How to cook crispy juicy nages at home: Best recipes. How to cook bugs from chicken and breasts, turkey, pork, minced meat with cheese, fish, vegetables? Chicken nuggets like in McDonald's, KFS: recipes

How to cook crispy juicy nages at home: Best recipes. How to cook bugs from chicken and breasts, turkey, pork, minced meat with cheese, fish, vegetables? Chicken nuggets like in McDonald's, KFS: recipes

Have you ever tried the nages? Do you know this pleasant crunch and delicate filling? If not, then we highly recommend that you try to cook the nagges according to one of our recipes.

Another way to please guests and households is to prepare real home nuggets. There are a lot of recipes for making this dish. In this article we will analyze the most successful of them.

What are nages, what are they making, and how to cook them?

Nuggets - chicken pieces breaded in crackers, fried in a large amount of oil. Sometimes various types of cheese, pieces of vegetables, spices are added to the panic. It all depends on your wishes and imagination.

You can make nages not only from chicken. Suitable also:

  • pork
  • turkey
  • fish
  • potato
  • vegetables
  • ground beef

As you can see, the options from which you can concoct delicious home nuggets are many.

Nuggets are served with tomato, sweet and sour or cheese sauce
nuggets are served with tomato, sweet and sour or cheese sauce

Typically, the nages are fried in a pan in large amounts of oil or deep -fruit. More gentle alternatives involve the frying of the nages in the oven, cooking a double boiler, and a slow cooker. The lowest -calorie version of the embossing of the nuggets is in a dry pan with an anti -stick coating without oil.

Mistresses note! Real nages are art. Not everyone gets perfect for the first time, so try various cooking options.

As you already understood, the nuggets of the traditional sense are quite a fat and high -calorie dish. To balance the meal, serve the nuggets with a lot of vegetables and greens.

Against the background of vegetables, the nuggets look very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing
Against the background of vegetables, the nuggets look very appetizing and aesthetically pleasing

How to cook nuggets from chicken fillet in breadcrumbs?

The standard recipe for the preparation of the nages looks like this.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg
  • egg - 2 pcs or 100 g
  • power of the highest grade - 100 g
  • paning crackers - 200 g
  • salt, seasonings - optionally
  • vegetable oil for frying


  1. Rinse the chickens under cold water, dry.
  2. Using a kitchen hammer, slightly beat off the meat so that it becomes softer.
  3. Cut the fillet into strips 3 cm wide.
  4. Cut each strip into pieces with sides 3 and 4 cm.
  5. Fold pieces of chicken into a bowl, roll in spices.
  6. Mix products for Lizon:
    1. Break two eggs and 2-3 tablespoons of water into a bowl.
    2. Stir the mixture with a whisk.
    3. Dissolve the salt in the egg mixture.
  7. Make a double panic:
    1. Complete each piece into the lizon.
    2. In the wake of this immediately in flour.
    3. Again in the egg mixture.
    4. After that, in panning crackers.
  8. Ready -made pieces are immediately lowered into boiling oil (the oil level should be higher than the chicken level by 3 cm).
  9. Fry no more than 3-4 minutes. Check with a knife - if the knife easily enters the nugget, then everything is ready.
  10. Remove from deep fryers, pans or pots where you cooked, with a slotted spoon and put them on plates with paper towels, so that excess fat is stack.

Nuggets are ready. Serve with a vegetable mixture, leaf greens and sauce.

Home nuggets are no less delicious
Home nuggets are no less delicious

How to cook bugs from chicken breasts with deep -fruit apples?

