How to wash the down jacket correctly: in the washing machine, manually, with balls, white: useful tips. How to choose a powder for washing a down jacket?

How to wash the down jacket correctly: in the washing machine, manually, with balls, white: useful tips. How to choose a powder for washing a down jacket?

In this article, we will consider the rules for washing down jackets. We will also tell you how to give the product a neat appearance with manual and machine washing.

When you remember the washing of the down jacket at home, a huge number of questions immediately arise. Since it is this thing that is considered the most in demand in the winter period. It is unfortunate, but the down jacket is smeared after some time, and not every mistress can carefully clean it. Try to wash such things in a typewriter or manually using our recommendations.

How to wash the down jacket in the washing machine?

If you process the down jacket incorrectly during the washing, it will simply deteriorate. Therefore, before starting an automatic machine, get acquainted with the following rules:

  • Consider thoroughly the down jacket. Find on it a special shortcut that allows the washing of the down jacket in the automatic machine.
  • If you notice that the fluff crawls out of the jacket or coat, then refuse to process things in an automated machine.
  • You can put only one down jacket inside the drum. Never combine cleaning such clothes with other things.

If you use these rules correctly, for you the washing of the down jacket will be successful.

Wash the down jacket in the car
Wash the down jacket in the car

Next, follow the following manipulations:

  • Turn on a special mode for washing such things. Set the temperature
  • Turn on the rinse a couple of times
  • Turn on the average pressing mode

Next, you should remember the actions that you categorical do not need to be done:

  • Do not soak the thing before the main washing
  • Do not use water, the temperature of which is more than 40 ° C
  • Never use a whitening remedy during washing
Select the desired mode
Select the desired mode

If you decide to wash the down jacket, choose preferably a delicate mode. At the same time, set such a temperature so that it is no more than 40 ° C. According to experienced housewives, this regime is considered the safest, and therefore it will not harm either the lining or filler of the product.

In some washing machines, a special mode is programmed in advance, which allows to wash precisely outerwear. You can also use the Synthetics option. It makes it possible to clean jackets and other products of this kind at 30 ° C. For the same purposes, the “delicate fabrics” or “manual washing” option is ideal. As a rule, they apply to those things that have a mark on the handwash label. However, with the help of what temperature and mode to wash a downy thing, decide for yourself, given the recommendations of manufacturers and a list of programs on the technique itself.

How to wash a down jacket in a washing machine with balls?

Each modern automatic machine has a program, thanks to which you can wash the downy items. If there is no such mode in your typewriter, then use the delicate option, setting the desired temperature.

The main problem you may encounter is to knock down the fluff into lumps. From this, your down jacket will lose its own shape during drying, will become thin, will not warm at all in the winter. You can avoid this trouble if you place small balls during washing in the washing machine. What function in this case the balls perform in this case?

  • During the rotation of the drum, the balls are repelled from the walls, then they hit the down jacket, while breaking lumps of fluff.
  • When pressing the jacket, the effect of the balls is significantly increased. After that, feathers and fluff spread evenly inside the product.
  • In addition, the balls during washing are able to restore the down jacket if he had previously been wiped incorrectly, and a heater was lost inside it.

The balls, together with the washing tool, arrange massage clothes, which destroys old pollution. Cleaning becomes much stronger, which proves the benefits of balls during washing in an automatic machine.

Washing with balls
Washing with balls

Before using tennis balls, prepare them for use:

  • Soak the balls for 2 hours in a solution of whiteness
  • Do this, otherwise, they can pour, ruin the down jacket when cleaning
  • Place 3 goals in the drum

In addition, you can easily replace ordinary tennis balls with plastic balls that have spikes. They are very similar to massage balls. But you need 4 such balls. These elements are able to actively beat the fluff and feather, clean the jacket, accelerate drying. After applying these balls, you do not have to knead the filler manually, since the fluff itself is evenly distributed inside the lining.

Important: on sale you can always find tourmaline balls. They, of course, are much more expensive than previous options, but at the same time they bring much more effect. The developers of this novelty give a guarantee that during washing you can not even add a washing tool to the machine.

You can wash with tennis balls
You can wash with tennis balls

Outwardly, the balls look like a children's rattle. They contain small ceramic rounds that are responsible for environmentally friendly washing. If you decide to use these balls, put 6 pcs in the drum. But first place them in a sunny place for just a few hours.

  • When the elements are in contact with the liquid, they significantly improve the quality of the water. Plus, they kill microorganisms, increase pH. As a result, water acquires the quality of the washing drug, and therefore dirt with fat spots is washed faster.
  • The granules in the balls add ions to the water, which are filled with negative charges. After that, the molecules begin to move faster, thereby improving the penetration of the liquid into the fiber of the material.

What powder to wash a down jacket: a list of best means

To wash the down jacket, it is better to use special washing drugs designed specifically for such things. As a rule, funds have a gel or liquid base, excellent cleaning qualities. Such drugs easily penetrate into the fiber of fluff, do not form a lot of foam, and therefore there is no risk of white stains on the surface of the product.

