How to cook a delicious flooded pie with meat, potatoes, rhubarb, berries, jam, spinach, green onions and egg? Recipes, secrets and fillings for fast flood pies

How to cook a delicious flooded pie with meat, potatoes, rhubarb, berries, jam, spinach, green onions and egg? Recipes, secrets and fillings for fast flood pies

What is a flood pie and how to cook it delicious - an answer in the article!

Pour pies: secrets and fillings

Do you know the phrase "flooding cake"? What does it mean? According to the logic of the name, this cake needs to be poured somewhere. But where can you fill the pie? In fact, you need to pour not a pie, but a dough for a pie. And more precisely, you need to fill the filling itself with dough.

When preparing a flood pie, you need to follow some rules. Here is some of them:

  • The dough for the pouring cake is always liquid so that it can completely cover the filling and fill all the voids with itself
  • You can knead the dough on anything: kefir, milk, water, yogurt, serum, mayonnaise, sour cream, yogurt
  • If you make a pouring pastry pie, make sure that the “shrinkage” of the filling is not violated. Otherwise, the appearance of the pie will be badly deteriorated
  • Choose anti -stick dishes for a flood pie. Otherwise, the meal will be hopelessly spoiled by the burnt pieces of dough
Pour pie
Pour pie

What is recommended to be used for filling in a pouring pie:

  • Fresh, frozen or canned berries and fruits
  • Fried, fresh, pickled or frozen vegetables
  • Meat, poultry (in any form)
  • Fish (in any form)
  • Mushrooms (in any form)
  • Greens
  • Dried fruits, nuts (preferably chopped)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy and dairy products

Combinations - any. It all depends on your imagination and gastronomic preferences.

What is not recommended to use for filling in a pouring pie:

  • Liquid substances. For example, watery jam
  • Some berries and vegetables: watermelon and fresh cucumber (salted)
  • Berries and fruits with bones

For those who still do not understand, even about the essence of the preparation of a flood pie - remember the Charlotte. This is a pouring pie with apples!

Charlotte - a flooded pie with apples

There is another variety of flood pies - a cake with filling. For such a cake, the base base is separately prepared, into which the filling is then laid and the liquid dough is poured. A classic example of a pouring pie is a French mushroom.

French Kish - pour pie
French Kish - pour pie

Fast flooding pies on kefir, recipes

The flood pie on kefir is simple, juicy and tasty. It can be done both with sweet and salted filling. Especially fast flood pies are non -exalted dough. Everything is done in a matter of minutes.

We offer you a recipe for a very fast pouring pie with cabbage, which is still called "lazy." Such a pie can cook absolutely any person without special skills and knowledge and significant physical costs.

Test products:

  • kefir - 450 g
  • eggs - 120 grams or 3 eggs
  • flour - 320 g or 2 full glasses
  • soda - 6 g or half a teaspoon

Flood products:

  • white cabbage - 300 g
  • high -quality margarine, any oil - 50 g or 2 tablespoons
  • salt to taste
  • spices to taste


  • Chop the cabbage along and lay down in a pan, cauldron or thick -walled pan until half -coated so that the cabbage becomes soft enough, and the pie has acquired a pleasant delicate taste. Add salt and spices. It goes very well with cabbage nutty, caraway seeds and black pepper. You can do without spices, but the pie will lose its "zest"
  • Mix all liquid elements for dough in one average bowl. In another, mix all dry components. Combine and knead the contents of both bowls so that there are no lumps of flour
  • Prepare a baking dish in the usual way, put the filling at the bottom and pour it with liquid dough
  • Place the shape in the oven until the surface is pleasantly golden. 200 degrees
  • Take out the shape of the oven, wait until the pie cools down and put it on the dish
Quick floodplain pie with cabbage
Quick floodplain pie with cabbage

Quick floodplain pie with green onions and egg

Such a pie is best prepared on mayonnaise and sour cream than on kefir. His taste will be more saturated.

Test products:

  • mayonnaise-100 g or 3-4 tablespoons
  • sour cream - 200 g
  • eggs - 120 g or 3 pieces
  • flour - 180 g or 1 cup
  • salt to taste
  • soda or baking powder - 10 g or 1 teaspoon

Flood products:

  • eggs - 120 g or 3 pieces
  • green onions (feathers) - a large bunch
  • salt and spices to taste


  • Finely chop boiled eggs with a knife
  • Rinse green onions under water and chop with a knife on rings
  • Mix sour cream with mayonnaise, introduce eggs, soda and flour whipped with salt. Connect the test components in this sequence
  • To measure three identical parts of the dough, the first part will go into shape, then the filling and the remaining dough
  • Remove the future cake in the oven until a pleasantly golden crust appears, set 180-220 degrees

On a note! If you use quail eggs in the filling, put them entirely. So the pie in the section will look much more spectacular and appetizing.

