How is the word correctly written - “impossible” or “not possible”: together or separately?

How is the word correctly written - “impossible” or “not possible”: together or separately?

We write correctly: it is impossible, not possible.

How is the word correctly written: “impossible” or “not possible”?

The easiest way

Russian spelling provides for two types of spelling:

  1. Impossible - together
  2. It is not possible - separately

It depends on the semantic load of the sentence.

For example,

In this period of time impossible Using these options at the same time

Go out into a sort of blizzard impossible, even scary.

We recall the rule, write:

  1. Particle "not" with adverbs - separately (not possible)
  2. Adverbs ending on the suffix “o”, which have adjectives with the prefix “not” - is together (impossible - impossible).

In what cases is it “impossible” to write together?

Permissible options
  • A brief adjective or dialect with “not” has at the end of “o” - we write together, when the word acquires the reverse meaning in conjunction with “not”.

We check with an affirmative synonym that can be replaced by the adverb or short adjective:

  1. prohibitively
  2. drowning
  3. fantastic

For example,

The circumstances were so that it became impossible (dialect), but they did it.

A sort of order in our project impossible (short adjective).

  • Another verification option:

If impossible, this is not a synonym, it is prohibited
Impossible Worship both the angel and the devil.

  • Additionally, we use axioms of alcohol spelling:

The presence of an adverb of measure and degree:

  1. Very
  2. Highly
  3. Extremely
  4. Nearly
    Or presence - "in the highest degree"

Everything sounded extremely impossibleBut I still had to listen.

  • When using the adverb in the role of the application of the impossibility

Literally impossible tolerate this illiteracy.

In what cases is it “not possible” separately?

  • In a denying passage

A refuting effect adds:

  1. combination with “far”, “altogether”, “by no means”, and others
  2. pronouns (adverbs) with "nor"
  3. the presence of opposition

For example:
Absolutely impossibletake a specific position

  • Applying or implying a confrontation with "A" (Union) in meaning

It even happened impossible, but absolutely acceptable

  • When in the context there is no antithesis aggravating statement

Probably read the right impossible, and be sure.

  • With the expected contrast

Important: the presence of expressions in the proposal:

  1. At all
  2. At all
  3. Absolutely
  • depending on the semantic load of application:
  1. absolutely
  2. very


  1. by no means
  2. in no way
  • the one and the other methods of spelling are likely.

I specify - this is absolutely impossible.

How to write: “impossible” or “not possible”, together or separately?

We take into account the important points of the rules

The versions proposed for consideration, we write correctly depending on the semantic load.
We take into account the above and apply:

  1. In the confirmation of the “impossible” proposals, we write together
    Word formation:
    This is completely impossible fact.
  2. Separately write “not possible” - in a sentence with denial.
    It seems not possible Option, and with an alternative outcome.

Video: not with adjectives

Video: Assigned or separate spelling not with adverbs

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