A very interesting recipe for the preparation of Nuggets ... with apples! You did not rush, it is apples that are used in the recipe. Due to their presence, the nages come out very juicy, and their taste is more saturated.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g
  • green sour apple - 2 pcs or 200 g
  • kuren egg - 2 pcs or 100 g
  • power of the highest grade - 200 g
  • paning crackers - 200 g
  • salt, seasonings - to taste
  • frying oil - optionally


  1. Rinse the chicken fillet and dry the paper towels.
  2. Cut each half of the fillet into 5 small pieces. For the convenience of further processing, we recommend cutting at an angle of 60 degrees from a narrow part to a wider.
  3. Using a kitchen hammer, beat off a fillet to a thickness of 0.5 cm. It is better to beat off on a bag so that the fillet does not leave.
  4. Peel apples, cut the core.
  5. Cut apples into pieces of medium size, 2 cm thick.
  6. Wrap 1 piece of apple into the chicken fillet with an envelope.
  7. Make Lizon as indicated in previous recipes.
  8. Make a double panic:
    1. Dip the envelopes of chicken into the egg mixture.
    2. Next, roll carefully in flour.
    3. And after that again to Lizon.
    4. Pan in crackers.
  9. Fry deep-hot, hot until 180-190 degrees.

Advice! If the apples are very solid, and you are worried that they can remain raw, then you can pre-fry them in butter or soften in the microwave for 1-2 minutes.

Nuggets with an apple can be called stuffed poultry cutlets
Nuggets with an apple can be called stuffed poultry cutlets

How to cook Nuggets from turkey in batter?

Nuggets from turkey are made as well as chicken. In any recipe, chicken meat can be replaced with turkey meat and vice versa, there is no fundamental difference. The difference between this recipe is that instead of panning we will use the batter.


  • turkey fillet - 0.5 kg
  • eggs - 150 g or 3 pieces
  • flour - 40 g
  • water is optional
  • salt - to taste
  • baking powder - on the tip of a knife
  • seasonings (red acute pepper, turmeric, paprika, black pepper) - a pinch


  1. Rinse and dry the turkey meat on paper towels.
  2. Cut the fillet into medium cubes.
  3. Make a batter:
    1. Mix eggs with spices and looser with a whisk.
    2. Add flour and water, mix. Consistency - like on the dough for pancakes.
  4. Dip the pieces of fillet in the batter.
  5. Remember immediately in boiling oil.
  6. Fry a few minutes until golden crisp.
  7. Pull out from the oil and put it on paper towels, or put in a colander so that the oil drains.
The golden orange color of the nuggets give spices and oil for frying good quality
The golden orange color of the nuggets give spices and oil for frying good quality

How to cook pork bugs?

Pork differs from chicken time of cooking. If the chicken reaches only a couple of minutes, that pork needs much more time. In order for the pork to be fried, until the panel began to heat up, we recommend making the first rolling in panning.


  • pork (without fat) - 400 g
  • parmesan cheese (or other solid varieties)-150-200 g
  • eggs - 3 pieces or 150 g
  • paning crackers - 200 g
  • salt - to taste
  • water is optional
  • spices (coriander, turmeric, paprika, red sharp pepper) - 1 whisper.


  1. Cut the pork into small pieces of rectangular shape.
  2. Each piece beat on the cling film to a thickness of 0.3-0.5 cm, that is, very thin.
  3. Cut the cheese into strips about 5 cm long (depending on what slices of pork you get).
  4. Next, put the meat plate on the food film, salt and pepper each.
  5. Put the cheese strips in the center (1-2 pieces, so that you can wrap them).
  6. Wrap the pieces of cheese first from the short side, then turn into a steering wheel.
  7. Prepare the lezon by mixing eggs, a little salt, spices and water. Remember that you have already salted meat.
  8. Dip the rolls into the lizon, then in the cracker and so twice.
  9. Send the nuggets to the hot oil and fry until the crispy golden crust appears.
You can add greens to the filling, then the taste will be more saturated
We strongly recommend adding herbs to the filling, then the taste will be more saturated

How to cook minced meat with cheese?

The bugs of minced meat can be called cutlets. However, here there are subtleties.


