How to stick wallpaper correctly: tips, life hacks. Wallpaper glue: before or after a stretch ceiling, ceiling skirting board, laminate masonry? When is it better to glue the wallpaper: in winter or summer, at what temperature, where to start gluing the wallpaper in the room, the corridor?

How to stick wallpaper correctly: tips, life hacks. Wallpaper glue: before or after a stretch ceiling, ceiling skirting board, laminate masonry? When is it better to glue the wallpaper: in winter or summer, at what temperature, where to start gluing the wallpaper in the room, the corridor?

Small secrets of gleaming with your own hands.


Playing wallpapers is quite a simple process, but still it must be carried out taking into account some rules. If a person does this without even reading the instructions, then, as a rule, instead of beautiful walls and ceiling, he receives only extra problems.

If you do not want to spend time and money, then be sure to get acquainted with the information presented in this article. From it you will learn all the secrets of properly gluing wallpaper in an apartment or house.

When is it better to glue the wallpaper: in winter or summer, at what temperature?

Wallpaper can be glued at any time of the year

Most people delay repairs for the summer as they consider this period of the year the most suitable for such work. In fact, modern wallpapers can be glued at any time of the year the main thing, to ensure that there is a certain temperature regime in the room. Remember, regardless of that in summer or winter, you will glue the walls in the room, the temperature in it should stay in the range from +10 to +25 degrees.

If the indicators are smaller or more, then in the end it will affect humidity and, as a result, the wallpaper will be much worse attached to the wall. Also, do not forget that the just pasted wallpaper is afraid of drafts. Therefore, all the time while you glue them and the entire period of their drying of the window and doors in the room must be buried tightly. About a day later, you can open the door and only after the temperature in this room decreases to the temperature indicators of the entire dwelling, it will also be possible to open windows.

Where to start gluing the wallpaper in the room, the corridor?

If you plan to glue the wallpaper in the bedroom, kitchen or hallway, then you need to start this from the brightest place in the room. And in order for the first piece of decorative material to be glued correctly, you will need to pick up a plumb line, raise it to the ceiling and gently lower it to the floor. The line along which it will drop and will be the perfect vertical line to start gluing the first piece.

You can draw this line at the door, corner, window and even in the middle of the wall, though consider that in this case you will get more joints. As for the corridor, in this room you need to start the finish as far away from the door as possible. Ideally, you will have to move from the longest point of the room to the exit.

Why can't you open the windows when you glue the wallpaper?

When a draft occurs, the wallpaper dry unevenly

If you do not want your wallpaper to begin to fall off immediately after gluing, then in no case do not open the windows during the process itself and at least a day after it. If you arrange at least a small draft in the repair room, then with a high probability we can say that your work will be in vain. What is it connected with?

In a closed room for a long time, the same humidity and temperature remain, which allows the wallpaper to dry evenly. If there is a draft in the room, then this process does not occur correctly, and more precisely, in some places the wallpaper dry faster than in others. This leads to the fact that their joints begin to twist and swell and deform the canvas itself.

Wallpaper glue: before or after a stretch ceiling, ceiling skirting board, laminate masonry?

As practice shows, most often with the help of a stretch ceiling, decorative masonry and laminate, people mask minor walls. And so, as we all know that such a decorative coating should fall on a perfectly flat wall, we can definitely say that before starting directly to the pasting, you will have to carry out proper preparation of surfaces. If you decide to save and leave the walls as they are, then the final result is unlikely to please you.

The algorithm of actions when preparing walls for wallpaper pasting:

  • Pillow the walls
  • Spit all cracks and fossa
  • We are aligned
  • Grind and apply a finish primer
  • We are waiting for it to dry and start wall decoration

Is it possible and how to glue the wallpaper horizontally?

Horizontal wallpaper pasting

If you think that the wallpaper can be glued exclusively vertically, then you are very mistaken. Now on sale you can find decorative material that needs to be fixed on the walls exclusively horizontally. As a rule, this method of surface decoration is used if it is necessary to visually make the room more. True, if you decide to try to do this at home, remember that this method of pasting is much more complicated than we are more familiar.

Firstly, in this case, you will definitely need an assistant who will help you correctly join different pieces. Secondly, you should not forget that in this position, decorative material is more difficult to smooth. In view of this, this must be done with a soft roller or foam sponge. And finally, do not forget that in this case, gluing should be carried out in the room with perfectly even walls.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on water -based, oil, acrylic paint, painted walls?

