How to twist the massage hoop for losing weight to remove the stomach and sides: the recommendations of the coach, reviews

How to twist the massage hoop for losing weight to remove the stomach and sides: the recommendations of the coach, reviews

There are many techniques for weight loss, twist a hulahup - one of them. Further, the process will be described in detail how to correctly twist the massage hoop for weight loss, how much time will need to lose weight.

Many girls strive to lose weight by summer, but you can’t do without sports training alone, it is necessary that the skin and muscle tissue are elastic. Probably the hoop for this case is suitable, as well as possible. Not only that will leave extra centimeters on the waist, hips, so you will also feel fresh and cheerful. All zone of your body will work actively. The main thing is to know how to twist the hoop correctly. You can find information further in detail.

How to twist the hoop: does hulahup help to lose weight?

In the last century, in the sixties, talented Americans invented talented hula- Hoop. These were the creators of children's toys A. Melin, R. Knerr. Previously, Hulahup was called a hoop for hula. Why? Because the movements that the girls perform rotating the hoop are similar to the famous Hawaiian dance. The massage hoop differs from the usual one in that it has special convex devices inside its surface to affect the body.

Hoop for weight loss
Hoop for weight loss

It is supposed to correctly perform exercises, and choose a hulahup more heavier. Then it will turn out to lose weight much faster than with the usual hoop, which we know from childhood (hollow inside and light). When performing rotations, the main thing is not to be lazy. If classes with this inventory are not frequent and pass for only five minutes a day, while the diet is not respected, then there will be no weight loss.

Should perform rotations daily, have to learn twist the hoop correctly, and reduce ordinary portionsthat you are used to eating especially at dinner. According to users' reviews, thanks to Hulakup, it was possible to remove several centimeters on the waist and on the hips of many girls. Training with this massager is equated with fitness classes.

It is recommended to perform movements rhythmically, then all the cells of the body come into tone, the pulse quickens, the strength of breathing increases, which leads to the acceleration of metabolism, i.e. The fat mass is burned, muscle tissue is strengthened, and a decrease in body volumes is generally reduced. Defectively noticeable local effect. For example, if you twist the hulahup This part of the body decreases at the waist, on the hips, then reduced Dimensions hips. Experienced trainers advise using a hoop with bodyflex, the process of losing weight in this case is even faster.

You need to be prepared for the fact that you will not notice instant results immediately after the first lessons with the hoop. For weight loss, you need to engage in a long duration of time. On average, in order to remove the centimeter in the waist, hips, you will need to twist the hulahup for about two months. And at the same time, training will not particularly exhaust you, because they can be combined with viewing your favorite television shows or programs.

How to twist a hulahup?
How to twist a hulahup?

IMPORTANT: Start twist the hoop for five minutes a day. Especially if you have chosen a heavy massager. After all, not used to muscles and skin will hurt after class, and hematomas will still remain on the skin. Some coaches advise starting to engage in such sports with lighter hoops. And then start using heavy hulahups. You can also protect the skin with thick clothing, then the likelihood of bruises will be less.

How to twist the hoop, how much to twist the hulahup for weight loss?

How to twist the hoop, how much time to do this for weight loss - the most impatient women who need to lose weight are asked in such questions. First of all, before answering these questions, you should decide on Hulahup. For beginners, as already mentioned, it was better to choose not heavy massagers. Then you need to be able to twist it without dropping, this task for some athletes is not simple.

How to hold your hands when twisting a hoop?
How to hold your hands when twisting a hoop?

And now, when you learn to handle this inventory, follow the following conditions:

  • Losing weight occurs unnoticed and not immediately, because you will first have to reach the minimum level - this classes with hulahup half an hour. After that, you can switch to the next level of level and engage in a hoop for 45 minutes. And already change your light hoop to a heavy analogue.
  • Your body should gradually take the load. Try not to keep your shoulder -width -width when working with a hoop, it is better to enhance the amplitude of your body oscillations. Let the muscles work at full load.
  • When you can hold a hoop without problems for a long time, start add steps to rotation. Walk to the side, forward, back, hold your hands behind your head. So it will be easier for you to hold balance.
  • For effective weight loss, you will have enough to start twist the hoop daily for about 45-50 minutes, the only condition that this is required without rest, stops. It is then that muscle tissue will begin to strengthen, and fat cells melt before our eyes. The first results will be noticeable in about a month. A person loses 4-5 kilograms with such training.

As you can see, the result will not come immediately, to improve the indicators of the engagement exercise, supplement with additional physical training and moderate nutrition.

How to twist the hoop to lose weight in the waist - the recommendations of the coach

Many women care about their waist. Especially when after childbirth the tummy does not decrease for a long time, and you want to return its former appearance so much, Hulahup will help. The main thing is to correctly perform rotation and your waist will become slim, like a wasp.

Exercises for the waist
Hulahup exercises

Let's consider, how to twist the hoop for the waist.

