How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to get vodka, at home: table. How to dilute alcohol into vodka medical, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent to 40 degrees? How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to get vodka, at home: table. How to dilute alcohol into vodka medical, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent to 40 degrees? How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

Getting delicious soft vodka at home is simple. It is only necessary to take high -quality cleaned alcohol and water, and observe some rules for breeding alcohol with water.

When breeding alcohol, you can get high -quality vodka even at home. At the same time, the taste, smell and fortress will be identical to industrial production products. To obtain such a result, it is necessary to observe technology and proportions.

How to properly dilute ethyl alcohol with water to get vodka, at home: a calculator table, formula

The process of dilution of alcohol water is called the "cold" method of converting alcohol into vodka. Sometimes this method is used even in the production of alcoholic beverages. At home, you can also get a high -quality vodka product, but the mixing technology should be strictly observed.

Choose alcohol

Ethyl alcohol varies in the degree of purification:

  • alpha - from 96.3%, is produced exclusively from conditioning grain: wheat, rye.
  • extra - from 96.3%,
  • lux - from 96.3%.

For the production of Extra alcohol varieties, a luxury uses a mixture of grain and potatoes. Extra variety contains up to 35% starch.

  • higher cleaning - from 96.2%,
  • the first variety is from 96.0%,
  • basis - from 96.0%.

For the production of these varieties, any food raw materials are used.

Variety Basis holds about 60% starch. Without additional complementing, vodka is not tasty of it. But if you add a manganese to it, and after the precipitation falls through the coal filter, then the quality of the product will improve.

Alcoholic drinks are not produced from first grade alcohol.

The cleaner the alcohol, the nicer the vodka made of it
The cleaner the alcohol, the nicer the vodka made of it

Choose water

Much depends on the quality, taste and degree of water purification. Do not take ordinary tap water that has not undergone additional cleaning. It contains too many different impurities, salts that will not allow you to make a delicious, high -quality drink. The best choice will be:

  • tap water, after multi -stage cleaning;
  • botted water, with minimal salt content. The softer the water, the softer the final product will be;
  • rodnik water - is considered an ideal option that is difficult to execute in urban conditions. But spring water can have excessive rigidity.

You can use distilled, but such water dissolves alcohol worse, and the taste is somewhat “medical”.

When mixing alcohol with water, a 2: 3 ratio is usually used, i.e. 2 parts of alcohol are diluted with 3 parts of water. Even Mendeleev considered this combination universal.

Interesting. Sometimes it is advised to measure the components not by volume, but by weight. But it is worth remembering that alcohol is lighter than water: 1 liter of ethyl alcohol weighs 790 g.E. When measuring components by weight, the strength of the final product will be higher.

For a more accurate result, you can use the formula:


where x is the amount of water required for alcohol dilution to the desired concentration, ml;
M is the necessary strength of the alcohol solution, %;
P is the volume of existing alcohol, ml;
N is the initial strength of alcohol, %.

For example, from 96% of alcohol, 40% vodka must be obtained. Alcohol volume - 1 liter (1000 ml):

Formula 2

Those. In 1400 ml of water, 1000 ml of alcohol should be poured.

You can also use the Terman table, where various combinations of the original and final solution are collected.

Fertman table
Having chosen the fortress of the source material and the fortress of the final product, we learn the amount of water to the ml, which must be added to 100 ml of alcohol

Important. Always add alcohol to the water to avoid clouding of alcohol. Water must be taken chilled, otherwise the final product will have a taste and smell characteristic of alcohol, and not for vodka.

How to dilute alcohol into vodka medical, cognac, ethyl 96, 70 percent to 40 degrees?

  • Medical alcohol is obtained from ethyl, by cleaning ethanol and adding water to it, about 4%. Medical alcohol is the cleanest product. Its fortress usually varies between 96.4-96.7%.

    Important. Medical alcohol is an antidote for methanol poisoning, ethylene glycol, if you drink before or immediately after using these toxic substances.

