As it is called, it is written - Belarus or Belarus: the official name of Belarus as a state

As it is called, it is written - Belarus or Belarus: the official name of Belarus as a state

This article will help you find out how the word Belarus is written correctly.

Spore about the correct spelling of the word "Belarus" He appeared in the nineties, and continues between experts in the rules of the Russian language and patriotic representatives of our countries. How do you still need to write this word correctly? The answer is in this article.

What is it called correctly, is written - Belarus, Belarus or Belarus?

Republic of Belarus
Republic of Belarus

"White Russia" - So the Western sources called this country at the end of the last century. Later, Europe began to be called people who lived on this earth - "Belarusians". Therefore, many residents of other countries unknowingly call this republic "Belarusus"although it is wrong.

Word "Belarus" exists, but in traditional sources. For example, there used to exist a printed publication called "Belarus of the Soviet era". If it is said about the constitutional name of the country, then it is correctly called and written - "Belarus".

The Russians are used to talking "Belarus" And this is also right. It is believed that in Russian it is Belarus, and in the Belarusian - Belarus.

The official name of Belarus as a state in Russian

Republic of Belarus
Republic of Belarus

Each state has its own name in their native language, and there may be a different name in the language of another country.

  • The official name of Belarus as a state in Belarusian is Belarus.
  • The official name of the state in Russian will also sound, but is used with the word "republic" - the Republic of Belarus.

In colloquial speech, you can call this country Belarus - this will also be correct, but only for Russians. For Belarusians - only Belarus.

Word Belarus in English: how is it written?

If you learn English, then you may need the name of countries in this language. Word "Belarus" in English it is written as "Belrus". This is if it is said about the country. If it is said about Belarusians - residents of the country, then these words are used: "Belarusian" or "Byelorussia".

What letter is the Republic of Belarus written with?

In Russian "republic" It is written with a small letter. But in this case, this is part of the name of the country, so you need to write with a capital letter - Republic of Belarus, as well as the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Crimea, the Republic of Moldova and so on.

Video: Belarus. Interesting facts about Belarus.

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