How to cook meatballs in a pan, in a pan, in the oven, a slow cooker? Recipes of delicious meatballs with gravy, rice, potatoes, cheese, creamy sauce

How to cook meatballs in a pan, in a pan, in the oven, a slow cooker? Recipes of delicious meatballs with gravy, rice, potatoes, cheese, creamy sauce

Familiar with nursery lunch, balls made of minced meat - meatballs - have a long history and keep many secrets. In ideal meatballs, not a single drop of meat juice is in vain, and all the ingredients of the dish are generously divided by their tastes and aromas, creating absolute perfection.

Perhaps it sounds a little strange, but among a fairly extensive list of human treasures in the first place - fairy tales and recipes. Magic stories and culinary recipes traveled and continue to travel around the world, acquiring perfect form and content, combining and giving food to the mind and body.

The meatballs have made a long way in the caravans of nomads before getting into the culinary books of European housewives and cooks. However, now balls of meat and fish minced meat are included in the restaurant menu, are considered a national dish of many peoples and have a number of distinguishing features. Here is some of them:

  • the main component of the dish is minced meat (meat or fish)
  • additional ingredients - boiled rice or other cereal component, callous white bread, small pieces of fresh vegetables or dried fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, salt, spices
  • the ratio of meat and other components of the dish is 50 x 50. A combination of various types of meat, vegetables and seasonings is allowed
  • the form is round
  • size - more walnut, but less small apple
  • the average weight of one meatball (for catering enterprises) is 70 g
  • paning - only flour, preferably rice
  • preparation - languor in the sauce after preliminary frying/baking. In dietary versions of the recipe, it is allowed to boil the dish in water or steam
  • feed - along with the sauce in which the dish was prepared
Small, slightly more walnut, meatballs can become a wonderful filling for original Sentwitches
Small, slightly more walnut, meatballs can become a wonderful filling for original Sentwitches

In modern cooking, the meatballs with the addition of a cereal component are recognized as an independent dish that does not need any side dish. In the Russian culinary tradition, it is still customary to serve potato puree, boiled pasta or rice, boiled vegetables or vegetable salads as a side dish.

How to cook meatballs in a pan, in a pan, in the oven and a slow cooker?

Before moving on to detailed recipes, check out the overall cooking technology. The recommendations are based on: technical and technological maps of the dishes and the corresponding GOSTs

  1. Ground meat
  • bad meat can be any, but the beef is given preference. It is worth noting that even technical and technological maps do not limit the fantasy of the cook relative to minced meat or a combination of types of meat
  • the meat should be missed through a meat grinder. Such traditional minced meat, unlike chopped, is more dense, less juicy, is prepared faster
  • the appearance of the minced meat is a homogeneous mass of interspersed with a cereal component or pieces of vegetables
  • the consistency is viscous
  • onions are one of the required minced meat ingredients for meatballs. But in this case, the onion should not be raw, but previously saved
  • the cereal component, in most cases, should also undergo preliminary heat treatment, i.e. be half -ready
  • if in the recipe there is callous bread, pay special attention to this ingredient, because its use in minced meat is quite justified. Bread fills voids in the destroyed structure of meat fibers, fastens them, makes the finished dish juicier

Use the stale white bread from I grade flour (minimum - the day before yesterday). Fresh bread can give the dish a specific "sourness" that can overshadow even the taste of meat. Be sure to soak the bread in cold water, and better in milk. Introduce a well -squeezed crumb without crusts in the minced meat. The optimal ratio of meat and bread crumb in minced meat: 4/1 or 5/1

  • the egg is not a mandatory component for a meat -term minced meat. Nevertheless, many cooks recommend adding whipped egg proteins to the minced meat at the rate of 1 protein per 0.5 kg of meat. Take into account: protein is a replacement for bread, rice or flour
  • the vegetables you want to supplement the minced meat for meatballs should be given preliminary heat treatment. So the taste of the dish will be more tender and saturated
  • before proceeding to form a meatballs, let the minced meat rest 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator
  1. In the process of molding the meatballs, be sure to moisten your hands with cold and better ice, water
  2. Paning
Meatballs in the panel of flour
Meatballs in the panel of flour
  • only flour is used to pan a meatballs! Ideally - rice. However, most often, the usual wheat flour of the highest or first grade is used to pan a meat balls
  • flour panel does not form crispy crust during frying, but allows the meatballs to purchase a delicious blush
  • lizon - a mixture of eggs with milk - is not used to pan a meatballs
  1. Preliminary heat treatment
  • the ideal option is deep -frying. This method of preparation allows you to maintain a round shape of a meat ball and achieve a uniform color
  • the most common option is the roasting of the meatballs in a well -hot pan with the addition of vegetable oil. During frying, the meatballs are somewhat deformed
  • a convenient option - baking the meatballs in the oven. Put the formed balls in the glossy with vegetable oil and bake at 180 ° C to light blunder (about 30 minutes). The form with the meatballs during baking should remain open
  • the dietary option is steaming or boiling. The broth left after boiling the meatballs can be used to make sauce
  1. The sauce is prepared separately. It is preferable that the sauce has a slight sour taste. During the extinguishing, the sauce should completely cover the meatballs
Saus based on tomato paste or tomato juice is considered a classic of a “warm -icing” genre
Saus based on tomato paste or tomato juice is considered a classic of a “warm -icing” genre