Pouring cake with green onions and egg
Pouring cake with green onions and egg

Important! If you want to give a special taste to the pies, first fry the onion in a hot pan for a couple of minutes. You can add cardamom, nutmeg, ground pepper, black or red, turmeric, ground caraway, coriander, red sweet pepper of small grinding.

Pouring pie with meat and potatoes

A pouring pie with meat and potatoes is a classic of the genre. This pie can be called a casserole, but they have some differences. In the casserole, mashed potatoes are dough, but in the pie the potato goes like a filling, and this is not necessarily mashed.

Test products:

  • sour cream - 120 g
  • ryazhenka-200-220 ml
  • flour - 180 g or 1 cup
  • baking powder for dough - 2 teaspoons
  • eggs - 120 g or 3 pieces
  • cheese - 60 g
  • tsukkini - 200 g
  • greens - 30 g or 1 bundle

Flood products:

  • raw potatoes - 200 g
  • hears of chicken or beef raw - 250 g
  • onions - 100 g
  • cheese - 60 g
  • salt, spices - to taste
Pouring pie with potatoes and minced meat
Pouring pie with potatoes and minced meat


  • Sort, clean and cut the potatoes in circles with a thickness of 0.5 cm. Make sure that the potato is about the same diameter so that the finished dish looks more aesthetically more aesthetic
  • Fry raw chicken or beef stuffing in a red -hot pan with spices and salt to frying crust
  • Grate cheese and tsukkini
  • Finely chop the greens
  • Fry the onion in the same way as minced meat
  • Knead and take the dough for a while
  • Put potatoes in circles on the bottom of a lubricated special brush, pour a quarter of the finished dough over
  • The next layer is fried onions. Put a quarter of the dough on top of the onion
  • Then lay out the minced meat fried with salt and spices, pour the remaining dough on it
  • Send the pie to the oven for 45 minutes at 200 Celsius
Pouring pie with meat and potatoes
Pouring pie with meat and potatoes

Take a note! A pouring pie with potatoes can be prepared not only with minced meat, but also with stew. It is not necessary to prepare it in advance. You can also regulate the amount of cheese and zucchini to your liking. Tsukkini can be replaced with zucchini or patisson.

Bulk pie with rhubarb, recipe

The pouring pie with rhubarb is preparing to disgrace is simple, but it turns out incredibly tasty!

Take a note! The recipe for a flood pie with rhubarb can be improved by adding a fragrant and sweet berry!

Test products:

  • flour - 300 g or 1 and 3/4 cup
  • eggs - 120 g or 3 pieces
  • kefir (or yogurt with or without additives) - 400 g
  • sugar - 200 g or a little more than a glass
  • baking powder - 1.5 - 2 teaspoons
  • any oil - 50 g or 2 full tablespoons
  • spices: vanillin or cinnamon to taste

Flood products:

  • rhusen - 250 g
  • strawberries-200-250 g
  • sugar - 50 g


  • Rinse thoroughly rinse, peel and cut into small cubes. With strawberries, do the same. Sometimes rhubarb can be cut along - the taste of the pie will not spoil this
  • Pour the filling with sugar and leave it so that everything is saturated
  • Beat chicken eggs with sugar
  • Add kefir or yogurt, beat again
  • Add baking powder, spices, oil flour and beat with a mixer
  • Prepare the form according to the usual scheme, put the filling first, pour the mixed tests and remove in the oven bake
  • The temperature in the oven is 200 degrees, time is at least 30 minutes. Periodically you need to open the oven and check the readiness
Flooding cake with rhubarb and strawberries
Flooding cake with rhubarb and strawberries

Berry cake with berries, photo recipe

A pouring cake with berries is prepared on the basis of dough, most often sand. This is due to the fact that berries give a lot of juice and a normal crust may not work.

Test products:

  • oil (butter) - 125 g
  • flour-300-350 g-1.5-2.5 cups
  • sugar-sand-100 g
  • eggs - 80 g or 2 pieces
  • baking powder - 10 g

Flood products:

  • any berries (raspberries, cherries, currants, strawberries) - 250 g

Filling products:

  • yogurt without additives - 200 g
  • eggs - 80 g or 2 pieces
  • sugar - 100 - 150 g
  • flour - 50 g or 2 tablespoons


  • First, the dough, which will be the basis of the pie on the basket template. Mix the melted butter with other component parts
  • Land the shape with high edges parchment or just grease with oil
  • Put the dough in the form, roll it out with a thin layer so that the sides of the form are closed. The thickness of the dough is like a pizza
  • Mix everything for filling, add to the mixture the berries peeled from the seeds (if necessary), mix
  • Pour the filling with berries into the shape of the test
  • Put the future pie in the oven for 40 minutes minimum PR temperature 200 degrees
Berry cake
Berry cake

Important! In this pie, you can use cottage cheese by adding it to the fill instead of part of the yogurt, but at the same time you need to focus on the density. You may have to add milk or water so that the mixture does not come out very thick

Spinning cake with spinach, recipe

A floodplain cake with spinach is not only a delicious dish, but also very healthy! Spinach contains a lot of vitamins and protein. Spinach pie can also be considered low -calorie, because there are very few calories in the spinach.

