Wine from Chernokholnaya Rowan at home: a simple and classic recipe from fresh and frozen berries, with the addition of cinnamon, cloves, lemon zest, currant leaves, apples, based on apple juice, storage tips

Wine from Chernokholnaya Rowan at home: a simple and classic recipe from fresh and frozen berries, with the addition of cinnamon, cloves, lemon zest, currant leaves, apples, based on apple juice, storage tips

In this article, we will offer you several classic and unusual options for preparing homemade wine from a chernival mountain ash.

Chernokholovnaya mountain ash is used both as a decorative bush and in the form of a medicinal plant. Its fruits do not stand out with great sweetness, since only up to 10% fructose and glucose have. But, nevertheless, a very tasty, slightly tart wine is obtained from the black carrier.

By the way, this berry does not lose its properties even after fermentation, so the drink will transmit a full list of useful substances. And you can easily prepare homemade wine from a black ash.

Black -fruited vine: simple recipe

There are many recipes for wine from black ash. And each of them has its own subtleties or some “secret ingredients”. But the main technology for preparing the wine itself is almost the same. Therefore, we want to provide to your attention the simplest and most understandable recipe in order to study the algorithm of actions itself.

  • Often for the preparation of wine, a juicer is required or a press for squeezing juice. On this recipe, you do not need any devices. But the following ingredients will be needed:
    • the berries of the Chernioprodnya-1 liter can (this is in the range of 650-700g);
    • sugar - 1 kg;
    • water - in fact.
  • The output will have to turn out 2 liters of home wine. You can change the number of components at your discretion. But for the trial version there is enough such volume.

Important: the berries do not wash! Otherwise, you will wash off the “basis” of the entire wine - yeast bacteria. There will be no fermentation without them. Also note that these same bacteria die from high temperature.

  • Therefore, unwashed berries are placed in a jar. Previously, they need to be sorted from leaves and other garbage. If desired, you can knead the berries a little with your hands so that they let the juice.
  • In our case, there will be a three -liter container. By the way, keep in mind that the container for fermentation of the berries should be either from glass, or from stainless steel, or with an enamel coating. There should also be no chips and damage.
Gently fall asleep the ingredients into the jar
Gently fall asleep the ingredients into the jar

No less important: it is strictly forbidden to take plastic, aluminum, as well as a copper capacity for the preparation of wine. This list is complemented by containers with iron and galvanized coating. This will not only spoil the taste of wine, but also make it dangerous. Indeed, in the process of oxidation, harmful substances are distinguished.

  • After the berries were poured into the jar, fall asleep with sugar. At this stage of the berries, no more than 300 g.
    Pour everything with water into 2/3 of the volume. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to boil it! And, moreover, you can not fill the berries with hot water. It will also cause the death of yeast bacteria. Ideally, you need to take well water. Only heat it naturally to room temperature.

    • There is another trick that will improve fermentation - this is raisins. Unwashed berries rush along with fresh mountain ash. For this proportion, 100 g of raisins will be enough.
  • Now you need to close the jar so that oxygen does not penetrate it. And this is the main enemy of wine. Together with oxygen, “bad” microorganisms can also seep, which will cause the source of wine or the formation of mold on it.
  • But carbon dioxide must also be removed. Otherwise, an explosion may occur. Therefore, use any hydraulic engineer. They are industrial production or homemade.
Black -fruited rowan wine under a water plant
Black -fruited rowan wine under a water plant
  • The most affordable option is a medical glove. It needs to be pierced with a needle in 1-2 places, put on a jar and fix it well. By the way, it will also be a certain indicator that fermentation occurs in the bank. After about 12 hours, the glove is slightly puffed up.
A good example of fermentation of wine under a medical glove
A good example of fermentation of wine under a medical glove
  • The wort should be put in a dark place. Leave the bank for a week, periodically stirring the contents. But do not remove the lid or glove. Just shake the bottle.
  • After 7 days, you need to add more sugar, also in the amount of 300 g in a week repeat the procedure. Then leave to roam the wine for a whole month.
  • After a monthly fermentation, add another 100 g of sugar and leave a little to do. When the berries drop to the bottom, they need to be removed. And leave the wine more “reach” for two weeks.
  • If the bubbles ceased to form, then this indicates the completion of the fermentation process. The glove will also tell you - it will begin to blow off.
  • By that time, sediment should form. And it is very important at this moment to “remove” the wine from it. If this is not done or the procedure is poorly carried out, then the transferred yeast will begin to decompose in the finished fault. And this will ruin its taste and aroma.
  • Recall that the pipe for draining should not be lowered to the very bottom, but at a distance of 3 cm from the sediment.
Gently and slowly filter wine
Gently and slowly filter wine
  • Pour the finished wine into glass containers and close the lids. But again, not too tightly. Young wine has a little more to let. Therefore, accumulated carbon dioxide can break a bottle.
  • Such wine will have a rich color and a little tart taste. It can be consumed after 3 months. But do not forget, the longer the wine costs, the more aromatic and tastier it becomes.