  1. First take the starting position spread your legs slightly and put them at a level with your shoulders, dilute the feet to the sides.
  2. Take it hula Hup In the hands and set in motion. Keep the hoop at the waist with rotational movements. And you can raise your hands to the head.
  3. Pull the stomach a little so that Hulahup, touching it, bounces it. Twist the massager for as long as possible. If it falls, start all over again. The duration of the exercises depends on your endurance and habit. Many girls with trained muscles are able to rotate the simulator for about 1.5 hours a day, and it is no longer necessary that the body does not accept classes such as stress. Otherwise, over time, he will begin to stock up on energy and demand high -calorie food, which will lead to reverse consequences opposite to weight loss.

You can also do exercises with a hoop at the waist and additional step movements. So not only your figure in the waist will improve, but the heart will begin to train its endurance, it is useful for the organ of organ.

IMPORTANT: Any coach who has experience will confirm that rotating hulahup is useful for the beauty of the body and for improving the state of health.

How to twist the hoop: before meals or after, at what time of day?

Many girls who follow their health are interested in the question: how to twist the hoop before eating or after? The best option for training is two hours after the meal and one hour before eating. So you will not break the digestive process in the digestive tract during class.

It is also recommended to drink water after exercises with Hulahup. That's just drink the drink not carbonated. What time of the day to train is so important, the main thing is not in the evening before bedtime, otherwise you may have insomnia.

When is it better to twist the hoop?
When is it better to twist the hulahup?

How to twist the hoop so that it does not fall?

Representatives of the fair sex twist the hulahup differently. Firstly, it can be rotated clockwise and against. And it doesn’t matter, you can do this and so. After all, it is convenient for someone to start on the right side, and to someone on the left. Circular movements are made, both on the waist and hips and at the same time, girls can lower it, raise the massager without problems with increasing or reducing the speed of rotation of this inventory.

Can be applied and the side rotation of Hulahup. More precisely, move the body from side to side, so the hoop can hold on the hips for a long time, the main thing is to catch the rhythm of twisting. Hands and elbows remove above the hoop so that they do not interfere with it to rotate, and you can hold your legs as it is convenient.

However, it is sometimes difficult for beginners to keep the hoop for a long time. To rotate it for a long time and hold itdo the following:

  • Когда обруч начинает опускаться с талии на бедра и вот-вот упадет, старайтесь согнуть коленки под хулахупом и начинайте turn the massager at a greater speed and some pour the body upstairs.
  • Again, when the hoop sank down on the hips, lower your shoulders back a little, make rotational movements with the body in the same direction as the massager rotates, push it up faster to the waist. Encourage body flexibility movements do it spinning, smooth, but strong.
How to hold a hoop?
How to hold a hoop?

As you can see, so that the hoop does not fall, you should more hard to spin the hulahup and slightly throw it up up. And it doesn’t matter how you do it, the main thing: the result.

How to twist the hoop: can it twist it during menstruation, after Cesarean?

Despite all the benefits of classes with hulahup for the human body, some contraindications should be taken into account. There are times when classes with Hulahup have to be postponed for a while, or maybe you should not do such exercises at all.


  • Complications in the postpartum period, painful menstruation, gynecological pathologies.
  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, kidney disease, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, appendicitis, cholecystitis are all those diseases that are a contraindication to the twisting of hulahup.
  • You can not use this kind of weight loss for pregnant women.
  • Patients with diseases of the spinal column, hernia, myositis.
  • Women with injuries of the skin in the zone of impact of the hoop.

You should also not engage in this sport after Caesarean. It is allowed to start training only after a six -month rehabilitation when everything heals. During menstruation, if they are painless, then you can deal with a massage tool, only it is better to reduce the intensity of training and time.

Can I twist the hoop with menstruation?
Can I twist the hoop with menstruation?

How many calories the massage hoop burns, reviews

How many calories does a massage hoop burn? According to average estimates, about 50-90 kcal can be burned in ten minutes of twisting a hoop. And some also say that in an hour the indicator rolls up to 450 kcal. And all this is true. After all, much depends on the strength of training. If you practice faster, then fats will be burned much faster. Experienced instructors say that classes with Hulahup are akin to aerobics to burn calories. Only the intensity and duration of classes is important.

Next, look at the reviews:
Elena, 29 years old:

I immediately began to twist the heavy hulahup, at first I could only twist ten times and it was very painful, bruises appeared on the body. But despite this, she continued to twist and now I can freely twist the hoop for half an hour, noticed that she had lost two centimeters in the waist.

Arina, 25 years old:

Since childhood, I loved to twist the hoop, but then I abandoned this business, work, house, family, child. Now I decided to lose weight and wanted to return to my favorite pastime again. I’ve been doing it for two weeks, I can twist the hoop for 40 minutes without rest. My hoop is made with aluminum, and inside it is massage with rubber balls. They are a little tough, but form a waist well. During this time, I dropped two kilograms. Since, in addition to charging, I cut my portions for dinner.

Video: How to twist the hoop correctly?

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Comments K. article

  1. In general, I advise you to engage in, in addition to the hoop (you can at home, you can adjust the food in the hall). If you want to lose weight, then connect the aerobics. I did so, besides, before training, I drank l-carnitine (half an hour before the start of a portion of L-carnitine drank in liquid form), in order to better and faster burn fat. Well, in general, I watched and followed me. Here is the right way to you)

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