  • The strength of ethyl alcohol, which is recommended to be used for the manufacture of vodka at home, can be different. The main thing is that ethanol to be food, not technically. Food ethyl alcohol is made of food raw materials, while technical - from synthetic materials.
  • Cognac alcohol is alcohol obtained from grape juice (mainly white grape varieties), after two stages of distillation. Its fortress is 68-72%. Cognac alcohol turns into cognac in oak barrels, where a certain time is withstanded, but not more than 70 years, because after that the fortress, taste and aromatic characteristics do not change.

Before starting the process of preparing a drink from alcohol, it is necessary to install a strength of alcohol. To do this, use the area.

  1. To obtain 40% of the product from alcohol 96%, you can use the ratio of alcohol and water: 1: 1.4. If you use any additives: syrup, honey, juice, then try so that the total final amount of fluid is in the range of 1.4 liters per 1 liter of alcohol.
  2. If there is alcohol with a strength of 70%, then you can get a 40% drink from it if you connect 100 ml of alcohol to 77.6 ml of water.

Important.If alcohol is already poured into the water, then you can’t add water to it still - the alcohol will become clouded, the product will be spoiled. This situation can be tried to save by passing the liquid through activated carbon. Even better, the result will be if the activated charcoal is chopped, pour into an alcohol solution, withstand for several days and then filter.

Subject to the technology, the drink will turn out to be crystal pure
Subject to the technology, the drink will turn out to be crystal pure

What is the best way to dilute ethyl alcohol for drinking, so that it is tasty?

To obtain a delicious and high -quality drink, except for purified delicious water, you need:

  • glucose;
  • sugar syrup: 1 liter of water/1 kg of sugar. The syrup is prepared over low heat until the end of the foam, which is removed;
  • honey;
  • various juices;
  • milk;
  • lemon acid;
  • dried lemon zest;
  • pepper;
  • various roots;
  • tea coffee;
  • lemonade;
  • berries;
  • herbs.

Such ingredients are added in small quantities. On average, 30-40 ml of additives is quite enough for 1l solution. Citric acid is placed 5-10 ml. Dry matter is placed 5-40g, depending on the desired result.

A delicious drink preparation algorithm:

  1. We prepare the ingredients: alcohol, water, additives. For the accuracy of measuring the fortress, the temperature of the components should be about 20 ° C. If the water is warm, then the drink will have an alcohol taste, not vodka.
  2. Add alcohol in the corresponding proportions to the water.
  3. Add various taste additives.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly. This is done for a faster dissolution of all substances. If the container can be tightly closed, then you can shake everything.
  5. Add crushed activated coal tablets to the solution. Per 2.5 liters of solution-3-10 coal tablets. We give it breaking: from several hours to a day at room temperature, optimally - 22 ° C.
  6. We filter. The filter can be fabric, paper, from gauze with cotton.
  7. Pour into bottles. The bottles must be filled under the neck so that the alcohol does not evaporate.
  8. We give the drink to stand for several days.

Important. It is necessary to store and prepare the product exclusively in glass bowl, plastic - contraindicated.

Citrus cocktails are popular
Citrus cocktails are popular

How to dilute ethyl alcohol with juice: proportions

When preparing vodka, such a “cold” method can be diluted not only with water, but also with juice. At the same time, exquisite cocktails are obtained.

  1. The cocktail "screwdriver" is a mixture of orange juice (2.5 parts) and alcohol (1 part). Add a slice of lemon, ice cubes - and the drink is ready.
  2. “Bloody Mary” is a combination of tomato juice (2 parts) and alcohol (1 part) with the addition of salt, pepper, lemon juice. Although it can be limited exclusively by juice and alcohol.
  3. Cranberry cocktail - a combination of juice and alcohol 2: 1. The drink has some astringency.
  4. Apple cocktail - juice and alcohol are mixed in a ratio of 3: 1. Green apples are best suited.
  5. In the manufacture of a cherry cocktail for 1 part of vodka, it is allowed to take 2 or 3 parts of vodka. The sweetness of the drink depends on the variety of cherries.
  6. For a pomegranate alcoholic drink, a ratio of 3: 1 is suitable, where 1 part of alcohol is added to 3 parts of juice.
  7. The grapefruit cocktail has a sweetish taste. Its proportion is the same as a grenade: 3: 1.

