How to store dried fruits in winter at home, what and how much: the conditions and terms of storage according to GOST, recommendations. How to store dried fruits at home so that the mole does not start? Is it possible to store dried fruits in glass jars?

How to store dried fruits in winter at home, what and how much: the conditions and terms of storage according to GOST, recommendations. How to store dried fruits at home so that the mole does not start? Is it possible to store dried fruits in glass jars?

Storage of dried fruits.

Dry fruits are dried various fruits either naturally or industrial (for example, a special dryer). This, of course, even knows the schoolboy. In the period of winter and spring, this product is the most popular when the reserves of fresh fruits are running out. But not everyone knows how to correctly and where to store dried fruits.

Is it possible to store dried fruits in glass jars?

Glass jars serve in our housewives, like wands and lifes. In them, many store cereals, seasonings and other drugs. Dry fruits are no exception. If small reserves are made for the winter, then in a glass container will be the most.

First you should figure out are dried fruits ready for storage:

  • If such a drug was bought in a store, then there should not be any particular difficulties with storage. This is provided that all the necessary norms were withstanded. And then you do not need to let the question on a gear, but to sort out the product. Review carefully, because even in a sealed store packaging (for example, raisins) often comes in unusual for consumption (and for storage, especially).
  • Bought such products in the market should also carefully examine. You never know, maybe some insect settled like that or some fruit is not entirely suitable for storage (and it will pull and deteriorate other dried fruits).
  • Home preparation of dried fruits is more careful. After all, few people have a dehydrator at home, which helps to quickly dry fruits. Naturally, they are dried naturally in the sun, on the street. Although, some resort to the help of an oven.
    • Therefore, inspect before packaging for the presence of bugs, worms and other insects. Indeed, in the future, the bank will become a very unpleasant way.
    • Daded, worm or rotten fruits are sent to the garbage bucket. They have nothing to do next to good dried fruits.
    • Well, of course, try to cut fruits of the same size. Thus, they will dry evenly.
    • By the way, in the process of drying, they need to be tossed and turned over, so unsuitable fruits will be eliminated behind this process.
    • And an important rule - fruits should be lean, but not overdred. Since damp fruits can quickly deteriorate, and overripe (in terms of drying) will be bitter.
Storage of dried fruits
Storage of dried fruits

If the fruits have passed the test, then you can safely pack them in the prepared container. But where is it better to store dried fruits?

  • Of course, in glass jar! There can be nothing more reliable than glass for products.
  • The only condition is the tightness of the lid and banks. That is, it should close very tightly. It is desirable that these be cans with twisting lids. But it is possible under the kapron lid, the main thing is that it covers the bank very tightly and tightly.
    • No insects can penetrate and spoil the product there.
    • And also, the lack of oxygen will not make it possible to multiply for harmful bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • By the way, some resort to help plastic bottles. But this is not the best dishes for storing such products (and, in general, any).
    • Plastic, even food, does not affect the taste of dried fruits in the best way.
    • In such containers, fruits can be damped or mold will appear at all.
    • And also, it is not very convenient to get them from any bottle. And inward it is easy to place fruits, but back - you need to tinker a little.
  • I would also like to add that plastic bags They are also considered not the best option. More precisely, it is completely contraindicated to store dried fruits in packages. They will spoil very quickly and can start some undesirable insects.
  • But hermetic packages It is quite suitable for storing such fruits. But provided that there are a small amount.
  • Some fruits (for example, barberry or rose hips) can be stored even in paper or canvas (fabric a little reminiscent of a burlap) bags. Dried apples and pears can also be stored in them. But raisins, dried apricots or prunes because of their stickiness are not friends with such a container. Since, only attract the attention of various insects. For example, ants.

How to store dried fruits - dried dried apricots, prunes and raisins in the apartment according to GOST so that mole does not start: recommendations

Drying can not only delight households with their taste (by the way, it can be safely given to children instead of sweets), but also benefiting the body. After all, in winter, you must admit, we do not receive an abundance of vitamins. By the way, there are much more useful substances in drying than in frozen products. Let's delve into this question a little more.

Why is drying useful?

