How to wash things correctly: 28 gross errors when washing clothes

How to wash things correctly: 28 gross errors when washing clothes

It would seem that it is complicated here, loaded things into the machine and let it wash himself. How can you ruin the process and what to make a mistake? It turns out how you can!

They harm such negligence to both things and the very washing machine. To avoid premature wear of both the first and second, it is worth knowing what mistakes we sometimes make in order to prevent them from in the future.

How to wash things correctly: 28 gross errors when washing

How to wash things correctly:

  1. Do not turn things
  • If for most clothing is preferable washing on the outside, then delicate blouses, cotton things, sweaters, and especially jeans must be turned before washing.
  • Thus, the fabric is less damaged when the washing process and spin, and the spools do not form on things.
  1. Not pay attention to the inscription on the label
  • The label of each thing clearly indicates how it should be put in order. But often, by ignoring the “dry cleaning” sign, we throw clothes into the machine, thereby almost guaranteed to expose it to spoilage.
  • It is better to try to extend a thing with a similar label manually than in a typewriter, even using a delicate mode.
  1. Forget about antibacterial washing
  • Conventional washing products do not destroy microbes, but we are all day among people, in a variety of atmospheres and far from always - sterile.
  • Therefore, given how it should be wash things correctly, then it is worth not only to disinfect your hands and body with washing with soap, but also clothes, adding antibacterial agents when washing.
  1. Load the linen into the machine without preliminary washing
  • Let us recall how, since the time of washing boards and basins, our grandmothers and mothers soaked the laundry for several hours before washing it. So "departed" a lot of contaminants.
  • And today, despite the ultra -modern machines, experts advise not to ignore the preliminary washing stage, especially when it comes to bedding, which “absorbs” a lot of skin discharge, cosmetic and hygiene products that we use before bedtime, etc.
Do not soak
Do not soak
  1. Neglect the cleaning of the washing machine
  • Despite the outer shine of the drum, thorough cleaning is needed from the inside, if we want our assistant to serve for a long time and reliably.
  • Therefore, you should not save on cleaning products and from scale, while not forgetting about the cleanliness of the seals on the doors, but also a filter that would be nice to clean every time, having finished the next wash.
  1. Overloading of a washing machine
  • No need to clog the drum “to the eyeballs” - always leave the free space so that your washing will pass efficiently.
  • Otherwise, it is unlikely that the machine will cope with all the pollution, so do not be surprised and do not indignant, having taken out not entirely washed trousers and blouses at the end of washing, also with stains that have not been dissolved by the washing powder.
  1. Abuse of the bleach
  • If you want to know how wash things correctly, it is important to remember that using bleach you need to very carefully. This is just the case when you need to strictly observe the specified dosages.
  • If you overdo it with it, you can harm the structure of the fabric, destroying and weakening it. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the mixing of the bleach with water went evenly so as not to pull out clothes with “faded” spots.
In these dosages
In these dosages
  1. Put a lot of washing powder
  • As with the bleach, when falling asleep of washing powder (gel, capsules, tablets, etc.), it is necessary to adhere to the volumes that are usually indicated on the packaging.
  • Exceeding the norm will not lead to better cleaning of the linen from pollution, but only add foam that can play a cruel joke and make the linen sticky to the touch even after it is rolled.
  1. Casual attitude to socks
  • Each housewife is familiar with the bewilderment experienced at the moment when it is not checked by socks in pairs after washing. As a rule, they have to look for them in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seal, where socks often get stuck.
  • Special will help a mesh-bag Or the old, outdoor pillowcase. Having folded socks in them before washing, you are guaranteed to get them all backward. You can also act with underwear.
  1. Do not clean the clothes from wool
  • Cats and dogs leave wool on soft surfaces, on the clothes of the owners. It is impossible to avoid this, but it is possible and necessary to clean things before laying them in a washing machine.
  • Otherwise, the clogged filter and the need for additional cleaning cannot be avoided.
  1. Do not control the squeezing modes
  • For each type of fabric, there are its boundaries and limits, which can reach the revolutions on which the surplus is performed. If the sheets and towels are a thousand - nothing, then for delicate fabrics - this is true fast wear, or even gusts directly during the spin process.
  • Somewhere in the middle are cotton fabrics. In a word, it is necessary to select the appropriate modes if we do not want to quickly turn our favorite thing into a rag.
Pay attention to tags
Pay attention to tags
  1. Neglect of laundry washing
  • Even if the thing is not bought in a second hand, but in a boutique-we cannot be sure that someone has not tried it on it. And therefore, particles of the skin, possibly affected by any disease, could remain on the new thing.
  • Not to mention aggressive dyes, as well as about what processing clothes are subjected to before they are sent to the store. Therefore, to shatter a new, only purchased thing, does not hurt.
Wash the new thing
Wash the new thing
  1. Do not process oil and gasoline spots
