How to use hair laminaria? The most effective masks for the growth and strengthening of hair from kelp

How to use hair laminaria? The most effective masks for the growth and strengthening of hair from kelp

Women have long known many recipes from hair loss. We will learn how to get rid of this problem with the help of masks from kelp.

It is good if women are not abused before the summer vacation by the sea with various hair colors, they do not make curls with a styler, and do not dry them with a hairdryer. After all, sea water strengthens them thanks to a large number of useful components in it. The condition of not only hair, skin, but the whole organism improves.

Marine plants also contribute to this. It is about one of these useful plants that will be discussed later. We will find out what is useful for lamaria for weakened hair.

Hair vitamins in kelp. The benefits of laminaria for hair

Laminaria mainly grows on stones in the Pacific, Atlantic Ocean. Outwardly, this algae has brown color, ribbon shape, its length is sometimes twelve meters. Lamaria dies every year in the autumn time. Then, in the midst of winter, it grows again.

This panacea for the skin and hair includes:

  • vitamins In, d, s, e
  • a large number of macro- (micro-) elements sodium, iron, nitrogen, iodine, magnesium, fructose, manganese, protein
  • organic acids

The benefits of kelp in hair restoration

  • Algae is used to restore weakened strands
  • Using kelp, you can stop hair loss and even the initial stage of baldness
  • Thanks to the unique composition, the sea plant has an effective effect on hair bulbs, improves the general condition of the skin
  • Masks with this product are well nourished, moistened tired curls from external exposure
  • Laminaria eliminates the excessive balance of the fatty scalp

Effective masks with laminaria for hair at home

Cosmetologists know that kelp has valuable properties, which is why it is also called - sea ginseng. Based on oil from such algae, many creams have been created, both for the face and for hair. But, if you know how to use kelp, you can save on the purchase of expensive cosmetics and cook the mask at home on your own.

Only first familiarize yourself with warnings and contraindications.

  • Do not use laminaria mixtures more often than once a week
  • It is impossible to use algae compounds for allergenic reactions
  • In the "Sea Ginseng" there is a high content of iodine, vitamin C, so follow the proportions of masks and the frequency of use

Important: you can not use mixtures with kelp women in an interesting position and nursing.

How to make a mask with laminaria for hair. Laminaria for hair growth

  • Most often, algae are dried. They are sold in pharmacy stalls, and a prescription from a doctor is not needed to purchase a product. If you buy them in the form of a thallus, then use, like powdered, only pre -chop the medicinal plant
  • To prepare the composition, take one large spoonful of the product, pour a cup of clean water slightly heated in the microwave. You can not soak the kelp with hot or boiled water - all its beneficial properties will be lost
  • After 25-54 minutes, the sea ginseng is ready for nutrient mixtures. For further use, wrap the plant in a clean rag and squeeze it with a little force
  • If you did not use all the resulting gruel in one session, then the rest of the kelp, flooded with water, can also be stored in the refrigerator for about three days

Algae masks for stray growth

  • RECIPE: Take two large spoons soaked in lamaria in advance in water, mix with a tablespoon of olive and apply first to the skin, then to the hair. Keep somewhere from an hour
  • RECIPE: Again, take two tablespoons of kelp, mix with a dessert spoon of liquid, not sugared honey. Keep on your hair for 34-46 minutes. Then rinse with running warm water and shampoo

Important: make masks in the correct sequence. First apply to the scalp, then on the curls along the entire length. Then put on a plastic hat and wrap your head in a warm scarf for 36-44 minutes.

Laminaria as a remedy for hair loss

The mixtures with algae perfectly strengthens the bulbs of curls and, accordingly, gracefully affect the density of the hair, as they prevent vegetation.