It is allowed to use several basic sauce options

  • tomato. In this case, the classic Bolognaz, which is used in many Italian cuisine dishes, for example, can be an ideal sauce. pizza
  • tomato acute
  • sour cream (creamy), for example, Behamel
  • fixed-tomato
  1. Stewing
  • The firing pan should have a thick bottom. Time of extinguishing in a pan: 10 minutes over low heat from the moment of boiling the sauce. The same recommendations relate to the preparation of meatballs in a pan
  • If you prepare the meatballs in the oven, pay attention to the set temperature. It should not exceed 180-200 ° C. It is better to cover the heat-resistant shape with the meatballs after adding the sauce with a lid or foil in the first 15-20 minutes of extinguishing and leave open 5-7 minutes before the end of the languor
  • Cooking in a slow cooker involves a refusal of preliminary frying. Submed meatballs are loaded into the multicooker bowl and poured with finished sauce. Languishes the dish in the "extinguishing" mode for 45-60 minutes

Tufetel from minced turkey, recipe

Turkey meatballs - a good option for a children's menu
Turkey meatballs - a good option for a children's menu

The drug recipe offered to your attention was published in a collection of dishes and culinary products for public catering enterprises at production enterprises and in educational institutions of 1973.

It was this recipe that was used in all kindergartens of the former USSR. In the original recipe, slaves (veal) was used in the original recipe. Since turkey meat is an ideal choice for the preparation of daily children's menu dishes - we will replace the beef with a turkey, and this will be the only retreat from the norms of the Gostov recipe.

Important: when preparing the dish, take into account that the minced meat from the turkey is less dense compared to beef/veal and keeps shape worse. In order for the meatballs not to be deformed during frying, place the formed balls for 30-40 minutes in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator. During this time, a frozen crust is formed on the surface of the ball, holding the shape during frying

For meatballs:

  • remes minced meat - 500 g
  • callous wheat bread - 100 g
  • milk (water) - 150 ml
  • onions - 70 g
  • salt and spices are to taste. From spices in the classic recipe, only ground black pepper is used
  • flour for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying

For sauce:

  • sour cream of medium fat content - 250 ml. Keep in mind that sour cream with low fat content in the process of extinguishing can delay
  • water (but it is better to use meat or vegetable broth) - 750 ml
  • wheat flour - 75 g
  • thick tomato sauce - 100 g, by and large, the amount of sauce depends on your personal taste preferences
  • butter - 50 g

How to cook the sauce:

  1. In a separate container, mix sour cream, tomato sauce, broth (water), salt, spices. If the tomato component is quite acidic - add a little sugar
  2. Take a clean and dry pan, warm it well. Reduce the fire and pour flour into the pan. Constantly stirring, fry the flour until golden. Be careful: flour is golden very fast
  3. Remove the pan from the heat and add butter. As soon as the oil begins to melt, constantly rub the mixture to avoid lumps formation
  4. Return the pan to the fire and gradually pour the liquid tomato-mixed component into the flour mix, constantly stirring the sauce with a whisk. If the formation of lumps could not be avoided, additionally problem the sauce with a submersible blender
  5. Bring the sauce to a boil

How to cook meatballs:

  1. Pour bread with milk/water, wait until completely softened, squeeze thoroughly and add to meat minced meat
  2. Cut the onion with small cubes and saving it to a transparent state. Cool slightly
  3. Mix minced meat, bread, onions, salt and spices thoroughly
  4. Let the minced meat rest in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
  5. Form the meatballs and regain them with flour. If the minced meat is not very dense, place the meatballs in the freezer for 30-40 minutes
  6. Fry the meatballs in a well -heated pan with the addition of vegetable oil to a light blush
  7. Fold the fried meatballs in a deep refractory shape and pour the sauce. The sauce should cover the meat balls completely
  8. Stew the meatballs for 10-15 minutes from the date of boiling the sauce. Adjust the temperature so that the sauce during the languor is constantly gurgling softly, but does not boil

Important: ready -made meatballs are served with the sauce in which they stewed!