Focusing on these proportions, you can combine alcohol with any other juice.

Lemon vodka
Lemon vodka

How to make lemon vodka at home from ethyl alcohol: recipe

Lemon vodka has a bright aroma, taste and prolonged aftertaste of the citrus.


  1. Alcohol base: ordinary vodka, ethyl alcohol mixed with water, high -quality moonshine.
  2. Sugar (honey) - up to 2 tablespoons. This ingredient softens the drink, but it can not be put.
  3. Lemon - 2 pieces.


  1. Scald lemons with boiling water, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Remove the zest without touching the white peel to avoid the bitterness of the drink.
  2. Squeeze the juice from lemons. The juice should be crushed carefully so that as little pulp falls into the juice.
  3. Put zest, sugar (glucose, honey) in a glass jar, pour in juice and, lastly, an alcohol component. If ordinary store vodka is used, then to increase the fortress of the finished product, add alcohol.
  4. Mix everything thoroughly, close the jar, put in a warm place for 24-48 hours. It is advisable to shake vodka 4-6 times during this time.
  5. Spill the drink through cotton wool, paper filter, pour into bottles, you can drink.

Important. When the precipitate occurs, muti - filter through gauze.

How much ethyl alcohol is needed per 1 liter of vodka?

When water and alcohol is combined, a chemical reaction occurs, the absorbing part of the liquid. Therefore, to obtain 1 liter of finished product, the total number of initial ingredients must be taken more than 1 liter.

  • To obtain 40% vodka, 421 ml of alcohol is added to 607 ml of water.
  • To obtain 60% of vodka, 632 ml of alcohol is added to 397 ml of water.

What water is used to dilute alcohol: raw or boiled?

  • In general, it does not matter - boiled water or raw, if water is of good quality, has no impurities and a large amount of salts. If the water is tap, then it is advisable to boil it, and after that, at least through the filter-bush, skip. But it is better to expose three or more stages of cleaning.
  • If the water is spring, then depends on the degree of its rigidity.
  • Optimal for urban conditions is bottled water. There is no need to boil it or to filter. The main thing is that the water is not too mineralized.

Is it possible to dilute alcohol, interfere with carbonated or distilled water?

  • Although everywhere they write that distilled water cannot be consumed for drinking, but alcohol is distracted often quite often. The main harm of distilled water is the absence of the main mass of nutrients in it, which contributes to leaching, and not to saturate nutrients in the body.
  • Distilled water has an unpleasant odor and a specific taste, so it should not be used. There are no other restrictions on her alcohol. Although, if a person does not have a particularly sensitive taste, then he may not feel. But some lovers, on the contrary, prefer to use exclusively distilled water, because without additional additives, vodka with it is softer and more pleasant.
  • Alcohol is not diluted with carbonated water, the desired effect - a delicious pleasant drink cannot be achieved. Carbon dioxide increases alcohol absorption, irritates the walls of the stomach. In order to speed up the absorption of alcohol, it is better to simply drink the finished vodka with a sparkling drink.
Enjoyment of taste!
Enjoyment of taste!

How long does the reaction of ethyl alcohol with water last, after what time can you drink diluted alcohol?

  • You can drink diluted alcohol immediately after mixing, only the taste will not be full. It is advisable to withstand the drink 1-2 days. During this period, all elements have not yet been dissolved, but the main work will already be done.
  • The reaction of alcohol with water lasts about 7 days, this is how usually it is usually recommended to insist vodka before use. In some recipes, it is recommended to insist 14 days.

Video. How to breed alcohol with water?

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  1. Why didn’t they write about the “contract reaction” that occurs during mixing? Your omission !!!

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