Compounds from Locons loss

  • RECIPE: Prepare a healing decoction of burdock, for this, mix a cup of boiling water with two tablespoons of crushed burdock. When the brewed potion cools to a pleasant temperature body, pour it into a separate vessel, mix it with two large spons of kelp. When it settles (after 1-2 hours), apply to dry curls
  • RECIPE: To the prepared consistency of two tablespoons of kelp and one oil from olives, add four to five drops of aromatic oil from nettle. Keep the composition on your hair for no more than 34 minutes
  • RECIPE: Grind two bulbs. In a separate bowl, mix two tablespoons of algae with butter (three tablespoons), then add onion gruel there. Keep the mixture no more than an hour

Algae to strengthen hair. Laminaria masks to strengthen hair

In order for the hair to gain strength, they are not brittle, lifeless, prepare mixtures from ordinary ingredients in the following ways:

  • RECIPE: Mix kelp - one large spoon with yeast in the same proportion, water, so that the density is like a normal cream
  • RECIPE: Mix two tablespoons of algae with one burdock oil. Apply immediately after cooking. The time of action on the strands should not exceed 45 minutes
  • RECIPE: Buy half a liter of beer. Soften the kelp in one liter of water. Then add all the beer. Let it stand for about an hour. Pour into a container with a spray gun. Thoroughly sprinkle your head, hair, do a simple massage. Wrap yourself with a towel for an hour. Then wash your hair

Masks for dry hair from kelp at home. Benefit

As a rule, dry hair most often suffers from brittle, they have a lifeless appearance. Masks, which include sea ginseng, help perfectly cope with this problem.

  • RECIPE: Mix two large spoons of soaked algae with fat mayonnaise - 1 spoon. Keep on curls no more than 47 minutes
  • RECIPE: Pour a spoonful of olive oil, two tablespoons of sea cabbage (kelp), one yolk into the vessel. The exposure time on the strands should not exceed one hour

Masks with clay and laminaria for hair

  • First, in the pharmacy, purchase these nutrient components (kelp, blue clay)
  • Take two spoons of both ingredients. Mix well, pour barely warm water
  • Let it stand for about two hours. After you can use
  • Gently put on the skin, then lubricate the entire length of the strands
  • Gather your hair, put on a plastic bag and insulate your head with a towel
  • Walk like this for an hour, rinse with warm water using shampoo

Sea mud and hair for hair. Application

Like brown algae, sea mud has a beneficial effect on the restoration of strands. By changing the composition of the mixture, you can prepare masks for dry, oily hair. After a pleasant warming effect of consistency, your curls will acquire a well -groomed, healthy, radiant look.

Fatal hair compositions

  • RECIPE: Take two eggs, beat with a whisk in a deep vessel. Put a spoonful of dirt there, a spoonful of kelp, then pour a third of the kefir cup. Heat the mixture slightly, apply to the strands. Hold it from an hour
  • RECIPE: Pour one spoonful of dirt into a bowl, one sea ginseng. Add the juice of half the lemon, one egg. It is enough to hold the composition on the curls of 23-36 minutes. Then wash off well with water, shampoo

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Cooking for dry hair

  • RECIPE: Take two tablespoons of kelp, one dirt, mix with oil from olives. The consistency should be of medium density so as not to drip when applied to the hair. Again, keep the mask for 34 minutes
  • RECIPE: Mix one spoonful of dirt with two kelp. Bring the mask to a creamy state with mayonnaise. The exposure time of the mixture can vary from 28-35 minutes

Masks with kelp and oil for hair beauty

In order for the curls to look shining, used compounds from kelp, basics of the base (usually olive oil) and various aromatic oils.

The rules of their preparation are not complicated, the main thing: before use, make a test to allergenic reactions to the wrist. So, let's find out how to make such a mask at home.

  1. Soak two tablespoons of healing kelp in clean, warm water for an hour
  2. Mix kelp, Oil-Osnov. To do this, slightly squeeze the algae and put in a plate, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil there.
  3. At the end, drip a few drops (two or three) of essential oil (citrus, lavender, vanilla, etc.)
  4. Keep the composition on the strands, about half an hour

Masks with Laminaria for Hair: Tips and Reviews

Women who use compounds with kelp indeed noticed changes for the better. Based on the reviews read, I would like to note how to correctly use powder from algae in order to get the most effective result.

  • ADVICE: Buy plants be sure to be in a pharmacy, there you will be guaranteed to receive quality products. If you take in other stores, then ask the merchant to a quality certificate
  • ADVICE: Apply ready -made mixtures to dry curls. It is allowed to keep the compositions no more than one hour. When washing off some masks (from hair loss), it is better not to use shampoo immediately. Use it in three to four hours

Video: how to apply a algae mask?

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