How to draw a portrait of a person, girl with a pencil in stages for children and beginners? How to beautifully draw a portrait of mom with pencil and paints in stages?

How to draw a portrait of a person, girl with a pencil in stages for children and beginners? How to beautifully draw a portrait of mom with pencil and paints in stages?

After reading this article, you can try yourself as an artist and draw a portrait of a mother, father or any other person.

How to learn to draw?

Sometimes sitting at home simply do not know what to do. You start to draw flowers a little with a pencil, but I want to portray something more serious, for example, a portrait. But how to do that? How to learn how to draw correctly?

Many artists of various eras each time practicing in the art of drawing were able to achieve incredible skill. Our task is to study the main principles of drawing in order to learn how to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil and colors. Of course, it cannot be argued that this is very difficult. But if you do not know the foundations, then you will not be able to draw a beautiful portrait.

To begin with, you should find out which persons of a person exist. Each of us considers a portrait by an image of a person's face. But is it really so? In nature, there are various types of portraits:

  • The portrait is poking. Only the head is portrayed here.
  • The portrait is loading. In this case, a person is drawn on the chest.
  • Portrait of a waist. It shows the image of a person from the head to the waist.
  • The portrait is generated. On such a portrait, the human body is depicted from head to knees.
  • Full -length portrait.
The portrait is poking
The portrait is poking

Portraits can also be divided into such categories:

  • Portrait of the profile.
  • Portrait of Anfas.
  • Portrait of half -turn.
Portrait Profile
Portrait Profile

In the implementation of each of these types, you need to take into account some nuances. But, and most importantly, you need to carefully study human anatomy. Otherwise, you will not be able to correctly depict the proportions of the human body.

If you are a novice artist, then you first need to try to depict a portrait of a woman or man on the side. After you master this technique, you can start more complicated, for example, draw anfas face.

How to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil: a detailed explanation for children and beginners?

Perhaps you will be surprised, but many famous artists claim that it is more difficult to draw not a portrait, but nature. Therefore, if you want to try to draw a portrait of a person, feel free to start work.

So that you get a beautiful skeleton, you need:

  • Choose a suitable model at your discretion. Yes, you must like the object you have chosen.
  • Own basic geometry skills. This is required in order to calculate correctly those places where they should be located: mouth, nose, eyes.

We draw a portrait of a man:

In the person of a man, the line is not quite smooth, but more straight. However, this means that they are easier. Accordingly, try not to spare the paper, draw the front circuit until it acquires the necessary outline. Now start drawing and follow the following instructions:

  • Make an oval to get the contour of the face.
  • Now, in the center, draw a clear horizontal line.
  • Return down a little from this line, draw the second that will be parallel to her.
  • From the center of the second line, draw a perpendicular line. Mark on it the location of the mouth and tip of the nose.
  • Return up a little by oval, draw your ear.
The beginning of the picture
  • In the central part of the lower half, draw the pupils and finish the eyelids
  • Add hair outlines.
  • Draw your eyebrows, make a beautiful hairstyle.
  • Start your lips. To start a smooth line, indicate the lower lip. After that, in a mirror form - the upper lip so that it has a recess in the center.
We continue to draw
We continue to draw
  • Draw your nose. Show the tip of the nose with a slightly expanded "checkmark". Spend a couple of arched lines from her.
  • From the arc of eyebrows on the right, draw a curved ruler so that it deviates to the right.
  • Add details of the contours of the eyelids and eyebrows.
  • Draw your hair.
  • Draw the missing elements of the ears.
The portrait is almost finished
The portrait is almost finished
  • Wipe the auxiliary lines.
  • Get up with the shadows. Make cheekbones, foreheads, nose in the area of \u200b\u200bsmall darkening, grow them.
  • Get a little under the eyes and in the zone of the neck.
Ready result
Ready result
The portrait is ready
The portrait is ready

Using this instructions, you will understand how, without much difficulty, you can depict a male face in a stages in a phantas.