Note: the wine may fall out of the wine. Therefore, it is recommended to shim wine every 1-2 months. This is to improve its taste and will not allow it to darken.

Black -fruited vine: classic recipe

Chernokholovnaya mountain ash grows not only in the garden, but also in the wild. By the way, you can cook wine from any kind. Just keep in mind that wild berries are more acidic and tart, so it will need more sugar. And a small, but important recommendation - collect berries after frost. Otherwise, a bitter taste of wine may occur.

  • You will need:
    • aronia is black -fruited (it is also mountain ash) - 12 kg;
    • sugar - 7 glasses (wine will turn out to be half -sweet, with a small sourness);
    • poode water - 1 liter.
  • You do not wash the berries, but carefully sort out from various garbage, rotten and damaged berries. Choose dishes with the above recommendations. For such a dosage, you will need a large stainless steel pan.
Blackwood is not only tasty, but also healthy
Blackwood is not only tasty, but also healthy
  • Berries need to be crushed in any way. Use a mortar, a crowd, a meat grinder or a blender. Consider your volume, with a large number of berries, such methods will take a lot of time. You can grind the berries with your hands or even become real French winemakers, trampling them with your feet. True, dark spots will remain from the Chernomotnaya Rowan on the skin.

Note: traces of black -skinned or other dark berries can be washed with lemon juice or other sour berries. For example, red mountain ash or currant. It is enough just grind them in your hands until the juice starts.

  • Adjust the amount of sugar already at your discretion. If you want to get dry wine, then sugar is excluded altogether. But do not forget that this berry itself is sour. And sugar is still necessary for the fermentation process. For sweet wine, of course, sugar is added almost twice as much.
  • At the first stage, use 6 glasses. Stir well crushed berries with sugar, cover with gauze or light cloth. Then send the dishes to a dark but warm place. Do not forget to mix the contents 1-2 times a day so that mold does not form. On average, the first stage will take 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Now you need to take the pulp, which will rise to the top along with the foam of fermentation. By the way, when lowering the hand into the contents, the foam will rise more actively. Remove the pulp with a slotted spoon or filter a wort with a colander. If small particles cannot be removed, then they will precipitate over time, and you can remove them. Do not throw the pulp!
Gently remove the pulp
Gently remove the pulp
  • Now, filtered juice must be poured into a bottle (a five -liter container should be enough). But keep in mind - for fermentation you need a place so that carbon dioxide is where to stand out. Therefore, fill it only by half of the total volume.
  • Close with a water plant or use a medical glove. The main thing is to make sure that oxygen does not get inside. And poison the juice to roam at a temperature of 18-25 ° C.
  • Now you need to fall asleep the remaining glass of sugar to the pulp and add cold water. Again, put it in a dark place for fermentation, covering it with gauze. Do not forget to stir 1 time a day. This stage will take 7-10 days from you.
  • After that, re -filter the resulting juice, squeeze the pulp. From the first juice, remove the foam formed and pour the second juice already. Mix well and clog the water selection or put on the glove back.
  • You can use the pulp one more time. To do this, do similar actions with her. After the third fermentation, the cake is thrown out. The juice is also added to the bottle.
  • Blacking of wine of black ash takes 25-50 days. The glove in this matter can tell the exact time. If she was blown away, then it's time to start filtration.
  • By the way, during this period you can remove the first sample. No, it is not suitable for consumption, since the wine is too young. At this stage, you can regulate acidity. But do not overdo it, the young wine in itself is more sour. Over time, it is saturated with a spicy taste and aroma.
  • If for you the wine turned out excessively sour, then add sugar. But do not just throw it into the jar. Take a handful of sugar and tie in several layers of gauze or light fabric. Lower this bag into the bottle, having previously tied to the thread, and wait for its dissolution. Just do not forget to put on the water survey for this period.
How to add sugar to young wine
How to add sugar to young wine
  • A thin tube is used to filter wine. Make sure that it does not touch the sediment!

