How to cook zucchini for the first feeding of a child? Recipes for dishes from zucchini for children: mashed potatoes, stem, soup, souffle, cutlets, casseroles, caviar

How to cook zucchini for the first feeding of a child? Recipes for dishes from zucchini for children: mashed potatoes, stem, soup, souffle, cutlets, casseroles, caviar

Zucchini is a healthy vegetable that should be on the child’s menu starting from six months. From it, according to recipes from the article, you can cook a lot of delicious dishes.

Even if the baby is on breastfeeding, from a certain time, additional products need to be introduced into his diet in order to provide a small growing and forming organism with the substances necessary for him. The basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods are as follows:

  • the least allergenic product is selected, and these are broccoli, zucchini, colored cabbage, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, etc.
  • the product is entered only by only one and at the same time you need to observe how it is absorbed by the baby
  • the product is introduced, starting with the smallest doses, which then gradually increase
  • the period between the introduction of one product and the next should be at least a week - two

One of the first in the baby’s diet can be introduced.

What is the benefit of zucchini when feeding?

The zucchini contains a lot of minerals and vitamins, and it is well absorbed by infants, practically without allergies.

Zucchini is the first vegetable for feeding children.
Zucchini is the first vegetable for feeding children.

Important: the most basic trace elements that will saturate the zucchini of the child’s body is iron and zinc

The zucchini also replenishes the body of the baby with a balance:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates
  • vitamins B, a, s, pp
  • fatty unsaturated acids
  • mono- and disaccharides
  • in addition to iron and zinc - magnesium, potassium, calcium, gray

A small organism needs food fibers and organic acids that are rich in zucchini.

How many months can you give a child a zucchini?

Currently, pediatricians and experienced mothers who were following their advice did not come to a consensus on what age the baby should be introduced from, including zucchini.

If earlier, pediatricians said that complementary foods can be administered from 3 months, then the current generation of doctors pushes this period for complementary foods from 4, or even from 6 months.

The zucchini is given to babies aged 4-6 months.
The zucchini is given to babies aged 4-6 months.

Important: it all depends on the individual development of the child, on the method of feeding him (breast or artificial feeding), on whether there were, whether the small problem with the tummy had a small problem. In any case, the period is indicated - from 4 to 6 months, the doctor will tell your child more accurately

How to cook zucchini for the first feeding child and how much to cook it for children's mashed potatoes?

For the first feeding, it is best to give a child to give juice from zucchini.
The zucchini contains a lot of moisture, and squeezing the juice from it will not be difficult.
For this:

  • the zucchini needs to be washed
  • cut a piece from it
  • to peel
  • grate and squeeze through gauze

You can do this through a juicer.

As feeding, you can give the child juice from zucchini.
As feeding, you can give the child juice from zucchini.

Important: the juice of the zucchini should be given to the baby immediately after you squeezed it. Store such juice in the refrigerator, you need to prepare a new one every time, because its beneficial qualities are most active during the first 15 - 20 minutes after spinning

Zucchini juice has a neutral taste. As a rule, children perceive it well.
The zucchini juice helps to increase appetite, so it is recommended to give it 15 to 20 minutes before the start of the main feeding.
The first dose of zucchini juice is no more than half a teaspoon. With normal assimilation, the dose increases daily.

After the juice from the zucchini is tried and it has already become part of the diet of the baby, you can make mashed potatoes from zucchini.

RECIPE: puree from zucchini for the first feeding

Mashed potatoes.
Mashed potatoes.
  1. Choose a whole zucchini without flaws and my
  2. Peel and cut into pieces 1 cm or 1, 5 cm thick into pieces
  3. Put it in a small saucepan and pour water with water so that the vegetable is slightly covered
  4. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling
  5. The zucchini quickly becomes soft and is easy to crush to the state of mashed potatoes. To make the mashed potatoes, it can be diluted with the same broth in which the zucchini was cooked, or milk

Important: you can neither salt nor send puree

As an option, you can cook mashed boot for mashed potatoes in a double boiler, also for 10 minutes. Then dilute with milk.

You can also purchase ready -made mashed potatoes from the zucchini in children's food stores. However, choose so that for the first time the mashed potatoes contain one vegetable.
Feeding must be driven by starting with a teaspoon, gradually increasing its volume. Children from 7 months to 1 year old can be given per day of 100 g of vegetable puree.
You can also give 50 g of mashed potatoes and 50 ml of zucchini juice for a variety.

