How to cook croutons with an egg from a loaf and black bread in a microwave, in a pan and in the oven? Baton croutons with egg and milk sweet: recipe

How to cook croutons with an egg from a loaf and black bread in a microwave, in a pan and in the oven? Baton croutons with egg and milk sweet: recipe

How to cook sweet croutons, with layering filling, in a pan, in the oven and in the microwave? You will learn about this in this article.

Toast - A dish that is prepared literally in 5 minutes. They can be prepared both sweet and unsweetened.

Croutons are a very simple dish, but they also have cooking secrets. Here they are:

  • Delicious croutons are made of stale bread.
  • For the preparation of the croutons, white and brown bread, loaf, buns are suitable.
  • Before frying crops, a pan with vegetable oil needs to be well heated.
  • Pour oils in the pan a little, otherwise the croutons will absorb into themselves, and will be very fat.
  • To improve the taste for each fried hot crum, you need to put a small piece of butter.

Cerens with egg and milk in a pan, recipe

Crrenals prepared with eggs and milk in a pan

If there are several breeds of stale bread or loaf since yesterday, then you can fry in a pan of Grenca.

The stale bread in the egg-milk mixture will soak, and we will get soft and delicate fried croutons for breakfast or afternoon snack. And if you also add extinguished vegetables or sprats, then the appetizer will be excellent.

Cerens with eggs and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. Half of yesterday's wheat loaf Cut with slices.
  2. 1 egg Shake with 4-5 tbsp. tablespoons of milk, salt taste.
  3. We lay into this mixture slices of the loaf, and put on a heated pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons).
  4. Fry the croutons from one side and the other to golden color.

Grands with an egg in the microwave, recipe

Crings cooked with eggs, milk and mushrooms in the microwave

Cerens with eggs and mushrooms prepared in the microwave


  1. 200 g of loaf Cut with slices.
  2. 1 egg Beat with 100 ml of milkSalt.
  3. We lower the slices into the egg-milk mixture, take them out of it, and put them in the microwave at full power, 2-3 minutes.
  4. Any mushrooms are suitable: fresh, dry or canned. Fresh fry immediately, dry - first soak, and then fry, canned - rinse and fry.
  5. A few pieces of fresh mushrooms (champignons, oils, white), washed and cut, fry on 1 tbsp. spoon of butter, add finely chopped 1 small onionand when it is a little fried, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of flourWe season 2 teaspoons of sour cream, And we stew all for a few minutes.
  6. We put the mushroom minced meat on the croutons, sprinkle with grated hard cheese(He will need it about 100g), and put in the microwave at full power, for 5-6 minutes.

Baton croutons with eggs sweet, recipe

Grands cooked with eggs and milk, sweet

Sweet cranks from a loaf with egg and milk, fried in a frying pan


  1. 400 g of stale white loaf Cut with slices.
  2. 1 egg shake with a spoon, a little saltWe pour it 1 glass of milkWe pour it 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, And mix until a homogeneous mass.
  3. We lower the slices of the loaf into the prepared mixture, dip on all sides.
  4. Heat in a pan vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp., and fry the glossy of the loaf on both sides until golden or dark in color - on an amateur.
  5. Crings before serving on the table, you can sprinkle sugar, lubricate with jam, jam or sweet chocolate sauce - There will be generally ease.

Black bread with egg

Crings made of black bread with eggs

Tips About, how to cook delicious croutons:

  • Grains are delicious if you beat sour cream, kefir or fermented with eggs with an egg.
  • In order to get a new taste of the croutons each time, various spicy herbs can be added to the milky-icon mixture: parsley, sage, basil, cilantro, major, chamber and other spices.
  • Crings can be frying on different types of vegetable oil.
  • The croutons will be crispy if they are frying on a fairly large fire.

Black bread with eggs, fried in a pan


  1. 200 g of stale black bread Cut into slices.
  2. Shake 1 egg With 1-2 teaspoons of waterWe add salt and spices to taste.
  3. Pieces of bread are dip in a chatter of eggs, and fry over medium heat, in a pan.
  4. We eat hot croutons at once, and cold can be greased with mayonnaise, sour cream, or put on them any salad of vegetables, fries, rice with spices.

