How to choose the right perfume: composition, types, classification of aromas. How to choose perfumes, aromas for men and women: fragrant advice

How to choose the right perfume: composition, types, classification of aromas. How to choose perfumes, aromas for men and women: fragrant advice

The correct selection of aroma is very important. In our article we will figure out how to do it.

The aroma is one of the main components of the image. The way you feel and how others accept you depend on this. It is important to understand the features of the choice of spirits, because by choosing them competently, you can become a girl whom men will always turn after, and the train will be so attractive that it is impossible to resist.

The perfume appeared several hundred years ago, but France is considered a full -fledged hostess. At first, the aromas were created from flowers-roses, jasmine, violets, ylang-ylang, and later they began to use musk and cinnamon.

But today's aromas have become so diverse that they cannot be counted. Perfumers are actively creating perfumes that allow us to highlight their personality. However, in order to correctly highlight it, you need to competently approach the choice of spirits. Let's find out how to do it.

How to choose perfumes: Composition

Choosing spirits by composition
Choosing spirits by composition

The composition of the spirits plays an important role when choosing. So, floral and herbal notes will be appreciated, the eastern will arouse affection, and citruses will make a tiger even the most fragile woman. This is how you will perceive the aroma, but around others it will cause his emotions depending on sensitivity. Some fragrances can cause hostility, and some kind of mood. There are aromas that will arouse love even if you just pass by.

A large role in this matter is played by concentration. Here you need to be neat and not only correctly choose perfumes, but also a suitable concentration.

Each perfume bottle has its own composition and the quantity of alcohol and oils always differs. So, several options stand out:

  • Perfume concentrate. This is an oil base. It is used to create various aromas. Some universal and they can be used daily and in different situations. The train remains on the skin for several days.
  • Perfume. Contain 30-50% oil. A bright aroma lasts several hours, and in the end there remains a light train.
  • Eau de parfum. The oil content is usually not more than 20%, so the smell of no more than eight hours is held. The enormous advantage is that changing aromas is permissible more than once a day. At the same time, you do not lose anything in the money.
  • Eau de Toilette. It has 7-10% oil in the composition, which allows you to use it even in hot weather. The aroma is not annoying, but even vice versa. With toilet water, you can safely conduct experiments, because even the oriental notes are not felt sugre.
  • Deodorant. It includes only 1-3% oil. So your favorite fragrance can be used even in body care.

Despite such a variety, the content of oils is definitely not a determining factor regarding the selection of aroma, which will help you highlight your personality. Here you need to rely on their types and features. Here we will talk about them further.

How to choose your fragrance, perfume - features: types

Types of spirits
Types of spirits

In general, experts recommend choosing several bottles for different occasions. The choice must be approached correctly. For example, one can be purchased for work, the second for dates and friendly meetings, the third for special occasions, and the fourth for walks and sports events.

There is one secret that not many know about - more than 75% of the spirits contain rose and jasmine oil. But this is not a feature - all aromas are different. It's all about notes. Mark interesting for yourself, which do not come across very often. This is what will become your unique feature.

There is one very simple theory by which aromas are divided into only 4 types. If you want to choose a suitable aroma for yourself, then pay attention to them, since they are decisive.

  • Fresh greens

Such aromas are usually similar to fresh grass, cucumbers, leaves or plants from the meadow. They are intended for strong and purposeful women. The aroma is usually expressed brightly, but not very sharply. It can be used for working weekdays or ordinary days.

  • Fruits and flowers
Fruit aromas
Fruit aromas

These are playful, passionate and delighting notes that allow you to always stay in a good mood. They are very similar to the aromas of fruits and flowers. This type of perfume is also universal and is suitable for different occasions.

  • Wood aromas

These are warm and thin aromas. The train is created due to various oils. This is usually a sandalwood, amber and cedar. He is romantic and soft. It can be used to create romance and comfort.

  • Oriental aromas

Spices combined with wood or floral notes. It feels very well orange, spices, musk and vanilla. It is better to use these aromas in the evening. This is ideal for serious and sensual persons.

How to choose the correct aroma of spirits: classification

To determine exactly which aroma is suitable for you, it is worthwhile to understand the classification. Extended theory divides perfume by 6 types. Such a classification allows you not to reason for a long time and consider the bottles, because you will definitely be sure what exactly you are looking for.

  • Vegetable

This category exactly coincides with the one that we have already described above. But this can also include spring flowers, herbs and vegetables.

  • Eastern

Sandal, vanilla, as well as musky notes predominate in these fragrances. They captivate and create mystery. The aromas are deep and enchanting.

  • Aldehyde
Aldehyde perfume
Aldehyde perfume

These aromas have nothing to do with natural. More precisely, they are made artificially. They are clean, exciting imagination and sophisticated. As a rule, natural oils are often added to aldehydes to get unique aromas. Among the representatives of this category can be distinguished: Lanvin Arpege, Chanel No5 and NO22.

  • Flower

Light and romantic aromas capable of causing smiles, cheerful, and they can also be used regardless of the time of day and season. The only feature is that it is difficult to choose an original bouquet that will suit you and appeal to others. Perfumers are actively offering new types of such aromas.

  • Shiprevy

Wood aromas with notes of moss and forest bark. They are light and warm. An interesting and original train, as well as charm - all this allows a woman to show her sincerity and tenderness.

  • Animalistic

Their feature is good resistance and sensuality. The main component of these spirits is musk.

How to choose the right perfume by notes?

Notes of spirits
Notes of spirits

This is the most interesting method of choice that will determine the suitable aroma very quickly. You can choose perfumes by notes. It is with their help that stamina, character, as well as sound is determined. There are currently three notes:

  • Upper, basic

It is felt immediately after spraying spirits and only a few minutes. No need to be afraid if this note is harsh, but it will leave an interesting aftertaste.

