How to correctly mix dyes for hair and eyebrows of different shades to obtain the desired color: table, proportions. Hair color: mixing colors and flowers. Basic colors for mixing hair dyes

How to correctly mix dyes for hair and eyebrows of different shades to obtain the desired color: table, proportions. Hair color: mixing colors and flowers. Basic colors for mixing hair dyes

Mixing hair dyes in different colors and shades: rules, tips.

Mixing hair and eyebrows is not easy. The science of colorism is engaged in such experiments.

To achieve the desired result, you must very carefully approach the process of mixing colors and shades of colors, since the original color can be very surprised. In the article we will consider how to combine colors correctly, drown out or, conversely, highlight shades and halftones.

Mixing hair dyes - flowers palette: table

Color palette of hair dye
Color palette of hair dye
  • First of all, it is necessary to figure out what colors and shades of hair dyes are presented on the shelves of modern stores, and how to recognize them.
  • On a pack of hair dye, various numbers can be found-as a rule, there are three of them-one digit is located to the point, and two after the point.
  • The first code digit means the main color tone.
  • The first digit after the point is responsible for the color of the main shade.
  • The second number indicates the color of an auxiliary shade.
  • As a rule, there are 10 main tones.
  • The tone under the number 1 often corresponds to the most dark color - black.
  • The number of number 10 is most often the lightest color in the entire palette.
  • If you mix dark and light colors, then the original tone color will be located in the middle of the color palette between the tones used.
  • As for the shades of colors, there are only 7 of them.
Various tones of hair dye
Various tones of hair dye

Often, manufacturers use the following ratio of tones and their color solutions:

  • Tone 0 is a basic tone, can give a little greenish tint.
  • Tone 1 is considered as ash tone obtained using purple dye.
  • Ton 2 refers to a matting greenish tone that can smooth out irregularities between colors.
  • Ton 3 is a yellowish-red tone.
  • Ton 4 is responsible for a red or copper shade.
  • Tone 5 is distinguished by a reddish-violet tint, in everyday life is called a "mahaon."
  • Tone 6 is considered a blue-violet pigment.
  • Tone 7 is a combination of red with a brown tint.

To navigate what color and shade will turn out when mixing various colors and tones, you can use a special table:

Mixing table of various colors of hair dye
Mixing table of various colors of hair dye

How to mix dyeing for hair and eyebrows of different shades to obtain the desired color: proportions

Rules for mixing hair and eyebrows
Rules of mixing different colors and shades of hair and eyebrows

When mixing hair dyes and eyebrows of different shades, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules that will allow you to achieve the desired result and not spoil the hair:

  1. Do not mix more than three shades at the same time.
  2. Before the procedure, it is necessary to evaluate the hair - their condition (dryness, damage, irritation of the scalp), the original color (natural or painted, dark or light), the presence of gray hair (it is more difficult to paint a gray hair).
  3. When mixing colors, it is best to select shades more suitable and close in color.
  4. Before preparing a staining agent, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions on the box.
  5. On partially gray or dyed hair, it is recommended to pre -level color.
  6. It is advisable to test in advance on a separate strand of hair.
  7. Each type of paint must be prepared separately and only then - connect them all in one vessel.
  8. It is recommended to add pigment to the oxidizing agent, and not vice versa.
  9. For medium -sized hair and density, it will take about 60 ml of paint, more long and thick hair can go 120 ml of a coloring agent, and on very long and thick hair - from 180ml.
  10. The oxidizing agent and paint should be mixed in proportions one to one.
  11. In the case of hair tinting, their ratio should be equal to two.
  12. When dyeing hair in dark colors, you can use an oxidizing agent of 3%, when switching to a slightly light tone, you can take 6%oxygen, and when stained in light colors or when clarifying hair, it is recommended to use an oxidizing agent of 9-12%.
  13. The ratio of two different colors in the mixture should be one to one.
  14. If you wish (when you want your favorite tone to dominate a little), you can slightly change the proportions of colors relative to each other - you can take more your favorite shade.
  15. The finished mixture is recommended for half an hour after it is kneaded.
  16. The exposure time of the hair on the hair directly depends on the instructions from the manufacturer.
  17. Before applying dyeing, it is necessary to ensure cleanliness and safety to your hands - for this you must use gloves.
  18. Fatty products - cream or cream will help protect the skin and ears from unwanted staining. They need to process areas of the skin on which the paint can fall.

Basic colors for mixing hair dyes

Basic colors for mixing hair dyes
Basic colors for mixing hair dyes
  • No matter how strange it sounds, but only three primary colors exist in colorism - it is red, blue and yellow.
  • All other colors and shades are derived from these colors.
  • There are secondary colors - these are colors that were the result of mixing primary colors.
  • It is also worth saying about tertiary colors - by their formation, we are obliged to mix the primary colors with secondary ones.
  • All possible combinations of mixing basic, secondary and tertiary colors form, the so -called color circle.
  • In the color circle, all colors are divided into cold and warm.
  • Coloring prohibits mixing warm and cold colors among themselves.
  • The colors located opposite each other in the color circle are contents - they are not recommended to mix with each other.
  • So, for example, red and green colors are considered to be contested.
  • A mixture of purple and yellow or blue and orange is also unacceptable.
  • Controlled can be used as neutralizers of an undesirable color - if it is applied to a certain color of its antiface, then it will simply be eliminated.

To achieve the desired result and not make a mistake with flowers and shades for mixing hair dyes, it is best to use the color circle:

Color circle for mixing hair dyes
Color circle for mixing hair dyes

Can I mix different hair dyes?

Is it possible to mix hair dyes for different brands?
Is it possible to mix hair dyes for different brands?
  • It is strictly forbidden to mix hair dyes from different manufacturers. The fact is that each manufacturer has its own color palette. In addition, completely different ingredients and technologies are used in the production of hair dyes. No one knows how the components of different colors can lead themselves, and what original color can turn out.
  • By the way, professionals do not recommend mixing the colors of one manufacturer, but of different series.
  • The best option is to mix different shades of colors of one manufacturer and one series.

Is it possible to mix paint in a glass bowl?

Is it possible to mix hair dye in a glass dish?
Is it possible to mix hair dye in a glass dish?
  • You can mix paints for hair or eyebrows only in glass, plastic, porcelain or ceramic container.
  • If you mix the colors in a metal dish, then an oxidation reaction may occur, as a result of which the composition of the paint is able to slightly change.
  • All these processes can significantly affect the final result - you should be prepared for the most unexpected color scheme.

How to mix hair dyeing in different colors: video

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  1. Before placing such articles on public display, at least minimally they would delve into the topic. Moreover, to give recommendations - not knowing what you write about, it would be better not to write at all ... ash shade from purple, yeah ... About painting gray hair - they just poked a finger at the sky, “levele”, what else you will come up with, what is enough fantasy ... so there is enough fantasy ... so there is enough fantasy ... so I would like to ask ... I was looking for some kind of info in colorism and came across this writings. I just could not pass by. P.S. And ash is blue so for a minute ... Contact expert copywriters or better study the theme of chtoli.

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