Note: the thinner and longer the stream will be, the more valuable the wine turns out, since it will be better enriched with oxygen.

  • When the wine is poured into clean storage jars, close it with lids and send it to a cool place (the basement or cellar will become an ideal solution). The wine will still be allowed for 3-6 months, so do not clog them too tightly.
  • Please note that during this period the wine will need to be filtered every 1.5-2 months. After all, the sediment will still fall out. But at the exit you will get light and rich wine!

Wine recipe for frozen black berries

You need to collect mountain ash after the first small frosts, it is then that its taste notes will be revealed. And from frozen berries you can cook wine at any time of the year or when it is convenient for you.

  • The following components are needed:
    • juice of frozen black mountain ash - 3 l;
    • sugar-2.5-3 kg;
    • raisins-200-300 g;
    • water - 3 l.
  • Berries need to be thawed at room temperature. Then squeeze the juice from them.
  • Dilute it with water and fall asleep into the liquid sugar. Pour in three -liter banks or a bottle of the corresponding size (do not forget that the wort is poured only on 2/3 of the container).
  • Add unwashed raisins and cover with a lid with a water plant. The wine should be transferred. This will signal the foam that will rise up, and bubbles will also begin to form.
  • When the wine brightens, it can be merged into another container. Do it carefully so as not to touch the sediment. Close everything with a lid and send to a cool place. For another 1-3 months, the young wine will reach.
You can cook wine from frozen berries
You can cook wine from frozen berries

Unusual wine from black ash at home: recipes

The mountain ash usually densely covers the tree and very rarely does not bear fruit. Therefore, the crop every year from such a useful tree is more than enough. But for compotes and jams, the blackfill is not too suitable. Although the berry is useful both small and adults. Recall that it increases pressure, normalizes sugar levels and cleanses blood from cholesterol, and also increases immunity and saturate the body with vitamins B, R and C.

Cherniopolite wine recipe with cinnamon

A very fragrant drink comes out, which resembles an expensive strong liquor. No need to prepare a large dose at once, take a small amount of ingredients for the sample.

  • Would need:
    • chernokholnaya mountain ash - 5 kg;
    • cinnamon - up to 10 g (guide your taste);
    • sugar-3.5-4 kg;
    • vodka - 0.5 l.
  • Next, follow a similar scheme. You only sort the berries and crush your hands or wooden push until a homogeneous state.
  • Pour them into a pan and add sugar, as well as a pinch of cinnamon. Cover the mashed potatoes with gauze or light fabric and put the container in a dark and warm place.
  • The wort requires frequent and regular stirring, at least 2-3 times a day. About 10 days in 10 days, you can already remove the pulp. You will understand this when the berries begin to pop up and a foam that signals the start of fermentation appears.
  • Next, grind everything through a colander or a large sieve. You can throw the pulp, and pour rowan juice into bottles or jars. Close it with water plants or gloves and leave for 40 days. Pay attention to the bubbles, they will be a signal for the completion of fermentation. If they do not appear, then the young wine can already be drained.
  • The wine is filtered through a thin tube, but not poured into bottles. In the hotel container, vodka is still added to it and mixed well. Now you can pour the alcohol drink on the bottles and clog.
  • Such a product is stored in a cool place - a cellar, a basement or a refrigerator. It is ready for use in 1-2 weeks, when it is a little infused. Better yet, if you wait 1-2 months.
Cherniopolite wine will always be appropriate on the festive table
Cherniopolite wine will always be appropriate on the festive table

Black -Gabine's festive recipe

Real connoisseurs of wine, of course, will not call this drink with wine. But still he will find many fans. The drink is obtained with a soft, harmonious and velvety taste, as well as with a spicy aroma. By the way, you can experiment and add your favorite spices.