Beef cakes in tomato sauce in a pan, recipe

Beef cakes in tomato sauce in a pan
Beef cakes in tomato sauce in a pan

This recipe is closer to the restaurant European menu in which the meatballs are proudly called Meatballs. But, since all the ingredients are available, and the technology is simple - beef meatballs in tomato sauce in a pan are easy to cook at home

  • thick tomato sauce (ideal - passata sauce) - 300 g or tomato juice - 400 g
  • onions - 100 g
  • fresh parsley - bundle
  • ground nutmeg - ½ tsp.
  • minced meat (beef/veal) - 500 g
  • paning crackers - 50 g
  • fresh chicken egg - 1
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • salt and black pepper - to taste
  • garlic-if desired-2-3 cloves

How to cook the sauce:

  1. In a saucepan, warm 30 ml of vegetable oil (better - olive). Add finely chopped garlic and warm a little (1-2 minutes). If the garlic spirit does not belong to your favorite fragrances, warm in oil ½ teaspoon of dried grease of oregano and basil
  2. Add tomato paste (sauce, juice) to the heated oil and cook on low heat until thick consistency. If necessary, add sugar, salt or vinegar to the sauce (lemon juice)

Tip: Fry the grill red bell pepper. Place the finished pepper for a few minutes in a plastic bag so that it is a little “drunk”. Remove the skin, peel from the stalk and seeds. Drive. Add pure puree to the sauce

How to cook meatballs:

  1. Finely chop the onion and give it to transparency with a small amount of vegetable oil. Cool
  2. Put minced meat, salt, nutmeg, finely chopped parsley (about 4 tbsp.), Egg, breadcrumbing crackers, and the onion, and the onion, and the onion. Mix thoroughly until smooth
  3. Form meat balls
Beef meatballs before frying
Beef meatballs before frying
  1. Send the meatballs to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
Be sure to cover the bow of beef with cling film before placing them in the refrigerator
Be sure to cover the bow of beef with cling film before placing them in the refrigerator
  1. Locate with primary heat treatment: bake in the oven or fry in vegetable oil. Keep in mind that the meatballs should fry, not extinguish!
Meatzers need free space in a pan so that the roasting does not turn into extinguishing
Meatzers need free space in a pan so that the roasting does not turn into extinguishing
  1. Put the well -browned meatballs in the pan, pour the sauce. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil. Reduce the fire to the quiet and simmer the meatballs from 10 to 30 minutes (the extinguishing time depends on the size and number of meatballs)
Beef cakes in tomato sauce before serving
Beef cakes in tomato sauce before serving

Cabinetids with cabbage, recipe with photo

Cabinet meatballs - a good alternative to the usual cabbage rolls
Cabinet meatballs - a good alternative to the usual cabbage rolls
  • minced meat - 500 g
  • white cabbage - 300 g
  • onions - 150 g
  • carrots - 90 g
  • water (meat/vegetable broth) - 350 ml. If you use tomato juice, the amount of water will be 250 ml
  • tomato paste - 60 g
  • passat tomato sauce - 140 g or tomato juice - 240 ml
  • sour cream - 40 g. Take into account: the fatter the methane, the less the risk of the stratification of the sauce
  • wheat flour (for sauce) - 30 g
  • flour for breading
  • sugar, salt, spices - to taste
  • garlic-if desired-2-3 cloves
  • fresh greens - bundle

How to cook vegetable sauce:

Important. If you cook sauce from vegetables, keep in mind that the vegetables should be cut the same and not differ in shape and size

  1. Grind the peeled onions and carrots in a convenient way for you. As an option: cut the onions into thin half rings, and rub the carrots coarsely
Cabinetids with cabbage: preparation of vegetables for sauce
Cabinetids with cabbage: preparation of vegetables for sauce
  1. In a convenient thick -walled heat -resistant bowl, warm a small amount of vegetable oil. Reduce the fire and let the chopped vegetables until soft
Cabbage meatballs: what the finished vegetables for sauce should look like
Cabbage meatballs: what the finished vegetables for sauce should look like
  1. Add water/broth to vegetables, tomato paste. Mix. Leave to warm up
  2. In a separate container, thoroughly mix flour and sour cream, add a passat or tomato juice sauce
  3. Add the resulting mixture to the contents of the pan. Constantly stirring, bring the sauce to a boil. Salt, add spices, sweeten (if tomato component of sour)
Cabinetids with cabbage: ready -made sauce
Cabinetids with cabbage: ready -made sauce