Kabachki puree from the store.
Kabachki puree from the store.

VIDEO: How to cook mashed potatoes for the first feeding the baby?

Zucchini dishes for children under a year

RECIPE: Mashed potatoes with cottage cheese

Mashed potatoes with cottage cheese.
Mashed potatoes with cottage cheese.

Such a dish can be prepared for the baby, starting from the age of 8 months.

  1. Young, washed and peeled from the peel, boil Min 5 (if the zucchini is more mature, then you will have to cook for 15 minutes)
  2. Add to boiled zucchini 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cottage cheese and mix the blender to the state of puree

The remaining mass can be offered to adult family members by adding salt, garlic, dill to it. It will turn out a delicious and healthy appetizer.
RECIPE: Zucchini and rice porridge for children from 8 months

Zucchini and rice porridge.

    Zucchini and rice porridge.
  1. Boil the zucchini and rice (in the traditional ratio of 2 water: 1 rice)
  2. Mix in a blender, dilute the vegetable broth

RECIPE: Vegetable puree made of zucchini, carrots and potatoes for babies from 6 months

Vegetable mashed potatoes, carrots and potatoes.
  1. We clean, mine and boil the vegetables: half of the potatoes, half the carrots, a piece of zucchini
  2. Add zucchini for cooking 5 to 7 minutes before its end
  3. Pour the welded vegetables in a blender or through a sieve
  4. You can add a little olive oil or butter on the tip of the knife in the puree

The ingredients for vegetable puree can be changed. For example, it would be nice to add broccoli and/ or cauliflower to it.

Instead of mashed potatoes, you can prepare a soup with the same ingredients.
RECIPE: Zucchini soup with meat

Soup from zucchini with meat.
Soup from zucchini with meat.

Starting from 9 - 10 months, a child can be given soup or mashed potatoes, other vegetables and meat (veal or turkey).

  1. Boil the meat and separately zucchini
  2. Then both ingredients are mixed in a blender and diluted with vegetable broth
  3. You can add a little oil for taste

Tip: for children, starting from 9 - 10 months, you can try to give well -decorated and soft vegetables in small pieces, and not just in the form of mashed potatoes. The baby should get used to the process of chewing.

Dishes from zucchini for children from 1 year to 2 years old

RECIPE: Steamed vegetable cutlets

Vegetable cutlets.
Vegetable cutlets.

From 1 year old children can diversify the shape of dishes and the number of ingredients in them.
For example, from zucchini, carrots, cauliflower, green peas and broccoli with a mankin, you can make steam cutlets.

  1. Mine and rub vegetables on grater
  2. After slightly, let them with boiling water, so they will soften, and it will be easier to crush them
  3. Slightly suck and add a little semolina to them
  4. We leave for a while while the decoy swells
  5. We form cutlets, you can dip them in flour
  6. We send it to a double boiler or cook for a couple of 7 - 10 minutes

RECIPE: Baded from zucchini

Relice casserole.
Relice casserole.


  • 1 zucchini
  • 120 g of rice
  • 1 egg
  • a little salt and herbs
  1. Rice must be boiled, and the zucchini is washed and grate on a fine grater
  2. Stir the zucchini, rice and drive an egg there, add greens and salt
  3. Lubricate the baking dish with oil and put the mixture in it
  4. Bake in the oven 30 minutes

Dishes of zucchini for children from 2 years and older

For children over 2 years old, soups or soups with zucchini are prepared in low-fat meat broth.
For the preparation of soup, vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, carrots, onions, tsukkini, colored cabbage, etc.) can be boiled separately from the meat broth, and then diluted with them, or you can cook in the broth itself.

Children from two years old can be given a variety of zucchini dishes.
Children from two years old can be given a variety of zucchini dishes.

Vegetables are cut into small pieces and boiled, and the zucchini in cooking is added last for 5-7 minutes before the end.
The finished soup is sprinkled with greens and slightly sucked.

RECIPE: Stew from vegetables with zucchini

Vegetable stew with zucchini.
Vegetable stew with zucchini.

Vegetables that are in the house will come in handy, namely:

  • zucchini
  • carrot
  • potato
  • onion
  • eggplant
  • tomatoes
  1. All vegetables, except zucchini, cut into small cubes and simmer in vegetable oil with a small amount of water or meat broth
  2. Chopped zucchini is added to the dish 7 minutes before the end of the preparation
  3. In the process of extinguishing and stirring, the vegetables need to be a little shatter

VIDEO: Children's mashed potatoes, zucchini and carrots in a slow cooker

RECIPE: Pancakes from zucchini for children

Pancakes from zucchini.
Pancakes from zucchini.