Cerens with egg and sausage

Crown -cooked croutons with eggs and sausage

For breakfast, we always choose dishes that can be cooked quickly. It can be croutons, they are delicious, and besides, they are nutritious.

Grenches with eggs, sausage and cheese


  1. We prepare 2 slices of stale bread.
  2. We drive into a bowl 1 egg, shake it with salt, add grated grated 2-3 slices of solid cheese, 2-3 slices finely chopped into cubes of smoked or boiled sausageMix.
  3. We dip a breaker of bread in the shameless egg, and apply cheese with sausage on it.
  4. We fry bread along with a “fur coat” in a frying pan, lubricated vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons), first one side, and then the other.

Currencies with onions and egg

Grands cooked with eggs in litho

Greeks in Lithuanian eggs and green onions


  1. 6 boats of bread Fry on butter (20 g), you can on a pork sala on both sides.
  2. In the same pan, we continue to fry the croutons: we release for each scrap 1 raw egg, salt, pepperWe close the lid and fry until the protein turns white.
  3. We sprinkle each crouton finely chopped green onions And immediately serve on the table.

Grenches with an egg and milk in the oven

Crings cooked with eggs and milk in the oven

Such croutons are prepared very quickly. They can be frying in a pan, and if you are going to season the croutons with different fillings, then it is better to bake them in the oven.

The croutons are served to the table both hot and cold to tea, coffee, beer, and so that they do not dry - cover them with a lid.

Grevs with eggs and milk, sprinkled with grated hard cheese, baked in the oven


  1. We prepare 6 slices of loaf.
  2. Shake 1 egg with 1/3 part of a glass of milk, salt and pepper to tasteWe add 3 cloves of chopped finely garlic.
  3. We lay into this mixture of the slice of the loaf, lay out on the lubricated vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons) sheet, sprinkle slices hard duffed cheese (20-30 g), and put in a hot oven on low heat, 10 minutes will be enough for our croutons to prepare.

Cerens with egg and sour cream

Croups prepared with eggs and sour cream

Such croutons can be served to the first and second dishes or prepare sandwiches.

Cerens with eggs and sour cream


  1. 1 wheat loaf Cut with slices.
  2. 3 eggs We break over a bowl and shake along with 3 tbsp. spons of sour cream, salt, black pepper.
  3. Slice the loaf in the mixture, and fry both sides in a pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons).

Cerens with egg and garlic

Coven ones prepared with egg filling

Cerens with eggs, garlic and cheese


  1. 1 wheat loaf cut with slices, and fry in a pan with vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons), on the one hand, cool.
  2. We rub the fried side garlic (1-2 teeth)and lubricate the egg filling, and then sprinkle with grated hard cheese (20-30 g).
  3. Egg filling. 3 boiled eggs Grate on a grater paul Board of Green onions Grind, season mayonnaise and sour cream (2 cent. tablespoons), salt, pepper And we knead everything.

Cerens with eggs and cheese

Crown croutons cooked with eggs and cheese

Greeks can be prepared for the holiday and for every day.

Croutons with cheese and eggs in the oven


  1. For these grenoks, it is suitable 1 callous loaf, cut it on the slices, and dry it in the oven during medium heat for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Grind cleaned 1 clove of garlic Dried croutons.
  3. Separately in a bowl, rub on grater 200 g of solid grades, eggs (5 pcs.), Wilted screwedrubbed with a fork, add to this mass several tablespoons of mayonnaise, chopped garlic (several cloves), parsley and dill, salt, pepper.
  4. We spread this filling on the fried croutons, we decorate with herbs, slices of tomatoes or cucumbers.

The croutons prepared in a pan, in the oven or microwave is a quick and tasty breakfast, and cooking it is not at all difficult.

Video: How to cook sweet croutons with egg and milk for breakfast in 5 minutes?

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  1. Thanks for the good recipe.

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