How to cook meatballs:

  1. Grind the cabbage with a meat grinder or blender. If desired, chop the garlic along with cabbage
  2. Finely chop the greens
  3. Carefully mix minced meat, cabbage, greens, salt and spices until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Give the minced meat to "stand" in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes
Cabinetids with cabbage: preparation of minced meat
Cabinetids with cabbage: preparation of minced meat
  1. Form the meatballs of a convenient size for you, panify in flour
  2. Fry the meat balls until blurred. If you need a dietary dish, a step with frying can be skipped
  3. Put the meatballs in comfortable heat -resistant dishes, pour the sauce, bring to a boil
Capitals with cabbage laid in a sauce for extinguishing (without preliminary frying)
Capitals with cabbage laid in a sauce for extinguishing (without preliminary frying)
  1. Cook meat balls for 30-40 minutes over low heat under a closed lid. During the extinguishing, the sauce should constantly gurgle quietly, but do not boil

Nickwitz with potatoes in the oven with a gravy #1

Nickwitzer with potatoes in the oven with a gravy: feeding option
Nickwitzer with potatoes in the oven with a gravy: feeding option

The restaurant name for this dish “Potatoes with meat balls, baked in creamy-raw sauce”. Impressive? And cooks easily!

  • minced meat - 500 g
  • rice - 70 g
  • onions - 100 g
  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • broccoli - at will - 300 g
  • garlic-if desired-2-3 cloves
  • average fat cream (20%) - 200 g
  • high fat milk - 200 ml
  • solid cheese - 350 g
  • salt, pepper, nutmeg powder - to taste

How to cook the sauce:

The consistency of the finished creamy sauce
The consistency of the finished creamy sauce
  1. Grind the cheese in any convenient way: using a blender, graters, etc.
  2. Pour cream and milk into a stewpan with a thick bottom and bring to a boil over low heat
  3. Add chopped cheese to the stewpan. Warm for 2-4 minutes with constant stirring. Cheese should disperse in cream
  4. Add to the sauce by a pinch of pepper and nutmeg, chopped garlic, if necessary, crush. Warm another 3-5 minutes. During cooking, the sauce should quietly gurgle, but do not boil

How to cook meatballs with potatoes:

  1. If you use broccoli as an additional ingredient, boil them until half -cooked
  2. Boil the rice, focusing on the recommendations of the manufacturer, and cool slightly. Many culinary specialists recommend boiling rice up to half -consumption, reducing the recommended volume of water by 2 times, but in this recipe it is quite acceptable to use well -welded rice
  3. Finely chop the onion and give with a small amount of vegetable oil
  4. Carefully washed potatoes cut into quarters. If the potatoes are large, divide the tuber into 8 identical parts

Tip: Even the old potatoes are not necessary to clean, because its peel contains a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements

Meatzers with potatoes: Preparation of potatoes
Meatzers with potatoes: Preparation of potatoes
  1. Mix chopped potatoes carefully with ½ part of the sauce
  2. Combine minced meat, rice, saved onions, add salt, spices and mix thoroughly
  3. Form the meatballs
  4. Put potatoes with sauce in the heat -resistant form. Between the potatoes, evenly distribute all the meatballs, fill in the gaps of broccoli. Pour the remaining sauce. Cover the shape with a lid or foil
  5. Hell the oven to 200 ° C. Bake potatoes with meatballs until the potatoes are ready (30-40 minutes). Five minutes before the end of the baking, remove the lid/foil and let the dish be browned
  6. Serve the dish hot in the form in which it was prepared

Nickwitz with potatoes in the oven with a gravy #2

Nickwitz with potatoes in the oven with a gravy
Nickwitz with potatoes in the oven with a gravy

Another delicious dish, the preparation of which will not take too much time, and the result will undoubtedly please!

