How to choose the right, tasty sweet persimmon, so as not to knit: tips. How is there a persimmon: with or without a skin, in the morning or in the evening? How to clean and beautifully cut a persimmon on the table: tips, ideas, photos

How to choose the right, tasty sweet persimmon, so as not to knit: tips. How is there a persimmon: with or without a skin, in the morning or in the evening? How to clean and beautifully cut a persimmon on the table: tips, ideas, photos

In the article you will learn how to eat persimmon.

How to choose the right, tasty sweet persimmon, so as not to knit: tips

There are a lot of varieties of persimmons and if you calculate exactly, you can distinguish about 500 varieties (along with hybrid). In principle, this fruit can be roughly divided into “ordinary persimmons” and “korolek”. The first is viscous, it acquires pleasant taste only when it matches completely and its pulp becomes like jelly (in some varieties, the astringency still does not leave), but the “kinglek” is always sweet and pleasant to taste.

Hurma matures on a tree and at the same time the fruits of “female and male” can be on the branches. If the fetus has seeds (appear in those fruits that are experienced by flowers), then the persimmon will be very sweet, and its pulp will become brown over time.

Interesting: darkened persimmon to brown is often also called "chocolate".

A properly chosen persimmon will give you incredible taste sensations and nutritional properties. This is a very useful fruit, which matures very on time and “saves” a person from vitamin deficiency in the fall. There are several “secrets” that will help you choose a delicious and not tart fruit.

Tips, what to pay attention to:

  • Barrel.The ripe and tasty fetus must have a soft side (this does not apply to a hybrid variety with an apple - a ball). Too dense persimmon, most likely, simply did not finish it and therefore you can feel strong astringent properties.
  • Fertonal.The ripened, which means a delicious fruit of the stalk will always be dry. Some fruits can even have a leaf, but it should also be dry and even brown.
  • Choose a familiar variety.If you are lost in a variety of varieties, give preference to such a familiar and beloved “king”. It is always available, is not expensive and has sweet taste.
  • Skin.Good, ripe persimmon, the skin on the surface must be thin. If it is dense, it means that the berry was disrupted by the unaware. So, it will be very much "knitting your mouth." Mature persimmon is smooth, it casts a brilliant gloss and thin, almost transparent, skin.

Important: if you suddenly bought a "bad" unripe persimmon, you can help her ripen at home and make it tastier.

Hurma's ripening:

  • Take any box of cardboard and place the fruit in it. Put 1-2 bananas to the persimmon (they are known for the fact that their stalks contain a special substance, which stands out, makes the fruit ripen). Close the box, you will need approximately 1-2 days so that the persimmon mature.
  • Instead of the box, you can also use a regular bag of cellophane, and together with the persimmon to tie apples or tomatoes into it (necessarily ripe, they also emit a special substance for ripening of the fruits).
  • The easiest way to help Hurme to ripen is to place in warm water for 10-11 hours. The heat should not be more than 40 degrees and it should be constantly controlled, poured boiling water. Such a persimmon will not only ripen, but also help to remove the viscous taste.
How to choose a tasty and sweet persimmon?
How to choose a tasty and sweet persimmon?

How to clean it, beautifully cut and serve a persimmon on the table: tips, ideas, photos

Hurmas are different, some varieties are elastic, while others are very soft with the jelly structure inside. Actually, in the cutting of the persimmon on the table, you should push off precisely from what kind of variety you have purchased.

For a beautiful serving on the table, you should still give preference to the ball. This persimmon is very tasty, delicate and sweet. It will be very easy to cut it figure. But Korolek (honey chocolate or ordinary), especially if it is soft, it will be difficult to serve beautifully.

What methods of cutting can be used:

  • Slices -the fruit of the persimmon simply cut into a few lobules, how would you, for example, would do it with an apple. If there is a bone, be sure to remove it with the stalk. The crushed or beaten edges on the persimmon is better to somehow cut and not serve to the table. Slices of the “chocolate” Korolka look especially beautiful, which in the context show all the saturation of the pulp and contrast with the skin.
  • Slies -these are thin features of persimmon, which can only be cut in a dense persimmon variety, for example, Sharon. With such slices you easily diversify the “fruit plate”, decorate dishes and salads.
  • Circles -beautiful and neat, not “snotty” and not too soft circles can be obtained by cutting the persimmon “Sharon” or “Bull Heart” (the latter should definitely be removed bones).
  • Cubes -such a cut is suitable for salads, skewers and canapes. You can get perfectly even and beautiful cubes only in dense persimmon varieties.