  • chicken fillet (breast silt thigh)-500-600 g
  • solid cheese - 200 g
  • power of the highest grade - 100 g
  • eggs - 150 g or 3 pieces
  • paning crackers - 200 g
  • salt and seasonings - to taste


  1. Prepare chicken minced meat:
    1. Cut the breast into pieces.
    2. Grind in a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Pour in the minced meat, seasoning, knead the mass.
  3. Cut the cheese into medium cubes.
  4. Make a lizon in advance according to one of the recipes above.
  5. Sweet the oil in a pan or in a pan.
  6. From minced meat, form the same balls of 100 g.
  7. From each ball, make a cake and wrap a piece of cheese into it.
  8. Give the cutlet a rectangular shape and dip in the lezon.
  9. After that, roll the future nuggets in breadcrumbs.
  10. Lower the naggets into boiling oil for 3-5 minutes.
  11. When the crust becomes golden, put the naggets into paper towels so that the oil is absorbed.

Advice to the housewives! In order for the minced meat to become softer and softer, we recommend that he “hit” the table several times, beat it off. Otherwise, juiciness may not work, because there is no onion or egg for these nuggets.

We recommend that this dish serve with sauerkraut or other cold appetizer
we recommend that this dish serve with sauerkraut or other cold appetizer

How to cook bugs from fish?

It is not difficult to prepare bugs from fish minced meat. The technology is slightly different from the preparation of chicken nuggets, however, it can be mastered quickly.


  • low -fat fish fillet - 400 g
  • chicken egg - 100 g
  • paning crackers - 250 g
  • salt - to taste
  • seasonings (coriander, red and black pepper, turmeric, hop-sunels)-1 pinch.


  1. Files check for the presence of bones.
  2. At an angle of 90 degrees, cut the fillet into strips.
  3. Prepare Lizon:
    1. Mix eggs and some water.
    2. Pour a pinch of salt.
    3. Beat to uniformity.
  4. Pour salt and spices in crackers, mix.
  5. Rear the oil to the boiling point in the pan.
  6. Dip each piece of fish.
  7. After that, roll in crackers.
  8. Dip the future bugs of fish into boiling oil for 2-3 minutes.
  9. Put the finished nuggets on a plate with paper napkins to get rid of excess fat.
You will succeed in such a wonderful dish
You will succeed in such a wonderful dish

How to prepare vegetarian nuggets from vegetables, potatoes?

Vegetarian nuggets imply the lack of meat, chicken or fish. This recipe just meets this requirement. Instead of fish and chicken, there are vegetables, namely potatoes, onions, carrots, spinach. It is also allowed to add boiled beans red or white, partially replacing the potatoes with it.


  • potatoes - 400 g
  • carrots - 200 g
  • onion Turnip - 100 g
  • spinach-20-30 g
  • cheese - 200 g
  • egg - 2 pieces or 100 g
  • paning crackers - 250 g
  • salt, spices - to taste


  1. Boil potatoes and carrots in the uniform.
  2. While they cook, cut the onions with half rings.
  3. Grate carrots on a grater.
  4. Rinse the spinach and cut into pieces.
  5. In a pan with vegetable oil, fry the onion with carrots.
  6. At the end of the onion-grill fry, complement with spinach. Fry for another 1-2 minutes.
  7. Cool the potatoes and carrots, peel, cut not very large.
  8. Cut the cheese with average cubes.
  9. Place all vegetables, salt and spices in a blender bowl and turn them into mashed potatoes.
  10. Skat small balls from vegetable puree.
  11. Inside each ball, put several pieces of cheese, wrap and pinch the edges. Give the form of sausages.
  12. Prepare Lizon as usual. Site it a little.
  13. Lower one sausage into the lizon, then roll in crackers. Repeat again. You will get a double panning.
  14. In boiling oil, lower several vegetable semi -finished products, fry them until golden crust.
  15. Cool and serve with sauce.
Such nuggets are very tasty. You can eat them even on some days of fasting
Such nuggets come out very tasty. You can eat them even on some days of fasting

Kurin Nuggets: recipe as in McDonald's

It is impossible to repeat the buggets recipe from McDonald's exactly, because in such institutions it is strictly classified. However, you can try to repeat it, which we will now try to do.