Test products:

  • flour - 320 g or 2 full glasses
  • kefir or leaven - 250 ml
  • eggs - 120 g or 3 pieces
  • sugar - 25 g or 1 tablespoon
  • salt - to taste
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • cheese - 50 g

Flood products:

  • spinach - 150 - 200 g
  • other greens (green onions, arugula, parsley, basil) - at will
  • boiled eggs - at will


  • Rinse the spinach and all the greens of dust, dirt and possible insects thoroughly, cut in stripes across
  • If desired, you can add in advance boiled chicken or quail eggs. Cut them with cubes, mix with spinach. Quail eggs can not be cut
  • Grate cheese
  • Combine all the elements for the dough. Bottom line - sour cream consistency 25%
  • Prepare the form in a standard way, put the filling directly in the shape, on top - the dough
  • Remove the pie in the preheated oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees
Spinning cake
Spinning cake

Take a note! Bulgarian pepper tomatoes or zucchini can be added to the spinach pie. You can put cheese in the filling, or sprinkle them with a pie on top.

Pouring cake with jam, recipe

A floodplain cake with jam is preparing incredibly simply and quickly! You do not need to prepare the filling separately - take your favorite jam!

Test products:

  • eggs - 80 g or 2 pieces
  • flour - 250 g or 1.5 cups
  • sour cream or thick yogurt-100-150 g
  • sugar - 150 g
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • salt - 3 g or half a teaspoon

Flood products:

  • jam - 150 g


  • Beat chicken eggs with sugar, add a little sour cream, salt, beat again. Achieve a magnificent consistency
  • Add baking powder, wheat flour. Mix
  • Add jam directly to the dough, stir
  • Bake at 180 degrees at least 30 minutes in the oven

It is interesting! For such a pie, do not take a very liquid jam like cherry. It has a lot of juice, and the pie may not bake. The ideal option is plum jam, raspberry or jail made of red or blackcurrant.

Cherry jam
Cherry jam

Pour apple pie, recipe

As mentioned at the very beginning of the article, a flooded pie from apples is a charlotte. Easy to prepare and always turns out with any cooking cook! But we suggest preparing a slightly more complex version of a charlotte - a pie from filing apples.

Test products:

  • flour - 200 g or slightly more than a glass
  • cottage cheese - 100 g or half a pack
  • sugar-sand-100 g
  • cold butter - 100 g
  • baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • salt is a pinch

Flood products:

  • apples - 300 g
  • butter, spread or margarine - 60 g
  • sugar - 100 g

Filling products:

  • fatty sour cream - 150 g
  • eggs - 80 g or 2 pieces
  • sugar - 25 g or 1 tablespoon
  • potato or corn starch-30-40 g
  • vanillin or cinnamon - to taste


  • First prepare the dough: chop the cold butter from the refrigerator (not from the freezer), mix with the rest of the components
  • Knead the dough with your hands very well, put in the refrigerator until the oil melted for 30 minutes
  • Peel the apples from the peel and seeds, arbitrarily chop, mix with spices and soft butter
  • Remove the dough out of the refrigerator, roll out in the shape of a circle and put in a greased baking dish, strengthen the sides of the shape from the inside so that the basket comes out
  • Put on the test a homogeneous neat layer filling consisting of apples and butter
  • Remove in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 degrees
  • Make a nourishment: beat eggs with sugar, sour cream and potato starch
  • Get a semi -finished product of the pie from the oven and pour cooked liquid dough
  • Remove the second time in the oven for half an hour
Flood apple pie
Flood apple pie

Important! To prepare a good sand base, a basket, you need to hold your hands under cold water so that the oil is melted from the heat of the hands.

Fish -pouring fish recipe

The flooded fish cake does not differ in the complexity of cooking, but is distinguished by taste! It is unlikely that there will be a person who will refuse to try this treat!

Test products:

  • eggs - 80 g or 2 pieces
  • flour - 300 - 320 g or 1 and 3/4 or 2 cups
  • kefir or leaven - 250 g
  • any liquid oil - 75 g or 3 tablespoons
  • salt - 3 g

Flood products:

  • Onions - 100 g
  • Greens (spinach, arugula, parsley, cilantro, green onions) - 50 g
  • Fish canned food in its own juice-150-200 g


  • Mix in the usual test order all products
  • Peel onion, fry to beautiful golden crust
  • Get canned food from the can and drain excess fluid, knead with a fork
  • Cut greens, mix with fish and onions
  • Prepare a form in the usual way, pour a third of the prepared liquid dough
  • On the test, lay the filling with a homogeneous layer
  • Pour the filling of dough with
  • Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180-200 degrees
Fish of a flood pie
Fish of a flood pie

Important! Instead of canned food, you can take absolutely any fish, previously boiled.

Video: How to cook a flood pie with potatoes and mushrooms?

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