Important: if you serve a soft persimmon to the table, you can simply cut the top from it, where the cup is placed and put it in a saucer, sticking a small dessert spoon in the pulp. It is not worth cleaning persimmon in any case, its skin is tasty and useful, but you must wash it!

Cutting methods:

Fruit cut
Fruit cut
Serving fruit plate with persimmon
Serving fruit plate with persimmon
How to cut a persimmon?
How to cut a persimmon?

How is the persimmon correctly: in the morning or in the evening, with a skin or without a skin?

To get the maximum pleasure from this fetus, it should eat correctly. Of course, you are free to do what you want with persimmon: cut, bite, break, but still listen to such tips:

  • Consider the fetus.Do it before buying. Get the whole and clean fruit, without damage, scratches, spots and dents, cracks near the stalk.
  • Determine the variety. This will help you choose the most delicious and sweet fruit. Ask the seller how viscous or bitter, dense or soft.
  • Wash the fruit. This is a prerequisite to eat persimmons, since the skin is not removed, but is completely eaten.
  • Fertonal. The cups should be completely removed, it can be cut or pulled out if the persimmon is soft.
  • Eat. Hurma can be cut with neat slices or rings. The fruit seeds, of course, are thrown back. Some like to sprinkle the fetus with sugar, others spray with lemon juice, and others are covered with whipped cream.

Important: there is a persimmon at any time of the day, but best in the morning. Try to eat this fruit separately from other products, it is allowed to combine it only with vegetables and fruits to avoid gastrointestinal disorders.

Terious varieties
Terious varieties
Sweet varieties
Sweet varieties

How is it to have a persimmon so that she does not knit? What to cook with persimmon?

Basically, persimmon is eaten raw, but some prefer to use it for cooking:

  • A salad with a persimmon.To prepare the salad, only a dense and hard variety of persimmon should be used. As a rule, the fetus is added to vegetable and fruit salads, with nuts or with cheese.
  • Sweet Tartar. To do this, small, but rough pieces should be cut and mixed with several ingredients. Hurma goes well with red sweet onions, herbs, sweet peppers, other fruits, pumpkin.
  • Jam or marmalade. From the persimmon, you can cook the yelch mass or jam, which will perfectly complement the taste of white toast bread, crackers or breads. For cooking, you can even use a tart persimmon, which will lose its "bad" qualities in the process of cooking.
  • Desserts with persimmon. This fruit can be added to yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, fruit salads, cheesecakes, cream cheese or simply watered with honey, caramel, whipped cream - mass recipes!

As there is a tart persimmon:

  • An unpleasant astringent taste of the fetus is the reason for its undergrave!
  • You should wait until the fetus finds its pleasant qualities and leave it “alone for a few days”.
  • To speed up the maturation process, there is one trick - persimmon should be put in the freezer for several hours. The frozen persimmon will remind something of fruit sherbet, but its viscosity will no longer be so tangible.
Tips: How is there a persimmon?
Tips: How is there a persimmon?

What can not be eaten with, with what products is the persimmon combined?

In some cases, persimmon can negatively affect the digestive tract. This can depend on the individual characteristics of a person or on the fact that the fetus was combined with “not quite combined” products. For example, persimmon “friends” with sour -milk products (yogurt, kefir, leaven, cottage cheese), but it cannot be categorically wiped with fresh milk.

This combination can give an intestinal disorder, which is characterized by diarrhea and even abdominal pain. Another recommendation warns you to drink a persimmons with cold water. It slows down the work of the stomach, which means that Hurmme will be much more difficult to digest. This will lead not only to pain, but also to increased flatulence, but in difficult cases - poisoning.

Video: “Hurma. Who is useful and to whom it is contraindicated. Nutritional advice "

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