We portray a female portrait:

In the portrait of the lady, abandon hard angular lines. In return they will receive smoothness and femininity:

  • Sketch your face.
  • Spend a couple of lines. They must intersect and is located in the center of the face, deviating a little to the right.
First stage
First stage
  • On the resulting lines, indicate the main elements: lips, eyes and nose. Draw each bend in detail.
  • Spend the ruler from the cheekbone, arrange the chin.
  • Make folds of eyelids, eyes and nose.
  • Draw your lips.
Draw the main parts of the face
Draw the main parts of the face
  • Now you can start cilia and pupils. Do not forget to show the glare below.
  • Draw your ears.
The main features are drawn
The main features are drawn
  • Start the application of shadows. Take a soft pencil, blend the shadows near the eyes, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cheekbones, neck and nose.
  • Draw an approximate hairstyle.
The portrait is almost ready
The portrait is almost ready
  • Take away all the additional rulers, begin to shake the portrait.
Steam of the portrait
Steam of the portrait
  • Make the hair voluminous, shaken at the roots.
  • The background is tightened more intensely so that it is darker.
Ready result
Ready result

Learning to draw eyes:

As we all know, the eyes are considered a mirror of the soul. Therefore, it is your eyes that you should pay special attention.

  • Make two ovals - it will be eyes.
  • Draw the pupils and iris of the eyes.
  • Be sure to finish your eyebrows, otherwise your eyes will not work out that you need.
  • Draw cilia. They should look from the arc up or down. In the central part of the eye, draw a little shorter.
  • Detail them: inside the corner, draw short cilia, and at the edges - thick and long.
  • Shake the third part of the irides of the eyes so that there are light spots on the pupils, and the edges are dark.
  • Add shadows to the lower eyelids and along the edges of the corners of the upper eyelids.
Drawing the eye in stages
Drawing the eye in stages

We found out that in order to depict a portrait it is necessary to adore geometry and know what proportions are. Now consider some anatomical features that will be useful to you for drawing a face.

  • The horizontal line in the center of the eyes should be equal to the distance that is between the right and left eye.
  • The same line between the lips should be equal to the distance that is between the right and left pupils.
  • The distance that is between the mouth and the eyebrow is equal to the length of the ear.

If you want to see all the errors of the resulting portrait, bring the portrait to the mirror. Believe me, all the flaws of the image will become more noticeable.

Video: How to draw a man's face with a pencil?

Video: How to draw a woman's face with a pencil?

How beautiful to create a portrait of a girl and mother with a pencil in stages?

Prepare all the materials for drawing. On the right paper, soft pencils are well erased and do not leave traces behind. Refuse solid pencils, because they leave traces on paper. Now you can start drawing a portrait, but already at the level of a professional.

  • We fix the paper.Fasten the paper sheet using buttons to a special tablet (plywood sheet attached to a wooden frame). Attach the tablet to the subframe so that the angle is equal to 45 degrees.
  • We work out all the details.Mark all the lines that were indicated in the first version of the portrait image. Here, pay special attention to what kind of face parts will have.
  • Consider every little thing, work out all the details. Since the pomp is obliged to turn out to be similar to the human face.
Preliminary outline
Preliminary outline
  • We draw our eyes.There are three rulers on which the eyes are drawn. Central line - the pupils of the eye are portrayed here. Sove your eyes and eyeballs yourself. While you have to portray only the outline of the contours, the strokes are not needed. Eyes should be drawn on top of the eye. As soon as you end the pupils, thoroughly draw the eyelids, and indicate the wrinkles. Draw over the eyes of the eyebrow line.
  • We draw the lips.Lips also have three lines. To begin with, draw the lower lip, because it is much easier. After that, draw the upper lip. Divide it into two equal parts with a hollow. Make the lip with convex with shadows. Designate the folds if a person has a smile on the face.
  • We draw the nose.Design the tip of the nose above your lips. Sove it with a tick, that is, in the form of a soaring bird. On one side and the other from this “checkmark”, draw a couple of small arcs. Now apply shadows on your nose.
Draw the main features
Draw the main features
Pull the main lines
Pull the main lines

So, you outlined and drawn the main details of the portrait. You have done a lot of work, namely:

  • You were able to determine places for the eyes, nose, lips and ears.
  • You schematically portrayed them on paper.
  • You drawn every detail and every element.
  • You put shadows on your nose.

