How to offer friendship to a guy, a man, a girl, a boy, a girl, a colleague, a man in contact: tips and recommendations, necessary words, assistants

How to offer friendship to a guy, a man, a girl, a boy, a girl, a colleague, a man in contact: tips and recommendations, necessary words, assistants

The article proposes options for dating and offering friendship on the Internet.

How to offer friendship to a guy, man: tips and recommendations, necessary words, assistants

The relationship between a man and a woman can be different: tense, friendly, romantic. As you know, love begins with sympathy, but you can cause it only by selecting the words and methods of “tying” dating.

Most modern dating between people occurs on the Internet with the help of social networks. Therefore, it is important to know the “secrets” of successful communication and flirting that could attract and interest men so that they no doubt and boldly add you “as a friend”.

Tips "How to offer friendship" to the guy:

  • If the classic pressing of the “Add Friends” button is not suitable for you, you can try first to interest yourself any man and only then continue friendship with him.
  • One of the possibilities to attract attention is to put several likes under the notes on the wall. This will allow him to notice you and switch to your page, and there he is already determined by the photo: whether he likes you or not.
  • Send the wall to the wall. It can be a picture or a note, an interesting article or the usual graphic “hello”. This is a catchy way of 100%attracting attention to yourself.
  • You can try to send a media file: a music track or a clip. The main thing is to guess with the style and groups, as well as the performers that your chosen one likes.
  • In cases where the wall of the guy in social networks is “closed”, you can send a picture or music track in messages.
  • If you want to “tie communication” with a guy, start a conversation with a non -standard question, for example, “Do we know?” Or "someone told you that you have beautiful eyes?"
Relations between a man and a woman through social networks
Relations between a man and a woman through social networks

How to offer friendship to a girl: tips and recommendations, necessary words, assistants

At the same time, men build their relationships in social networks and also want to interest women to agree on friendship.

How can this be done, tips:

  • Send the woman a “bouquet of flowers”. Of course, we are not talking about a real bouquet, but about a beautiful image, a picture or a gift in the form of a flower bouquet. Every woman likes to receive flowers and therefore such a sign of attention will necessarily attract and interest her.
  • Give a song.It must be a beautiful, melodic composition that you could compare with your favorite woman. It can be thrown on the wall or sent to messages.
  • Put a lot of likes.This should be done under each photograph to make it clear to the lady how interested in her, and then, after she notices it, offer friendship.
  • To write a message.This message should immediately indicate that your friendship will be “interesting”, and therefore do not skimp on compliments, pleasant words and jokes.
  • Find common friends.In such cases, you can have a conversation on common topics and after offer friendship.
How to make friendship with a favorite person in social networks?
How to make friendship with a favorite person in social networks?

How to offer friendship to the boy: tips, necessary words, assistants

“Tie” the conversation, and even more so friendship, in social networks you can very successfully, knowing special words and phrases that have people:

  • Hi, I know you for sure! Do you remember me? (Even if this is not the case, the conversation can start and continue).
  • Damn, are you by chance not a male ideal?
  • You have such cool pictures!
  • If you don’t answer me, I am heating your page!
  • Thank you for the cool evening! (This phrase will interest the guy, especially when he cannot remember you or does not know at all).
  • Please say that you have no girlfriend!
  • Let's take a chance and meet you?!
  • You do not accidentally make acquaintances on the Internet!
  • I like you, will we be friends?
  • And we argue that you will not risk and will not go on a date with me?
Phrases for dating and friendship on the Internet
Phrases for dating and friendship on the Internet

How to offer friendship to a girl: tips, necessary words, assistants

Phrases for dating and friendship:

  • You are incredibly beautiful, I am lucky if we can chat (make friends)!
  • Girl, can you invite you to be friends?
  • I want to make you a marriage proposal ... Oh ... and friendship!
  • Agree to be friends with me and I will be the happiest!
  • I send you a “offer”, do me a favor!
  • I want to be friends with you, with the most beautiful girl on the Internet!
  • Do you want to be friends? I promise you will not regret it!
  • I want myself such a girlfriend like you!
How to offer a girl friendship on the Internet?
How to offer a girl friendship on the Internet?

How to offer friendship to a colleague: recommendations, necessary words, assistants


  • Hello (name)! Listen, I need to be friends with you as air to keep abreast of important information at work!
  • I will add you to friends, do you mind? I need someone with whom you can consult in the case of solving working issues.
  • I'll add you, you don't mind?
  • Excellent! It's good that I found you here! I urgently need a friend from work?
  • Are you not against "working" friendship? I promise not to spit!
How to offer a colleague friendship on the Internet?
How to offer a colleague friendship on the Internet?

How to offer friendship to a person in contact: tips, necessary words, assistants


  • Greetings! Waiting for your answer!
  • Let's be friends tightly!
  • And nothing so in friendship, and you?
  • Do you want to have a new friend?
  • I offer you high -quality and expensive friendship!
  • Let's share songs and messages!
  • Let's check how strong the friendship can be?!
  • I need a good friend, and you?
  • How about stirring friendship?
  • I promise to be a true friend, take me to your list?

Video: "9 tips on how to meet on the Internet"

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