How to use men's toilet water, male spirits? How to choose the right and where to apply toilet water, perfumes to a man: Rules. How much should a man spray toilet water?

How to use men's toilet water, male spirits? How to choose the right and where to apply toilet water, perfumes to a man: Rules. How much should a man spray toilet water?

Rules for choosing and using toilet water for men.

Modern men are quite demanding of their appearance. Many of them spend a decent part of time in salons, cut their beard and make manicure. Correctly selected toilet water will help to complete the image. In this article we will talk about the intricacies of her choice.

How to choose the right toilet water, perfumes to a man?

Initially, it is worth determining the purpose of water. It can be for both evening and for the day. In the evening, it is worth giving preference to rich water or cologne. For a day, choose water with a light aroma.

Unlike women's toilet water, a less concentrated male. There are no notes of fruits and vanilla. Mostly there are wood, tobacco and fresh notes. Musk is often used.

Choice Rules:

  • If your man is a businessman and a conservative, choose expensive water for a well -known brand
  • Older men are suitable for deep oriental aromas, as well as tobacco smells
  • If this is your young man who loves sport, get water with a fresh and light aroma
  • A passionate and self -confident men is suitable for cologne with the smell of vanilla, wood and musk
  • Consider the cost of perfume. The higher the man occupies in society, the more expensive it should be
Choosing toilet water for men
Choosing toilet water for men

Types of aromas:

  • Shipy. Were created for very daring and strong men. Very saturated and concentrated, so more suitable for the evening
  • Spicy. This kind of aromas is better to use during dates
  • Wood. More suitable for mature representatives of the fair sex. Suitable for business lunch and business meetings
  • Muscular. More suitable for meetings and emphasize the status of a man. Quite saturated aromas
  • Citrus. Ideal for use in the daytime, light enough
  • Unisex. These aromas can complement the image of both women and men. Unobtrusive
Choosing toilet water for men
Choosing toilet water for men

How to use men's toilet water, male spirits?

There are several rules that should be followed when applying toilet water. There are a lot of factors that enhance and weaken the aroma.


  • Apply perfume to pulsating areas. That is, on the wrists, neck and in the heart
  • At 15.00, refresh the aroma. Apply it to the wrists. This will help you cheer up
  • In the summer, choose a perfume with a less rich aroma than in winter
  • People with dry skin should apply toilet water more often than those who have a fat epidermis
  • Sweat enhances the smell of perfume, so try to use perfumes with fresh aromas in the summer
  • Do not mix smells. If you use an antiperspirant, then do not use cologne
  • All funds such as shaving foam, antiperspirant and cologne can mix and give an unpleasant aroma
  • Do not apply perfumed water on a dirty body, this will make the smell even worse
  • It is best to apply a few drops of perfumed agent immediately after the shower and the use of the antiperspirant


A man uses toilet water
A man uses toilet water

How to do it:

  • Swim in perfume, pouring it a lot on the body and clothes
  • Apply to the armpits to sweat or to antiperspirant
  • Apply to the genital area (as many men do)
  • Try to disguise the smell of sweat, cigarettes, garlic, etc. with perfume.

Where to apply correctly, spray toilet water, perfumes to a man: Rules

In order for the aroma to hold on for a long time and does not interfere with you during the day, apply it correctly.


  • Rush once twice from a spray in two different places
  • It is best to spray at the ears and in the chest area
  • Do not apply perfume with armpits. It mixes with the smell of sweat or the aroma of antiperspirant
  • No need to apply a lot of perfume. This is a sign of bad taste. There should not be a train for you
  • Try to purchase different aromas in summer and winter
  • Do not apply perfume close to the body. The ideal option is 20 cm
  • No need to spray the perfumes on clothes, it is useless. The body should smell
  • The hair absorbs the smell, but the alcohol dries them. Therefore, it makes no sense to spray the product on the hair
Toilet water for men
Toilet water for men

How much should a man spray toilet water?

You should not overdo it at all. It is necessary that you yourself do not smell. It should be easily tangible in close communication with you. There should not be a train. Accordingly, a little perfume is applied to the area behind the ears and on the chest. You need to spray literally one drop.

It often happens that by a train you can determine who was in the entrance or in the corridor. This should not be. Only a few drops of substance are needed.

Toilet water for men
Toilet water for men

Male perfume is a way to emphasize your personality. He complements the image of a person and emphasizes his dignity.

Video: Choosing toilet water for men

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