir of youth and skin beauty
assign oil - elixir of youth and skin beauty

Carefully clean the skin with soap or washing. After that, with the help of a sponge or fingers, apply a large layer of oil to a problem place and relax at least half an hour. During this time, therapeutic components are absorbed into the upper layers and have an antiseptic effect, significantly drying the site and eliminating redness.

Important: if you observe periodic rashes on your face, regularly wipe the skin with tea tree oil.

Video: "5 best ways to use tea tree essential oil"

White clay mask and tea tree oil for face

White clay is a doctor of problematic and demanding skin. It is saturated with the most useful minerals and unique silicon. In combination with a tea tree, it is able to give not only a rejuvenating effect. Pore \u200b\u200bnarrowing, careful face cleaning, skin nutrition and tone improvement are the properties of an effective mask of clay and oil.

You can purchase such a mask at any pharmacy or specializing store. The method of manufacturing such a mask is extremely simple: a large (can be with a slide) spoon of clay is poured with purified water until the gruel is formed. A few drops of essential oil are added to this mass.

This procedure frees from skin problems and gives an anti -aging effect
this procedure frees from skin problems and gives an anti -aging effect

Apply the resulting mask to the face with a brush in a not very dense layer, avoiding delicate skin: eyes, lips. If possible, completely disconnect from the surrounding affairs and wait for the mask to dry in complete immobilization. After the procedure, remove it with cold water and lubricate the skin with a caring cream.

Video: "Cleaning mask with clay" Tea tree "

Mask with gelatin and oil of tea tree for the face

Gelatin masks are usually used in order to clean the face from old epithelium and acne problems. In such masks, the presence of a tea tree oil is simply mandatory. All because penetrating into the skin layers, it effectively treats inflamed areas.

The best way to clean your face is to make a gelatin mask
the best way to "clean" the face is to make a gelatin mask

The swollen gelatin is dissolved in a steam bath and a few drops of essential oil are added to it. The mask can be supplemented with any components. The oil will cleanse the skin and allow useful trace elements to be absorbed into the dermis.

Video: "gelatin face mask"

Mask with starch and tea tree oil for face

A successful recipe is a recipe for starch masks. All because it has excellent smoothing and restoring properties. The starch is saturated with vitamins, which means that it nourishes the skin with useful substances. To obtain an effective mask, you need to mix milk and starch in equal proportions (on a tablespoon) and add 10 drops of tea tree oil.

Starch perfectly brightens the skin and eliminates pigmentation
starch perfectly brightens the skin and eliminates pigmentation

The mask is kept no more than half an hour, washed off and moisturized the skin with a nourishing cream.

Video: "Mask made of starch for fading leather"

Mask with protein and tea tree oil for face

A mask made of egg protein perfectly brightens the skin and is even able to save from acne, acne, black dots. You can improve a simple egg mask by adding essential oil and starch (optional). Tea tree essential oil will free the skin from any pollution and allow the nutrient components of the mask to absorb deeper.

A protein mask is able to get rid of black dots
a protein mask is able to get rid of black dots

You need: to prepare the mask:

  • one protein
  • 10 drops of oil
  • spoon of starch (optional)

A protein mask is able to tighten the skin a little, do not forget to moisturize it after the procedure.

Video: “Mask from protein. Por purifier "

The use of tea tree oil for the face: tips and reviews

There are many ways to use the essential oil of tea tree! Whatever you choose, it will always have a beneficial effect on your skin and relieve all problematic inflammations. Oil is able to remove the loaded old epithelium cells and promote new regeneration.

Tea tree essential oil
tea tree essential oil

It does not cause allergic reactions, so you can use it not a limited number of times in different areas. The only important condition is that do not allow oil to enter the mucous membranes and very sensitive skin: eyelid, lips.

Video: “Tea tree oil. Application and reviews "


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Comments K. article

  1. This natural drug practically does not cause allergic reactions and side effects. Not very expensive, a standard bottle is enough for a long time. In addition, this is good help with colds, neurosis, depression, insomnia, headaches.

    I also used such recipes. Mixed oil with medicinal plants.

    It is useful to take a gruel from aloe, to flavor it with droplets of oil. The mask is applied to problem areas. It is also possible to add a few drops to natural honey. A similar tool must be stored in a hermetically sealed box. But before use, make sure that there is no allergy to honey.

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