  • 1 kg of black ash rowan will be required:
    • sugar - 1 cup;
    • cloves-2-3 inflorescences;
    • cinnamon - ¼ tsp;
    • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
    • vodka - 0.5 l;
    • water - 1 l.
  • The paradox of this wine begins from the very beginning - the berries move and wash under running water. Pour them with sugar and let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Pour 0.5 liters of water and put the container on the fire. Stiring constantly, cook for 30 minutes.

Important: so that the berries are given the right amount of juice, they are pre -blanching. That is, poured with boiled water and left for half an hour. After filtering and poured with cool water. This is the same liquid, only boiled and cooled to room temperature. Together with her, the berries are kneaded. This method can be used when preparing wine instead of fermentation.

  • Cool and squeeze the juice. Circle is subject to another cook. Only this time sugar is not rushed, but the remaining water and citric acid are added. Cook also no more than half an hour.
  • Mix everything, as in the preparation of wine, both juice in one container. Add vodka, mix and pour into bottles.
  • Such a drink is stored well and at room temperature. It also does not require insistence, so it is already ready to use.
You can add various spices
You can add various spices

Black -fruited rowan wine with currant notes

Another recipe for wine that will not leave anyone indifferent. Its taste is full and fruit, so it will eclipse any alcohol at the festive table.

Important: according to such a recipe, you can prepare wine from aronia with cherry and raspberry leaves. And you can make a composition out of them.

  • With the calculation of 1 kg of black mountain ash, it will be required:
    • currant leaves-100-200 g;
    • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
    • raisins - 50 g;
    • sugar - 250 g;
    • water - 1 cup.
  • According to this recipe, the wine is also prepared in the usual way - the berries move, do not wash and are kneaded to a puree state.
  • Mix all the components in a container with a wide throat, cover with gauze and send to ferment in a warm place. Keep in mind that there should not be bright and direct sunlight. The first stage takes 7 days.
  • When a thick and magnificent foam forms, it is removed with a slotted spoon or filtered a liquid through a sieve (do not take too small).
  • Pour the juice into a bottle or jar and close the water seizure. Leave the wine for about 40-45 days. If you see that it still “plays”, that is, bubbles and foam are formed in it, leave for another 10-15 days.
  • The liquid is filtered (make sure that the precipitate does not come across) and is poured into the counters. The drink is transferred to storage to a cool place. There, young wine is withstanding at least 2-3 months.

Note: if desired, a filtered liquid diluted another 0.5 liters of vodka. Yes, the drink will turn out stronger in the end and it will not be quite “correct” wine. But then it can be used immediately, and he is not so picky in storage matters.

Do not forget to pour wine on beautiful bottles
Do not forget to pour wine on beautiful bottles

Black -fruited rowan wine with lemon zest

According to this recipe, you will get fresh wine with light citrus observation. By the way, lemon complements the healing properties of mountain ash, so such a drink will not only be tasty, but also insanely useful. Especially, he will become an indispensable assistant to your immunity. Just do not forget that for preventive measures, you need to consume wine in small doses.

  • Necessary:
    • black ash rowan - 3 kg;
    • zest from 3 lemons;
    • sugar-250-300 g (at the end of the sweet of the wine is regulated);
    • water - 1 l.
  • The berries are moved and cleaned of various garbage. Ripe, mix with half sugar and poured with water.
  • According to a similar scheme, cover the container with a cloth and put the dishes in a dark place for fermentation. Again, this process will take 7-10 days. See that the berries rise, and the foam formed.
  • Filter the wort from the pulp and mix with the remaining sugar. Rub lemon zest on a fine grater or grind with a blender.