  • chicken fillet - 500 g
  • power of the highest grade or breading crackers of small grinding - 200 g
  • eggs - 100 g or 2 pieces
  • salt - to taste
  • spices (turmeric, red sweet pepper, red sharp pepper) - 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil for frying - optionally


  1. Cut the chickens, dry with towels.
  2. Cut the fillet with slices of medium size (in the photo example)
  3. Prepare a panic and lezon:
    1. For panning, combine breadcrumbs with salt and spices.
    2. For the lezon, connect the eggs, a little water and salt, bring it to uniformity.
  4. Pan the chicken twice:
    1. The first thing is the egg mixture.
    2. After that - in crackers.
    3. Next, repeat these points again.
  5. Dip the Fature of the semi -finished products.
  6. Fry until a beautiful crust of gold color appears.

Take a note! The difference between Nuggets from McDonald's is that it is used to pan a very small grinding for their preparation. If you do not have one in stock, then it would be more advisable to use the highest grade wheat flour for panning.

Wonderful chicken nuggets, as in McDonald's, you will get at the exit
Wonderful chicken nuggets, as in McDonald's, you will get at the exit

Kurin nagus with corn flakes: recipe as in the CFS?

From the recipe from McDonald's, the Nuggets data will be very different. They have a more crunchy crust and a much more pleasant and rich taste. No one knows the exact recipe except the CFS workers, but we will now try to reproduce it, or at least try to get closer to it.

Advice! Use the spices that we indicated. They are responsible for the rich taste and color of the naggets.


  1. chicken fillet - 600 g
  2. paning crackers - 200 g
  3. corn flakes without sugar - 150 g
  4. salt - to taste
  5. spices (paprika, turmeric, red sharp pepper, black ground pepper) - 2 teaspoons
  6. eggs - 150 g or 3 pieces
  7. water - 3 tablespoons


  1. The chicken fillet is slightly beaten off with a kitchen hammer.
  2. Cut it across on strips 2-3 cm wide.
  3. Put the chopped fillet in a bowl, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  4. We leave to marry for 2-3 hours. You can even leave it overnight. They will only be tastier from this.
  5. Pour corn flakes into a dense bag and chop with the help of the same hammer. You can also use a blender, just do not grind hard.
  6. For a lezon, connect the eggs, water and add a pinch of salt together.
  7. Get out the chicken from the refrigerator, which you cleaned there to pickle.
  8. Smell the chicken twice:
    1. First lower the pieces into the egg mixture.
    2. Now in the cracker.
    3. Further again into the egg mixture
    4. After that, roll them in corn flakes.
  9. Send the chicken in deep fat.
  10. Cook until a pleasant golden crust appears.
You will succeed in such beautiful pieces of chicken
You will succeed in such beautiful pieces of chicken

How and how much to fry the Miratorg Nuggets in a pan frozen?

Nuggets from the manufacturer "Miratorg" - a high -quality and delicious product. If you need to save cooking time, then semi -finished products will surely save you.

Cooking does not take more than 10 minutes. It is usually recommended to fry such nuggets in a pan with heated vegetable oil until lighting on both sides. It turns out that on one side they should be fried no more than 3-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to cover them with a lid during cooking.

This is how Miratorg's chicken nuggets look in packaging
This is how Miratorg's chicken nuggets look in packaging

Nuggets from chicken steamed in a slow cooker: Recipe

Dietary nuggets will especially like those who tirelessly monitor their figure, try to eat right and healthy products, avoids harmful fats, sugar and other “bad” products.


