How to properly sew and numb documents in office work: methods, rules GOST. How to flash, transmit and numbram the document for the tax, archive, magazine, accounting notebook, contract, folder with documents: Sample

How to properly sew and numb documents in office work: methods, rules GOST. How to flash, transmit and numbram the document for the tax, archive, magazine, accounting notebook, contract, folder with documents: Sample

How to bear the documents correctly and with what threads.

Thanks to the correct firmware, the documents are easier to systematize. Many documents are transferred to the archive. It is more convenient to store stitched multidimensal documents, provide documents with inspection bodies. Papers remain completely preserved, the likelihood of substitution, fakes or loss is excluded.

  • The issue of proper firmware of documents excites not only employees of state institutions, but also representatives of small businesses.
  • If the firmware is performed with violations, then the registration process can be delayed for an indefinite time. Correct firmware is a guarantee of maximum documentation protection.

How to perform firmware according to existing requirements? How to do everything the first time, if there is no clear set of rules for the firmware of paperwork papers? The material of this article is devoted to various methods of documentation firmware.

Rules for stitching GOST documents

  • If you need to fasten paperwork on several sheets, then first of all you need to familiarize yourself with the standards. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is glue or stapler. Multi -page documents cannot be glued. But how to sew them? After all, improper firmware can turn into, at least, a refusal to register a body requiring a package of documents.
  • What to do, if there are no sets and samples, but it is impossible to sew papers as it turns out, and not as it should be. Despite the fact that there are no clear instructions regarding the sewing of the documentation, it is necessary to focus on the specific requirements of the instance that requests information in the form of a stitched package of documents.
  • Familiarization with general recommendations for the firmware of documents, which consist of more than one sheet, will also be useful. They are collected in a brochure or methodological recommendations for 2009. There is also a brochure for 2004. It is more suitable for registering the documentation of the LLC.
Rules for stitching GOST documents
  • The methods of stitching sheets painted in brochures relate to documentation, which must be stored for more than 10 years.
  • Firmware of multi -page documents is performed using a conventional needle and dense thread. But how to learn how to sew the documentation of the enterprise correctly? After all, this ability to be useful more than once throughout the bureaucratic or entrepreneurial activity.

What documents are stitched?

  • Personnel documentation following the results of the current year
  • Accounting documentation
  • Incoming and outgoing documentation of the clerk
  • Documents for the tax
  • documents for reporting in the PFR
  • documents to various departments of the bank
  • documents for tender
  • copies of the authorized documents
  • documents when concluding especially important agreements
  • books of accounting arrived
  • notarized copies and translations
  • when preparing documentation for surrender to the archive
What documents are filed
What documents are filed
  • Fighting a package of documents is customary with a needle and threads. This allows you to maintain their integrity: in this type of paper it will be difficult to replace, which is very relevant for today.
  • Sometimes the use of a stapler for firming documents is allowed. The ideal option is the use of special equipment.
  • Accountants of many organizations are going to work with accounting programs. They do not need to be duplicated on paper. There is an online accounting for this. Documents in electronic form signed by digital signature are of the same legal value as paper (for example, invoices).
  • But, despite the simplicity of working with documentation in digital format, we will have to deal with the usual paper documentation for a long time, and the preparation of some documents is required now.

Conductive documentation is of different meaning. Documents differ in the thickness of the case, the shape of the sheets. That is why there are several ways to firm the documentation.

A broch machine
A broch machine

What can the external differences have sewing objects:

  • a document that consists of 2 or more sheets of A4 format
  • accounting documentation, including cash documents consisting of different number of documents, are stored in cardboard boxes

What threads to sew documents?

