How to look for and rent housing so that they do not deceive: advice, important rules! How to conclude a contract correctly to rent housing?

How to look for and rent housing so that they do not deceive: advice, important rules! How to conclude a contract correctly to rent housing?

In this topic, we will talk about the rules for renting housing.

Many of us at least once in our lives had to rent housing. People can resort to rental housing for various reasons. These are students while studying, and long -term rental of apartments of a whole family, and daily service, when you only need to spend a few nights in another city. Even more - renting out a habitual situation for every resident of our country.

After all, even if you live in your personal house, then, with a huge probability, you know at least a few families who rent it. But more than once we are first or even personally, through acquaintances we got to scammers. And in this article we will raise an important question, how to remove housing correctly and conclude an agreement with the owners, making sure of their authenticity!

Types of scams - tips on how to avoid them if you want to rent housing

Sad statistics suggest that many families had to deal with the fraud of a potential landlord. And it’s good if this story ended on the timely exposure of this face. But there are a lot of such citizens that they were left without a money collateral, and without rented housing. Even the presence of a child for such deceivers is not a hindrance - this is a scheme of their earnings.

We rent housing according to the rules
We rent housing according to the rules
  • For those who rented or renting housing, and indeed engaged in its search, about 70% of all cases was The situation on the mismatch of the declared parameters.As a rule, you spend all the time on this, but you can expose the owner at the first bells.
    • Even if the photo was provided with a real apartment, sometimes important “shortcomings” are missed from the description. Although this can be more attributed to the category of non -hazardous, but an unpleasant aspect than to the scam.
  • Often behind such a picture follows another - "There is a better option, but more expensive!"This technique is often used moshennikov realtors-bypass them!Speaking in an accessible language, you are openly bred. By the way, often this version can be heard at the stage of a telephone conversation.
    • Or there is still such a technique - "This has already been handed over". But we will find you another option, again, more expensive.
  • Also avoid any collateral, even in 100 rubles, for viewing the apartment itself. You should never pay for anything except for housing! Remember - in this case, a realtor or even a owner who is more often a fraudster in this case, earns just on this. And the deal itself is not important for them!

Important: but keep in mind that you can exclude it to agree on a decrease in the pledge in a few months or even at all if you cooperate directly with the owner. Such a number does not pass with realtors, because so they will lose their money. Therefore, to the maximum and quite really do without them!

We never give money in advance!
We never give money in advance!
  • If one scheme is from realtors that appeared relatively recently - This is a paid base. That is, you transfer money, more often to the card, and get hundreds of ads from the owners that are announced every day! And in reality, it is an outdated or even invalid database.
  • But the most deplorable situation or a serious scam, when the client is left without money that he gave on a bail, but did not receive the keys to the apartment. More precisely they can be given them, but on the threshold in a week real owners will appear,which will be in complete bewilderment from the picture seen.
    • This is really the work of scammers. And it’s good that they are relatively less common, but it is very deplorable that these situations are generally.
    • To do such as one person and a whole group. Usually such scams are thought out very well and accurately, so at first glance you can not suspect anything. Of course, you will smile sweetly and promise a sweet life in luxurious apartments. Do not relax at such moments - we will prepare you dangerous signals that you need to pay attention to. But back to them a little later.

Important: do not go to the apartment inspection alone. It is much easier to recognize scammers together.

Together you can replace more inconspicuous details
Together you can replace more inconspicuous details
  • By the way, there are times when temporary residents rented housing from the real owners. But here is a very common situation-in a week, a month or another time, a relative comes from abroad and It is urgent to free housing!This is also a scheme of scam! The bail was received, no one will return it, and housing is released.

What you need to know when you plan to rent housing: the correct searches of housing without intermediaries

  • The most harmless scam, we repeat - this The inconsistency of reality by the littered parameters. Therefore, we conclude any contracts at a personal meeting and after a visual audit. Although your time and the same money on the road sometimes also play a role if you hit the different ends of the big city several times.

Hint: Pay attention to the photos! They can even be checked through the search for any browser by simply loading into the system. If there are no repetitions on other sites - this is the real option. Also, we do not look at the frequent repetition of the same ad, if it is not TOP or VIP. Although, as a rule, the owners rarely use this.

Scan photos for repetition
Scan photos for repetition
  • In different regions of the country and even in different areas of the city Housing rental can cost a different amount. This is due to many factors. For example, within the city, transport interchange, the presence of shopping centers, business centers, pharmacies and much more plays a role. Also, the price of the apartment is changing if you want to get a parking lot.