For down jackets
For down jackets

Today on sale you will easily find a large number of cleaners for down jackets. Among them, the following drugs are considered the most common:

  • Download and Wool Wash. This washing drug is well signed by skiers and other people who adore winter sport. In addition to the fact that the product is good to clean the surfaces, it protects the filler from knocking down, does not spoil the fat cover of the fluff, which allows it to remain more elastic and very soft.
  • Heitmann. This tool is designed for washing down jackets and sleeping bags that have a natural filler. The gel contains lanolin, thanks to which natural protection is created for fluff.
  • Eco Nordland Sport. This liquid balm has a natural base. Using the product, you can wash down jackets, thermal underwear. The active substances that make up the balm begin their own effect at 20 ° C.
  • Domal Sport Fein Fashion. Using a balm, you can clean down jackets, sportswear, even shoes. The drug allows fluff to remain waterproof, while maintaining its own structure. After the balm, bright impregnations and applications remain intact. The product has one insignificant minus - things after the drug must be thoroughly rinsed.
  • Liquid powder Profkhim. The drug can be used during washing down jackets, blankets, feathers. The product has such positive properties as Domal balm. Thanks to it, the colors of the product are preserved, the fabrics do not lose their original appearance, and the fluff and the feather do not lose their fat coating.
  • The following drugs are also considered quite popular today: gel Nikwax And liquid powder Uniphuh.

How to wash a down jacket manually, process places of strong pollution, spots?

Manual washing is considered more effective, although during it you will have to spend more effort. It is more delicate than washing in a washing machine, therefore, the risk of damage to the material of the down jacket is excluded.

  • As a rule, the powder is not recommended to be used, since the foam that is formed from it is not completely rinsed from fluff. As a result, white stains remain on the product.
  • Buy better liquid gel or balm for down jackets, or for color materials. You can safely replace these drugs with liquid soap or ordinary shampoo. The only tool that can not be used categorically is whiteness.

Pay special attention to those places where pollution most often occur: on a collar, cuffs, pockets, elbows, spots. If these places are very dirty, treat them before cleaning with liquid soap or shampoo. Rub these places carefully using a clothing brush, then rinse off foam under running water.


If the down jacket spots:

  • Take an undemanding detergent, wet the place where there is a stain, gently rub with a brush. If you could not remove the stain, then apply an oxygen -containing stain.
  • Cleaning the down jacket of the house will be carried out much better if you arrange a down jacket in an upright position. Less foam will penetrate into the fluff, and therefore you can easily rinse it easier.
  • Hang the product on the shoulders in the bathroom over a large bowl. Add a washing gel and warm water to a bowl (about 30 ° C). Using a hard brush, soap the material, thoroughly rub it. Rinse the foam thoroughly under running water. Then rinse the product several times so that there are no traces of the detergent on the material.

You can wash the jacket without hanging on the shoulders with the following image:

  • Soak the product in warm water for about 30 minutes. Rub the material using a hard sponge or brush. Rinse the powder well from the fluff, so that there are no stains on the surface after the material dries.
  • During the last rinse, many housewives add a special air conditioner to the water. Do not do this, since it is able to appear on the surface of the down jacket in the form of white stains.

How to wash the white down jacket?

Delicate clothing always needs increased attention and care. The white down jacket is no exception. One fine day you will have to clean this thing, but at the same time you can face some problems.

A down jacket on a natural insulation

If your down jacket has a natural filler, then you need special attentiveness. Do not soak this product, since the filler in this case is able to curl up in lumps. Clean the jacket from contaminants locally, wipe the sleeves and collar with a brush.

But there are situations when the down jacket must be completely washed, since over time gray raids appear on it, plus dust penetrates inside the product. Here you should carry out the following manipulations:

  • Take strong shoulders, hang a jacket on them.
  • Hang your shoulders above the bathroom.
  • Take the soap, rub all the gray places for them, immediately rinse the product with running water. So you can remove all pollution, and the down jacket will not have yellow traces.
White down jacket also needs washing
White down jacket also needs washing

A down jacket with a synthetic filler

If your down jacket has an artificial filler, then you should not worry. This material is very simple, you can only wash the product manually. Do as follows:

  • Pick warm water in a bowl
  • Put the jacket in a bowl so that the water completely covers it
  • Leave the product in water for about 5 minutes.

Recommendation: Do not soak down the down jacket for a long time, since it will bring a lot of liquids and after cleaning it will dry for a long time.

  • With the help of the brush, carefully rub the places where there is pollution
  • Squeeze the jacket so that the glass is larger than the liquid
  • Hang the product to dry on the street, for example, on the balcony

Useful tips:

  • Since the white down jacket is very flashed, use exclusively a liquid gel for its washing. But from dry powder on the product can remain blue spots from granules.
  • Buy a tool that does not contain coloring components. Perfectly copes with the problem and does not cause harm to a regular powder intended for children's things.

How to wash a down jacket: useful tips

  • If you want to wash natural fur On the down jacket, then hold it for some time over the steam. Thus it will look better.
  • Synthetic fur does not need special care. When the fur dries well, comb it carefully with a brush or comb.
  • Belt From a down jacket, wash only manually.
  • Strong pollution things Never wash yourself. You can damage the product. Take such things into dry cleaning.
  • Do not use the bleach during washingif you want to clean a white jacket. You will not achieve a good result, and instead your jacket will only turn yellow from the powder. Only professionals from dry cleaning will be able to return the initial whiteness to your down jacket, plus they will not harm the product itself.

Adhering to our recommendations, you can easily wash your own down jacket by giving it an excellent appearance.

Video: washing down jacket. Let's say dry cleaning: "No!"

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