  • chickens - 500 g
  • eggs - 100 g or 2 pieces
  • seasonings (turmeric, paprika, red sharp pepper, adjika) - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • paning crackers - 200 g


  1. Cut the chicken fillet in small pieces, after washing with cold water and drying.
  2. Make Lizon according to any recipe described earlier in the article.
  3. Wear the fillets in spices, sprinkle with salt, mix.
  4. Lower the fillet into the egg mixture.
  5. After that - in the cracker.
  6. Then again Lizon and again crackers.
  7. Put a panic fillet in the Maltevarka bowl.
  8. Set the "Frying" or "Baking" mode.
  9. After 20-30 minutes, turn the pieces and cook the same amount.

The maximum dietary dish is ready! Although in a slow cooker you can fry in fruit, we are interested in a lower -calorie option.

Nuggets fried in a slow cooker
Nuggets fried in a slow cooker

Nuggets like a dupan: recipe

The recipe for losing weight is diet bugs on Ducan. The diet of Pierre Dukan has become so popular that its fans came up with thousands of recipes, if only not to eat a fresh boiled breast in a bite with oat bran.

This recipe is suitable not only to the “Ducanists”, but to everyone who wants to lose weight is tasty at the same time eating.


  • kura breast - 550 g
  • salt, seasonings - at your discretion
  • egg - 2 pieces or 100 g
  • oat flakes (scattering) - 50 g (may be needed more)
  • a drop of vegetable oil


  1. Prepare the chicken, as in previous recipes, cut it into pieces.
  2. Make a lezon by mixing eggs, a little water, salt and seasonings.
  3. Dip each piece into the egg mixture.
  4. Next, roll in bran.
  5. Once again in Lizon, and again in bran.
  6. Heat the anti -stick pan, literally lubricated with a drop of oil.
  7. Lay the nuggets in a hot pan.
  8. Fry from one side to crust.
  9. Next, turn over and re -fry on the opposite side.
Dyukanovsky Nuggets
Dyukanovsky Nuggets

Nuggets in the microwave: recipe

How to cook nages in the microwave? Very simple! For this, absolutely any recipe from the previously given in the article is suitable.

In the microwave, you need to put the nuggets for exactly 5 minutes. Next, look by readiness. If the nuggets are well fried and acquired a shade of gold, then further heat treatment is not required!

Note! So that with this method of manufacturing the chicken does not turn out very dry, we advise the fillet even before the paneling to be marinated in seasonings for the night.

When there is no oven and a large amount of oil, microwave comes to the rescue
when there is no oven and a large amount of oil, microwave comes to the rescue

Nuggets in the oven without oil: recipe

The economical and at the same time super-nizcocaloric recipe for naggets in the oven for those who protect the figure. You can take any recipe for those that you find above. All of them work according to one principle.

The optimum temperature for nuggets in the oven 200 degrees. If you are afraid to dry, then take 220. Time can vary from 15 to 30 minutes.

It is better to lubricate the baking sheet with butter and cover with foil with a mirror side up.

By the way, you can bake the nages just on a bars without a baking sheet
By the way, you can bake the nages just on a bars without a baking sheet

Nuggets chicken: recipe with soda, starch, lemon, sesame seeds

The key to the tenderness of chicken is the reaction of soda and lemon juice. Starch adds a crust, and sesame seeds - a pleasant note of taste.


  • chicken - 600 g
  • soda - 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
  • salt - 1 tablespoon
  • potato starch - 2 teaspoons for sprinkling and another 200 g for breading
  • sesame - 2 teaspoons


  1. Prepare the chicken, as in any recipe earlier.
  2. Combine salt and soda.
  3. Sprinkle with this mixture of the cooker.
  4. Pour the lemon juice on top.
  5. For the reaction to go faster - mix all the pieces.
  6. When the chicken begins to foam - pour the starch and sesame seeds. Mix.
  7. Put pieces of chicken into a frying pan with butter.
  8. Fry alternately from two sides.
These are super pieces you will succeed in this recipe
These are super pieces you will succeed in this recipe

Video: How to cook nages?

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