Important: if you claim good comfortable conditions, then the first thing that should alert you is a very low price. This is the first beacon that should tell you about the trap!

Also, we do not even open ads with one picture, but at different prices!

  • You need to immediately decide on a moment as your monthly budget, which you are ready to regularly give for an apartment and, of course, a territorial location. It makes no sense to look for an apartment until you decide where it should be, and within the limits of how much it cost.
Immediately limit the budget and territory
Immediately limit the budget and territory
  • But you are never looking for “from the owner”, “private” or “agencies” in the column. We are always looking for announcements according to the criteria of "all." Yes, it sounds illogical. But no one forbids realtors to place their ads there, like scammers. And there are such a trick as complaints about the owner to work their ads. After that, they can be moved from the column of owners to the agency.

Important: do not look at the inscription "Agency"! This may well be the owner. But agencies should have additional information in the form of a interest rate for services and the name of the company itself. But this does not always happen.

To check if the owner is really in front of you - go to the author’s profile. There should not be more other announcements with apartments. Also beware of one announcement - these are often scammers. The profile should be “alive” and have several other ads that were added at different times.

Study the leaseer profile!
Study the leaseer profile!

Recommendations on how to rent housing:

  • if you get on the realtor, do not waste your time. Immediately "thanks and goodbye." Several such calls take a lot of time;
  • do not be shy call a lot of ads and askall questions of interest! It is better to immediately clarify this before the conclusion of the transaction than after the settlement;
  • and another recommendation - Bargaining is always appropriate! Therefore, we are not afraid to ask;
  • look at the ads as often as possible. On average, every 1-2 hours;
  • continues the previous point - As soon as we find a suitable option, we immediately eat to look! Good apartments at a reasonable price are disassembled immediately! Therefore, we do not expect tomorrow. And we eat today, if there is such an opportunity. But we do not give a pledge until a possible meeting;
  • and the most important rule - Do not see a beautiful picture, and even better paired with a very sweet price. It is a trap!

By the way, sometimes we rent housing, guided by the recommendations of acquaintances. But it is better to choose an apartment where these same acquaintances have already lived. If they dealt with the owner, and no problems arose, it is just great. After a personal conversation with the owner of the intended apartment, you can safely settle in it. It is only worth making sure that his apartment, and not a second cousin, who returns from a round -the -world trip in two months. You do not want to know such sudden news and evict at an accelerated pace.

Do not see a tempting offer
Do not go to a tempting offer

How to look for and rent a house, cooperating with realtors?

Important: the proposed database from realtors, in about 30-50%, is apartments, which is in the public domain. And you can also find them for free!

  • But looking for them is also time! And real agencies, albeit for money, but will do this work for you, filtering the results of the search according to the right criteria and bypassing scammers. Yes, and competently draw up a contract. But at least a little in this matter you should also understand.
  • The very first and main recommendation in this case is Never transfer money in advance, Even if you are trying to persuade you under any pretext. Even if you are assured that a whole queue has already been lined up for this apartment. And to be the first, you need to pay right now - do not believe! Most likely, they try to deceive you. After all, scammers are also found among agencies.
    • And to prove later that they promised you any service for voluntarily transferred money to a card of a stranger is almost impossible. Fraudsters are well aware of this, so they are ready to say anything, if only you quickly say goodbye to your blood products.
  • Each specialist or company sets a fee for their services. Self -respecting companies have an established base of landlords with whom they work for a long time. It will not be superfluous to read reviews about the company itself.

Important: Professional brokers take money after the transaction! Therefore, a good choice in their interests!

The realtor significantly saves time, but there are also unscrupulous employees among them
The realtor significantly saves time, but there are also unscrupulous employees among them

How to rent housing correctly: legal and documentary part

  • Without fail, you need to agree with the owner about the meeting to view the apartment. We have already mentioned above that there are many points, why we don’t transfer any collateral to the map.
  • An important point is Checking the serviceability of plumbing, electricians and other devices, as well as the reliability of the front door. After all, it may be that the owner himself does not know about the breakdown, but you live there. And the least in a new place I want to repair pipes or buy a new mixer.
  • We rent housing only from the owner! He must provide you with his passport and confirm the availability of documents for the apartment. It can be:
    • will;
    • gift;
    • annuity agreement;
    • privatization;
    • or a contract of sale.
  • You also need to check if someone else has the right to own this apartment. Therefore, the description of the family members should be clarified that they are registered in this apartment on the house book.

