How to properly impregnate a crocheted napkin: Methods. How to steam a napkin tied with crocheted potato starch, sugar, gelatin, PVA glue: recipe

How to properly impregnate a crocheted napkin: Methods. How to steam a napkin tied with crocheted potato starch, sugar, gelatin, PVA glue: recipe

Methods of drinking napkins associated with crochet. Recipes and advice on their drying.

Cosiness and beauty at home are the creative zone of every mistress. We use the most unusual objects and solutions to add a highlight to our dwelling.

Perhaps crocheted napkins will never go out of fashion. Therefore, actions with their stains will remain as relevant.

Moreover, in addition to the usual even form, using fixing solutions and a variety of improvised assistant surfaces, you can achieve curious variations.

Let's talk in more detail about the methods and nuances of starching napkins associated with hook, as well as their further storage.

How to properly stick and seize a crocheted napkin: Methods

A beautiful openwork napkin connected by crochet lies on a table with flowers
a beautiful openwork napkin connected by crochet lies on a table with flowers

So that your napkin acquires the necessary shape, give it with the help of fixative substances. Namely:

  • starch of potato or rice, corn
  • pVA glue
  • sahara
  • gelatin

Depending on your target, the napkin can be shocked:

  • strongly
  • slightly
  • moderately

To do this, adjust the amount of a fixing substance used on 1 liter of a liquid-decrease. It can be water or milk. The latter will give a pleasant matte tint.

A bright snow -white shade with a crocheted napkin will be given by blue. Add its tablespoon to a solution for starch before dipping a napkin.

How to steam a napkin connected by crocheted potato starch: Recipe

Crochet napkins in the process of starching with potato starch
crochet napkins in the process of starching with potato starch

You need:

  • potato starch - from 1 teaspoon to 2 tablespoons
  • liter of water
  • towel
  • studs

We act like this:

  • in a small amount of cold water, dilute the starch and mix it thoroughly
  • the tougher you need a napkin, the more starch use
  • boil the rest of the water
  • slowly pour the starch solution into boiling water, constantly interfere
  • bring the consistency in the container to the thick without lumps
  • remove from heat
  • to give gloss with a gloss, add a pinch of salt to the solution
  • if there are lumps of insoluble starch in the solution, strain it through a sieve/gauze
  • dip the napkin in the solution so that it completely drowned in it
  • after 3-5 minutes, remove it and squeeze it
  • lay a towel on the table, and a wet napkin on top
  • if there are a lot of folds on it, defeat them with an iron through the fabric
  • turn on the iron after the napkin is already a little dried
  • heat it on average mode and perform actions quickly
  • fasten the ends of the napkin with hairpins so that the stretch is obtained
  • after completely drying the product, free it from the hairpins and use it

If your goal is to get a matte tone of the product, replace water with skim milk.

How to steam a cloak tied with sugar: Recipe

The rose lies on a crocheted napkin.
the rose lies on a crocheted napkin.

You need:

  • 6 teaspoons of sugar-sand
  • 125 ml of water
  • 1 teaspoon of grain or vegetable starch powder

Cooking and starch:

  • connect dry starch with a small amount of water and stir until the first is completely dissolved
  • boil water and fill up sugar
  • mix and bring the liquid to a state where the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved
  • remove from heat and add starch solution
  • be sure to stir without stopping
  • next, carry out actions with a napkin according to the same scheme as in the section on starching with potato starch

How to steam a napkin connected by a holy gelatin: recipe

A beautiful napkin lies on the table after sprinkling gelatin
a beautiful napkin lies on the table after sprinkling gelatin

You need:

  • glass of water
  • 1 tablespoon of gelatin

We prepare the solution:

  • mix gelatin in a small amount of cold water
  • stir and leave it to swell
  • after add the rest of the water and put the solution on the stove
  • when gelatin is completely dissolved, turn off the fire under it
  • repeat the actions with a napkin according to the same scenario as in the section on potato starch

How to steam a napkin tied with Crochet PVA glue: Recipe

Snow -white openwork alpha, crocheted, is laid out on the table after stinging with PVA glue
the snow -white openwork napkin made by hook is laid out on the table after stinging with PVA glue

You need:

  • pVA glue
  • water

We act:

  • combine glue with water in a ratio of 1: 2,
  • stir the solution,
  • send a napkin to a container with adhesive solution,
  • after complete impregnation of the threads, remove and put on the surface that corresponds to your wishes about the future shape of the napkin.

How and what to make a knitted napkin strongly?

On the table is an original openwork napkin connected by crocheting after strong starchy
on the table is an original openwork napkin connected by crocheting after strong starchy

The maximum effect of the stiffness of a knitted napkin will give a steep solution of starch. For example, in the proportion of 2 tablespoons per 4 glasses of water.

To enhance the rigidity of the appearance of the napkin, use the ratio of PVA and water glue 1: 1.

Increase the dose of sugar in the above recipe by 5 times to achieve the maximum effect of starch for a knitted product.

How to dry and fold knitted starchy napkins: Tips

A large crocheted napkin lies on the steaming table and drying
a large crocheted napkin lies on the steaming table and drying
  • To give a perfectly flat surface a stolen cloth, lay it out on the table.
  • When you plan to get openwork balls or a convex part in the middle of the napkin, combine the placement of objects that have this form, and fixing with the studs with a wet napkin on them.
  • For a perfectly round shape, a balloon is suitable for you. Pass it inside the wet wipes and inflate it. All folds of the product will deal with the ball.
  • Leave to dry the napkin. Then blow off the ball and carefully remove it.
  • Dry starchy napkins fold so that their shape is preserved. For example, even - in a pile, round - in an empty basket or box, hats - on a blank, a glass jar, a large round skein of knitting threads, an inflated balloon.

So, we examined different ways of stealing napkins associated with crocheted, learned to correctly prepare solutions for these purposes. And also the advice of experienced craftswomen regarding the drying and laying out products gathered.

Tie your first napkin if you have never done this before. Watch it and decorate the coffee table. And let her please you and your relatives with her originality!

Video: How to steal a crocheted napkin at home?

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