How to paint eyelashes in mascara? Do extended and laminated eyelashes paint?

How to paint eyelashes in mascara? Do extended and laminated eyelashes paint?

How to use eyelashes? The use of high -quality cosmetics for extended and laminated eyelashes.

Any lady to heart believes that she ideally owns the technology of applying eye makeup. But there are a bunch of inexplicable disadvantages, which each does with eye makeup do.

In order for the makeup to be perfect, and the eyes expressed charm and expressiveness, it is necessary to own the correct technique of applying eyelash Mek-apa.

Eyelash makeup

How to choose mascara?

The correct choice of mascara for the eyes is the key to your perfect makeup.

To date, there are a deep variety of carcasses that contain a lot of function at the same time.

Mascara today can be immediately lengthening and nutritious, and giving volume. You should only choose your priorities.

There are mascara:

  • Waterproof (not afraid of water, thanks to a special waterproof film. The color scheme is diverse)
  • Water -soluble
  • The mascara extensively (a specialized formula is used, the shape of the brush is in the form of a spiral)
  • Mascara, which gives volume (eyelashes are instantly enveloped with a special film, with the effect of fluffiness and density. Wax is added to the mascara, for a thick structure, a brush with a thick pile for professional separation of cilia from each other)
  • Curlers for eyelashes with a twisting effect (the twisting function is performed due to a special brush, which is curved along the entire length, the villi have different lengths)
  • Vitaminized mascara (nutritious). Created for brittle and weakened eyelashes, does not allow irritability and inflammation of the skin of the eyes
  • Gel for eyelashes. Created for owners of dense eyelashes, to give accuracy and wellness

After acquiring the necessary means to guide beauty, you can proceed to the staining process.

There are several rules for the correct process:

  • It is necessary to powder the eyelids, remove traces of fat from the cilia, if you used the cream before, get your eyelashes with a napkin;
  • Mascara should be applied in the correct order

How to apply mascara to the upper and lower eyelashes?

  • On the mainly stage stained eyelashes lower. Brush carcasses  we put it vertically, color with help tip
  • Brush carcasses for eyelashes color upper eyelashes in position horizontally
  • Start conduct necessary with middle centuries. Further color front side centuries, theninternal
  • Necessarily color beginning from tip,finishing root eyelashes. Any gesture  fix 23 minutes
  • AT end  application initial movements wait pair minutes, after apply next
  • For expressiveness gaze color only upper eyelashes. BUT lower emphasize light smears. it open sight and increase eyelashes

If a new mascara should be applied like this: we bring the brush to the eyelashes and blink slightly on it. This will provide an even effect without gluing.

How to paint eyelashes in mascara so that they are long and thick?

  • If a eyelashes not have desired density should take advantage mascara for giving volume. So how her consistency soft, maybe application two layers. Necessary track per so moment, how eyelashes not looked would paws spider. Looks such painting not aesthetic and not  beautiful
  • For beautiful separation and combing cilia, when they slip, use means with lengthening fwisish bristles
  • For giving long not long eyelashes initially apply forceps, which curl eyelashes. Color abundant curling and lengthening mascara eyelashes. Sight straightaway it will change and will become irresistible
  • For togo to  eyelashes were thick and voluminous need use mascara with tender and high pile, which gives  eyelashes unrivaled volume and splendor
  • If a desired resultvisually disclosed sight, open eyes should wider and color all, even the most small cilia. For such coloring suitable brushes with short and solid bristles

How to create a beautiful and unsurpassed image?

  • For an everyday image, you should use dark gray, brown and dark blue mascara
  • For the evening - black classics

The whole image should be harmoniously combined.

  • The color of the carcass for eyelashes should correspond to the tone of eye shadow. One important fact is that brown mascara makes a visual volume much more than black. And it looks more natural
  • To create a festive image, you can mix several carcasses in using. Then the first to be applied, then voluminous. Perhaps experiment with the color scheme of mascara
  • Any girl strives to have long and thick eyelashes. Always use tutorial tips for eyelashes. In order not to lose the beauty of the eyelashes

How to paint eyelashes in mascara in a bright blue color?

  • For introduction in image zest can use color mascara. Necessary pick up color gamma. For harmony applied makeup, should remember general patterns makeapa
  • Owners karich and  green eye wonderful will be suit means bright blue colors. This color emphasizes beauty them eye and gives expressiveness
  •   Can use in this image darkbrown and blue liner. Shadows here suitable from blue and purple palette

Is it harmful and often painted eyelashes in mascara?

  • Beautiful and healthy sightmain weapon everyone women. If a impossible deal with this at help demo makeup now maybe build up eyelashes
  • Increased eyelashes look naturally, but if you in doubt, maybe, correct this is at help funds for paints eyelashes
  • Application carcasses on the eyelashes adds female image mystery and charm
  • Level harmfulness paints eyelashes mascara determined  directly from individual reactions organism on the available  components, in her composition
  • Costs purchase mascara for eyelashes from famous firms, which good registered myself on the market beauty and cosmetic funds
  • If a to follow everyone recommendations harmfulness from carcasses will be reduced on the zero. Benefit eyelashes they will bring diverse balms and gels for eyelashes with strengthening ingredients

Do extended and laminated eyelashes paint?

After lamination, the eyelashes should be at rest, after which you can paint eyelashes in mascara.

How to determine the quality of the carcass?

A very important role is played by the quality of mascara for eyelashes for the health of the eyes.

The main rules when choosing a carcass:

  • The marking of the bottle should indicate that the mascara is hypoallergenic
  • Mascara must be removed, using any makeup removal
  • After application, makeup is not smeared and does not crumble from the eyelashes
  • Eyelashes do not glue and do not form lumps
  • The mascara for eyelashes will not be superfluous to the presence of a vitamin complex and nutrients. Such a complex will provide eyelashes with additional care and protection against the harmful effects of coloring pigments


Is always should remember the following truth:

  • Forbidden paint mascara, after endings deadline fitness. Risk get irritation, disease eye
  • It is forbidden use brush one carcasses, to conduct painting dear bottle. Each from  bottle it has own  limiter, which the maybe bring to negative damage brushes
  • For prevention drying carcasses , necessary before end twist a brush from bottle, to brush fully not i went out. Sharp pulling out brushes will lead only to fast drying, even yourself high -quality carcasses, before, how per two months

Always use only high -quality cosmetics to preserve a beautiful, amazing look.

Video: How to paint your eyes correctly with mascara?


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