Important: all owners of the apartment must give a written permission to approve the delivery of housing to you! Or put your signature in the contract itself if you have reached 14 years.

The communal apartment needs the consent of the neighbors and consolidated each of the inhabitants of their room!

We must also check the receipts for payments. After all, the debt can be exposed to you. At the entrance to the apartment, all the readings of the meters are removed!

We agree on everything in advance
We agree on everything in advance

How to rent housing - subtleties of a lease agreement

You need to agree on hiring housing not just in words, but draw up a lease agreement with the owner. Whether you are your friend or completely alien person from the network, the contract clearly prescribes the rules that both the owner and the tenant are required to comply. For example, this will protect you from a sudden raising of the cost of living, an unplanned eviction date, etc.

Important: all documents should only be original! Do not trust copied papers!

We pay attention to what should be in the contract:

  • mandatory indicated passport data of two parties;
  • the area, number of storeys, number of rooms and the exact address of housing are prescribed;
  • a certain deadline for renting an apartment;
  • conditions of eviction. For his confidence, you can indicate that the owner cannot evict you forcibly without warning for some period of time that would have arranged you. So that, if necessary, find a new apartment;
  • the lease is clearly in the lease The date is indicated when the tenant must pay for accommodation;
  • the amount itself is prescribed. Moreover, without warning, the lessor has no right to change it;
  • also, the contract may indicate Prohibition/permission to accommodate animals. In this case, you will not be able to start a cat, even if you really want to. But in this way the owner will be sure that his conditions will not violate;
  • moreover, All persons that will live with you are described. Children are a separate topic, they agree for them at the stage of telephone conversations. Since not every master agrees to such cooperation;
  • therefore, in any case - We describe all the property and its condition! Believe me, they can write you a breakdown of a boiler or even a chip on the door;
  • an important clause of the contract is The ban on the owner’s own visit to the apartment at any time. You will be calm that in your absence of home there will be no strangers. Therefore, clearly limit the lines when the owner of the apartment can come albeit in his, but rented housing;
  • mark the boundaries of the repair. All breakdowns without your guilt of the type of flowing crane, cracks or dumped wallpapers lie on the shoulders of the owner of the apartment. And now the already painted wallpaper and the knocked out the door, if you please, this is already your fault. But this must be described without fail.
The contract can be drawn by hand
The contract can be drawn by hand

You can include items that you consider necessary. It is signed by two sides by mutual agreement, ideally - certified by a notary. We make two copies so that each side has its own contract!

Important: the minimum deadline if you have not notarized the contract - 1 year. Therefore, you have no right to evict you without warning. And you need to do this in 2-3 months. But if you do not pay 2 months with a short -term contract and 6 months with a long contract, then you already have the right to evict you!

How to rent housing: useful recommendations

  • With great care, treat apartments where there is a reserved room with things. This is a very large percentage of the fact that the owner will often come to you for them. First, with a call permission, when you are at home, then you will be able to wear without you a warning about the visit, and then it is not a fact that with a warning.
  • A large prepayment should also alert. In general, it should not be. This is a purely host insurance that you will pay for a month. But this is his right! But the desire to pay more than 2 months - speaks of frequent change of residents. And not the fact that they all turned out to be bad. It is highly likely that you will also replenish their ranks soon. And from prepayment at 5-6 months it is worth immediately refusing, because the bail is not returned!
  • Do not be too lazy to "explore" the situation, talking with the neighbors! Yes, and the landlord should find out about them.
For both sides, more hopeful to conclude a notarial agreement
For both sides, more hopeful to conclude a notarial agreement
  • Also, concluding an agreement, you have the opportunity to bring it to it that the owner of the housing undertakes to help you receive registration at the place of removal. This makes sense if you plan to live in one place long -term. Although landlords rarely agree to this.
  • And in the end I want to wish maintain friendly relations with the landlord, but do not cross the friendship of friendly communications. No need to wait for the owner to replace the light bulb or call a plumbing. After all, in this house you live, albeit temporarily. Therefore, do not forget to treat this apartment as your property. But here to arrange a tea party with the owners, even finding through friends, is clearly not worth it. Always keep a business distance!

Video: How to rent housing correctly?

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