If you are interested in whether it is possible to glue the wallpaper on the painted walls, then in this case it is extremely important to consider what kind of paint they were finished. For example, if the surfaces were painted with water -based paint, then you can quite calmly glue wallpaper on it. But with oil and acrylic paint, everything is much more complicated.

When decorating, these decorative materials form a water -repellent film that will prevent the proper clutch of wallpaper and walls. In view of this, if the walls are finished just such a paint, then you have two exits. Either completely remove this coating and conduct standard training, or to conduct the so -called matting. To do this, all the painted surfaces will need to be treated with sandpaper, and then be sure to disagree.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on drywall?

Drywall before laying the wallpaper must be putty and primed

In principle, if you wish, you can quite calmly glue wallpaper on drywall, which was not previously plagued and primed. As practice shows, they fall on it well and, most importantly, without problems. But still, if you decide on this step, remember that sooner or later you will have to change them, and here you may have problems.

If the drywall is not moisture -resistant, then you will not be able to wet it and, as a result, you will have to spend a lot of time on removing old wallpapers. It is also worth considering that there are different inscriptions on it that can be visible through thin decorative material. In view of this, if you do not want to redo everything again, then it is better to melt the drywall, and only after that glue the wallpaper on it.

Is it possible and how to glue the wallpaper for plaster simple and gypsum?

Although plaster is not a finish coating, some people decide to stick wallpaper on it. But still you should not do this way. The plaster is a porous material that absorbs moisture very much, so if you glue decorative material on such a surface, then it will probably just fall off.

But there is a way out of this situation. If you process the plaster with a primer (in two layers), then create a barrier that will interfere with the wall to pick up moisture more than necessary, and this will contribute to the fact that the wallpaper will stay on it no worse than on a properly prepared surface.

Is it possible and how to glue the wallpaper on the fiberglass?

It is advisable to primer the glass hub before the start of finishing work

For those who do not know glassolt, this is a material that is designed to reinforce the surface of the walls and mask small cracks. In view of this, if you want the wallpaper to serve you as long as possible, then it will be better if you still process it beforehand.

Ideally, in order for the decorative material to be held on the surface of the fiberglass, first it must be treated with a primer, then a mixture for plaster, and then again with a primer. And only after all these layers are dry, it will be possible to proceed to further wall decoration. In the event that the glass chloride was painted with water -based paint, then it will only need to be primed and the wallpaper can be glued.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on concrete walls?

Since concrete has a granular surface, it is undesirable to glue wallpaper without additional processing. If you go to this step, then the wall will bring into almost all glue and, as a result, they can, in general, fall off. You must also consider that this material is very rough and all the bulges and bumps that are on the surface are clearly visible on it.

For this reason, if the wallpaper is glued to raw concrete, then all these shortcomings will become even more visible. Moreover, the color of the concrete too dark can occur through the structure of thin wallpaper and this will distort the perception of their pattern.

Is it possible and how to glue the wallpaper for whitewashing?

The wallpaper is not glued to whitewashing

I immediately want to say that you strictly cannot be glued to whitewashing. It is proved that lime and chalk more than other materials absorb moisture, thereby interfering with the clutch of wallpaper and walls. For this reason, whitewashing must be washed off to the base, it is good to dry the surfaces, primer them in two layers, and only after that go to the decoration. If cracks or holes form on the walls during washing off on the walls, they must be thrown and sanded as thoroughly as possible.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on the fiberboard?

To understand whether it is possible to glue wallpaper on the fiberboard, first you need to understand how this material is attached to the surface of the walls and ceiling. As a rule, special mounting systems are used for this, which must be sealed with putty.

In view of this, it can definitely be said that the wallpaper on the fiberboard can only be glued after the mounting places are covered, and all the surfaces are carefully programm. And, of course, do not forget that in this case the seams must be sealed. This can be done using the same putty and Serpyanka tape.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on the MDF panel?

Wallpaper gluing on the MDF panel

You can glue the wallpaper on the MDF panel, though you must consider that they quickly absorb glue, so you need to do everything as quickly as possible. If you are a beginner in this matter and so far you can’t do everything professionally, then try to carry out the finish using not ordinary glue, but the PVA wallpaper glue. As practice shows, both simple paper wallpapers and heavy non -woven ones are well held on such an adhesive.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on the plywood?

Plywood belongs to those materials that cannot be finished without preliminary preparation. Since when it is installed on the walls and ceiling, joints are always visible, they will be visible even through the thickest wallpaper without putty.