  • It is insanely useful for the brain and its work. Yes, after a snack of dried fruits, it begins to work more actively and easier to learn the information.
  • Increases immunity, since almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved in it. The only thing is vitamin C is bad. And also in its composition there is a protein necessary for our body.
  • It perfectly affects the condition of the hair, skin and nails (women and girls will definitely appreciate it). Since it accelerates regeneration processes.
  • Also, metabolism is normalized, and toxins are excreted. And this affects the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, a feeling of vigor appears and a surge of energy occurs.

It has already been mentioned above that drying, at the beginning, you need to correctly prepare and choose a suitable container for storage (it is also indicated what should be chosen at). I only wanted to add some recommendations when choosing dried fruits.

  • Of course, the best will be dried fruits cooked with their own hands. In them, you can not only be sure of proper preparation, but, as they say, a piece of your soul is invested. And everyone knows that such drugs come out much more tastier and more useful.
  • If you buy it, it is better to do it on the market or from a grandmother. In stores, products, especially unscrupulous manufacturers are treated with chemicals (for example, sulfur dioxide to preserve color).

Important! A beautiful appearance is a dangerous signal. It is thanks to chemicals that raisins receives a golden color, and dried apricots seem to have a sunny hue. Real dried fruits have unserfounded view, and their smell will be barely audible!

Storage of dried fruits
Storage of dried fruits

It should also be noted what should be dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots and prunes):

  1. An important rule - fruits should be matte! Indeed, in the process of drying, moisture leaves, and without it there will be no shine. Or is it the merit of glycerol.
  2. Kuraga after drying looks dark, and sometimes even with a gray tint. Also, it can have an unattractive brown tone. The bright - orange color should not be. This speaks of processing chemicals.
  3. Bunny, of course, should be black. A brown tone is a signal that it was previously treated with boiling water. So, there are few useful substances. Dark - gray color speaks of the use of chemicals.
    • Advice! Soak the prunes. If it turns white over time, then no chemicals were used.
  4. Also, buying prunes is with a bone!
  5. Raisins should be brown if it is light. And dark grapes, and at all, should look black. Sometimes with a bluish tint.
  6. Fruits should not have any other smells or flavors.
Storage of dried fruits
Storage of dried fruits

Further, the necessary conditions for storing dried fruits:

  • Heat and humidity are the main enemies of dried fruits. The dark room is considered ideal conditions, which is well ventilated, and the temperature is included in the range of 2-10 ° C.
  • Of course, it is difficult to create such conditions in the apartment. But you can try to get closer to them as much as possible. Place the drying in that cabinet that is less likely to open and is located away from the stove or washing.
  • Looking at the temperature satisfactory for dried fruits, you think about storing in the refrigerator. But we will consider this issue a little later.
  • Be sure to store all the fruits in separate containers. After all, all of them have a different percentage of moisture and, thus, they will quickly deteriorate. Especially those that have a lower moisture index. As well as "sticky" fruits can exchange their smells and even tastes.
  • Be sure to periodically (ideally - once a week) review your reserves. In order to remove the fruit, which was covered with mold, before he infected his neighbors.
    • Advice! To regulate humidity in the apartment (at least next to drying), put bags with salt or rice. As you know, they will absorb excess moisture.

What to do so that Mol does not get started?

  • In glass jars, before laying fruits, it is necessary to place a small circle (or any other shape) of waxed paper. She will protect dried fruits not only from moths, but also from other bugs.
    • On a note! If you use tissue bags, then it is worth extinguishing them first in a salt solution. Well, of course, dry, without piercing! Then they will be inaccessible to moths and other insects.
  • It is also believed that insects are afraid of the smell of mint. But! With "sticky" fruits should be neat in this matter. Or is preparing for the fact that dried apricots or raisins are saturated with a slightly mint taste or smell.
    • Advice! In the beginning, banks should be washed with vinegar. He will disinfect and remove the smells, and protect him from pests.
  • On the shelves next to the drying, it is also worth placing several twigs of mint. At the same time, a slight pleasant aroma will appear in the apartment.
    • By the way! If the moth is curled in your dried fruits, do not throw everything at once. It is worth sorting out fruits and those that insects have not yet managed to damage, place in the freezer (about a day). Since moth and its larvae die at a temperature below -2 ° C.
Storage of dried fruits
Storage of dried fruits

And, of course, another important condition is time storage of dried fruits. Each fruit has its own term, so it is worth considering this issue in more detail.