Final drawing stage of a female portrait

The next step is to put shadows on a portrait of a person. This stage is considered very important, since it is he who makes the face come to life. Pay special attention to the eyes. A look that will not have a notes of life in itself will simply ruin your work, accordingly, work out your eyes in special care and thoroughness. Draw eyeballs, draw pupils inside. Do not make them dark. On each pupil of the right and left eye there must be a glare.

The last stage in the portrait of a person - draw an oval of face and shadow. Also draw your hair. You probably remember that at the first stage you have outlined your ears? If your portrait has a shortened hairstyle, then thoroughly work out each ear. If the hair is long, then you can cover your ears with a hairstyle.

Finish the portrait
Finish the portrait

We put the shadows

Now you will fully come to the rescue of a soft pencil. This is the case: a pencil that has an average stiffness, or a hard pencil, cannot perfectly apply shadows. Many artists have the same technique - they make invisible strokes of pencils. Everything happens as follows: on paper, they smear the strokes with a fingertip or a paper scrap pillow. Now you can draw a portrait of a girl and mother correctly with all the nuances and subtleties.

How beautiful to create a portrait of a girl and mom with paints?

Do you want to draw a portrait of a girl or mother with paints, but are you afraid that the drawing will not work? Drop your own fears and read our recommendations. For drawing, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • A set of watercolor colors.
  • Soft brushes of various sizes (from squirrels or columns).
  • Paper for watercolor.
  • A wooden tablet (we described it a little higher).
  • With a hard pencil and an eraser.
  • Paper on which you will make sketches.

To begin with, make several sketches of the future portrait, and also decide how exactly the person’s face will be depicted in the figure.

Phased instruction for drawing a portrait with paints:

So, you have finished the preparatory process, now you can create a picture. Break the whole process into the following sequential stages:

  • Draw a portrait with a pencil. This stage is considered very important. Make each line noticeable, do not use the eraser often. Since your paper will be wiped, and, accordingly, the paints will lie unevenly. You can pre -draw a portrait on separate paper, and then transfer the picture to special watercolor paper.
First draw a drawing with a pencil
First draw a drawing with a pencil
  • Now start drawing. To begin with, apply a transparent, very easy unit on paper with paints. Use pale orange face paint. Paint the whole face with wide strokes. Where there will be glare, leave the paper untouched. After that, pick up other shades of colors, and go with a brush on the hairstyle and clothes. Leave the brightest areas untouched.
  • Take your eyes and lips. Select the necessary paint. It needs to be diluted with water to get a pale shade. Paint the iris with the paint with the paint. Draw your lips in the same way.
Draw the outlines
Draw the outlines
  • Apply the shadows to the whole face. You can file a warm reflection of light on one side of the face. Display cold glare from things on the chin. Learn this when drawing a portrait, depict them in the figure using additional tones.
Make brighter paints
Make brighter paints
  • Next, understand more thoroughly in every shadow. Find the darkest areas of cheekbones, lips, sides and wings of the nose, near the hair and so on. It is thanks to the shadows that you can simulate your face and give it a natural volume. There is a main principle - move constantly from the brightest shades to the darkest.
  • Find light intermediate shades of shadows and light: in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face where the ray of light falls, dark and bright places are also present. Track how the light “plays” and repeat it during drawing on paper.
  • With a hairstyle and things, carry out the same actions as while working with a face.
  • The final stage: take the thinnest brush, highlight the smallest elements and lines with it. Draw each strand of hair, cilia, lips. Remember - while working with paints, even in very dark areas, the paint should be transparent.
Work with the background
Work with the background
  • Draw the background during the image of the portrait, but you can also postpone this process at the last moment. Most importantly, do not work out the background more than the portrait, but avoid negligence.
The portrait is ready
The portrait is ready

We hope that you were able to learn in general terms how to draw a portrait of a girl using paints.

Pencil drawings - portraits for beginners and children for sketching

Female portrait
Female portrait
Children's photo
Children's photo
Female portrait
Female portrait
Portrait for regulation
Portrait of a man

Video: How to draw a girl's face with paints in stages?

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  1. Thanks for the lesson🎈🎉🎉🎉🎁🎊🎊

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