Also, be sure to consider that in this case, in no case can you use gypsum and acrylic mixtures for putty. If you want to do everything for years, then process the plywood with putty on wood.

Is it possible and how to glue the wallpaper on the foam?

Wallpaper gluing on foam

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that the wallpaper is best glued to pre -prepared surfaces. In view of this, the foam is no exception and decorative material on it can only be glued after all seams and umbrellas are plunged, a layer of finish plaster is applied and a primer is carried out. Yes, and the primer is best used with an antifungal effect and apply it to the walls in two layers.

Is it possible and how to glue the ceiling baseboard on the wallpaper?

When planning the installation of a ceiling plinth, it is extremely important to consider what material it is made of. Indeed, for example, skirting boards made of polystyrene and polystyrene foam can quite calmly glue on a wallpaper.

As for the skirting boards made of polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride, they must be attached to special glue or screws, and this must be done before wallpaper begins to glue on the walls.

Is it possible and how to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper on wallpaper, wallpaper on old wallpaper?

New wallpapers are undesirable to glue on old decorative material

If you put this issue to a specialist, then he will probably tell you that it is undesirable to glue wallpaper on the wallpaper. But as practice shows, some people take this step to save time, and most interestingly, are satisfied with the result. In view of this, if you also want to do this in this way, then consider that you can carry out repairs in this way, not in all cases.

It is allowed to overlay new wallpapers over the old ones if:

  • Previously glued wallpapers were paper
  • Decorative coating holds well on the wall
  • Wallpaper do not have very bright drawings
  • The old decorative material is thin and has no obvious flaws

Is it possible and how to glue vinyl, paper wallpaper for PVA glue?

In the trailer, some Internet sources claim that you can use ordinary PVA glue for wall decoration. But as the practice shows those who believed the written and tried this method on their walls almost always remain dissatisfied with the result, especially if they finished the surfaces with paper wallpaper.

Most often, the cause of unflattering reviews is that when the PVA dries, it seems to be pulled off the wallpaper, and as a result, it is deformed. Another disadvantage of such an adhesive base is that it is very difficult to apply and, as a rule, even after smoothing the wallpaper on the wall under them there are large clusters of glue. In view of this, it is better not to risk and use the glue specially designed for this for this.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper in the apartment in the apartment?

In winter, it is necessary to strictly monitor the temperature indicators

In principle, if you wish, you can quite calmly glue wallpaper even in winter. If you can maintain a stable temperature and humidity in the repair room, then the final result will be the same as in summer or spring.

In view of this, if you carry out repairs in the cold season, then make sure that the temperature indicators do not jump in the room and, if possible, stay at the mark of +18 degrees for about 48 hours.

Is it possible to glue the wallpaper when the air conditioner is on?

The air conditioner has the same action on the wallpaper as the usual draft. And this means that if you turn it on when you carry out wall decoration, then it will dry the air in the room and, as a result, the wallpaper will dry unevenly, which will lead to their bloating and deformation.

What wallpaper is better to glue in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on uneven walls: tips

If you need to mask the small nervousness of the walls in the bathroom and the kitchen, you can do this with the help of correctly selected wallpaper. I immediately want to say that a paper -based material is definitely not suitable for this.

Since it has a minimum thickness, only perfectly even surfaces are suitable for it. And since humidity is always slightly increased in the bathroom and kitchen, it is necessary to finish the walls in these rooms with a material that is not afraid of it.

The following wallpapers are suitable for the kitchen and baths:

  • Washing
  • Vinyl
  • Fiberglass
  • Liquid
  • Non -woven

Do I need to glue the wallpaper behind the kitchen set?

Behind the kitchen set, the wallpaper can not be glued

In principle, if you know for sure that in the near future you will not rearrange the kitchen set, then you can not glue wallpaper behind it. True, you must remember that in order for the nearby finish to remain presentable for a long time, this piece of the wall must be finished with a primer that prevents the reproduction of mold.

After how much after the primer can the wallpaper be glued?

As you probably already understood the priming of the walls, it is a very important stage in the decoration of surfaces in the room. But in order for it to give exactly the result that is expected from it, after application it is necessary to wait for a certain time while the product dries.

If you boil a universal primer, it will take from 6 to 8 hours. If this is an oil primer, then it will go on its complete drying for 24 hours.

Video: How to glue the wallpaper correctly?

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