How to cook millet for fishing for carp, carriage crucian carp? How to properly cook crumbly miling How to properly cook porridge for baiting fish for fishing made of millet with pearl barley, peas, hercups, semolina and dry milk?

How to cook millet for fishing for carp, carriage crucian carp? How to properly cook crumbly miling How to properly cook porridge for baiting fish for fishing made of millet with pearl barley, peas, hercups, semolina and dry milk?

The article will tell you how to prepare a bait for fish from millet.

How to properly cook crumbly millet for fishing for carp, crucian carp for baiting?

Experienced fishermen know that millet is the best cereal for fishing. But here there are many nuances for cooking porridge. For example, for baiting fish, it is precisely the friable millet. After all, if the porridge is welded by one whole piece, such millet can lie for a very long time on the bottom of the reservoir untouched by fish until it sours and scares them away. On the other hand, to “clog the feeder” and fishing for fishing, you need adhesive millet porridge - “dough”.

Important: bait is the luring of the fish to a certain area by adding food to the water.

Bishop should be prepared correctly. It looks like a ball (piece), which is completely sent into the water. If the cereal is welded correctly, reaching the bottom, the grains will begin to exfoliate from the general piece and form the so -called “cloud”, which lures fish from the district. If the bait is not properly welded, then the lump is lying at the bottom, remaining completely unnoticed by fish.

Important: in bait, not only the friability of the cereal is important, that is, the exfolved large particles (if there is only “dust”, the fish will leave the place of bait), but also the aromatics - the saturated smell of porridge, which will “seduce” even a well -fed fish.

Millet is good because it lures perfectly. Pisces, having tried it, begin to swarm in search of more grains. Only crumbly millet will make it easy to “fly” in water particles of porridge. More particles - more hungry fish and more catching catch.

How to cook such a crumbly bait:

  • Take 1 part of the millet
  • Pierce it to the pan
  • Pour 1.5 parts of water
  • Turn on a small fire immediately
  • As a rule, the water level is one finger above the grain
  • Bring to a boil
  • Cook no more and at least 5 minutes
  • Constantly interfere with the brew without stopping
  • Remove from heat
  • Envelop a blanket and remove for 30-40 minutes
  • The mass will turn out soft and crumbly at the same time
  • She should easily choke on her fingers

Important: such porridge should after that be added to a special dry bait for fish.

Fish bait from millet
Fish bait from millet
What does bait look like?
What does bait look like?
How does bait work?
How does bait work?

How to properly cook porridge for bait for fishing made of millet with barley, peas?

Palvka and peas are an excellent bait for fish. For such food, you can catch crucian carp, bream, rudd and ya. Properly cooked bait from millet, barley or peas will allow you to have a good catch, both in the cold and in the warm season. It is interesting that barley is a favorite food of fish in the heat.

How to cook bait:

  • You should take 1 part of the yellow millet and pour it into a saucepan.
  • After pour this cereal with two parts of water and make sure that its level is above the cereals no more than 1 finger.
  • You need to turn on a slow fire, as it can quickly boil on a quick millet.
  • After the water boils, pour 1/3 of the pearl barley (or peas) into the pan.
  • Cook the bait for no more than 5-6 minutes and stir all the time-so the porridge will not take one lump.
  • Turn off the fire, cover the lid and wrap the pan well, leaving a bait for the steaming, which lasts about 40-45 minutes.
  • After that, porridge can be added to a dry fragrant bait for fish (the one you buy in a store for fishermen).
Independent bait bait from millet, pearl barley, peas
Independent bait bait from millet, pearl barley, peas

How to properly cook porridge for bait for fishing made of millet with Hercules?

How to prepare a bait from millet and Hercules:

  • Boil 1 part of the barley in advance so that the cereal becomes boiled (2.5 parts of water).
  • After that, pour 2 parts of yellow millet and 3-4 small bags of vanilla sugar into the pearl barley (serves as a kind of “fragrance” for fish).
  • You can interfere several tbsp. vegetable home oil.
  • Cook such porridge for 5-6 minutes and stir all this time so that it is boiled, but at the same time it can not steal.
  • Be prepared for the fact that your porridge will be adhesive, but it will be ideal for a “fast current” (for example, fishing in the river).
  • Pour already into the finished porridge of oatmeal “Hercules” (0.5 parts). They should be advanced in advance with boiling water.

Important: such a bait is prepared in the evening so that it can brew during the night.

What does bait look like?
What does bait look like?

How to properly cook porridge for bait for fishing made of millet with semolina and dry milk?

Interesting: for the preparation of such bait, you can use dry cow's milk, but it is much more efficient to take a baby milk mixture, which has a pronounced aroma that attracts fish.

How to cook bait on millet, semolina and milk:

  • Take 1 part of the yellow millet
  • Group is poured into a saucepan (or other dishes) and poured with water (a large amount: 2-3 parts).
  • Cook the porridge for no more than 8-10 minutes (make sure that millet does not boil much).
  • In the process of cooking, you can add bay leaf and sugar (this will attract fish to bait).
  • After drain the water through a sieve, and throw the porridge into a hot pan.
  • Fry it there, gradually adding semolina (about 1/3 of the part).
  • You need to fry millet until it stops sticking to your hands.
  • After that, pour your porridge in another dish and add oil to it (vegetable, without smell). Wait until it cools down and then it can be used.
Fish bait
Fish bait

Fishing millet millet dough: how to do it?

Food dough is a great bait and nozzle for fishing for fishing. Such food will not refuse to swallow the river fish and you can rejoice in good catches.

Features of preparing the dough for fishing:

  • 0.5 cups of millet will come in handy
  • It should be poured to a small culinary sieve and dip in boiling water.
  • Keep the sieve with cereal until the millet is completely stealing (about 5 minutes).
  • Stir the mass regularly, dipping it with the bottom in the water boiling over low heat.
  • Such cooking will allow you to avoid gluing porridge and guarantees a good consistency of the bait.
  • After pour the porridge in the bowl and start kneading with your hands, pouring special aromatics and dry semolina.
  • Squeezing should be added until the dough becomes viscous and elastic, similar to plasticine.

Video: "Food dough for fishing"

How to steam millet millet?

In an alternative to pneum cooking, there is also a method of steaming millet cereals for fishing in a thermos.

How to steam porridge:

  • Prepare 1 part of the millet
  • Rinse it with running water, do not soak for a long time
  • After pouring millet into a thermos
  • Boil 3 parts of water (according to the ratio to croup)
  • Pour millet with boiling water and close the thermos
  • Keep the porridge until the morning, and then mix with a store fragrant bait.

How to cook millet millet millet?

How to weld the bait:

  • Soak 1 part of the yellow millet for 10-15 minutes
  • Put it, the bay with boiling water and hold on fire for up to 6-7 minutes, regularly interfering.
  • You need to cook exactly until the moment when the grains begin to swell and burst.
  • Pour a pinch of salt and a bag of vanillin into the porridge (if you do not use additional aroma).
  • Interior several tbsp. vegetable home oil.
  • Turn off the fire, drain the remaining liquid
  • Close the lid and wrap the saucepan with a blanket when the porridge cools it.

Video: " Correct millet (Cooking) "

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