How to make a steak steak from a shark at home: 2 best recipe in a pan and oven

How to make a steak steak from a shark at home: 2 best recipe in a pan and oven

At first glance, a rare shark meat can be cooked even at home. In this article, we consider the recipes of shark steaks.

Want to diversify the menu with an exotic dish? Try to make a steak steak. An unusual product is available in our region frozen. You can cook it by analogy with the usual varieties of fish. Dietary meat with minimal bone content has a delicate amazing taste.

Shark Shark at home: Important cooking rules

To correctly prepare a shark steak at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for the preparation of this meat:

  • Frozen steak Do not defrost in the microwave. It is enough to get it from the freezer in the evening and place it on the shelf of the refrigerator. Gradual defrosting will help to avoid dry meat.
  • The unpleasant odor will help to be eliminated in milk or salted water.
  • Cutting the skins with a small layer will protect children and allergy sufferers from the unforeseen reaction of the body.
Delicate meat
Delicate meat
  • Portioned shark steaks Before cooking, pickled in lemon juice, in lime juice, in white wine and other marinades.
  • The delicate meat of the shark is very easy to dry. Therefore, the preparation process should be under constant control.

Sweet Shark in a pan at home

The number of steaks is calculated based on the size of your pan. It is worth considering that in the process of preparation the size of portioned pieces decreases. 3 steaks are placed on the standard pan. The preparation technique according to this recipe helps to exclude dry meat.

List of components:

  • 3 steaks
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 100 g of black olives
  • 50 ml of white wine
  • dry parsley and oregano
  • dry garlic
  • salt and black pepper
In a pan
In a pan

How to make a steak shark in a pan:

  1. Cut the tomatoes in large pieces. We drain water from olives.
  2. The heated pan must be lubricated with vegetable or olive oil. Put tomatoes with olives, cover with a lid and lay out for 10-15 minutes until the vegetable juice isolated. Pour everything on a plate.
  3. Steam and pepper steaks. Put in a pan. Distribute stewed tomatoes with olives on top.
  4. Sprinkle the surface of steaks with dry herbs, garlic.
  5. The contents of the pan should be extinguished under the lid for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Add white dry wine to the pan. We continue to extinguish another 10 minutes without a lid. It is important to prevent the evaporation of all the liquid.
  7. Ready shark meat steaks You can additionally pour butter in combination with various herbs.

Shark Shark in the oven at home

List of components:

  • 1 kg of steaks
  • 250 g of cream
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1 lemon
  • 80 ml of olive oil
  • 1/4 packs of oil
  • a mixture of dry herbs to taste

How to make a steak shark in the oven:

  1. Leave frozen steaks in the refrigerator for the night for defrosting. Cut the skin with a knife.
  2. Put the steaks in a deep bowl. Cover with water and attach the juice of one lemon. Leave in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.
  3. Pickled steaks must be dried on a paper towel. Fry in olive oil for several minutes on each side.
  4. Form foil molds for steaks with an open top. Lubricate the inside with olive oil.
  5. Put the steaks of shark meat in the molds.
  6. On top of the steaks it is necessary to distribute soy sauce and sprinkle oregano. Cover with cream.
  7. Filled molds put on a baking sheet. Cover each blank with a foil piece.
  8. We send to the preheated oven for 10 minutes. For browning, remove foil caps and bake for another 10 minutes. The dish is served to the table with your favorite side dish.

Compliance with the main subtleties of the recipe will allow you to get soft, delicate and pleasant to taste meat.

Video: Cooking sharks

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