How is the word fast food spelled correctly?

How is the word fast food spelled correctly?

The spelling of words has been studied from the first grade. After all, it is important not only to speak correctly, but also to write correctly. Next, we will find out how the word fast food or fast food is written correctly.

It is rare, who thinks about how the words that we use in speech are written almost daily. Moreover, if these are words borrowed from a foreign language, for example, products, etc. Signs, advertising posters, menu with errors in cafes, stores where the name of one or another edible dish is absurd.

These mistakes literally “cut the eyes” of a competent visitor. Therefore, it does not matter who a person works as a waiter in a cafe or has passed the Higher School of Linguistics - everyone should be able to write correctly. And if there are some difficulties in writing a word, then you can find out on the Internet or in particular here in the article, as it is written in Russian. Next, we will find out how the word fast food is written correctly-together or through a hyphen, or these are two different words that need to be written separately, as in the English version: Fast Food.

The word fast food-how is it written?

All dishes that are available in price and can be used as a snack on the street - this is fast food. If we talk about health, then no doctor will recommend eating such food. Moreover, now many are talking about healthy diet and are trying to eat only healthy foods. And despite all this, sometimes this food still falls into the stomachs of people, especially when there is no way to eat at home. So even in some names of small stalls that sell fast food, you can find a mistake in this word.

Fast food or fast food?
Fast food or fast food?

All words that are borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bin the Russian language acquire a slightly different meaning than, for example, the literal translation of the phrase Fast Food from English. In English, this phrase means fast food. And these are two words. And we mean the word fast food by a quick cooking, street food, this is pizza, pancakes, and pies, and sandwiches and much more.

How is the word fast food in Russian correctly? So on a letter according to many modern dictionaries of borrowed words, fast food you should write together, the option of writing is still allowed fast food. Separately, as in English, fast food is not used.

IMPORTANT: Remember-the word fast food is written correctly not fast food, it is also allowed to use this word through a hyphen: fast food.

Based, again, from English origin, fast food is a complex word:

  • First part - fast, stress, falls on the second part, and the letter - a unstressed vowel in this word, it is the only one here, all other letters are consonant: f; With; T.
  • Second part - food, It is for the letter: u This syllable is stressed, there is a shock vowel - y, and two consonants: f; D.
The name of the case in one. h. in the multiplier. h.
Them. Pad. fastf ud, fast food fastf uso, fast food
Genus. Pad fastf uyes, fast food fastf udov, fast food
Dates. Pad. fastf udu, fast food fastf ui will give, fast food
VIN. Pad. fastf ud, fast food fastf uso, fast food
Creative. Pad. fastf uhouse, fast food fastf udami, fast food
Pre. Pad. fastf ude, fast food fastf udach, fast food

Please note: the synonym for the word fast food is a phrase-quick nutrition.

How the word fast food is written correctly: examples

Fastfood - How is it written in English?
Fast food, how is it written in English?

Let's continue to consider examples of sentences with the word fast food (fast food). And at the same time practice how the word fast food is written correctly:

  • If you eat fast food all the time, especially for dinner, then as a result, vascular pathologies may appear.
  • When I was a student, I often replaced food meals with fast food.
  • We went for a walk with a friend, I offered her to eat fast food, she refused.
  • There were no hot dishes in the cafe, because dad was slightly upset and ordered fast food again.
  • Despite the strict sports diet, Sergey went after the match to eat fast food to suppress the feeling of hunger.
  • In modern life, they began to sell fast food on the street more and more often, on the one hand it is beneficial for travelers, on the other hand, people with excessive body weight are increasingly found.
How is fast food or fast food?
How is fast food or fast food?

As you can see, many consider it right to write the word fast food together, but if in some printed publication the use of the word is found: fast food-this will also not be a mistake.

Video: How is the word fast food in Russian correctly written?

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