How to cook a delicious cake with strawberries: a recipe

How to cook a delicious cake with strawberries: a recipe

Such a pie will be a real salvation for those who suddenly learned about the invasion of guests or wanted to enjoy the dessert.

Strawberry pie in haste, fast strawberry pie

It is not difficult to cook it and for cooking it is required to be the simplest set of ingredients.

You will need:

  • strawberry berries - About 250 grams, but less. You should not take more this amount, because the berry is quite juicy and gives a lot of water
  • flour - one glass of pre -sifted wheat flour of the highest grade
  • eggs - Two eggs, if you give preference to home eggs, then the dish will turn out incredibly tasty
  • sugar - You adjust its number yourself, half a glass will be plenty of
  • sunflower oil - a third of a glass so that the dough is soft and the pie is well lagging behind the shape
  • milk - a third of a glass of milk of any fat content
  • vanillin bag or vanilla extract
  • baking powder bag for dough
  • a pinch of salt
how to cook strawberries quickly?

Phased preparation:

  • So that the dough is magnificent whip the proteins separately from the yolks with sugar
  • After you got protein foam, gradually stir the rest of the ingredients
  • The form in which you are going to bake (ceramic, Teflon or silicone) lubricate thoroughly with butter or vegetable oil
  • Pour your resulting and fairly liquid dough into a shape, and lay out strawberries chopped with plates on top of the dough.
  • Bake the pie for about forty minutes at a temperature of not more than 200 degrees
  • Sprinkle the finished pie for beauty sugar and decorate with fresh strawberry berries

Video: " Strawberry cake recipe. Incredibly tasty dough!«

The recipe for a pouring cake with strawberries, how to cook such a pie?

A pouring pie is always simple and tasty. Strawberries like nothing are better suited for such a recipe, it makes it rich, tasty and incredibly “summer”. For cooking, it is required:

  • oil -the butter of the highest percentage of fat content is half a pack, in addition, somewhere around 20 grams will need to lubricate the shape
  • eggs -or rather, some yolks in the amount of three pieces, plus two more chicken eggs
  • sugar -so that the pie is sweet to do not need a complete glass of sugar
  • flour -seded flour of the highest grade at least 250 grams, you can add a couple more spoons if the dough is too liquid
  • sour cream -no more than 200 milliliters, sour cream must be fat, at least 20%
  • baking powder
  • strawberry -about 250-300 grams, no more
How to cook a flood strawberry pie?

Preparing the pie is not difficult:

  • Oil (necessarily soft) is mixed with three yolks and sugar
  • Two full tablespoons of sour cream and the entire amount of flour are added to the mass, the dough is kneaded
  • The dough is rolled into cake, the shape is lined with this cake
  • Cake can be perfected several times with a fork so that it is well baked
  • Pouring is prepared: two proteins with sugar are beaten into foam, sour cream and yolks are added
  • Strawberries are laid out on the cake and covered with filling
  • The pie is baked at least half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees, its readiness is checked by a toothpick

Video: “Pouring cake with strawberries. Home option "

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