  • minced meat - 500 g
  • onions - 300 g
  • rice - 100 g
  • garlic-if desired-2-3 cloves
  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • carrots - 250 g
  • bulgarian pepper -150-200 g
  • tomato paste - 50 g
  • salt, spices - to taste
  • broth (vegetable or meat) - 500 ml

How to cook:

  1. Boil the rice, focusing on the recommendations of the manufacturer, and cool slightly. Many culinary specialists recommend boiling rice up to half -consumption, reducing the recommended volume of water by 2 times, but in this recipe it is quite acceptable to use well -welded rice
  2. Finely chop one onion and give with a small amount of vegetable oil (for meatballs)
  3. Cut the remaining onion into thin half rings (for sauce)
  4. Grate the carrots large
  5. Cut the pepper strips
  6. Cut the potatoes with quarters. If the potatoes are large, divide the tuber into 8 identical parts
  7. In a well -heated frying pan, warm a small amount of vegetable oil and save the onion half -rings (until transparent). Add carrots and pepper, simmer until soft
  8. Put tomato paste in a pan with vegetables, mix thoroughly and warm for 5 minutes. Add half the volume of water, bring to a boil. Salt and pepper
  9. Put the potatoes in boiling sauce, cover with a lid, leave to languish over low heat
  10. Mix minced meat, boiled rice, saved onions, salt and pepper thoroughly. Form the meatballs
  11. Put the meatballs on the potatoes. Add water so that the sauce covers potatoes and meatballs completely. Bring to a boil. Try it. Add salt and spices if necessary
  12. Put the shape in a well -heated oven and languish until the potato is ready at a temperature of 200 ° C

Curricular meatballs with rice in creamy sauce, recipe

Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: feed option
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: feed option
  • kurin minced meat - 500 g
  • rice - 100 g
  • chicken egg - 1
  • onions - 100 g
  • garlic-1-2 teeth
  • salt, spices - to taste
  • flour for breading
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • butter - 60 g
  • flour (for sauce) - 40 g
  • broth (meat or vegetable)-400-500 ml
  • cream of medium fat content (20%) - 100 ml. Can be replaced with Greek yogurt or sour cream
  • ground paprika - if desired - a pinch
  • parsley - bundle

How to cook:

  1. Finely chop the onion and save in a small amount of vegetable oil
  2. Boil rice in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and cool
  3. Mix minced meat, rice, saved onions, egg, salt and spices thoroughly
Curric chicken meatballs with rice in creamy sauce: Preparation of minced meat
Curric chicken meatballs with rice in creamy sauce: Preparation of minced meat
  1. Form the meatballs and regain in flour
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: Tefteli molding
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: Tefteli molding
  1. Fry meat balls in a small amount of vegetable oil. Put the finished meatballs on a plate
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: frying the meatballs
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: frying the meatballs
  1. In the same pan, where the meatballs were previously fried, melt the butter and mix it with flour
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: preparation of sauce
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: preparation of sauce
    1. Mix in a separate capacity of the cream and broth, add salt and spices. Pour in, constantly stirring, into the oil-volume mixture. Bring the sauce to a boil and cook to a slight thickening
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: preparation of sauce
Curric chicken smokes with rice in creamy sauce: preparation of sauce
  1. Gently put the meatballs into the finished sauce. Stew 30 minutes under a closed lid over low heat
  2. Sprinkle the meatballs with chopped greens before serving

REAM NAMENTERS, photo recipe

Meads with cheese: cut
Meads with cheese: cut

For meatballs:

  • minced meat-450-500 g
  • garlic-3-4 teeth
  • chicken egg - 1
  • chedder grated cheese - 100 g
  • dry mixture of Italian herbs - to taste
  • fresh greens (parsley) - 1 bundle
  • paning crackers - 100 g
  • salt and spices - to taste
  • ice water - up to 100 ml
  • mozarella in balls or cut into pieces (according to the number of meatballs)

Sauce can use any, for example, tomato

Meat sauce
Meat sauce

How to cook meatballs:

  1. Mix minced meat, egg, grated cheese, breadcrumbs, chopped garlic, finely chopped greens, salt and spices. Knead well. Add water (1 tablespoon, kneading thoroughly each time)
Meads with cheese: the consistency of the finished minced meat
Meads with cheese: the consistency of the finished minced meat
  1. Form round meatballs and slightly press into each small piece of mozzarella
Meadmakers with cheese: molding
Meadmakers with cheese: molding
  1. Put the meatball on the palm of the left hand, slightly flatten the minced meat in a cake. Wrap the cake around the cheese ball, forming a meat ball
Meadmakers with cheese: molding
Meadmakers with cheese: molding
  1. Fry meat balls in a well -heated pan
Meads with cheese: frying
Meads with cheese: frying
  1. Put the fried meatballs in a refractory shape and bake in the oven. Baking time: 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. Baking time depends on the size and number of meatballs
Meads with cheese: frying
Meads with cheese: frying
  1. Serve the meatballs hot, watering with separately prepared sauce

Video: Taste case - chicken meatballs



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