Note: you can use entire lemons, just be ready to add more sugar. Otherwise, the wine will come out too sour. Also, an unusual taste can be obtained by adding still orange or tangerine crusts with lemon zest.

  • Repeated the container for fermentation in a warm place. Also for 1-1.5 weeks.
  • Wipe through a sieve or filter through several layers of gauze. Pour in bottles or jars and put a water seal.
  • Young wine will be ready in 30-40 days. After this time, the drink is filtered and spilled into bottles. It will be ready for use after 2 months of exposure. Keep in mind that it must be stored in a cool place, the temperature of which is not higher than 15 ° C.
The lemon makes the color of the wine a little lighter.
The lemon will make the color of the wine a little lighter.

Blackwood with apples

Thanks to the apples, the natural acidity and tart of the mountain ash are smoothed out. Also, such a drink stands out in beautiful color and rich, but soft taste.

  • Take it for cooking:
    • ryabin - 2 kg;
    • apples - 2 kg;
    • sugar -2.5-4 kg (depending on the desired sweetness);
    • water - in fact.
  • Berries move and grind. Apples need to be cleaned of the peel and core. You can finely chop or grate. Add to the berries and fall asleep all 1 kg with sugar.
  • Put the fruit mixture into special containers (bottles or ordinary three -liter jars) and fill it with water. Do not forget that a little less than half should remain free space.
  • Wrap a medical glove with a pierced finger on the neck. Leave for 7 days in a warm place. Please note that once a day the contents must be thoroughly mixed so that oxygen evenly saturates the berries.
  • Add another half of sugar, stir and clog everything back. Hold the week, also shaking every day.
  • Add the rest of the sugar and now withstand the wine for 14 days. By this time, it should be thrown.
  • Now leave the wine alone for 30 days. During this period, you do not need to shake a bottle and, preferably, less to bother it at all.
  • During this time, the young wine should have time to transfer. And now it can be filtered. Or just strain through several layers of gauze, but be careful with the sediment. It is not necessary to drain it.
  • Pour into beautiful bottles and poison for storage. Wine according to such a recipe is ready in a month. It is also necessary to store in a cool and dark place.
Blackwood with apples
Blackwood with apples

Rapid wine from black ash and apple juice

According to this recipe, the wine is light and soft, and most importantly - it is insanely just preparing.

  • For 1 kg of mountain ash you need:
    • sugar-1-2 kg;
    • apple juice - 6 l.
  • Consider what kind of apples the juice is made of. It happens that it complements the missing sweetness, and sometimes introduces even more acid. Therefore, the amount of sugar is regulated already at your discretion.
  • Sort the berries, grind and pour into the juice. Add sugar to the liquid. Leave in a warm place 4-5 days before the start of fermentation. Do not forget to cover with gauze.
  • Without filtering, pour the contents into the bottle and put on the glove. Fix it well.
  • Leave the drink for 1-1.5 months. By the end of the process, the wine will brighten, and the glove will fall.
  • Now it's time to strain the wine and pour the bottles. Do not forget about the sediment, it cannot be touched.
  • Young wine still requires a two -month exposure.
Aronia based on apple juice
Wine from Aronia needs to withstand at least 2 months

How to store wine from black ash: tips

A few words about the secrets of proper storage

  • Wine from black ash in glass bottles with crusts or traffic jams must be stored in a horizontal position. But plastic containers implies excerpt in vertical placement. Although the wine is more “friends” with glass, do not forget about it.
  • Its shelf life is up to 2-3 years. It all depends on the method of cooking and the berries themselves. But you can extend its storage period with alcohol or vodka. Forded drinks are stored much longer, but do not transmit the entire charms of home wine.
  • Also note that wine loves darkened and cool rooms. An ideal option will be a cellar or basement.
  • Follow the sediment! It must be periodically drained if long -term storage is provided. It is advisable to check the wine every 1-2 months.

Video: How to cook homemade wine from a black mountain ash?

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