Pancakes from zucchini are beautiful food for the child, and the children eat them with pleasure, especially if they are also flavored with sour cream.

  1. Through zucchini on grater, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of flour to it, stir and salt
  2. Fry like ordinary pancakes in vegetable oil
  3. Serve the baby warm and with sour cream

RECIPE: Zucchini soup for children

Barrow soup can be prepared both vegetarian and in meat broth. You can add a little rice cereal and small pieces of meat to the soup. The zucchini should be added to the soup at the end of cooking, 7 minutes before the end, they cook quickly.

RECIPE: Suffle from zucchini for children

Suffle from zucchini.
Suffle from zucchini.

We cook souffle, for example, as follows:

  1. Mine, clean, cut and extinguish the zucchini, adding a little water to it
  2. After 5 minutes, add a teaspoon of semolina to the zucchini, and a little milk
  3. Remove from heat, let stand a little, crush the products with a blender
  4. When the mixture has cooled a little, drive an egg into it, put a little butter
  5. Beat once again with a blender and send the mixture either to the oven or to the double boiler. You can make souffle in a water bath

Suffle will be ready in 15 minutes. This is a delicious and delicate product. It can be salted during cooking, and a little sugar is put in it.

RECIPE: Casserole from zucchini for children

For casserole from zucchini for older children, and not one -year -old, in addition to the zucchini themselves, rice and eggs can also be used cheese.

  1. Boil the rice and let it stand for 5 - 10 minutes
  2. Rub the zucchini
  3. Mix rice, zucchini and egg, salt
  4. We put in a lubricated shape and hold in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked
  5. A few minutes before the casserole is ready, we get it, sprinkle it with a grater with hard cheese and bring it to readiness in the oven until the cheese melts

RECIPE: KUBACH cutlets for children

KUBACH cutlets.
KUBACH cutlets.
  1. For cutlets, harvest grated zucchini
  2. Give him a little time while he lets the juice
  3. Pour the juice and continue to prepare minced meat for zucchini cutlets
  4. You can add carrots (also grated), meat (beef or chicken) minced meat, onions or greens, a burnza or a patisson and an egg to zucchini
  5. Mix everything thoroughly, salt and form cutlets
  6. Cutlets can be steamed, or fry in vegetable oil. After browning, turn the cutlets with the other side and close the container with a lid
  7. Sour cream is supplied to ready -made cutlets from zucchini

VIDEO: Pancakes from zucchini in the oven. Simple and delicious recipe

RECIPE: scourge from zucchini for children

KUBACH cutlets.
Caviar from zucchini.

Almost all people love zucchini caviar, and young children can be given from 1, 5 years old.

  1. For children, we prepare caviar as follows:
  2. Cut the zucchini and three on the grater carrots, then slightly fry them in oil and put them in a pan
  3. We extinguish the vegetables for about an hour, and the resulting fluid must then be drained
  4. At this time, we harvest tomatoes - pour them with boiling water, remove the skin and cut it off finely
  5. Add prepared tomatoes, salt and greens to taste to extinguished zucchini and carrots and simmer for several more minutes

The ratio of vegetables can be 1: 1: 1 (zucchini, carrots, tomato) or 2: 2: 2, etc.

RECIPE: Zucchini stew in sour cream for children

Zucchini stewed in sour cream.
Zucchini stewed in sour cream.

Zucchini for children can be extinguished in sour cream.

  1. Bring the zucchini to readiness as follows
  2. Cut and fry the head of onions in oil
  3. When it is gilding, add the zucchini cut to it and continue to fry, covering it with a lid and adding a little water
  4. At this time, zucchini can be salt
  5. The zucchini is stew for 10 minutes, then sour cream is added to them and tapped a couple more minutes

RECIPE: zucchini with milk for children

  1. Zucchini, carrots and onion, clean, cut
  2. We put the vegetables in a saucepan, pour a glass of water, leave to cook 25 minutes until the water boils. The pan can not be closed with a cover
  3. Add milk to vegetables, and cook again until the mixture acquires a cream tint
  4. We salt the vegetables cooked in milk and beat with a blender to the state of mashed potatoes
  5. Put a little butter in it in it

VIDEO: Zucchini in creamy sauce

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