How to tie a bandana on the hand of a man, woman? How to tie a bandana on your hand beautifully?

How to tie a bandana on the hand of a man, woman? How to tie a bandana on your hand beautifully?

Ways to tie a bandana on the hand of a man and a woman.

The bandana is a textile decoration that mainly uses youth. However, now this accessory is again at the peak of popularity. Usually, in the summer, many girls, also men seek to hide from the rays of the scorching sun behind some hats. This will help the bandana. However, it can be worn not only on the head, but also on other parts of the body. In this article we will tell you how to wear a bandana on the hand. 

History and application of bandana

In general, it is not known to the end where the bandana came to us. Historians argue, and consider several versions of the emergence of this accessory. The most common from a conventional layman is taken from films and legends, where the gang was worn by pirates. In severe marine conditions, when it was not possible to cut it, the hair was covered with a bandana. At the same time, the vegetation did not interfere, smoked less and did not climb into the eyes.

Application and history of the bandana:

  • This accessory was tied on the forehead so that it absorb sweat. Later it became known that cowboys use the bandans, with its help they close the respiratory tract from dust. Indeed, in the process of crossing cattle or riding horses, a lot of dust rises into the air, which then falls into the nose and throat, causing a large number of diseases.
  • This is a kind of version of a respirator or petal. It is also known that shepherds often used such an accessory for cattle. The meaning is the same as the cowboys is to protect yourself from dust in the lungs and bronchi. Now, professional athletes, weightlifters use bandans, so that the sweat does not flow down the forehead and does not get into the eyes, annoying them.
  • This helps to concentrate, and pay more attention to playing sports and competitions. Usually, in this case, the bandana is tied in the forehead. It serves as a kind of absorbent cloth. But besides all these methods, the bandana is often used as a stylish accessory, which allows you to emphasize its unusualness, aesthetics. 
Stylish bandana
Stylish bandana

How beautifully tie a bandana on your hand: Scheme

Quite often, the bandana is tied to the hand. There are several ways to beautifully tie the bandana on the hand. Oddly enough, but not only girls, but also men use such accessories. Of course, this option is the most popular among the fair sex who love non -triviality and aesthetics.

Most often, girls tie the bandana on hand, combining with outfits in the style of boho, bracelets made of natural stones or wooden beads can also be worn on top. This is a very interesting and unusual decoration that goes well with flowing fabrics with a chiffon, unusual, interesting prints. 


The popularization of the bandana occurred due topromotion hippies. It was this group that began to wear bandana, on almost all parts of the body. Initially, they were used by girls who made beautiful styling and framed with intricate scarves long hair. This helped achieve wellness, unusualness. It was hippies who began to tie the bandana on the hand, leg or forearm. Now there are several ways to tie the bandana on the hand.Adherents of the current knew how to tie a bandana on a hand, the scheme of which is very simple.

Stylish accessories
Stylish accessories
Decoration options
Decoration options

How to tie the bandana on the arm?

The first method is the simplest. To do this, you need to fold the corners of the handkerchief in such a way as to get a triangle.

How to tie a bandana on your hand correctly:

  • Further, the central part of the product is laid out in the wrist, the corners are wrapped around it so that two short ends remain. They are tied with each other and hide under the main canvas.
  • Thus, a triangular product is obtained on the wrist, which looks pretty. Most often, this option is used not only by girls, but also by men. The difference is only the use of various colors and fabrics, as well as textures. Typically, girls prefer to use silk bandans, and men are a restrained option that is made of viscose, cotton or flax.
  • Of course, the color scheme is also different. Usually, a similar bandan is tied by men who revere the work of rock groups. Accordingly, attributes, as well as an image on a bandan of a certain kind. It can be images, or some straightforward drawings, letters, inscriptions. 
A simple way
For a man
For a man

How to tie a bandana on the hand of a man?

Another option to tie the bandana is also very simple.

How to tie a bandana on the hand of a man:

  • To do this, it is necessary to fold the scarf, as in the first case, connecting the corners with each other, with the formation of a triangle.
  • This triangle is laid out on a flat surface and twisted in one strip, 4 cm wide.
  • Next, it is necessary to attach this segment of the fabric to the wrist, wrap around it several times so that short ends remain.
  • They are connected with each other. Usually this layer is located on top and does not hide anywhere. 

For a man
For a man

How to tie a bandana on a woman's hand?

There is another option that is the easiest.

How to tie a bandana on the hand:

  • In order to tie the bandana in this way, it is necessary to fold it with corners to each other to get a triangle. This triangle is folded into a shred or tape, about 4 cm wide. Next, it is laid out on the wrist and tied in such a way that two long tip remain.
  • The knot is made double. The method is interesting in that these shreds remain. The most applicable for bright and colorful bandans, which will become a stylish accessory.
  • Oddly enough, but now not only men who represent the course of informals or bikers, but also just stylish guys use bandans.
A bandana on the arm
A bandana on the arm

The bandana has now become an indispensable attribute of the Casual style, which city fashionistas often prefer. They also tie the bandana on the arm, leg and forearm. Typically, the decoration of one or another part of the body is achieved due to the unusual texture or color of the tissue. Below we present several options and schemes for tying bandana on the arm. 

Video: Tie the bandana on the hand

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