  1. Raisins are of two types - black and light (Kishmish). In principle, they do not differ.
    • At an optimal temperature (above it was already indicated that it ranges from 2 to 10 ° C), raisins are stored for about 2.5 years.
    • If the temperature does not exceed 18-19 ° C, then the shelf life, of course, decreases to 1 year.
    • Well, a higher temperature reduces the storage time of raisins to 6 months.
  2. Kuraga and prunes have a similar and slightly shorter shelf life.
    • Up to 10 ° C, they will lie on the shelf for only 1 year.
    • If the temperature is up to 18 ° C, then the shelf life will be reduced to six months.
    • And, of course, at a temperature above 18 ° C, fruits will remain for no more than three months.
Storage of dried fruits
Storage of dried fruits

Another question arises - is it possible to store dried fruits in the freezer? And whether this will affect their useful and taste.

  • Now it is very popular to store various products in the freezer. Of course, this is much more convenient. After all, the shelf life is significantly increasing. It is especially good when there is a large separate freezer in which you can not only place fresh fruits or vegetables, but also, for example, dried fruits.
  • Yes, the shelf life is practically not limited. Only without fanaticism - keeping prunes or dried apricots in the freezer for three years is also not worth it.
  • It is worth freezing in small portions that will be in separate containers. For example, in small plastic soda or sealed bags.
  • It is necessary to defrost only the required amount and only at room temperature is an important condition!
  • And be sure to consider the fact that the product will partially lose the entire list of useful substances. Therefore, dried fruits are still better, if possible, not to freeze.
    • Little advice! If raisins, dried apricots or prunes seem visually dubious. But, at the same time, they do not have moth or mold, then place dried fruits in the freezer for several hours. Thus, the product is reanimated. By the way, you can still resort to the help of high temperatures. That is, you need to place fruits in the oven for a while. The oven door is not closed, and the temperature should not be higher than 75 ° C.

These are the basic requirements for storage of dried fruits such as dried apricots, raisins and prunes. In principle, all these tips that correspond to GOST relate to all types of dried fruits. And above were the basic norms for a long and most optimal shelf life.

Is it possible and how much to store dried apricots, prunes, raisins in the refrigerator?

It has already been indicated above that any dried fruits are stored longer at lower temperatures. A small amount of raisins or prunes can not be put in the refrigerator. It is enough to simply put their bags or glass jars (or another container, which has already been mentioned above). But sometimes you should contact the refrigerator.

  • If the apartment does not have the necessary storage conditions or there is no suitable room for this. For example, in winter in apartments in the kitchen it is very hot (especially in the process of cooking food). And the humidity is far from all consistent with the standards. If there is a pantry or a large hallway, then it will become an indispensable assistant. But sometimes living conditions excludes the presence of one.
  • Or when the stocks of dried fruits are small, but they can not be overcome in a week. By the way, always rationally weigh your conditions for storage before collecting stocks. You can’t put a lot of troubles or dried apricots in the refrigerator. After all, there are other products there. The exception is only a separate refrigerator, which is intended for such purposes. And in the apartment there is also nowhere to place them too.
Storage of dried fruits in the refrigerator
Storage of dried fruits in the refrigerator

But there are nuances that should be taken into account:

  • Fabric bags or paper bags are nevertheless considered the best for storing dried fruits, since natural air circulation occurs in them. But in the refrigerator, as a rule, there are other products with their smells. And prunes, dried apricots or raisins are easily absorbed. And, you must admit that such a drug will then not be very tasty.
  • In glass jars, yes, you can store in the refrigerator. But here there are pitfalls. A condensation may appear in the bank, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of the dried fruits themselves or will make them unsuitable.
  • Therefore, without fail, you need to open jars and periodically ventilate them. And at the same time, and sort out fruits for the presence of spoiled berries.
  • In the refrigerator, in principle, increased humidity. And no bags with salt or rice in this will help. Unless, if you place them directly in a jar of fruit itself. Or you can wrap it well (salt) in parchment paper.
  • In packages, even with a fastener, it is better not to store. Again, excess moisture and condensate will be able to harm the fruit. And about ordinary plastic bags, it is worth forgetting. Since, you can also catch other smells.
  • And one more small advice - wrap a glass jar in paper or a newspaper. Since dried fruits can darken from light. And this nuance is not only for storage in the refrigerator, but also in the closet.

Video: advice to housewives: how to store dried fruits

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