  • If you take the documentation to bewell, then you can simply return the firmware to completely redo the firmware prepared for the paper. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the main requirements and the basic requirements before gross errors are made in the firmware of the documents.
  • Another solution to the problem is to contact professionals. If there is no time to study the issue of firming documentation, then you can entrust this to specialists of the printing company. A plastic or metal spring with the cover will take 10-30 minutes on the firmware of documents.
  • But there is a certain risk in entrusting their documents of a third -party organization: papers may contain a commercial secret.
  • Therefore, it is worth it to carefully read the instructions once on how to flash documentation of various formats using ordinary threads or a stapler.
What thread to sew documents
What thread to sew documents
  • The documentation is sewn with bank twine, a thin lavsan ribbon or firmware threads. But if there are no such threads, then ordinary harsh threads are also suitable.
  • 2-3 sheets are sewn with ordinary thread. It must be folded by half for strength. The firmware process begins with the fact that holes are made in the sheets. The firmware is made from the back side of the sheets collected together.
  • The needle is entered first into the middle hole. It is better to use double firmware. When the stitching is completed, the needle with a thread is inserted into the central hole and displayed on the back of the documents collected together. The remaining end of the thread must be tied with a knot.
Documentation is sewn with banking twine, thin lavsane tape or firmware threads

How to flash documentation with a thread

Preparation of accessories:

  • needles with a thread of suitable thickness
  • documents that need to be flashed
  • awl or other tool for making punctures in paper
  • seal of the organization
  • cleaning glue

We sew the document in 3 stages:

  • Prepare papers for firmware. To do this, place them in groups
  • Check if the numbering is affixed correctly
  • Sew
  • We make an accompanying inscription.
  • We prepare an internal inventory.
  • We assure the finished business
We prepare the document
We prepare the document
We stitch
We stitch
We bind the ends of the thread with a knot
We bind the ends of the thread with a knot
We assure
We assure

For a stitched package of documents, the following is allowed:

  • miss the stage of systematization of documents
  • distribute documents without numbering
  • it is possible to submit documents without a scientific inscription
The stitched documents are certified
The stitched documents are certified

Stage 1:

  • We lay out the papers as they should be located in the document. We numb each page with numbers in the upper right corner. We use a simple pencil for this.
  • We make punctures. If our document is compiled of several sheets, then the puncture is easy to make a needle with a thread. We pierce the multi -page document with an awl or use a sharp nail. To facilitate the process of piercing the paper, we take a hammer.
  • How many holes are made? It depends on the requirements of the organization that requests documents. The punctures should be evenly located on the left field. The holes are made in the middle of the sheet, the distance between them is 3 cm.
A sheet of paper is glued to the stitched documents. It puts a seal, signature and date on it
A sheet of paper is glued to the stitched documents. It puts a seal, signature and date on it
  • Five holes are made for especially important documents. This is the most reliable way to protect the papers from the substitution.
  • We assure the document: Prepare a piece of paper in size 4 by 5-6 cm. We indicate on it the number of stitched sheets in numbers and words. We add here the position, last name, name and middle name of the one who assures the documents.
Correctly stitched document
Properly stitched document: the back of the
Properly stitched document: front side
Properly stitched document: front side
  • Apply glue and apply this sheet to the place where the bundle is located and the threads converge. We remove the short ends of the threads by the leaf so that they hang freely. The certifying documents are signed. If there is a seal or it is necessary on a document, then we put a seal. Here you should not just subscribe or put a seal, but do it so that part of the signature and print goes abroad of the glued leaf.

Firming documents in 3 holes manually: Scheme

  • Using the awl, make three holes. There should be a distance of 3-5 cm between them.
    We start the needle through the middle puncture on the back of the sheets collected together, leaving a section of a thread of more than 7 cm.
  • We take the needle on the front side through the hole located. We stretch the needle with a thread through the lower hole on the back.
  • Through the front side we draw a needle into the middle puncture. Now the thread can be cut off, leaving a segment with a length of at least 7 cm.
  • We have formed two threads of threads: in the upper hole and on average. We bind them among themselves.
    Cook a rectangular leaf and glue on a resulting knot.
How to flash a document in three holes
How to flash a document in three holes
Firming documents in 3 holes manually: Scheme

Video: How to sew a diploma of three holes?

