How to properly hang a amulet, amulet, horseshoe, panicle in the house, apartment? What and where to hang the amulet in the apartment, house? Common charm for kitchen

How to properly hang a amulet, amulet, horseshoe, panicle in the house, apartment? What and where to hang the amulet in the apartment, house? Common charm for kitchen

What and where do you need to hang amulets for the home?

Charm and home talismans are designed to protect. However, despite their huge number and different actions, not everything depends on the talisman itself. The magical effect of the data of the amulets also depends on the place in which you will arrange them. In this article we will tell you where and what amulets in the house should be placed.  

How to hang a amulet correctly, an amulet panel?

Many have heard about the talisman, symbol, or a charm of a panicle. This is mainly a fairly common option, which many people have directly above the entrance to the house. However, as experts note, it is best to place such a panicle just above the entrance to the kitchen.


  • The fact is that it is in this place that a large amount of negativity accumulates, which needs to be absorbed. At the same time, it is best to purchase a panicle not in a souvenir shop, but to do it yourself.
  • To do this, a sparse broom on the market is bought, the handle is cut off so that the lower bundle of the broom remains.
  • The lower part is bandaged with a red ribbon and hung, and in most cases it is necessary to hang it not with a panicle, but with a panicle up. That is, so that this bush sticks out and expands up. Only in this way this amulet will save you from negative energy and clean the house.

Where to hang the amulet in the apartment, the house - where to hang the horseshoe?

Another common option that can be found in any souvenir shop is horseshoe. This is not a very standard amulet, because it has been used since ancient times. Moreover, each nation used it in their own way.


  • Many people believe that it is impossible to hang down the horseshoes down with arches, because it will contribute to the flow of money from home. However, in fact, experts say that this is not so. Depending on the expected action, it is necessary to choose how to hang such a horseshoe and where to do it. In most cases, it is hung just above the entrance. That is, directly above the front door to the apartment or to the house.
  • At the same time, if you want to attract good luck, happiness, laughter, many new acquaintances, hang down down. If you want your house to enrich, and you are aimed at the material side, in which case it is better to hang the horseshoes upwards up.  
  • In ancient times, our relatives paid great attention to how the horseshoe hangs. Some believed that in no case should you hang down the house down with horns. In fact, you can hang the horseshoe down with horns, but not in the house itself, but at the threshold, that is, at the entrance. Thus, the horseshoe should hang from the outside with horns down. All negative energy will fight off the souvenir dome and go down.
  • This is a great way to get rid of negative energy in the event that you live near the not very good neighbors who wish you evil. The horseshoe upwards up is a symbol of prosperity and success.  
  • Where should I have a horseshoe in the house? The most ideal option is the location above the door inside the apartment or house. It is desirable that she hung up with horns in the house. This will say that there will be abundance in the house. The most interesting thing is that these are not the only places where you can have a horseshoe. Many knowledgeable people note that the horseshoe can be hung on the refrigerator.
  • The fact is that it can not be beaten with nails on the refrigerator, so you can safely use the souvenir with a magnet. In this case, the horseshoe should also be located upwards. It is believed that in this way all the negative energy falls into the horseshoe bowl, and due to the effect of the refrigerator freezes in it. There will be quarrels and unpleasant conversations, conflicts in the house.
  • But, besides this, there are options for storing horseshoes in the safe. It is believed that this amulet saves money and increases it. Thus, in the place where you stored the most valuable things, also money, you must put the horseshoe.  
Do -it -yourself horseshoe
Do -it -yourself horseshoe

Where to hang a amulet in the kitchen: garlic - a charm for the house

It is worth noting that the amulets and talismans for the house are located not only at the entrance. There are places where it is also worth placing amulets. In the kitchen, it is usually worth hanging beads in the form of garlic, and burning pepper. This is not just a seasoning, but a way to drive away evil thoughts and bad ideas. In addition, spoons are stored in the kitchen, which give saturation, as well as dolls with bags of cereal. Sometimes in the kitchen there are dolls stylized under the brownie.

Indeed, the brownie is able to maintain prosperity in the house and eliminates evil spirits. However, now the dolls, which are made in the form of a brownie, have little in common with the brownie, which our ancestors were respected by the Slavs.  


Where to hang the amulet of the house from bad people?

At the entrance, you can also arrange a pin in addition to horseshoe. It is usually inserted into the door jamb so that it is not visible. An ideal option will be to peel off a piece of wallpaper, unscrew it and insert a pin there. She drives off evil spirits. In exactly the same way, the shoe acts.


  • It is best to use not purchased souvenirs, but to make them yourself. The fact is that for manufacturing it is better to take a shoe that one of the household worried. That is, it can be your husband or you. The boot should be male.
  • He retains the energy of the person who wore him. It is best if it is the owner of the house. The boots are filled with sharp objects. You can take pins, needles, buttons, nails. Thus, the shoe must be placed on the mezzanine. It used to be placed in the attic.
  • But this method is possible only if you live in a private house. If you live in the apartment, you can put it on top of the closet, or store on the mezzanine. Such a talisman and amulet will also protect your housing from evil spirits and evil languages.  

Often our ancestors were used by ancient herbs, as well as peculiar bouquets from them. Dreaming grass often hung over the door. Basically, this must be done in order to scare away insects and evil spirits. The windows were decorated with mountain ash and viburnum. These berries helped protect the house from evil spirits. Often on shutters they painted mermaids. They also scared off otherworldly spirits, preserved housing.  

Video: Home Charm

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