How to sew a wide and narrow curtain tape to Tulia, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos. How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules, tips, photos. How many curtain tape do you need on tulle?

How to sew a wide and narrow curtain tape to Tulia, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos. How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules, tips, photos. How many curtain tape do you need on tulle?

This article describes how to sew a curtain tape to Tulia, curtains, curtains.

To make a new interior in the room, it is not necessary to make expensive repairs or change furniture. It will be enough to buy new curtains or tulle and decorate the window in the room with them. Such decoration with the help of new textiles will add new accents in the interior and make it stylish and beautiful.

Many women buy a new tulle and prefer to independently decorate textiles, as well as sewing the tape. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right tape for tulle, how to sew a wide or narrow braid. Read the tips, watch the video and you can dial the window yourself and beautifully.

Which curtain tape is better for tulle: how to choose?

Which curtain tape is better for tulle: how to choose?
Which curtain tape is better for tulle: how to choose?

A curtain tape is a braid, along the entire length of which special twisted cords are sewn. It is an excellent foundation for creating any folds. If you want to make beautiful folds for tulles, you do not need to purchase special fashion designer skills, sew a curtain tape and a beautiful window drape will be provided.

Which curtain tape is better for tulle: Tyes of braid
Which curtain tape is better for tulle: Tyes of braid

Which curtain tape is better for tulle and how to choose it? Tips:

  • First, decide on the type of folds that you want to see on your tulle: waffle folds, pencil, dollar, Flemish. But, if these names do not tell you about anything, then just take several types of tapes and assume them. You will immediately see what pattern of folds you will succeed in in the end.
  • Remember that the folds will not be much read on tulle, since the fabric is weightless and airy. But the general relief will be visible anyway.
  • If you have made unusual and beautiful folds on the curtains, then for tulle you can not bother and choose a tape of uniform assembly.
  • For tulle, use a transparent strip from the fishing line. The same tape is used for thin curtains.
  • The type of curtain tape determines the amount of tulle. For convenience, the coefficient is used - 1: 3, 1: 2, 1: 2.5 and 1: 1.5. These figures indicate that for 1 meter of window opening, for example, 3 meters of tulle plus another 10 centimeters will be needed.

In order for the monophonic tulle to look beautiful on the window, a coefficient of 2.5 or 3 should be used, since with a coefficient of 1.5 tulle will be barely awarded.

How many curtain tape do you need on tulle?

How many curtain tape do you need on tulle?
How many curtain tape do you need on tulle?

The meter of the tape is calculated depending on how much you need to dig up the tulle. So, how much curtain tape is needed for tulle? Use the coefficients that were described above. The second figure in the coefficient indicates how many meters of the fabric will be needed to close 1 meter of the opening. For example, to purchase a tape with a coefficient of 1: 3, 7.5 meters of tulle and the same number of braids will be needed on a window with a width of 2.5 meters.

If you have already purchased curtains, then choose a braid with a suitable coefficient. To do this, divide the width of the fabric into the width of the opening. For example, a curtain - 4 meters, and the window opening is 2 meters, then you need to divide 4 into 2. It turns out a coefficient of 2 or 1: 2.

How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos

A wide tape is used for open cornices on which complex folds will be visible. The decorative bar hides the top of the curtain and therefore it makes no sense to use a wide tape with original folds.

How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions
How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions

How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains correctly? Step-by-step instruction:

  • Process the side sides and bottom on the fabric. Leave only the top unprocessed.
  • If the fabric is crumbled, treat the edge with overlock.
  • Now, turn the edge of the future curtain or tulle and carefully rewrite with an iron. Turn up no more than 2-3 cm.
  • Apply the curtain tape from the inside, turn out the ends by 1-2 cm.
  • Retreat from the upper edge from 0.5 to 1.5 cm - It depends on the type of folds, the more complicated they are, the greater the indentation.
  • Set the tape to the curtain or skate with pins. Be sure to ensure that the loops are outside, otherwise you cannot then hang the porter.
  • Sew the tape along the upper and lower edge. If the tape is wide and is designed to create complex folds, then make a seam near each cord.
  • Now, on the one hand, tie the knot, and on the other, pull on the required width of the curtains.
How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains correctly?
How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains correctly?

Advice: It is better not to tie the second edge of the cords, but to turn into Babin. If you need to outweigh the curtains or tulle to another window with a wider opening, then you can simply untie the woman and straighten the porter to the desired width.

How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: Tips
How to sew a wide curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: Tips

Important: It is better to wash the tape first to wash, and then sew it, as it can shrink. It is to protect from troubles in the future, when you will wash tulle or curtains.

Video: We sew curtains. Sew the curtain tape. Method number 1.

Video: We sew curtains. Sew the curtain tape. Method 2.

Video: We sew curtains. Providing curtain tape. Method 3.

How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos

A narrow curtain tape is used if complex folds are not needed. This is the most suitable top processing option for tulle and thin curtains. How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains correctly? A narrow braid is sewn according to the same principle as a wide ribbon with complex folds.

How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos
How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions, tips, photos, videos

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Process the edges and bottom of the curtains.
  • Turn the edge of the future curtain or tulle by 2 cm and outline.
  • Now the turn of sewing the tape has come. Pin it to the fabric with pins at a distance of 0.5 cm from the top and sew it from the upper and lower edge.
  • Remove the extra threads and pull the tape, fixing it from one and the other.
How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions
How to sew a narrow curtain tape to Tulia, organza, curtains, curtains: step -by -step instructions

Advice: Make sure that the braid does not stick out on top of the curtain or tulle, otherwise it will turn out very inaccurately and ugly.

Video: How to sew the braid on the curtain under the hooks?

Video: How to sew a curtain tape (braid) to the curtains?

How to assemble tulle on a curtain ribbon: Rules, tips, photos

How to assemble tulle on a curtain ribbon: Rules, tips, photos
How to assemble tulle on a curtain ribbon: Rules, tips, photos

The drapery of the canvas is the most crucial moment, so it is important to correctly tighten the tulle or curtain. How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape - Rules and Tips:

  • It is better to pull together togetherSo ask someone to help. If there are several cords, then you need to tighten on both sides.
  • During tightening, the cord will interfere, since it is very long, so tie a piece of cardboard and wrap the cord on such a woman. You can also buy a special latch in the store, which is used for these cases.
  • During tightening, measure the curtain or tulleTo achieve width. It is better to do this with a soft centimeter tape.
  • When the desired width of the curtains turned out, fix the edges and straighten the folds. Hang the curtain or tulle on hooks.
How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules
How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules

Important: In order for the curtain to look beautiful, the distance between the hooks should be at least 10 cm.

How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules, tips
How to assemble tulle on a curtain tape: Rules, tips

Independent drapery of curtains and tulles will help you yourself, without resorting to the services of specialists, decorate the room. Give the interior an elegant and finished look, saving on the services of a fashion designer, especially since it is just to do it with different types of curtain tape.

Video: How to tighten the curtain braid and hang curtains correctly!

Video: sew the curtain tape to the tulle

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Comments K. article

  1. Tulle-Muzhsky family!

  2. Very useful video, but very difficult to listen. A lot of words of parasites and this is similar.

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