  • If you place things with similar spots in the machine (alcohols and solvents can also be added here), then the result will be deplorable, the spots will simply spread, becoming even more ugly.
  • It is necessary to first work on the maximum on the spot: to wash it manually, apply the stain. And only after such processing, it is already to wash the thing in the typewriter.
  1. Leave unfastened lightning
  • Unfinished lightning - This is an additional risk of spoiling several things at once. Tints can capture neighboring clothes, and when it comes to spin, it is easy to damage not only her, but also the wall of the drum. And the lightning itself is at the same time at least deform.
  • So do not be lazy and save time on checking and fastening lightning.
  1. Washing toys
  • It is not about the fact that this is categorically impossible. It’s just that you do not need to dump all toys in a row into the machine, but carefully examine them and take away those that will probably not suffer when washing.
  • Agree, it will be a shame to get her beloved daughter to the hare of a clean, but impeccable.
  1. Do not sort things before washing
  • Before loading clothes into a machine, you need to sort it. Do not wash light with dark so that you do not get upset later, if suddenly the clothes linger.
  • And you also need to pay attention to the type of fabric, because for each of them there are its own wash and spin modes.
Be sure to sort
Be sure to sort
  1. Fasten the buttons
  • Here the situation is the opposite regarding lightning. If the buttons are fastened before washing, it is possible that they can simply come off.
  • This is harmful for the threads with which the buttons are sewn to the clothes: they are much more erased.
  1. Bathe
  • The material from which swimwear is made, as a rule, is one hundred percent synthetics. She was absolutely not shown washing in the washing machine, and even in hot water. In this case, the thing may lose shape, polish and simply stretch.
  • For bathing suits, manual washing is enough, and the water can be cool.
  1. Do not check your pockets before washing
  • It's a shame when the washing result is leveled by small pieces of paper, napkins, etc. You have to clean not only all the washed clothes, but also parts of the washing machine. And all due to the fact that before washing we forgot to look into the pockets and the remaining napkins, notes, leaflets got wet and spread. Checking pockets should be an indisputable washing rule.
  1. Do not pay attention to the temperature of the water
  • This, as not surprisingly, is one of the most common mistakes. On the label of each thing, the recommended washing temperature is indicated, and you should definitely adhere to these recommendations so that things do not sit down, do not lose the shape and brightness of the color.
Attention to temperature
Attention to temperature
  1. Do not observe the continuity of the process
  • If you have accumulated things for two or three bookmarks, you do not need to give a "rest" typewriter, how often housewives do.
  • When loading immediately after the first washing, the machine uses heat, remaining from the previous washing, and thus is spent less electricity.
  1. Forget about the benefits of tennis balls
  • Perhaps, perhaps, all housewives, but not many put a very simple advice in practice about this, have heard about this.
  • It is better to wash the down jacket along with a couple of tennis balls - then the fluff will not slide, and the foam will be much better stuck.
For down jackets
For down jackets
  1. Make too much effort
  • Trying to wipe the stain, we are sometimes with all our might three fabric of clothing - it seems to us that the more effort, the better the result. But, as a rule, such fierce friction only wears fabric faster faster.
  • Better use the stain coir, and if you need to rub, do it with accuracy.
  1. Soften towels
  • Some housewives use tissue softeners when washing towels.
  • That's just for towels this tool is absolutely not necessary, since their ability to absorb moisture is reduced.
  • But the towels are just for this.
Do not require special softening
Do not require special softening
  1. Notwipe off feathers
  • Often, the feathers of the feathers or pillow, the housewives consider the work done. But the problem is that the density of the pen, filling them, may not let the powder completely rinse.
  • Therefore, it is better to carry out a repeated washing that will help remove possible surpluses.
  1. Leave things in the drum
  • It happens that immediately after washing, we have no time to take out the linen from the machine. But this does not mean that it can be left there for a long time.
  • The faster you free the drum, the easier it will be to iron. And, most importantly, you will prevent an unpleasant odor that may appear in the event of a long stay of linen in the drum.
  1. Use inappropriate powder
  • Sometimes, in order to save housewives, a powder is used for cars, designed to wash manually, since its price is lower.
  • But, saving on powder, we risk spending the purchase of a new washing machine, since too magnificent and abundant foam that gives such powder is harmful to the machine and can cause its failure.
  1. Do not align the machine
  • When a washing machine stands on an uneven surface, it is subjected to very strong vibration, which reduces its service life.
  • To prevent this, align the position of the machine using the planks or folding the newspaper several times. Thus, you will also protect the floor from possible damage.
Can lead to a breakdown
Can lead to a breakdown

Try to avoid the above errors to Wash things correctly. And washing will become pleasant, and things and washing machine will serve you for a long time.

Video: Tips on the right washing

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