How to flash a folder with 4 holes: diagram

  • A more reliable way of firmware of Docometes is four punctures. We make 4 holes. Sew from the holes that are second from above. We start the needle in the upper puncture, return to the second hole in the upper part, and then to the third. After the fourth puncture, we send the needle to the back of the document.
  • It remains to enter the needle into the third hole on the front side. The picture from below will tell you how to flash documents in four punctures.
How to flash a folder with 4 holes: diagram

What you should pay attention to:

  • we produce the firmware strictly vertically and observing symmetry
  • the holes in the documents should be located along the left field
  • the border from the edge of the sheet is 1.5-2 cm
  • the first time is introduced by the needle on the back of the document
We make holes
We make holes
Enter the needle from the back of the second from the edge of the hole
Enter the needle from the back of the second from the edge of the hole
Enter the needle into the hole that is closer to the previously passed opening
Enter the needle into the hole that is closer to the previously passed opening
We stretch the thread as in the first step
We stretch the thread as in the first step
Enter the needle on the front side into the hole located nearby
Enter the needle on the front side into the hole located nearby
We lead a thread to the extreme puncture
We lead a thread to the extreme puncture from the back
Through the front side, we enter into the hole that passed in the step by the fourth
Through the front side, we enter into the hole that passed in the step by the fourth
Combine the ends of the threads
Combine the ends of the threads
We pull a little so that the thread is tightly adjacent
We pull a little so that the thread is tightly adjacent
We tie a knot
We tie a knot
Cut the excess length
Cut the excess length

Video: How to flash documents?

How to sew documents for a corner: scheme

Sometimes a firmware of the document for the corner is required. How to do this correctly, watch the video.

Video: How to sew documents?

Sewing documents with a paper clip

How to flash documents using a paper clip - watch the video.

Video: how to sew documents correctly?

How to properly numb the pages of a document when baking?

  • We put Arabic numbers on the sheets
  • We use a simple pencil for this
  • We put the numbers by increasing
  • We numb the sheets, not the pages (the documents may have their own numbering)
  • We put the page number in the upper right corner without touching the text of the document.
  • We are numbered in the general order
  • We carry out the numbering of letters as follows: put the number on the envelope, and only after that we numb the sheets contained in the letter
  • Several volumes of documents are numbered separately
  • The applications allocated to a separate volume are also separately
  • If the documents are compiled on a sheet of large format, then we put the numbering in the upper right corner, bend and be filed under one edge
  • For the individual fragments specified in the document (for example, checks), we make an inventory, and this document is numbered in the general manner.

How to sew documents for tax: rules, sample

  • the number of sheets in one firmware is no more than 150
  • the documents are stitched in such a way that the dates, visas remains readable
  • the tax inspector may need a copy of the document, therefore it is necessary to sew paper in such a way that there is no need to violate the firmware for scanning or other copying
  • all sheets in the document are numbered (the beginning of the numbering is from a unit: 1, 2, 3)
  • Documents are sewn in a way of 2-4 punctures. The thread is displayed on the back and tied.
  • A piece of paper (its size is 3x5 cm) with a certification inscription and seal is glued to the knot.
How to sew documents for tax

How to correctly transmit and numbered a journal of accounting: Sample

  • The accounting log is stitched using a solid binding. This is necessary to preserve the proper type of document for a long storage period.
  • Documents are numbered.
  • The journal of accounting with an ordinary rough thread is sewn without complying with any regulatory requirements.
How to correctly transmit and numbered a journal of accounting: Sample
How to correctly transmit and numbered a journal of accounting: Sample

For firmware, you can use the following materials:

  • bank twine
  • ordinary threads No. 10 (stitched by a large number of stitches)
  • a thin long lace
  • harsh or stitching thread
  • the stitched document is sealed to protect records from extraneous intervention

Firmware Firmware Journal:

  • cook three holes with a hole punch or awl (make holes on the left on the sidelines of the magazine)
  • enter the thread from the back of the journal binding into the extreme hole
  • we remove the thread on the front side and pull the edges, aligning them
  • enter the ends of the threads (the segment should be 6-8 cm) into the hole that is in the center and pull it to the back
  • when using a not enough thread, we repeat the procedure
  • we tie the ends of the threads with a knot on the back, capturing the central thread, which passes through the extreme holes
  • we glue the ends of the threads to the magazine, and glue a small square leaf on top, on which the responsible person is signed and signed
  • indicate the date of the firmware

How to flash a notebook: sample

Video: how to flash documents?

Firmware for archive documents

You will learn about the features of the firmware for the archive from the video.

Video: I make an archive folder on camera - a detailed description

How to flash a folder with documents?

The process of firming the folder with documents is shown in the video.

Video: Bearing

How to sew the case?

Watch the video properly in the video.

Video: Bearing of the case (1st option).

Video: Bearing of the case (2nd option)

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