  • Middle, heart note

Then the basis of the aroma appears from the upper note. She is softer, delicate and calm. This note sounds about 2-5 hours.

  • Basic, train

The latter is the basic note. With its help, the loop of the aroma is determined, which so you want to go. It lasts the longest and accompanies you everywhere. So it must be chosen especially carefully.

How to choose the right male perfume - Features: Methods

Man perfumes
Man perfumes

Men, as a rule, choose perfumes for special occasions. It is better if 2-3 are brought in the closet, and ideally-4 bottles. Let's talk in what situations this or that smell can be suitable, as well as talk about specific aromas.

  • For work - classic options

Often it is difficult for men to choose a tie or line in the office. But with the aroma it is even more difficult, because it should emphasize individuality and should not embarrass. We will immediately say that it is better to refuse romantic sweet options. Better choose something more interesting. Spirits should simply emphasize your individual style, not block it.

Unobtrusive wood aromas with tobacco and fresh herbs are well suited for working days.

  • For a summer vacation
Spirits for the summer
Spirits for the summer

In the heat, any perfume is released quickly, while their smell intensifies. Be sure to keep in mind this and do not choose oriental aromas and wood for rest at sea.

Better pay attention to fresh, citrus aromas. The sea wind will highlight their charm, and the heat will not make the aroma cloying and annoying.

  • For Sport

Many men do not know what perfumes to choose for sports. The main thing is that they are comfortable, bright and soft. As a rule, the main components of such spirits are spices, citruses and pepper notes.

  • For dates

In order not to frighten off your lady and look like a real gentleman, it is better to choose a sweet aroma. Vanilla and musky notes are great for this. They are very persistent, but unobtrusive.

And now you have several examples that you can rely on. Do not forget that the notes should be a decisive choice. Sweet - for the evening, fresh - on vacation, and invigorating - for sports.

How to choose perfumes, aromas for men and women: fragrant advice

Spirit advice
Spirit advice
  • With the help of aroma, you can emphasize your character. Spices distinguish the beauty of oriental girls, and a light passionate lady must have flower bottles. For exquisite blondes, the aroma of lilac is ideal.
  • Think about what your character is. Try to make you and your spirits harmonize.
  • For optimistic people, citrus odors and fresh are more suitable, and it is better to choose vanilla and spices to timid and calm. But women are always full of contradictions. Should then choose a few spirits? Well, of course! Let you have a fragrance for any mood.
  • It is not recommended to choose perfumes on certain days of the cycle, because at this time the hormonal background is instability and after a few days the smell may not seem so attractive.
  • The perfume allows you to adjust the mood, encourage the action or even make it calmer. Cherry allows you to become more talkative, Lavender creates a feeling of humility and equanimity, and chocolate raises the mood. The smell of tobacco and skin in a train allows you to hide self -doubt.
  • The most pleasant thing in the process of finding a suitable aroma is that you already intuitively know what will suit you. You should like absolutely everything - notes, aroma, depth and generally the appearance of the bottle. Perfume is an intimate thing that must be taken care of. You are his mistress and only he sounds like it sounds.

What should not be done when using spirits?

How to use spirits?
How to use spirits?

The use of spirits is a thin thing and you need to do this in accordance with certain rules. We will tell you what you should not do when using spirits so as not to spoil the impression.

  • Do not apply aroma to hair

It spoils the hair. If the perfumes are made on an alcohol basis, then their constant interaction with their hair will dry the ends. In addition, if you apply the aroma to wet or wet hair, then it will stay for a long time. Of course, it can be good, but if you want to change the aroma, you will have to wash your hair, but this is not quite convenient.

  • Do not apply the fragrance to clothes

Here the same principle acts as with hair. The fabric absorbs the aromas perfectly. If you suddenly sweat in pouting clothes, then the result will not please you. It is better to apply the aroma in several layers and after the bathroom, while the skin is still wet. For example, apply a body cream with an appropriate aroma and it is already toilet water.

  • In the morning, do not use anything stronger than cologne and toilet water

Do this at least out of respect for others, because the aroma will be felt too sharply. This applies to perfumes with a concentration of 20%. The same applies to any fresh and bright aromas. If you like perfumes that notify your appearance in advance, then it is better to leave them for the evening.

  • No need to rub perfume on the wrists
How to apply perfumes?
How to apply perfumes?

The first notes of any aroma contain fast flying molecules. If you begin to rub your wrists on the skin, then kill these notes and the whole aroma will be destroyed. In addition, from rubbing, the skin heats up and the aroma is rapidly eliminated.

  • Do not apply perfumes on dry skin

So they also evaporate quickly. To keep the perfume for a long time, it is better to use them on wet skin or on top of the cream.

  • Do not store perfume in the light without a box
How to keep perfumes?
How to keep perfumes?

Any perfume has an alcohol base, and it oxidizes in the light. As a result, perfumes change their color, and then the composition of the composition occurs. The same applies to storage in the bathroom. It is better not to keep them where there is a lot of water.

How to store perfumes: Basic rules

Spirits are important not only to choose the right, but also to store. After all, you want them to please you until they end.

  • When the room is too warm, and there is a lot of light on the bottle, then the perfumes deteriorate faster, even if there are very few left.
  • Perfume must be stored in dark and cool places. It is better to leave them in the box, because it will allow you to maintain freshness longer. It is recommended to store them in the refrigerator, because they will not deteriorate.
  • The bottle with aroma should always be closed and stored in inaccessible places for light. The best option is to choose a few bottles of about 30 ml, so that you can alternate them and quickly use them.

Video: How to choose the right perfume?

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